use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertexProperty in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class TitanGraphTest method testDataTypes.
* Test the different data types that Titan supports natively and ensure that invalid data types aren't allowed
public void testDataTypes() throws Exception {
clopen(option(CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS, "attribute10"), SpecialInt.class.getCanonicalName(), option(CUSTOM_SERIALIZER_CLASS, "attribute10"), SpecialIntSerializer.class.getCanonicalName());
PropertyKey num = makeKey("num", SpecialInt.class);
PropertyKey barr = makeKey("barr", byte[].class);
PropertyKey boolval = makeKey("boolval", Boolean.class);
PropertyKey birthday = makeKey("birthday", Instant.class);
PropertyKey geo = makeKey("geo", Geoshape.class);
PropertyKey precise = makeKey("precise", Double.class);
PropertyKey any = mgmt.makePropertyKey("any").cardinality(Cardinality.LIST).dataType(Object.class).make();
try {
//Not a valid data type - primitive
makeKey("pint", int.class);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
//Not a valid data type - interface
makeKey("number", Number.class);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
boolval = tx.getPropertyKey("boolval");
num = tx.getPropertyKey("num");
barr = tx.getPropertyKey("barr");
birthday = tx.getPropertyKey("birthday");
geo = tx.getPropertyKey("geo");
precise = tx.getPropertyKey("precise");
any = tx.getPropertyKey("any");
assertEquals(Boolean.class, boolval.dataType());
assertEquals(byte[].class, barr.dataType());
assertEquals(Object.class, any.dataType());
final Instant c = Instant.ofEpochSecond(1429225756);
final Geoshape shape =, 10.0, 20.0, 20.0);
TitanVertex v = tx.addVertex();, true);, n(birthday), c);, n(num), new SpecialInt(10));, n(barr), new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });, n(geo), shape);, n(precise), 10.12345);, "Hello");, 10l);
int[] testarr = { 5, 6, 7 };, testarr);
// ######## VERIFICATION ##########
assertEquals(10, v.<SpecialInt>value("num").getValue());
assertEquals(c, v.value("birthday"));
assertEquals(4, v.<byte[]>value("barr").length);
assertEquals(shape, v.<Geoshape>value("geo"));
assertEquals(10.12345, v.<Double>value("precise").doubleValue(), 0.000001);
for (TitanVertexProperty prop : v.query().labels("any").properties()) {
Object value = prop.value();
if (value instanceof String)
assertEquals("Hello", value);
else if (value instanceof Long)
assertEquals(10l, value);
else if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(testarr, (int[]) value));
} else
v = getV(tx, v);
// ######## VERIFICATION (copied from above) ##########
assertEquals(10, v.<SpecialInt>value("num").getValue());
assertEquals(c, v.value("birthday"));
assertEquals(4, v.<byte[]>value("barr").length);
assertEquals(shape, v.<Geoshape>value("geo"));
assertEquals(10.12345, v.<Double>value("precise").doubleValue(), 0.000001);
for (TitanVertexProperty prop : v.query().labels("any").properties()) {
Object value = prop.value();
if (value instanceof String)
assertEquals("Hello", value);
else if (value instanceof Long)
assertEquals(10l, value);
else if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(testarr, (int[]) value));
} else
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertexProperty in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class TitanGraphTest method testRelationTypeIndexes.
