use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class Backend method initialize.
* Initializes this backend with the given configuration. Must be called before this Backend can be used
* @param config
public void initialize(Configuration config) {
try {
//EdgeStore & VertexIndexStore
KeyColumnValueStore idStore = storeManager.openDatabase(ID_STORE_NAME);
idAuthority = null;
if (storeFeatures.isKeyConsistent()) {
idAuthority = new ConsistentKeyIDAuthority(idStore, storeManager, config);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Store needs to support consistent key or transactional operations for ID manager to guarantee proper id allocations");
KeyColumnValueStore edgeStoreRaw = storeManagerLocking.openDatabase(EDGESTORE_NAME);
KeyColumnValueStore indexStoreRaw = storeManagerLocking.openDatabase(INDEXSTORE_NAME);
//Configure caches
if (cacheEnabled) {
long expirationTime = configuration.get(DB_CACHE_TIME);
Preconditions.checkArgument(expirationTime >= 0, "Invalid cache expiration time: %s", expirationTime);
if (expirationTime == 0)
long cacheSizeBytes;
double cachesize = configuration.get(DB_CACHE_SIZE);
Preconditions.checkArgument(cachesize > 0.0, "Invalid cache size specified: %s", cachesize);
if (cachesize < 1.0) {
//Its a percentage
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
cacheSizeBytes = (long) ((runtime.maxMemory() - (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory())) * cachesize);
} else {
Preconditions.checkArgument(cachesize > 1000, "Cache size is too small: %s", cachesize);
cacheSizeBytes = (long) cachesize;
}"Configuring total store cache size: {}", cacheSizeBytes);
long cleanWaitTime = configuration.get(DB_CACHE_CLEAN_WAIT);
Preconditions.checkArgument(EDGESTORE_CACHE_PERCENT + INDEXSTORE_CACHE_PERCENT == 1.0, "Cache percentages don't add up!");
long edgeStoreCacheSize = Math.round(cacheSizeBytes * EDGESTORE_CACHE_PERCENT);
long indexStoreCacheSize = Math.round(cacheSizeBytes * INDEXSTORE_CACHE_PERCENT);
edgeStore = new ExpirationKCVSCache(edgeStoreRaw, getMetricsCacheName(EDGESTORE_NAME), expirationTime, cleanWaitTime, edgeStoreCacheSize);
indexStore = new ExpirationKCVSCache(indexStoreRaw, getMetricsCacheName(INDEXSTORE_NAME), expirationTime, cleanWaitTime, indexStoreCacheSize);
} else {
edgeStore = new NoKCVSCache(edgeStoreRaw);
indexStore = new NoKCVSCache(indexStoreRaw);
//Just open them so that they are cached
txLogStore = new NoKCVSCache(storeManager.openDatabase(SYSTEM_TX_LOG_NAME));
//Open global configuration
KeyColumnValueStore systemConfigStore = storeManagerLocking.openDatabase(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_STORE_NAME);
systemConfig = getGlobalConfiguration(new BackendOperation.TransactionalProvider() {
public StoreTransaction openTx() throws BackendException {
return storeManagerLocking.beginTransaction(StandardBaseTransactionConfig.of(configuration.get(TIMESTAMP_PROVIDER), storeFeatures.getKeyConsistentTxConfig()));
public void close() throws BackendException {
//Do nothing, storeManager is closed explicitly by Backend
}, systemConfigStore, configuration);
userConfig = getConfiguration(new BackendOperation.TransactionalProvider() {
public StoreTransaction openTx() throws BackendException {
return storeManagerLocking.beginTransaction(StandardBaseTransactionConfig.of(configuration.get(TIMESTAMP_PROVIDER)));
public void close() throws BackendException {
//Do nothing, storeManager is closed explicitly by Backend
}, systemConfigStore, USER_CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER, configuration);
} catch (BackendException e) {
throw new TitanException("Could not initialize backend", e);
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class ElasticSearchIndex method checkForOrCreateIndex.
* If ES already contains this instance's target index, then do nothing.
* Otherwise, create the index, then wait {@link #CREATE_SLEEP}.
* <p>
* The {@code client} field must point to a live, connected client.
* The {@code indexName} field must be non-null and point to the name
* of the index to check for existence or create.
* @param config the config for this ElasticSearchIndex
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the index could not be created
private void checkForOrCreateIndex(Configuration config) {
Preconditions.checkState(null != client);
//Create index if it does not already exist
IndicesExistsResponse response = client.admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName)).actionGet();
if (!response.isExists()) {
ImmutableSettings.Builder settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder();
ElasticSearchSetup.applySettingsFromTitanConf(settings, config, ES_CREATE_EXTRAS_NS);
CreateIndexResponse create = client.admin().indices().prepareCreate(indexName).setSettings(;
try {
final long sleep = config.get(CREATE_SLEEP);
log.debug("Sleeping {} ms after {} index creation returned from actionGet()", sleep, indexName);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new TitanException("Interrupted while waiting for index to settle in", e);
if (!create.isAcknowledged())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create index: " + indexName);
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class FulgoraGraphComputer method submit.
