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Example 1 with QueueInfo

use of com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo in project iaf by ibissource.

the class GetTibcoQueues method getQueueMessage.

private String getQueueMessage(Session jSession, TibjmsAdmin admin, String queueName, int queueItem, LdapSender ldapSender) throws TibjmsAdminException, JMSException {
    QueueInfo qInfo = admin.getQueue(queueName);
    if (qInfo == null) {
        throw new JMSException(" queue [" + queueName + "] does not exist");
    XmlBuilder qMessageXml = new XmlBuilder("qMessage");
    ServerInfo serverInfo = admin.getInfo();
    String url = serverInfo.getURL();
    qMessageXml.addAttribute("url", url);
    String resolvedUrl = getResolvedUrl(url);
    if (resolvedUrl != null) {
        qMessageXml.addAttribute("resolvedUrl", resolvedUrl);
    qMessageXml.addAttribute("timestamp", DateUtils.getIsoTimeStamp());
    qMessageXml.addAttribute("startTime", DateUtils.format(serverInfo.getStartTime(), DateUtils.fullIsoFormat));
    XmlBuilder qNameXml = new XmlBuilder("qName");
    Queue queue = jSession.createQueue(queueName);
    QueueBrowser queueBrowser = null;
    try {
        queueBrowser = jSession.createBrowser(queue);
        Enumeration enm = queueBrowser.getEnumeration();
        int count = 0;
        boolean found = false;
        String chompCharSizeString = AppConstants.getInstance().getString("browseQueue.chompCharSize", null);
        int chompCharSize = (int) Misc.toFileSize(chompCharSizeString, -1);
        while (enm.hasMoreElements() && !found) {
            if (count == queueItem) {
                qNameXml.addAttribute("item", count);
                Object o = enm.nextElement();
                if (o instanceof Message) {
                    Message msg = (Message) o;
                    XmlBuilder qMessageId = new XmlBuilder("qMessageId");
                    XmlBuilder qTimestamp = new XmlBuilder("qTimestamp");
                    qTimestamp.setCdataValue(DateUtils.format(msg.getJMSTimestamp(), DateUtils.fullIsoFormat));
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
                    Enumeration propertyNames = msg.getPropertyNames();
                    while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                        String propertyName = (String) propertyNames.nextElement();
                        Object object = msg.getObjectProperty(propertyName);
                        if (sb.length() > 0) {
                            sb.append("; ");
                    XmlBuilder qPropsXml = new XmlBuilder("qProps");
                    XmlBuilder qTextXml = new XmlBuilder("qText");
                    String msgText;
                    try {
                        TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) msg;
                        msgText = textMessage.getText();
                    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                        msgText = msg.toString();
                        qTextXml.addAttribute("text", false);
                    int msgSize = msgText.length();
                    if (isHideMessage()) {
                    } else {
                        if (chompCharSize >= 0 && msgSize > chompCharSize) {
                            qTextXml.setCdataValue(msgText.substring(0, chompCharSize) + "...");
                            qTextXml.addAttribute("chomped", true);
                        } else {
                    XmlBuilder qTextSizeXml = new XmlBuilder("qTextSize");
                found = true;
            } else {
    } finally {
        if (queueBrowser != null) {
            try {
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                log.warn(getLogPrefix(null) + "exception on closing queue browser", e);
    Map aclMap = getAclMap(admin, ldapSender);
    XmlBuilder aclXml = new XmlBuilder("acl");
    XmlBuilder qInfoXml = qInfoToXml(qInfo);
    aclXml.setValue((String) aclMap.get(qInfo.getName()));
    Map consumersMap = getConnectedConsumersMap(admin);
    XmlBuilder consumerXml = new XmlBuilder("connectedConsumers");
    if (consumersMap.containsKey(qInfo.getName())) {
        LinkedList<String> consumers = (LinkedList<String>) consumersMap.get(qInfo.getName());
        String consumersString = listToString(consumers);
        if (consumersString != null) {
    return qMessageXml.toXML();
Also used : QueueInfo(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo) Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) Message(javax.jms.Message) TextMessage(javax.jms.TextMessage) ServerInfo(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.ServerInfo) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) XmlBuilder(nl.nn.adapterframework.util.XmlBuilder) Queue(javax.jms.Queue) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) QueueBrowser(javax.jms.QueueBrowser) TextMessage(javax.jms.TextMessage)