public void testRelationTypeIndexes() {
PropertyKey weight = makeKey("weight", Float.class);
PropertyKey time = makeKey("time", Long.class);
PropertyKey name = mgmt.makePropertyKey("name").dataType(String.class).cardinality(Cardinality.LIST).make();
EdgeLabel connect = mgmt.makeEdgeLabel("connect").signature(time).make();
EdgeLabel child = mgmt.makeEdgeLabel("child").multiplicity(Multiplicity.ONE2MANY).make();
EdgeLabel link = mgmt.makeEdgeLabel("link").unidirected().make();
RelationTypeIndex name1 = mgmt.buildPropertyIndex(name, "weightDesc", weight);
RelationTypeIndex connect1 = mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(connect, "weightAsc", Direction.BOTH, incr, weight);
RelationTypeIndex connect2 = mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(connect, "weightDesc", Direction.OUT, decr, weight);
RelationTypeIndex connect3 = mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(connect, "time+weight", Direction.OUT, decr, time, weight);
RelationTypeIndex child1 = mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(child, "time", Direction.OUT, time);
RelationTypeIndex link1 = mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(link, "time", Direction.OUT, time);
final String name1n =, connect1n =, connect2n =, connect3n =, child1n =, link1n =;
// ########### INSPECTION & FAILURE ##############
assertTrue(mgmt.containsRelationIndex(name, "weightDesc"));
assertTrue(mgmt.containsRelationIndex(connect, "weightDesc"));
assertFalse(mgmt.containsRelationIndex(child, "weightDesc"));
assertEquals("time+weight", mgmt.getRelationIndex(connect, "time+weight").name());
assertNotNull(mgmt.getRelationIndex(link, "time"));
assertNull(mgmt.getRelationIndex(name, "time"));
assertEquals(1, size(mgmt.getRelationIndexes(child)));
assertEquals(3, size(mgmt.getRelationIndexes(connect)));
assertEquals(0, size(mgmt.getRelationIndexes(weight)));
try {
//Name already exists
mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(connect, "weightAsc", Direction.OUT, time);
} catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}
try {
//Not valid in this direction due to multiplicity constraint
mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(child, "blablub", Direction.IN, time);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
//Not valid in this direction due to unidirectionality
mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(link, "blablub", Direction.BOTH, time);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ########## END INSPECTION ###########
weight = mgmt.getPropertyKey("weight");
time = mgmt.getPropertyKey("time");
name = mgmt.getPropertyKey("name");
connect = mgmt.getEdgeLabel("connect");
child = mgmt.getEdgeLabel("child");
link = mgmt.getEdgeLabel("link");
// ########### INSPECTION & FAILURE (copied from above) ##############
assertTrue(mgmt.containsRelationIndex(name, "weightDesc"));
assertTrue(mgmt.containsRelationIndex(connect, "weightDesc"));
assertFalse(mgmt.containsRelationIndex(child, "weightDesc"));
assertEquals("time+weight", mgmt.getRelationIndex(connect, "time+weight").name());
assertNotNull(mgmt.getRelationIndex(link, "time"));
assertNull(mgmt.getRelationIndex(name, "time"));
assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(mgmt.getRelationIndexes(child)));
assertEquals(3, Iterables.size(mgmt.getRelationIndexes(connect)));
assertEquals(0, Iterables.size(mgmt.getRelationIndexes(weight)));
try {
//Name already exists
mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(connect, "weightAsc", Direction.OUT, time);
} catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
// } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}
try {
//Not valid in this direction due to multiplicity constraint
mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(child, "blablub", Direction.IN, time);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
//Not valid in this direction due to unidirectionality
mgmt.buildEdgeIndex(link, "blablub", Direction.BOTH, time);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ########## END INSPECTION ###########
########## TEST WITHIN TRANSACTION ##################
weight = tx.getPropertyKey("weight");
time = tx.getPropertyKey("time");
final int numV = 100;
TitanVertex v = tx.addVertex();
TitanVertex[] ns = new TitanVertex[numV];
for (int i = 0; i < numV; i++) {
double w = (i * 0.5) % 5;
long t = (i + 77) % numV;
VertexProperty p ="name", "v" + i, "weight", w, "time", t);
ns[i] = tx.addVertex();
for (String label : new String[] { "connect", "child", "link" }) {
Edge e = v.addEdge(label, ns[i], "weight", w, "time", t);
TitanVertex u = ns[0];
VertexList vl;
//######### QUERIES ##########
v = getV(tx, v);
u = getV(tx, u);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("weight", Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 3.6), PROPERTY, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("weight", Cmp.LESS_THAN, 0.9).orderBy("weight", incr), PROPERTY, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.ASC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("weight", 1.1, 2.2).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(numV / 10), PROPERTY, numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5).orderBy("weight", decr), PROPERTY, 1, 1, new boolean[] { false, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name"), PROPERTY, numV, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5), EDGE, 1, 2, new boolean[0]);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("time", 10, 20).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(5), EDGE, 5, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH).interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).orderBy("weight", decr), EDGE, 2 * numV / 10, 2, new boolean[] { false, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0), EDGE, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH), EDGE, numV, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