public Future<ComputerResult> submit() {
if (executed)
throw Exceptions.computerHasAlreadyBeenSubmittedAVertexProgram();
executed = true;
// it is not possible execute a computer if it has no vertex program nor mapreducers
if (null == vertexProgram && mapReduces.isEmpty())
throw GraphComputer.Exceptions.computerHasNoVertexProgramNorMapReducers();
// it is possible to run mapreducers without a vertex program
if (null != vertexProgram) {
GraphComputerHelper.validateProgramOnComputer(this, vertexProgram);
// if the user didn't set desired persistence/resultgraph, then get from vertex program or else, no persistence
this.persistMode = GraphComputerHelper.getPersistState(Optional.ofNullable(this.vertexProgram), Optional.ofNullable(this.persistMode));
this.resultGraphMode = GraphComputerHelper.getResultGraphState(Optional.ofNullable(this.vertexProgram), Optional.ofNullable(this.resultGraphMode));
// determine the legality persistence and result graph options
if (!this.features().supportsResultGraphPersistCombination(this.resultGraphMode, this.persistMode))
throw GraphComputer.Exceptions.resultGraphPersistCombinationNotSupported(this.resultGraphMode, this.persistMode);
memory = new FulgoraMemory(vertexProgram, mapReduces);
return CompletableFuture.<ComputerResult>supplyAsync(() -> {
final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (null != vertexProgram) {
// ##### Execute vertex program
vertexMemory = new FulgoraVertexMemory(expectedNumVertices, graph.getIDManager(), vertexProgram);
// execute the vertex program
for (int iteration = 1; ; iteration++) {
jobId = name + "#" + iteration;
VertexProgramScanJob.Executor job = VertexProgramScanJob.getVertexProgramScanJob(graph, memory, vertexMemory, vertexProgram);
StandardScanner.Builder scanBuilder = graph.getBackend().buildEdgeScanJob();
PartitionedVertexProgramExecutor pvpe = new PartitionedVertexProgramExecutor(graph, memory, vertexMemory, vertexProgram);
try {
//Iterates over all vertices and computes the vertex program on all non-partitioned vertices. For partitioned ones, the data is aggregated
ScanMetrics jobResult = scanBuilder.execute().get();
long failures = jobResult.get(ScanMetrics.Metric.FAILURE);
if (failures > 0) {
throw new TitanException("Failed to process [" + failures + "] vertices in vertex program iteration [" + iteration + "]. Computer is aborting.");
//Runs the vertex program on all aggregated, partitioned vertices., jobResult);
failures = jobResult.getCustom(PartitionedVertexProgramExecutor.PARTITION_VERTEX_POSTFAIL);
if (failures > 0) {
throw new TitanException("Failed to process [" + failures + "] partitioned vertices in vertex program iteration [" + iteration + "]. Computer is aborting.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TitanException(e);
try {
if (this.vertexProgram.terminate(this.memory)) {
} finally {
// ##### Execute mapreduce jobs
// Collect map jobs
Map<MapReduce, FulgoraMapEmitter> mapJobs = new HashMap<>(mapReduces.size());
for (MapReduce mapReduce : mapReduces) {
if (mapReduce.doStage(MapReduce.Stage.MAP)) {
FulgoraMapEmitter mapEmitter = new FulgoraMapEmitter<>(mapReduce.doStage(MapReduce.Stage.REDUCE));
mapJobs.put(mapReduce, mapEmitter);
// Execute map jobs
jobId = name + "#map";
VertexMapJob.Executor job = VertexMapJob.getVertexMapJob(graph, vertexMemory, mapJobs);
StandardScanner.Builder scanBuilder = graph.getBackend().buildEdgeScanJob();
try {
ScanMetrics jobResult = scanBuilder.execute().get();
long failures = jobResult.get(ScanMetrics.Metric.FAILURE);
if (failures > 0) {
throw new TitanException("Failed to process [" + failures + "] vertices in map phase. Computer is aborting.");
failures = jobResult.getCustom(VertexMapJob.MAP_JOB_FAILURE);
if (failures > 0) {
throw new TitanException("Failed to process [" + failures + "] individual map jobs. Computer is aborting.");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TitanException(e);
// Execute reduce phase and add to memory
for (Map.Entry<MapReduce, FulgoraMapEmitter> mapJob : mapJobs.entrySet()) {
FulgoraMapEmitter<?, ?> mapEmitter = mapJob.getValue();
MapReduce mapReduce = mapJob.getKey();
// sort results if a map output sort is defined
if (mapReduce.doStage(MapReduce.Stage.REDUCE)) {
final FulgoraReduceEmitter<?, ?> reduceEmitter = new FulgoraReduceEmitter<>();
try (WorkerPool workers = new WorkerPool(numThreads)) {
workers.submit(() -> mapReduce.workerStart(MapReduce.Stage.REDUCE));
for (final Map.Entry queueEntry : mapEmitter.reduceMap.entrySet()) {
workers.submit(() -> mapReduce.reduce(queueEntry.getKey(), ((Iterable) queueEntry.getValue()).iterator(), reduceEmitter));
workers.submit(() -> mapReduce.workerEnd(MapReduce.Stage.REDUCE));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TitanException("Exception while executing reduce phase", e);
// mapEmitter.reduceMap.entrySet().parallelStream().forEach(entry -> mapReduce.reduce(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().iterator(), reduceEmitter));