Example 2 with QueueInfo

use of com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo in project iaf by ibissource.

the class SendTibcoMessage method doPipeWithTimeoutGuarded.

public String doPipeWithTimeoutGuarded(Object input, IPipeLineSession session) throws PipeRunException {
    Connection connection = null;
    Session jSession = null;
    MessageProducer msgProducer = null;
    Destination destination = null;
    String url_work;
    String authAlias_work;
    String userName_work;
    String password_work;
    String queueName_work;
    String messageProtocol_work;
    int replyTimeout_work;
    String soapAction_work;
    String result = null;
    ParameterValueList pvl = null;
    if (getParameterList() != null) {
        ParameterResolutionContext prc = new ParameterResolutionContext((String) input, session);
        try {
            pvl = prc.getValues(getParameterList());
        } catch (ParameterException e) {
            throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "exception on extracting parameters", e);
    url_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "url");
    if (url_work == null) {
        url_work = getUrl();
    authAlias_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "authAlias");
    if (authAlias_work == null) {
        authAlias_work = getAuthAlias();
    userName_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "userName");
    if (userName_work == null) {
        userName_work = getUserName();
    password_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "password");
    if (password_work == null) {
        password_work = getPassword();
    queueName_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "queueName");
    if (queueName_work == null) {
        queueName_work = getQueueName();
    messageProtocol_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "messageProtocol");
    if (messageProtocol_work == null) {
        messageProtocol_work = getMessageProtocol();
    String replyTimeout_work_str = getParameterValue(pvl, "replyTimeout");
    if (replyTimeout_work_str == null) {
        replyTimeout_work = getReplyTimeout();
    } else {
        replyTimeout_work = Integer.parseInt(replyTimeout_work_str);
    soapAction_work = getParameterValue(pvl, "soapAction");
    if (soapAction_work == null)
        soapAction_work = getSoapAction();
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(soapAction_work) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(queueName_work)) {
        String[] q = queueName_work.split("\\.");
        if (q.length > 0) {
            if (q[0].equalsIgnoreCase("P2P") && q.length >= 4) {
                soapAction_work = q[3];
            } else if (q[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ESB") && q.length == 8) {
                soapAction_work = q[5] + "_" + q[6];
            } else if (q[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ESB") && q.length > 8) {
                soapAction_work = q[6] + "_" + q[7];
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(soapAction_work)) {
        log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "deriving default soapAction");
        try {
            URL resource = ClassUtils.getResourceURL(this, "/xml/xsl/esb/soapAction.xsl");
            TransformerPool tp = TransformerPool.getInstance(resource, true);
            soapAction_work = tp.transform(input.toString(), null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(getLogPrefix(session) + "failed to execute soapAction.xsl");
    if (messageProtocol_work == null) {
        throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "messageProtocol must be set");
    if (!messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(REQUEST_REPLY) && !messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(FIRE_AND_FORGET)) {
        throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "illegal value for messageProtocol [" + messageProtocol_work + "], must be '" + REQUEST_REPLY + "' or '" + FIRE_AND_FORGET + "'");
    CredentialFactory cf = new CredentialFactory(authAlias_work, userName_work, password_work);
    try {
        TibjmsAdmin admin;
        try {
            admin = TibcoUtils.getActiveServerAdmin(url_work, cf);
        } catch (TibjmsAdminException e) {
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "caught exception", e);
            admin = null;
        if (admin != null) {
            QueueInfo queueInfo;
            try {
                queueInfo = admin.getQueue(queueName_work);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + " exception on getting queue info", e);
            if (queueInfo == null) {
                throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + " queue [" + queueName_work + "] does not exist");
            try {
            } catch (TibjmsAdminException e) {
                log.warn(getLogPrefix(session) + "exception on closing Tibjms Admin", e);
        ConnectionFactory factory = new com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory(url_work);
        connection = factory.createConnection(cf.getUsername(), cf.getPassword());
        jSession = connection.createSession(false, javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        destination = jSession.createQueue(queueName_work);
        msgProducer = jSession.createProducer(destination);
        TextMessage msg = jSession.createTextMessage();
        Destination replyQueue = null;
        if (messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(REQUEST_REPLY)) {
            replyQueue = jSession.createTemporaryQueue();
        } else {
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(soapAction_work)) {
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "setting [SoapAction] property to value [" + soapAction_work + "]");
            msg.setStringProperty("SoapAction", soapAction_work);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "sent message [" + msg.getText() + "] " + "to [" + msgProducer.getDestination() + "] " + "msgID [" + msg.getJMSMessageID() + "] " + "correlationID [" + msg.getJMSCorrelationID() + "] " + "replyTo [" + msg.getJMSReplyTo() + "]");
        } else {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
       + "sent message to [" + msgProducer.getDestination() + "] " + "msgID [" + msg.getJMSMessageID() + "] " + "correlationID [" + msg.getJMSCorrelationID() + "] " + "replyTo [" + msg.getJMSReplyTo() + "]");
        if (messageProtocol_work.equalsIgnoreCase(REQUEST_REPLY)) {
            String replyCorrelationId = msg.getJMSMessageID();
            MessageConsumer msgConsumer = jSession.createConsumer(replyQueue, "JMSCorrelationID='" + replyCorrelationId + "'");
            log.debug(getLogPrefix(session) + "] start waiting for reply on [" + replyQueue + "] selector [" + replyCorrelationId + "] for [" + replyTimeout_work + "] ms");
            try {
                Message rawReplyMsg = msgConsumer.receive(replyTimeout_work);
                if (rawReplyMsg == null) {
                    throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + "did not receive reply on [" + replyQueue + "] replyCorrelationId [" + replyCorrelationId + "] within [" + replyTimeout_work + "] ms");
                TextMessage replyMsg = (TextMessage) rawReplyMsg;
                result = replyMsg.getText();
            } finally {
        } else {
            result = msg.getJMSMessageID();
    } catch (JMSException e) {
        throw new PipeRunException(this, getLogPrefix(session) + " exception on sending message to Tibco queue", e);
    } finally {
        if (connection != null) {
            try {
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                log.warn(getLogPrefix(session) + "exception on closing connection", e);
    return result;
Also used : QueueInfo(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo) Destination(javax.jms.Destination) ParameterValueList(nl.nn.adapterframework.parameters.ParameterValueList) TextMessage(javax.jms.TextMessage) Message(javax.jms.Message) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) URL( TransformerPool(nl.nn.adapterframework.util.TransformerPool) ConnectionFactory(javax.jms.ConnectionFactory) ParameterException(nl.nn.adapterframework.core.ParameterException) ParameterResolutionContext(nl.nn.adapterframework.parameters.ParameterResolutionContext) MessageConsumer(javax.jms.MessageConsumer) CredentialFactory(nl.nn.adapterframework.util.CredentialFactory) Connection(javax.jms.Connection) TibjmsAdmin(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.TibjmsAdmin) PipeRunException(nl.nn.adapterframework.core.PipeRunException) JMSException(javax.jms.JMSException) TibjmsAdminException(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.TibjmsAdminException) ParameterException(nl.nn.adapterframework.core.ParameterException) TibjmsAdminException(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.TibjmsAdminException) PipeRunException(nl.nn.adapterframework.core.PipeRunException) MessageProducer(javax.jms.MessageProducer) TextMessage(javax.jms.TextMessage) Session(javax.jms.Session) IPipeLineSession(nl.nn.adapterframework.core.IPipeLineSession)

Example 3 with QueueInfo

use of com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo in project iaf by ibissource.

the class GetTibcoQueues method getQueuesInfo.