vl = v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH).vertexIds();
assertEquals(numV, vl.size());
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).direction(OUT), EDGE, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
vl = v.query().labels("child").interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).direction(OUT).vertexIds();
assertEquals(2 * numV / 10, vl.size());
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").interval("time", 70, 80).direction(OUT).orderBy("time", incr), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, time, Order.ASC);
vl = v.query().labels("child").interval("time", 70, 80).direction(OUT).orderBy("time", incr).vertexIds();
assertEquals(10, vl.size());
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5).interval("weight", 0.0, 5.0).direction(OUT), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5).interval("weight", 0.0, 5.0).direction(BOTH), EDGE, 1, 2, new boolean[0]);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").interval("time", 10, 20).interval("weight", 0.0, 5.0).direction(OUT), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).orderBy("weight", incr).limit(10), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.ASC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(10), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).interval("weight", 1.4, 2.75).orderBy("weight", decr), EDGE, 3 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 22).orderBy("weight", decr), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 22).orderBy("weight", incr), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.ASC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).has("weight", Cmp.EQUAL, 0.0).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).interval("time", 50, 100).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query(), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().direction(OUT), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
weight = tx.getPropertyKey("weight");
time = tx.getPropertyKey("time");
//######### QUERIES (copied from above) ##########
v = getV(tx, v);
u = getV(tx, u);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("weight", Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 3.6), PROPERTY, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("weight", Cmp.LESS_THAN, 0.9).orderBy("weight", incr), PROPERTY, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.ASC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("weight", 1.1, 2.2).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(numV / 10), PROPERTY, numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5).orderBy("weight", decr), PROPERTY, 1, 1, new boolean[] { false, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name"), PROPERTY, numV, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5), EDGE, 1, 2, new boolean[0]);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("time", 10, 20).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(5), EDGE, 5, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH).interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).orderBy("weight", decr), EDGE, 2 * numV / 10, 2, new boolean[] { false, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0), EDGE, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH), EDGE, numV, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
vl = v.query().labels("child").direction(BOTH).vertexIds();
assertEquals(numV, vl.size());
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).direction(OUT), EDGE, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
vl = v.query().labels("child").interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).direction(OUT).vertexIds();
assertEquals(2 * numV / 10, vl.size());
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").interval("time", 70, 80).direction(OUT).orderBy("time", incr), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, time, Order.ASC);
vl = v.query().labels("child").interval("time", 70, 80).direction(OUT).orderBy("time", incr).vertexIds();
assertEquals(10, vl.size());
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5).interval("weight", 0.0, 5.0).direction(OUT), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5).interval("weight", 0.0, 5.0).direction(BOTH), EDGE, 1, 2, new boolean[0]);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").interval("time", 10, 20).interval("weight", 0.0, 5.0).direction(OUT), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).orderBy("weight", incr).limit(10), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.ASC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(10), EDGE, 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).interval("weight", 1.4, 2.75).orderBy("weight", decr), EDGE, 3 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 22).orderBy("weight", decr), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 22).orderBy("weight", incr), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.ASC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).has("weight", Cmp.EQUAL, 0.0).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).interval("weight", 0.0, 1.0).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("connect").direction(OUT).interval("time", 50, 100).adjacent(u), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query(), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().direction(OUT), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
//Update in transaction
for (TitanVertexProperty<String> p : v.query().labels("name").properties()) {
if (p.<Long>value("time") < (numV / 2))
