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Example 1 with Cmp

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp in project atlas by apache.

the class Solr5Index method buildQueryFilter.

public String buildQueryFilter(Condition<TitanElement> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
    if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
        PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement> atom = (PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>) condition;
        Object value = atom.getValue();
        String key = atom.getKey();
        TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    // use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    // use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            Mapping map = getStringMapping(informations.get(key));
            assert map == TEXT || map == STRING;
            if (map == TEXT && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
            // Special case
            if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
                // e.g. - if terms tomorrow and world were supplied, and fq=text:(tomorrow  world)
                // sample data set would return 2 documents: one where text = Tomorrow is the World,
                // and the second where text = Hello World. Hence, we are decomposing the query string
                // and building an AND query explicitly because we need AND semantics
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                List<String> terms = Text.tokenize((String) value);
                if (terms.isEmpty()) {
                    return "";
                } else if (terms.size() == 1) {
                    return (key + ":(" + escapeValue(terms.get(0)) + ")");
                } else {
                    And<TitanElement> andTerms = new And<>();
                    for (String term : terms) {
                        andTerms.add(new PredicateCondition<>(key, titanPredicate, term));
                    return buildQueryFilter(andTerms, informations);
            if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
                return (key + ":" + escapeValue(value) + "*");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
                return (key + ":/" + value + "/");
            } else if (titanPredicate == EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
            Geoshape geo = (Geoshape) value;
            if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.CIRCLE) {
                Geoshape.Point center = geo.getPoint();
                return ("{!geofilt sfield=" + key + " pt=" + center.getLatitude() + "," + center.getLongitude() + " d=" + geo.getRadius() + // distance in kilometers
                "} distErrPct=0");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.BOX) {
                Geoshape.Point southwest = geo.getPoint(0);
                Geoshape.Point northeast = geo.getPoint(1);
                return (key + ":[" + southwest.getLatitude() + "," + southwest.getLongitude() + " TO " + northeast.getLatitude() + "," + northeast.getLongitude() + "]");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.POLYGON) {
                List<Geoshape.Point> coordinates = getPolygonPoints(geo);
                StringBuilder poly = new StringBuilder(key + ":\"IsWithin(POLYGON((");
                for (Geoshape.Point coordinate : coordinates) {
                    poly.append(coordinate.getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinate.getLatitude()).append(", ");
                // close the polygon with the first coordinate
                poly.append(coordinates.get(0).getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinates.get(0).getLatitude());
                poly.append(")))\" distErrPct=0");
                return (poly.toString());
        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(toIsoDate((Date) value));
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    // use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    // use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
        } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
            if (titanPredicate == EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for uuid value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
    } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
        String sub = buildQueryFilter(((Not) condition).getChild(), informations);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sub))
            return "-(" + sub + ")";
            return "";
    } else if (condition instanceof And) {
        int numChildren = ((And) condition).size();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            // b. expression is a single statement in the AND.
            if (!sub.startsWith("-") && numChildren > 1)
            sb.append(sub).append(" ");
        return sb.toString();
    } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int element = 0;
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            if (element == 0)
                sb.append(" OR ");
        if (element > 0)
        return sb.toString();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
    return null;
Also used : Or(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Or) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) TitanElement(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UUID(java.util.UUID) Condition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Condition) PredicateCondition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition) PredicateCondition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition) Cmp(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp) Geoshape(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape) Date(java.util.Date) Not(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Not) And(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.And) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)

Example 2 with Cmp

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp in project atlas by apache.

the class Solr5Index method supports.

public boolean supports(KeyInformation information, TitanPredicate titanPredicate) {
    Class<?> dataType = information.getDataType();
    Mapping mapping = getMapping(information);
    if (mapping != DEFAULT && !AttributeUtil.isString(dataType))
        return false;
    if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(dataType)) {
        return titanPredicate instanceof Cmp;
    } else if (dataType == Geoshape.class) {
        return titanPredicate == Geo.WITHIN;
    } else if (AttributeUtil.isString(dataType)) {
        switch(mapping) {
            case DEFAULT:
            case TEXT:
                return titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX;
            case STRING:
                return titanPredicate == EQUAL || titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL || titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX;
    } else if (dataType == Date.class) {
        if (titanPredicate instanceof Cmp)
            return true;
    } else if (dataType == Boolean.class) {
        return titanPredicate == EQUAL || titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL;
    } else if (dataType == UUID.class) {
        return titanPredicate == EQUAL || titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL;
    return false;
Also used : Cmp(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp) Geoshape(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) UUID(java.util.UUID) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 3 with Cmp

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp in project incubator-atlas by apache.

the class Solr5Index method supports.

