use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class S3FileSystemProviderTest method listFiles.
* Verify listing buckets using the s3n scheme.
public void listFiles() {
// Mock client
final AmazonS3 client = Mockito.mock(AmazonS3.class);
final Bucket bucket1 = createBucket("bucket1");
final Bucket bucket2 = createBucket("bucket2");
Mockito.when(client.listBuckets()).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(bucket1, bucket2));
// Test listing buckets
final S3FileSystemProvider provider = new S3FileSystemProvider() {
protected AmazonS3 createS3Client(@Nonnull final URI uri, @Nonnull final Configuration conf) {
return client;
final List<DataSetFile> files = provider.listFiles(new Path(S3N), new Configuration(false));
Assert.assertThat(files, CoreMatchers.hasItems(isDataSetFile(bucket1), isDataSetFile(bucket2)));
Assert.assertEquals(2, files.size());
use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class AzureNativeFileSystemProvider method listFiles.
public List<DataSetFile> listFiles(@Nonnull final Path path, @Nonnull final Configuration conf) {
// Create Azure Blob client
final URI uri = path.toUri();
final CloudBlobClient client = createBlobClient(uri, conf);
// List containers as data set files
final String pathPrefix = uri.getScheme() + "://";
final String pathSuffix = "@" + uri.getHost() + (uri.getPort() > -1 ? ":" + uri.getPort() : "") + "/";
return, false).map(container -> {
final DataSetFile file = new DataSetFile();
file.setPath(pathPrefix + container.getName() + pathSuffix);
return file;
use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class S3FileSystemProviderTest method listFilesS3a.
* Verify listing buckets using the s3a scheme.
public void listFilesS3a() {
// Setup configuration
final Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
conf.setClass(Constants.S3_CLIENT_FACTORY_IMPL, MockS3ClientFactory.class, S3ClientFactory.class);
// Test listing buckets
final S3FileSystemProvider provider = new S3FileSystemProvider();
final List<DataSetFile> files = provider.listFiles(new Path(S3A), conf);
Assert.assertThat(files, CoreMatchers.hasItems(isDataSetFile(MockS3ClientFactory.BUCKET1), isDataSetFile(MockS3ClientFactory.BUCKET2)));
Assert.assertEquals(2, files.size());
use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class AzureNativeFileSystemProviderTest method listFiles.
* Verify listing containers using the wasb scheme.
public void listFiles() {
// Test listing containers
final AzureNativeFileSystemProvider provider = new AzureNativeFileSystemProvider() {
protected Iterable<CloudBlobContainer> listContainers(@Nonnull final CloudBlobClient client) {
return Arrays.asList(createContainer("container1", client), createContainer("container2", client));
final List<DataSetFile> files = provider.listFiles(new Path(WASB), new Configuration(false));
Assert.assertThat(files, CoreMatchers.hasItems(isDataSetFile("container1"), isDataSetFile("container2")));
Assert.assertEquals(2, files.size());
use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class DataSetController method postUpload.
@ApiOperation("Uploads a file for the data set.")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Uploaded file info", response = DataSetFile.class), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid filename", response = RestResponseStatus.class), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Data set does not exist", response = RestResponseStatus.class), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "A file already exists with the same name", response = RestResponseStatus.class), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Failed to upload file", response = RestResponseStatus.class) })
public Response postUpload(@PathParam("id") @UUID final String dataSetId, @Nonnull final FormDataMultiPart form) {
log.entry(dataSetId, form);
final List<BodyPart> bodyParts = form.getBodyParts();
if (bodyParts.size() != 1) {
log.debug("Wrong number of form parts for uploading to dataset {}: {}", dataSetId, bodyParts.size());
throw new BadRequestException(getMessage("catalog.dataset.postUpload.missingBodyPart"));
final DataSet dataSet = findDataSet(dataSetId, true);
final DataSetFile file;
try {
final BodyPart part = bodyParts.get(0);
log.debug("Upload file [{}] for dataset {}", part.getContentDisposition().getFileName(), dataSetId);
file = fileManager.createUpload(dataSet, part.getContentDisposition().getFileName(), part.getEntityAs(BodyPartEntity.class).getInputStream());
} catch (final FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
log.debug("Filename conflict for uploaded file [{}] for dataset {}: {}", bodyParts.get(0).getContentDisposition().getFileName(), dataSetId, e, e);
throw new WebApplicationException(getMessage("catalog.dataset.postUpload.fileExists"), Response.Status.CONFLICT);
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.debug("Invalid filename [{}] for uploaded file for dataset {}: {}", bodyParts.get(0).getContentDisposition().getFileName(), dataSetId, e, e);
throw new BadRequestException(getMessage("catalog.dataset.invalidFileName"));
} catch (final Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to save file for dataset {}: {}", dataSetId, e, e);
throw new InternalServerErrorException(getMessage("catalog.dataset.postUpload.error"));
return log.exit(Response.ok(file).build());