use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph in project orientdb by orientechnologies.
the class OrientGraphSpecificTestSuite method testComplexMapProperty.
public void testComplexMapProperty() throws Exception {
// complex map properties have problems when unmarshalled from disk to
// an OTrackedMap
Graph graph = graphTest.generateGraph("complex-map");
final HashMap<String, Object> consignee = new HashMap<String, Object>();
consignee.put("name", "Company 4");
final ArrayList consigneeAddress = new ArrayList();
consigneeAddress.add("Lilla Bommen 6");
consignee.put("address", consigneeAddress);
consignee.put("zipCode", "41104");
consignee.put("city", "G\u00f6teborg");
final HashMap<String, Object> consigneeCountry = new HashMap<String, Object>();
consigneeCountry.put("name", "Sverige");
consigneeCountry.put("code", "SV");
consignee.put("country", consigneeCountry);
consignee.put("contactName", "Contact Person 4");
consignee.put("telephone", "0731123456");
consignee.put("telefax", null);
consignee.put("mobileTelephone", "072345678");
consignee.put("email", "");
consignee.put("hiflexId", null);
final HashMap<String, Object> delivery = new HashMap<String, Object>();
delivery.put("name", "Company 5");
final ArrayList deliveryAddress = new ArrayList();
deliveryAddress.add("Stora Enens V\u00e4g 38");
delivery.put("address", deliveryAddress);
delivery.put("zipCode", "43931");
delivery.put("city", "Onsala");
final HashMap<String, Object> deliveryCountry = new HashMap<String, Object>();
deliveryCountry.put("name", "Sverige");
deliveryCountry.put("code", "SV");
delivery.put("country", deliveryCountry);
delivery.put("contactName", "Contact Person 5");
delivery.put("telephone", "030060094");
delivery.put("telefax", null);
delivery.put("mobileTelephone", null);
delivery.put("email", "");
delivery.put("hiflexId", null);
final HashMap<String, Object> pickup = new HashMap<String, Object>();
pickup.put("name", "Pickup Company 2");
final ArrayList pickupAddress = new ArrayList();
pickupAddress.add("Drottninggatan 1");
pickup.put("address", pickupAddress);
pickup.put("zipCode", "41103");
pickup.put("city", "G\u00f6teborg");
final HashMap<String, Object> pickupCountry = new HashMap<String, Object>();
pickupCountry.put("name", "Sverige");
pickupCountry.put("code", "SV");
pickup.put("country", pickupCountry);
pickup.put("contactName", "Contact Person 6");
pickup.put("telephone", "071234567");
pickup.put("telefax", null);
pickup.put("mobileTelephone", null);
pickup.put("email", "");
pickup.put("hiflexId", null);
final Map shipping = new HashMap();
shipping.put("name", "Posten MyPack");
shipping.put("code", "postenmypack");
shipping.put("templateName", "POSTENMYPACK");
shipping.put("rates", new ArrayList());
final Vertex v = graph.addVertex(null);
v.setProperty("weight", 20);
v.setProperty("height", 20);
v.setProperty("consigneeAddress", consignee);
v.setProperty("width", 10);
v.setProperty("sum", 400);
v.setProperty("shippingMethod", shipping);
v.setProperty("type", "shipment");
v.setProperty("depth", 30);
v.setProperty("estimatedCost", 200);
v.setProperty("deliveryAddress", delivery);
v.setProperty("pickupAddress", pickup);
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
// have to shutdown the graph so that the map will read back out as an
// OTrackedMap. Maps that exist in memory
// do not show the problem.
graph = graphTest.generateGraph("complex-map");
final Vertex v1 = graph.getVertex(v.getId());
// check the delivery address. not sure if there should be other
// assertions here, but the basic issues
// is that the keys/values in the OTrackedMap appear like this:
// mobileTelephone=null:null
final Map d = v1.getProperty("deliveryAddress");
graphTest.dropGraph(((OrientGraphTest) graphTest).getWorkingDirectory() + File.separator + "complex-map");
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class KeyIndexableGraphHelper method reIndexElements.
