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the class AgentBootstrapperTest method shouldNotDieWhenInvocationOfLauncherRaisesException_butCreationOfLauncherWentThrough.
public void shouldNotDieWhenInvocationOfLauncherRaisesException_butCreationOfLauncherWentThrough() throws InterruptedException {
final Semaphore waitForLauncherInvocation = new Semaphore(1);
final AgentBootstrapper bootstrapper = new AgentBootstrapper() {
AgentLauncherCreator getLauncherCreator() {
return new AgentLauncherCreator() {
public AgentLauncher createLauncher() {
return new AgentLauncher() {
public int launch(AgentLaunchDescriptor descriptor) {
try {
throw new RuntimeException("fail!!! i say.");
} finally {
if (waitForLauncherInvocation.availablePermits() == 0) {
public void destroy() {
final AgentBootstrapper spyBootstrapper = stubJVMExit(bootstrapper);
Thread stopLoopThd = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ReflectionUtil.setField(spyBootstrapper, "loop", false);
try {
spyBootstrapper.go(true, new AgentBootstrapperArgs(new URL("http://" + "ghost-name" + ":" + 3518 + "/go"), null, AgentBootstrapperArgs.SslMode.NONE));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("should not have propagated exception thrown while invoking the launcher");
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the class AgentBootstrapperTest method shouldNotRelaunchAgentLauncherWhenItReturnsAnIrrecoverableCode.
@Test(timeout = 10 * 1000)
public void shouldNotRelaunchAgentLauncherWhenItReturnsAnIrrecoverableCode() throws InterruptedException {
final boolean[] destroyCalled = new boolean[1];
final AgentBootstrapper bootstrapper = new AgentBootstrapper(new AgentLauncherCreator() {
public AgentLauncher createLauncher() {
return new AgentLauncher() {
public int launch(AgentLaunchDescriptor descriptor) {
return AgentLauncher.IRRECOVERABLE_ERROR;
public void destroy() {
destroyCalled[0] = true;
final AgentBootstrapper spyBootstrapper = stubJVMExit(bootstrapper);
try {
spyBootstrapper.go(true, new AgentBootstrapperArgs(new URL("http://" + "ghost-name" + ":" + 3518 + "/go"), null, AgentBootstrapperArgs.SslMode.NONE));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("should not have propagated exception thrown while invoking the launcher");
assertThat(destroyCalled[0], is(true));
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the class AgentBootstrapperTest method shouldRetainStateAcrossLauncherInvocations.
public void shouldRetainStateAcrossLauncherInvocations() throws Exception {
final Map expectedContext = new HashMap();
AgentBootstrapper agentBootstrapper = new AgentBootstrapper() {
AgentLauncherCreator getLauncherCreator() {
return new AgentLauncherCreator() {
public AgentLauncher createLauncher() {
return new AgentLauncher() {
public static final String COUNT = "count";
public int launch(AgentLaunchDescriptor descriptor) {
Map descriptorContext = descriptor.context();
Integer expectedCount = (Integer) expectedContext.get(COUNT);
assertThat(descriptorContext.get(COUNT), is(expectedCount));
if (expectedCount > 3) {
((AgentBootstrapper) descriptor.getBootstrapper()).stopLooping();
return 0;
private void incrementCount(Map map) {
Integer currentInvocationCount = map.containsKey(COUNT) ? (Integer) map.get(COUNT) : 0;
map.put(COUNT, currentInvocationCount + 1);
public void destroy() {
AgentBootstrapper spy = stubJVMExit(agentBootstrapper);
spy.go(true, new AgentBootstrapperArgs(new URL("http://" + "localhost" + ":" + 80 + "/go"), null, AgentBootstrapperArgs.SslMode.NONE));
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the class AgentLauncherImplTest method launchDescriptor.
private AgentLaunchDescriptor launchDescriptor() {
AgentLaunchDescriptor launchDescriptor = mock(AgentLaunchDescriptor.class);
Map contextMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
contextMap.put(AgentBootstrapperArgs.SERVER_URL, "http://localhost:9090/go");
contextMap.put(AgentBootstrapperArgs.SSL_VERIFICATION_MODE, "NONE");
return launchDescriptor;
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the class AgentLauncherImplTest method shouldNotThrowException_instedReturnAppropriateErrorCode_whenSomethingGoesWrongInLaunch.
public void shouldNotThrowException_instedReturnAppropriateErrorCode_whenSomethingGoesWrongInLaunch() {
AgentLaunchDescriptor launchDesc = mock(AgentLaunchDescriptor.class);
when((String) launchDesc.context().get(AgentBootstrapperArgs.SERVER_URL)).thenThrow(new RuntimeException("Ouch!"));
try {
assertThat(new AgentLauncherImpl().launch(launchDesc), is(-273));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("should not have blown up, because it directly interfaces with bootstrapper");