public boolean supports(KeyInformation information, TitanPredicate titanPredicate) {
    Class<?> dataType = information.getDataType();
    Mapping mapping = getMapping(information);
    if (mapping != DEFAULT && !AttributeUtil.isString(dataType))
        return false;
    if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(dataType)) {
        return titanPredicate instanceof Cmp;
    } else if (dataType == Geoshape.class) {
        return titanPredicate == Geo.WITHIN;
    } else if (AttributeUtil.isString(dataType)) {
        switch(mapping) {
            case DEFAULT:
            case TEXT:
                return titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX;
            case STRING:
                return titanPredicate == EQUAL || titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL || titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX;
    } else if (dataType == Date.class) {
        if (titanPredicate instanceof Cmp)
            return true;
    } else if (dataType == Boolean.class) {
        return titanPredicate == EQUAL || titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL;
    } else if (dataType == UUID.class) {
        return titanPredicate == EQUAL || titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL;
    return false;
Also used : Cmp(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp) Geoshape(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) UUID(java.util.UUID) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 4 with Cmp

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp in project titan by thinkaurelius.

the class AbstractVertexCentricQueryBuilder method compileSortKeyConstraints.

private static EdgeSerializer.TypedInterval[] compileSortKeyConstraints(InternalType type, StandardTitanTx tx, And<TitanRelation> conditions) {
    long[] sortKeys = type.getSortKey();
    EdgeSerializer.TypedInterval[] sortKeyConstraints = new EdgeSerializer.TypedInterval[type.getSortKey().length];
    for (int i = 0; i < sortKeys.length; i++) {
        InternalType pktype = (InternalType) tx.getExistingType(sortKeys[i]);
        Interval interval = null;
        // First check for equality constraints, since those are the most constraining
        for (Iterator<Condition<TitanRelation>> iter = conditions.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            Condition<TitanRelation> cond =;
            if (cond instanceof PredicateCondition) {
                PredicateCondition<TitanType, TitanRelation> atom = (PredicateCondition) cond;
                if (atom.getKey().equals(pktype) && atom.getPredicate() == Cmp.EQUAL && interval == null) {
                    interval = new PointInterval(atom.getValue());
        // and if so, find a bounding interval from the remaining constraints
        if (interval == null && pktype.isPropertyKey() && Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(((TitanKey) pktype).getDataType())) {
            ProperInterval pint = new ProperInterval();
            for (Iterator<Condition<TitanRelation>> iter = conditions.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Condition<TitanRelation> cond =;
                if (cond instanceof PredicateCondition) {
                    PredicateCondition<TitanType, TitanRelation> atom = (PredicateCondition) cond;
                    if (atom.getKey().equals(pktype)) {
                        TitanPredicate predicate = atom.getPredicate();
                        Object value = atom.getValue();
                        if (predicate instanceof Cmp) {
                            switch((Cmp) predicate) {
                                case NOT_EQUAL:
                                case LESS_THAN:
                                    if (pint.getEnd() == null || pint.getEnd().compareTo(value) >= 0) {
                                        pint.setEnd((Comparable) value);
                                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                                    if (pint.getEnd() == null || pint.getEnd().compareTo(value) > 0) {
                                        pint.setEnd((Comparable) value);
                                case GREATER_THAN:
                                    if (pint.getStart() == null || pint.getStart().compareTo(value) <= 0) {
                                        pint.setStart((Comparable) value);
                                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                                    if (pint.getStart() == null || pint.getStart().compareTo(value) < 0) {
                                        pint.setStart((Comparable) value);
                } else if (cond instanceof Or) {
                    // Grab a probe so we can investigate what type of or-condition this is and whether it allows us to constrain this sort key
                    Condition probe = ((Or) cond).get(0);
                    if (probe instanceof PredicateCondition && ((PredicateCondition) probe).getKey().equals(pktype) && ((PredicateCondition) probe).getPredicate() == Cmp.EQUAL) {
                        // We make the assumption that this or-condition is a group of equality constraints for the same type (i.e. an unrolled Contain.IN)
                        // This assumption is enforced by precondition statements below
                        // TODO: Consider splitting query on sort key with a limited number (<=3) of possible values in or-clause
                        // Now, we find the smallest and largest value in this group of equality constraints to bound the interval
                        Comparable smallest = null, largest = null;
                        for (Condition child : cond.getChildren()) {
                            assert child instanceof PredicateCondition;
                            PredicateCondition pc = (PredicateCondition) child;
                            assert pc.getKey().equals(pktype);
                            assert pc.getPredicate() == Cmp.EQUAL;
                            Object v = pc.getValue();
                            if (smallest == null) {
                                smallest = (Comparable) v;
                                largest = (Comparable) v;
                            } else {
                                if (smallest.compareTo(v) > 0) {
                                    smallest = (Comparable) v;
                                } else if (largest.compareTo(v) < 0) {
                                    largest = (Comparable) v;
                        // due to probing, there must be at least one
                        assert smallest != null && largest != null;
                        if (pint.getEnd() == null || pint.getEnd().compareTo(largest) > 0) {
                        if (pint.getStart() == null || pint.getStart().compareTo(smallest) < 0) {
                    // We cannot remove this condition from remainingConditions, since its not exactly fulfilled (only bounded)
            if (pint.isEmpty())
                return null;
            if (pint.getStart() != null || pint.getEnd() != null)
                interval = pint;
        sortKeyConstraints[i] = new EdgeSerializer.TypedInterval(pktype, interval);
        if (interval == null || !interval.isPoint()) {
    return sortKeyConstraints;
Also used : PointInterval(com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.PointInterval) Cmp(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp) InternalType(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.internal.InternalType) EdgeSerializer(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.EdgeSerializer) PointInterval(com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.PointInterval) Interval(com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.Interval) ProperInterval(com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.ProperInterval) ProperInterval(com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.ProperInterval)