private String getQueuesInfo(Session jSession, TibjmsAdmin admin, boolean showAge, LdapSender ldapSender) throws TibjmsAdminException {
    XmlBuilder qInfosXml = new XmlBuilder("qInfos");
    ServerInfo serverInfo = admin.getInfo();
    String url = serverInfo.getURL();
    qInfosXml.addAttribute("url", url);
    String resolvedUrl = getResolvedUrl(url);
    if (resolvedUrl != null) {
        qInfosXml.addAttribute("resolvedUrl", resolvedUrl);
    long currentTime = (new Date()).getTime();
    qInfosXml.addAttribute("timestamp", DateUtils.format(currentTime, DateUtils.fullIsoFormat));
    long startTime = serverInfo.getStartTime();
    qInfosXml.addAttribute("startTime", DateUtils.format(startTime, DateUtils.fullIsoFormat));
    qInfosXml.addAttribute("age", Misc.getAge(startTime));
    Map aclMap = getAclMap(admin, ldapSender);
    Map consumersMap = getConnectedConsumersMap(admin);
    QueueInfo[] qInfos = admin.getQueues();
    for (int i = 0; i < qInfos.length; i++) {
        QueueInfo qInfo = qInfos[i];
        if (skipTemporaryQueues && qInfo.isTemporary()) {
        // skip
        } else {
            XmlBuilder qInfoXml = qInfoToXml(qInfo);
            XmlBuilder aclXml = new XmlBuilder("acl");
            aclXml.setValue((String) aclMap.get(qInfo.getName()));
            XmlBuilder consumerXml = new XmlBuilder("connectedConsumers");
            if (consumersMap.containsKey(qInfo.getName())) {
                LinkedList<String> consumers = (LinkedList<String>) consumersMap.get(qInfo.getName());
                String consumersString = listToString(consumers);
                if (consumersString != null) {
            if (showAge) {
                if (qInfo.getReceiverCount() == 0 && qInfo.getPendingMessageCount() > 0) {
                    String qfmAge;
                    if (getQueueRegex() == null || qInfo.getName().matches(getQueueRegex())) {
                        qfmAge = TibcoUtils.getQueueFirstMessageAgeAsString(jSession, qInfo.getName(), currentTime);
                    } else {
                        qfmAge = "?";
                    if (qfmAge != null) {
                        XmlBuilder firstMsgAgeXml = new XmlBuilder("firstMsgAge");
    return qInfosXml.toXML();
Also used : QueueInfo(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo) ServerInfo(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.ServerInfo) XmlBuilder(nl.nn.adapterframework.util.XmlBuilder) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Date(java.util.Date) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 4 with QueueInfo

use of com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo in project iaf by ibissource.

the class GetTibcoQueues method getQueueMessageCountOnly.

private String getQueueMessageCountOnly(TibjmsAdmin admin, String queueName) throws TibjmsAdminInvalidNameException, TibjmsAdminException {
    QueueInfo queueInfo = admin.getQueue(queueName);
    long pendingMessageCount = queueInfo.getPendingMessageCount();
    return "<qCount>" + String.valueOf(pendingMessageCount) + "</qCount>";
Also used : QueueInfo(com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo)


QueueInfo (com.tibco.tibjms.admin.QueueInfo)4 ServerInfo (com.tibco.tibjms.admin.ServerInfo)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 JMSException (javax.jms.JMSException)2 Message (javax.jms.Message)2 TextMessage (javax.jms.TextMessage)2 XmlBuilder (nl.nn.adapterframework.util.XmlBuilder)2 TibjmsAdmin (com.tibco.tibjms.admin.TibjmsAdmin)1 TibjmsAdminException (com.tibco.tibjms.admin.TibjmsAdminException)1 URL ( Date (java.util.Date)1 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)1 Connection (javax.jms.Connection)1 ConnectionFactory (javax.jms.ConnectionFactory)1 Destination (javax.jms.Destination)1 MessageConsumer (javax.jms.MessageConsumer)1 MessageProducer (javax.jms.MessageProducer)1 Queue (javax.jms.Queue)1