use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class AmbariServicesStatusCheck method healthCheck.
* State Description <br>
* INIT The initial clean state after the component is first created. <br>
* INSTALLING In the process of installing the component. <br>
* INSTALL_FAILED The component install failed. <br>
* INSTALLED The component has been installed successfully but is not currently running. <br>
* STARTING In the process of starting the component. <br>
* STARTED The component has been installed and started. <br>
* STOPPING In the process of stopping the component. <br>
* UNINSTALLING In the process of uninstalling the component. <br>
* UNINSTALLED The component has been successfully uninstalled. <br>
* WIPING_OUT In the process of wiping out the installed component. <br>
* UPGRADING In the process of upgrading the component. <br>
* MAINTENANCE The component has been marked for maintenance. <br>
* UNKNOWN The component state can not be determined. <br>
public List<ServiceStatusResponse> healthCheck() {
List<ServiceStatusResponse> serviceStatusResponseList = new ArrayList<>();
// Get the Map of Services and optional Components we are tracking
Map<String, List<String>> definedServiceComponentMap = ServiceMonitorCheckUtil.getMapOfServiceAndComponents(services);
if (definedServiceComponentMap != null && !definedServiceComponentMap.isEmpty()) {
try {
AmbariClient client = ambariClient;
// get the Clusers from ambari
List<String> clusterNames = client.getAmbariClusterNames();
// get the Service Status from Ambari
ServiceComponentInfoSummary response = client.getServiceComponentInfo(clusterNames, services);
// get alert info for these services as well
AlertSummary alertSummary = client.getAlerts(clusterNames, services);
// Convert the Ambari Alerts to the Pipeline Controller Alert
List<ServiceAlert> serviceAlerts = transformAmbariAlert(alertSummary);
// Convert the Ambari ServiceComponentInfo objects to Pipeline Controller ServiceComponents
serviceStatusResponseList = transformAmbariServiceComponents(response, serviceAlerts, definedServiceComponentMap);
} catch (RestClientException e) {
Throwable cause;
if (e.getCause() != null) {
cause = e.getCause();
} else {
cause = e;
ServiceComponent ambariServiceComponent = new DefaultServiceComponent.Builder("Unknown", "Ambari", "Ambari REST_CLIENT", ServiceComponent.STATE.DOWN).exception(cause).build();
List<ServiceComponent> ambariComponents = new ArrayList<>();
ServiceStatusResponse serviceStatusResponse = new DefaultServiceStatusResponse(ambariServiceComponent.getServiceName(), ambariComponents);
// add the other services as being Warnings
addAmbariServiceErrors(cause.getMessage(), serviceStatusResponseList, definedServiceComponentMap);
return serviceStatusResponseList;
use of in project kylo by Teradata.
the class AmbariJerseyClient method getAlerts.
* @see AmbariClient#getAlerts(List, String)
public AlertSummary getAlerts(List<String> clusterNames, String services) throws RestClientException {
AlertSummary alerts = null;
for (String clusterName : clusterNames) {
AmbariAlertsCommand alertsCommand = new AmbariAlertsCommand(clusterName, services);
AlertSummary alertSummary = get(alertsCommand);
if (alerts == null) {
alerts = alertSummary;
} else {
return alerts;