// sort results if a reduce output sort is defined
mapReduce.addResultToMemory(this.memory, reduceEmitter.reduceQueue.iterator());
} else {
mapReduce.addResultToMemory(this.memory, mapEmitter.mapQueue.iterator());
// #### Write mutated properties back into graph
Graph resultgraph = graph;
if (persistMode == Persist.NOTHING && resultGraphMode == ResultGraph.NEW) {
resultgraph = EmptyGraph.instance();
} else if (persistMode != Persist.NOTHING && vertexProgram != null && !vertexProgram.getElementComputeKeys().isEmpty()) {
//First, create property keys in graph if they don't already exist
TitanManagement mgmt = graph.openManagement();
try {
for (String key : vertexProgram.getElementComputeKeys()) {
if (!mgmt.containsPropertyKey(key))
log.warn("Property key [{}] is not part of the schema and will be created. It is advised to initialize all keys.", key);
} finally {
if (mgmt != null && mgmt.isOpen())
//TODO: Filter based on VertexProgram
Map<Long, Map<String, Object>> mutatedProperties = Maps.transformValues(vertexMemory.getMutableVertexProperties(), new Function<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>() {
public Map<String, Object> apply(@Nullable Map<String, Object> o) {
return Maps.filterKeys(o, s -> !NON_PERSISTING_KEYS.contains(s));
if (resultGraphMode == ResultGraph.ORIGINAL) {
AtomicInteger failures = new AtomicInteger(0);
try (WorkerPool workers = new WorkerPool(numThreads)) {
List<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Object>>> subset = new ArrayList<>(writeBatchSize / vertexProgram.getElementComputeKeys().size());
int currentSize = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Object>> entry : mutatedProperties.entrySet()) {
currentSize += entry.getValue().size();
if (currentSize >= writeBatchSize) {
workers.submit(new VertexPropertyWriter(subset, failures));
subset = new ArrayList<>(subset.size());
currentSize = 0;
if (!subset.isEmpty())
workers.submit(new VertexPropertyWriter(subset, failures));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TitanException("Exception while attempting to persist result into graph", e);
if (failures.get() > 0)
throw new TitanException("Could not persist program results to graph. Check log for details.");
} else if (resultGraphMode == ResultGraph.NEW) {
resultgraph = graph.newTransaction();
for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, Object>> vprop : mutatedProperties.entrySet()) {
Vertex v = resultgraph.vertices(vprop.getKey()).next();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> prop : vprop.getValue().entrySet()) {, prop.getKey(), prop.getValue());
// update runtime and return the newly computed graph
this.memory.setRuntime(System.currentTimeMillis() - time);
return new DefaultComputerResult(resultgraph, this.memory);
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class TitanIndexTest method testIndexing.
private void testIndexing(Cardinality cardinality) {
if (supportsCollections()) {
PropertyKey stringProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("name").dataType(String.class).cardinality(cardinality).make();
PropertyKey intProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("age").dataType(Integer.class).cardinality(cardinality).make();
PropertyKey longProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("long").dataType(Long.class).cardinality(cardinality).make();
PropertyKey uuidProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("uuid").dataType(UUID.class).cardinality(cardinality).make();
PropertyKey geoProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("geo").dataType(Geoshape.class).cardinality(cardinality).make();
mgmt.buildIndex("collectionIndex", Vertex.class).addKey(stringProperty, getStringMapping()).addKey(intProperty).addKey(longProperty).addKey(uuidProperty).addKey(geoProperty).buildMixedIndex(INDEX);
testCollection(cardinality, "name", "Totoro", "Hiro");
testCollection(cardinality, "age", 1, 2);
testCollection(cardinality, "long", 1L, 2L);
testCollection(cardinality, "uuid", UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID());
testCollection(cardinality, "geo", Geoshape.point(1.0, 1.0), Geoshape.point(2.0, 2.0));
} else {
try {
PropertyKey stringProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("name").dataType(String.class).cardinality(cardinality).make();
//This should throw an exception
mgmt.buildIndex("collectionIndex", Vertex.class).addKey(stringProperty, getStringMapping()).buildMixedIndex(INDEX);"Should have thrown an exception");
} catch (TitanException e) {
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class IDPoolTest method testAllocationTimeout.
public void testAllocationTimeout() {
final MockIDAuthority idauth = new MockIDAuthority(10000, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 5000);
StandardIDPool pool = new StandardIDPool(idauth, 1, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Duration.ofMillis(4000), 0.1);
try {
} catch (TitanException e) {