for (TitanEdge e : v.query().direction(BOTH).edges()) {
if (e.<Long>value("time") < (numV / 2))
ns = new TitanVertex[numV * 3 / 2];
for (int i = numV; i < numV * 3 / 2; i++) {
double w = (i * 0.5) % 5;
long t = i;"name", "v" + i, "weight", w, "time", t);
ns[i] = tx.addVertex();
for (String label : new String[] { "connect", "child", "link" }) {
TitanEdge e = v.addEdge(label, ns[i], "weight", w, "time", t);
//######### UPDATED QUERIES ##########
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("weight", Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 3.6), PROPERTY, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("time", numV / 2 - 10, numV / 2 + 10), PROPERTY, 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("time", numV / 2 - 10, numV / 2 + 10).orderBy("weight", decr), PROPERTY, 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("time", numV, numV + 10).limit(5), PROPERTY, 5, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5), EDGE, 0, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, numV + 5), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("time", 10, 20).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(5), EDGE, 0, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("time", numV + 10, numV + 20).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(5), EDGE, 5, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query(), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().direction(OUT), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
//######### END UPDATED QUERIES ##########
weight = tx.getPropertyKey("weight");
time = tx.getPropertyKey("time");
v = getV(tx, v);
u = getV(tx, u);
//######### UPDATED QUERIES (copied from above) ##########
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").has("weight", Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 3.6), PROPERTY, 2 * numV / 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("time", numV / 2 - 10, numV / 2 + 10), PROPERTY, 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("time", numV / 2 - 10, numV / 2 + 10).orderBy("weight", decr), PROPERTY, 10, 1, new boolean[] { false, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().keys("name").interval("time", numV, numV + 10).limit(5), PROPERTY, 5, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, 5), EDGE, 0, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).has("time", Cmp.EQUAL, numV + 5), EDGE, 1, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("time", 10, 20).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(5), EDGE, 0, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query().labels("child").direction(OUT).interval("time", numV + 10, numV + 20).orderBy("weight", decr).limit(5), EDGE, 5, 1, new boolean[] { true, false }, weight, Order.DESC);
evaluateQuery(v.query(), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { true, true });
evaluateQuery(v.query().direction(OUT), RELATION, numV * 4, 1, new boolean[] { false, true });
//######### END UPDATED QUERIES ##########
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertexProperty in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class TitanGraphTest method testStaleVertex.
public void testStaleVertex() {
PropertyKey name = mgmt.makePropertyKey("name").dataType(String.class).make();
PropertyKey age = mgmt.makePropertyKey("age").dataType(Integer.class).make();
mgmt.buildIndex("byName", Vertex.class).addKey(name).unique().buildCompositeIndex();
TitanVertex cartman = graph.addVertex("name", "cartman", "age", 10);
TitanVertex stan = graph.addVertex("name", "stan", "age", 8);
cartman = getOnlyElement(graph.query().has("name", "cartman").vertices());
TitanVertexProperty p = (TitanVertexProperty);
assertTrue(((Long) p.longId()) > 0);
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertexProperty in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class ManagementSystem method setStatusVertex.
private void setStatusVertex(TitanSchemaVertex vertex, SchemaStatus status) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(vertex instanceof RelationTypeVertex || vertex.asIndexType().isCompositeIndex());
//Delete current status
for (TitanVertexProperty p : vertex.query().types(BaseKey.SchemaDefinitionProperty).properties()) {
if (p.<TypeDefinitionDescription>valueOrNull(BaseKey.SchemaDefinitionDesc).getCategory() == TypeDefinitionCategory.STATUS) {
if (p.value().equals(status))
//Add new status
TitanVertexProperty p = transaction.addProperty(vertex, BaseKey.SchemaDefinitionProperty, status);, TypeDefinitionDescription.of(TypeDefinitionCategory.STATUS));
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertexProperty in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class PropertyPlacementStrategy method getPartitionIDbyKey.
private int getPartitionIDbyKey(TitanVertex vertex) {
Preconditions.checkState(idManager != null && key != null, "PropertyPlacementStrategy has not been initialized correctly");
assert idManager.getPartitionBound() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int partitionBound = (int) idManager.getPartitionBound();
TitanVertexProperty p = (TitanVertexProperty) Iterables.getFirst(vertex.query().keys(key).properties(), null);
if (p == null)
return -1;
int hashPid = Math.abs(p.value().hashCode()) % partitionBound;
assert hashPid >= 0 && hashPid < partitionBound;
if (isExhaustedPartition(hashPid)) {
//We keep trying consecutive partition ids until we find a non-exhausted one
int newPid = hashPid;
do {
newPid = (newPid + 1) % partitionBound;
if (//We have gone full circle - no more ids to try
newPid == hashPid)
throw new IDPoolExhaustedException("Could not find non-exhausted partition");
} while (isExhaustedPartition(newPid));
return newPid;
} else
return hashPid;