* For those graphs that do no support automatic reindexing of elements when a key is provided for indexing, this method can be used to simulate that behavior.
* The elements in the graph are iterated and their properties (for the provided keys) are removed and then added.
* Be sure that the key indices have been created prior to calling this method so that they can pick up the property mutations calls.
* Finally, if the graph is a TransactionalGraph, then a 1000 mutation buffer is used for each commit.
* @param graph the graph containing the provided elements
* @param elements the elements to index into the key indices
* @param keys the keys of the key indices
* @return the number of element properties that were indexed
public static long reIndexElements(final Graph graph, final Iterable<? extends Element> elements, final Set<String> keys) {
final boolean isTransactional = graph instanceof TransactionalGraph;
long counter = 0;
for (final Element element : elements) {
for (final String key : keys) {
final Object value = element.removeProperty(key);
if (null != value) {
element.setProperty(key, value);
if (isTransactional && (counter % 1000 == 0)) {
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
if (isTransactional) {
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
return counter;
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class SparkseeGraphSpecificTestSuite method testTx.
public void testTx() {
TransactionalGraph graph = (TransactionalGraph) graphTest.generateGraph();
((SparkseeGraph) graph).typeScope.set(true);
graph.addVertex(null).setProperty("name", "sergio");
graph.addVertex(null).setProperty("name", "marko");
assertTrue(graph.getVertices("name", "sergio").iterator().next().getProperty("name").equals("sergio"));
assertTrue(((SparkseeGraph) graph).getRawSession(false) == null);
assertTrue(graph.getVertices("name", "sergio").iterator().next().getProperty("name").equals("sergio"));
assertTrue(((SparkseeGraph) graph).getRawSession(false) == null);
assertTrue(((SparkseeGraph) graph).getRawSession(false) == null);
assertTrue(((SparkseeGraph) graph).getRawSession(false) == null);
printPerformance(graph.toString(), null, "testTx", this.stopWatch());
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class SparkseeKeyIndexableGraphTestSuite method testUpdateValuesInIndexKeys.
public void testUpdateValuesInIndexKeys() throws Exception {
KeyIndexableGraph graph = (KeyIndexableGraph) graphTest.generateGraph();
graph.createKeyIndex("name", Vertex.class);
if (graph instanceof TransactionalGraph)
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
Vertex v1 = graph.addVertex(null);
v1.setProperty("name", "marko");
assertEquals(v1.getProperty("name"), "marko");
vertexCount(graph, 1);
if (graph instanceof TransactionalGraph)
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
v1 = graph.getVertices("name", "marko").iterator().next();
assertEquals(v1.getProperty("name"), "marko");
v1.setProperty("name", "marko a. rodriguez");
assertEquals(v1.getProperty("name"), "marko a. rodriguez");
vertexCount(graph, 1);
if (graph instanceof TransactionalGraph)
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
assertFalse(graph.getVertices("name", "marko").iterator().hasNext());
v1 = graph.getVertices("name", "marko a. rodriguez").iterator().next();
assertEquals(v1.getProperty("name"), "marko a. rodriguez");
vertexCount(graph, 1);
if (graph instanceof TransactionalGraph)
((TransactionalGraph) graph).commit();
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph in project frames by tinkerpop.
the class FramedGraphFactory method getConfiguration.
* Returns a configuration that can be used when constructing a framed graph.
* @param requiredType The type of graph required after configuration e.g. {@link TransactionalGraph}
* @param baseGraph The base graph to get a configuration for.
* @return The configuration.
protected <T extends Graph> FramedGraphConfiguration getConfiguration(Class<T> requiredType, T baseGraph) {
Graph configuredGraph = baseGraph;
FramedGraphConfiguration config = getBaseConfig();
for (Module module : modules) {
configuredGraph = module.configure(configuredGraph, config);
if (!(requiredType.isInstance(configuredGraph))) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Module '" + module.getClass() + "' returned a '" + baseGraph.getClass().getName() + "' but factory requires '" + requiredType.getName() + "'");
return config;