Example 5 with Cmp

use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp in project incubator-atlas by apache.

the class Solr5Index method buildQueryFilter.

public String buildQueryFilter(Condition<TitanElement> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
    if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
        PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement> atom = (PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>) condition;
        Object value = atom.getValue();
        String key = atom.getKey();
        TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    // use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    // use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof String) {
            Mapping map = getStringMapping(informations.get(key));
            assert map == TEXT || map == STRING;
            if (map == TEXT && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
            if (map == STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
            // Special case
            if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
                // e.g. - if terms tomorrow and world were supplied, and fq=text:(tomorrow  world)
                // sample data set would return 2 documents: one where text = Tomorrow is the World,
                // and the second where text = Hello World. Hence, we are decomposing the query string
                // and building an AND query explicitly because we need AND semantics
                value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
                List<String> terms = Text.tokenize((String) value);
                if (terms.isEmpty()) {
                    return "";
                } else if (terms.size() == 1) {
                    return (key + ":(" + escapeValue(terms.get(0)) + ")");
                } else {
                    And<TitanElement> andTerms = new And<>();
                    for (String term : terms) {
                        andTerms.add(new PredicateCondition<>(key, titanPredicate, term));
                    return buildQueryFilter(andTerms, informations);
            if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
                return (key + ":" + escapeValue(value) + "*");
            } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
                return (key + ":/" + value + "/");
            } else if (titanPredicate == EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
            Geoshape geo = (Geoshape) value;
            if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.CIRCLE) {
                Geoshape.Point center = geo.getPoint();
                return ("{!geofilt sfield=" + key + " pt=" + center.getLatitude() + "," + center.getLongitude() + " d=" + geo.getRadius() + // distance in kilometers
                "} distErrPct=0");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.BOX) {
                Geoshape.Point southwest = geo.getPoint(0);
                Geoshape.Point northeast = geo.getPoint(1);
                return (key + ":[" + southwest.getLatitude() + "," + southwest.getLongitude() + " TO " + northeast.getLatitude() + "," + northeast.getLongitude() + "]");
            } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.POLYGON) {
                List<Geoshape.Point> coordinates = getPolygonPoints(geo);
                StringBuilder poly = new StringBuilder(key + ":\"IsWithin(POLYGON((");
                for (Geoshape.Point coordinate : coordinates) {
                    poly.append(coordinate.getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinate.getLatitude()).append(", ");
                // close the polygon with the first coordinate
                poly.append(coordinates.get(0).getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinates.get(0).getLatitude());
                poly.append(")))\" distErrPct=0");
                return (poly.toString());
        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
            String queryValue = escapeValue(toIsoDate((Date) value));
            Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                case LESS_THAN:
                    // use right curly to mean up to but not including value
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
                case GREATER_THAN:
                    // use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
                    return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
            String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
            switch(numRel) {
                case EQUAL:
                    return (key + ":" + queryValue);
                case NOT_EQUAL:
                    return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
        } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
            if (titanPredicate == EQUAL) {
                return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else if (titanPredicate == NOT_EQUAL) {
                return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for uuid value: " + titanPredicate);
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
    } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
        String sub = buildQueryFilter(((Not) condition).getChild(), informations);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sub))
            return "-(" + sub + ")";
            return "";
    } else if (condition instanceof And) {
        int numChildren = ((And) condition).size();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            // b. expression is a single statement in the AND.
            if (!sub.startsWith("-") && numChildren > 1)
            sb.append(sub).append(" ");
        return sb.toString();
    } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int element = 0;
        for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
            String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
            if (element == 0)
                sb.append(" OR ");
        if (element > 0)
        return sb.toString();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
    return null;
Also used : Or(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Or) Mapping(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping) TitanElement(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UUID(java.util.UUID) Condition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Condition) PredicateCondition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition) PredicateCondition(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition) Cmp(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp) Geoshape(com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape) Date(java.util.Date) Not(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Not) And(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.And) TitanPredicate(com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)


Cmp (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp)5 Geoshape (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape)4 Mapping (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping)4 Date (java.util.Date)4 UUID (java.util.UUID)4 TitanElement (com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement)2 TitanPredicate (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate)2 And (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.And)2 Condition (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Condition)2 Not (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Not)2 Or (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Or)2 PredicateCondition (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 EdgeSerializer (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.EdgeSerializer)1 InternalType (com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.internal.InternalType)1 Interval (com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.Interval)1 PointInterval (com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.PointInterval)1 ProperInterval (com.thinkaurelius.titan.util.datastructures.ProperInterval)1