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Example 1 with PDGraphicsState

use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PageDrawer method setStroke.

// set stroke based on the current CTM and the current stroke
private void setStroke() {
    PDGraphicsState state = getGraphicsState();
    // apply the CTM
    float lineWidth = transformWidth(state.getLineWidth());
    // minimum line width as used by Adobe Reader
    if (lineWidth < 0.25) {
        lineWidth = 0.25f;
    PDLineDashPattern dashPattern = state.getLineDashPattern();
    float phaseStart = dashPattern.getPhase();
    float[] dashArray = getDashArray(dashPattern);
    phaseStart = transformWidth(phaseStart);
    // avoid also infinite and NaN values (PDFBOX-3360)
    if (dashArray.length == 0 || Float.isInfinite(phaseStart) || Float.isNaN(phaseStart)) {
        dashArray = null;
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < dashArray.length; ++i) {
            if (Float.isInfinite(dashArray[i]) || Float.isNaN(dashArray[i])) {
                dashArray = null;
    if (dashArray != null) {
        paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(dashArray, phaseStart));
Also used : PDLineDashPattern( DashPathEffect( PDGraphicsState( Paint(

Example 2 with PDGraphicsState

use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PageDrawer method showType3Glyph.

protected void showType3Glyph(Matrix textRenderingMatrix, PDType3Font font, int code, String unicode, Vector displacement) throws IOException {
    PDGraphicsState state = getGraphicsState();
    RenderingMode renderingMode = state.getTextState().getRenderingMode();
    if (!RenderingMode.NEITHER.equals(renderingMode)) {
        super.showType3Glyph(textRenderingMatrix, font, code, unicode, displacement);
Also used : RenderingMode( PDGraphicsState(

Example 3 with PDGraphicsState

use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PDFStreamEngine method showText.

 * Process text from the PDF Stream. You should override this method if you want to
 * perform an action when encoded text is being processed.
 * @param string the encoded text
 * @throws IOException if there is an error processing the string
protected void showText(byte[] string) throws IOException {
    PDGraphicsState state = getGraphicsState();
    PDTextState textState = state.getTextState();
    // get the current font
    PDFont font = textState.getFont();
    if (font == null) {
        Log.w("PdfBox-Android", "No current font, will use default");
        font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
    float fontSize = textState.getFontSize();
    float horizontalScaling = textState.getHorizontalScaling() / 100f;
    float charSpacing = textState.getCharacterSpacing();
    // put the text state parameters into matrix form
    Matrix parameters = new Matrix(// 0
    fontSize * horizontalScaling, // 0
    0, // 0
    0, // 0
    fontSize, 0, // 1
    // read the stream until it is empty
    InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(string);
    while (in.available() > 0) {
        // decode a character
        int before = in.available();
        int code = font.readCode(in);
        int codeLength = before - in.available();
        String unicode = font.toUnicode(code);
        // Word spacing shall be applied to every occurrence of the single-byte character code
        // 32 in a string when using a simple font or a composite font that defines code 32 as
        // a single-byte code.
        float wordSpacing = 0;
        if (codeLength == 1 && code == 32) {
            wordSpacing += textState.getWordSpacing();
        // text rendering matrix (text space -> device space)
        Matrix ctm = state.getCurrentTransformationMatrix();
        Matrix textRenderingMatrix = parameters.multiply(textMatrix).multiply(ctm);
        // changes to vertical text should be tested with PDFBOX-2294 and PDFBOX-1422
        if (font.isVertical()) {
            // position vector, in text space
            Vector v = font.getPositionVector(code);
            // apply the position vector to the horizontal origin to get the vertical origin
        // get glyph's horizontal and vertical displacements, in text space
        Vector w = font.getDisplacement(code);
        // process the decoded glyph
        Matrix textMatrixOld = textMatrix;
        Matrix textLineMatrixOld = textLineMatrix;
        showGlyph(textRenderingMatrix, font, code, unicode, w);
        textMatrix = textMatrixOld;
        textLineMatrix = textLineMatrixOld;
        // calculate the combined displacements
        float tx;
        float ty;
        if (font.isVertical()) {
            tx = 0;
            ty = w.getY() * fontSize + charSpacing + wordSpacing;
        } else {
            tx = (w.getX() * fontSize + charSpacing + wordSpacing) * horizontalScaling;
            ty = 0;
        // update the text matrix
        textMatrix.concatenate(Matrix.getTranslateInstance(tx, ty));
Also used : PDFont(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont) Matrix(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.Matrix) ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( PDTextState( COSString(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSString) Vector(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.Vector) PDGraphicsState(

Example 4 with PDGraphicsState

use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PDFStreamEngine method processType3Stream.

 * Processes a Type 3 character stream.
 * @param charProc Type 3 character procedure
 * @param textRenderingMatrix the Text Rendering Matrix
 * @throws IOException if there is an error reading or parsing the character content stream.
protected void processType3Stream(PDType3CharProc charProc, Matrix textRenderingMatrix) throws IOException {
    if (currentPage == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No current page, call " + "#processChildStream(PDContentStream, PDPage) instead");
    PDResources parent = pushResources(charProc);
    Deque<PDGraphicsState> savedStack = saveGraphicsStack();
    // replace the CTM with the TRM
    // transform the CTM using the stream's matrix (this is the FontMatrix)
    // note: we don't clip to the BBox as it is often wrong, see PDFBOX-1917
    // save text matrices (Type 3 stream may contain BT/ET, see PDFBOX-2137)
    Matrix textMatrixOld = textMatrix;
    textMatrix = new Matrix();
    Matrix textLineMatrixOld = textLineMatrix;
    textLineMatrix = new Matrix();
    // restore text matrices
    textMatrix = textMatrixOld;
    textLineMatrix = textLineMatrixOld;
Also used : Matrix(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.Matrix) PDResources(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources) PDGraphicsState(

Example 5 with PDGraphicsState

use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PDFStreamEngine method processStream.

 * Process a content stream.
 * @param contentStream the content stream
 * @throws IOException if there is an exception while processing the stream
private void processStream(PDContentStream contentStream) throws IOException {
    PDResources parent = pushResources(contentStream);
    Deque<PDGraphicsState> savedStack = saveGraphicsStack();
    Matrix parentMatrix = initialMatrix;
    // transform the CTM using the stream's matrix
    // the stream's initial matrix includes the parent CTM, e.g. this allows a scaled form
    initialMatrix = getGraphicsState().getCurrentTransformationMatrix().clone();
    // clip to bounding box
    PDRectangle bbox = contentStream.getBBox();
    initialMatrix = parentMatrix;
Also used : Matrix(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.Matrix) PDResources(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources) PDRectangle(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle) PDGraphicsState(


PDGraphicsState ( Matrix (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.Matrix)7 PDResources (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources)5 PDRectangle (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle)3 RenderingMode ( Path ( RectF ( DashPathEffect ( Paint ( TrueTypeFont (com.tom_roush.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont)1 BoundingBox (com.tom_roush.fontbox.util.BoundingBox)1 SetMatrix (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.contentstream.operator.state.SetMatrix)1 COSString (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSString)1 PDCIDFont (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDCIDFont)1 PDCIDFontType2 (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDCIDFontType2)1 PDFont (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont)1 PDFontDescriptor (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFontDescriptor)1 PDSimpleFont (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDSimpleFont)1 PDTrueTypeFont (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDTrueTypeFont)1 PDType0Font (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType0Font)1