use of com.trivago.vo.FeatureRunner in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class RunnerFileContentRendererTest method deprecatedPlaceholderTest.
@Test(expected = CucablePluginException.class)
public void deprecatedPlaceholderTest() throws Exception {
String template = "package parallel;\n" + "\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/[CUCABLE:FEATURE].feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/[CUCABLE:RUNNER].json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class [FEATURE_FILE_NAME] {\n" + "}\n";
ArrayList<String> featureFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
FeatureRunner featureRunner = new FeatureRunner("", "RunnerClass", featureFileNames);
use of com.trivago.vo.FeatureRunner in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class RunnerFileContentRendererTest method getRenderedFeatureFileContentFromTextFileTest.
public void getRenderedFeatureFileContentFromTextFileTest() throws Exception {
String template = "package parallel;\n" + "\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/[CUCABLE:FEATURE].feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/[CUCABLE:RUNNER].json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class [CUCABLE:RUNNER] {\n" + "}\n";
String expectedOutput = "package parallel;\n" + "\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/featureFileName.feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/RunnerClass.json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class RunnerClass {\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "// Generated by Cucable from pathToTemplate\n";
ArrayList<String> featureFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
FeatureRunner featureRunner = new FeatureRunner("pathToTemplate", "RunnerClass", featureFileNames);
String renderedRunnerFileContent = runnerFileContentRenderer.getRenderedRunnerFileContent(featureRunner);
// In a windows system, replace line separator "\r\n" with "\n".
renderedRunnerFileContent = renderedRunnerFileContent.replaceAll("\\r\\n", "\n");
assertThat(renderedRunnerFileContent, is(expectedOutput));
use of com.trivago.vo.FeatureRunner in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class RunnerFileContentRendererTest method customParametersTest.
public void customParametersTest() throws CucablePluginException {
String template = "Template [CUCABLE:FEATURE] [CUCABLE:CUSTOM:test1]!\n[CUCABLE:CUSTOM:test2], [CUCABLE:CUSTOM:test1]...";
Map<String, String> customParameters = new HashMap<>();
customParameters.put("test1", "testvalue1");
customParameters.put("test2", "another value");
ArrayList<String> featureFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
FeatureRunner featureRunner = new FeatureRunner("pathToTemplate", "RunnerClass", featureFileNames);
String renderedRunnerFileContent = runnerFileContentRenderer.getRenderedRunnerFileContent(featureRunner);
// In a windows system, replace line separator "\r\n" with "\n".
renderedRunnerFileContent = renderedRunnerFileContent.replaceAll("\\r\\n", "\n");
assertThat(renderedRunnerFileContent, is("Template [CUCABLE:FEATURE] testvalue1!\n" + "another value, testvalue1...\n" + "\n" + "// Generated by Cucable from pathToTemplate\n"));
use of com.trivago.vo.FeatureRunner in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class RunnerFileContentRendererTest method getRenderedFeatureFileContentFromJavaFileTest.
public void getRenderedFeatureFileContentFromJavaFileTest() throws Exception {
String template = "package parallel;\n" + "\n" + "package some.package;\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/[CUCABLE:FEATURE].feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/[CUCABLE:RUNNER].json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class MyClass {\n" + "}\n";
String expectedOutput = "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/featureFileName.feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/RunnerClass.json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class RunnerClass {\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "// Generated by Cucable from\n";
ArrayList<String> featureFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
FeatureRunner featureRunner = new FeatureRunner("", "RunnerClass", featureFileNames);
String renderedRunnerFileContent = runnerFileContentRenderer.getRenderedRunnerFileContent(featureRunner);
// In a windows system, replace line separator "\r\n" with "\n".
renderedRunnerFileContent = renderedRunnerFileContent.replaceAll("\\r\\n", "\n");
assertThat(renderedRunnerFileContent, is(expectedOutput));
use of com.trivago.vo.FeatureRunner in project cucable-plugin by trivago.
the class RunnerFileContentRendererTest method getRenderedFeatureFileContentReplaceBackslashInCommentTest.
public void getRenderedFeatureFileContentReplaceBackslashInCommentTest() throws Exception {
String template = "package parallel;\n" + "\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/[CUCABLE:FEATURE].feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/[CUCABLE:RUNNER].json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class [CUCABLE:RUNNER] {\n" + "}\n";
String expectedOutput = "package parallel;\n" + "\n" + "import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;\n" + "\n" + "@CucumberOptions(\n" + " monochrome = false,\n" + " features = {\"classpath:parallel/features/featureFileName.feature\"},\n" + " plugin = {\"json:target/cucumber-report/RunnerClass.json\"}\n" + ")\n" + "public class RunnerClass {\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "// Generated by Cucable from c:/unknown/path\n";
ArrayList<String> featureFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
FeatureRunner featureRunner = new FeatureRunner("c:\\unknown\\path", "RunnerClass", featureFileNames);
String renderedRunnerFileContent = runnerFileContentRenderer.getRenderedRunnerFileContent(featureRunner);
// In a windows system, replace line separator "\r\n" with "\n".
renderedRunnerFileContent = renderedRunnerFileContent.replaceAll("\\r\\n", "\n");
assertThat(renderedRunnerFileContent, is(expectedOutput));