use of com.tvd12.ezyhttp.server.core.annotation.RequestParam in project ezyhttp by youngmonkeys.
the class RequestHandlerImplementer method makeHandleRequestMethodContent.
protected String makeHandleRequestMethodContent() {
EzyMethod method = getHandleRequestMethod();
EzyFunction function = new EzyFunction(method).throwsException();
EzyBody body = function.body();
int paramCount = 0;
int headerCount = 0;
int parameterCount = 0;
int pathVariableCount = 0;
int cookieCount = 0;
Parameter[] parameters = handlerMethod.getParameters();
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
Class<?> parameterType = parameter.getType();
Class<?> genericType = getGenericType(parameter);
String genericTypeClass = genericType != null ? genericType.getName() + ".class" : "null";
EzyInstruction instruction = new EzyInstruction("\t", "\n").clazz(parameterType).append(" ").append(PARAMETER_PREFIX).append(paramCount).equal();
boolean hasAnnotation = false;
RequestParam requestParamAnno = parameter.getAnnotation(RequestParam.class);
if (requestParamAnno != null) {
String paramKey = RequestParamAnnotations.getParamKeyString(requestParamAnno, parameterCount);
String defaultValue = requestParamAnno.defaultValue();
String getValueExpression = defaultValue.equals(EzyStrings.NULL) ? "arg0.getParameter(" + paramKey + ")" : "arg0.getParameter(" + paramKey + ", " + quote(defaultValue) + ")";
String valueExpression = "this.deserializeParameter(" + paramKey + ", " + getValueExpression + ", " + parameterType.getTypeName() + ".class" + ", " + genericTypeClass + ")";
instruction.cast(parameterType, valueExpression);
hasAnnotation = true;
RequestHeader requestHeaderAnno = parameter.getAnnotation(RequestHeader.class);
if (requestHeaderAnno != null) {
String headerKey = RequestHeaderAnnotations.getHeaderKeyString(requestHeaderAnno, headerCount);
String defaultValue = requestHeaderAnno.defaultValue();
String getValueExpression = defaultValue.equals(EzyStrings.NULL) ? "arg0.getHeader(" + headerKey + ")" : "arg0.getHeader(" + headerKey + ", " + quote(defaultValue) + ")";
String valueExpression = "this.deserializeHeader(" + headerKey + ", " + getValueExpression + ", " + parameterType.getTypeName() + ".class" + ", " + genericTypeClass + ")";
instruction.cast(parameterType, valueExpression);
hasAnnotation = true;
PathVariable pathVariableAnno = parameter.getAnnotation(PathVariable.class);
if (pathVariableAnno != null) {
String varNameKey = PathVariableAnnotations.getVariableNameKeyString(pathVariableAnno, pathVariableCount);
String valueExpression = "this.deserializePathVariable(" + varNameKey + ", arg0.getPathVariable(" + varNameKey + ")" + ", " + parameterType.getTypeName() + ".class" + ", " + genericTypeClass + ")";
instruction.cast(parameterType, valueExpression);
hasAnnotation = true;
RequestCookie requestCookieAnno = parameter.getAnnotation(RequestCookie.class);
if (requestCookieAnno != null) {
String cookieKey = RequestCookieAnnotations.getCookieKeyString(requestCookieAnno, cookieCount);
String defaultValue = requestCookieAnno.defaultValue();
String getValueExpression = defaultValue.equals(EzyStrings.NULL) ? "arg0.getCookieValue(" + cookieKey + ")" : "arg0.getCookieValue(" + cookieKey + ", " + quote(defaultValue) + ")";
String valueExpression = "this.deserializeCookie(" + cookieKey + ", " + getValueExpression + ", " + parameterType.getTypeName() + ".class" + ", " + genericTypeClass + ")";
instruction.cast(parameterType, valueExpression);
hasAnnotation = true;
RequestBody requestBodyAnno = parameter.getAnnotation(RequestBody.class);
if (requestBodyAnno != null) {
instruction.brackets(parameterType).append("this.deserializeBody(").append("arg0, ").clazz(parameterType, true).append(")");
hasAnnotation = true;
if (!hasAnnotation) {
String valueExpression = "arg0";
if (parameterType != RequestArguments.class) {
String argumentKey = RequestParameters.getArgumentKeyString(parameter);
valueExpression = "arg0.getArgument(" + argumentKey + ")";
instruction.cast(parameterType, valueExpression);
EzyInstruction instruction = new EzyInstruction("\t", "\n");
Class<?> returnType = handlerMethod.getReturnType();
if (returnType != void.class) {
StringBuilder answerExpression = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i) {
if (i < paramCount - 1) {
answerExpression.append(", ");
if (returnType != void.class) {
instruction.valueOf(returnType, answerExpression.toString());
} else {
if (returnType == void.class) {
body.append(new EzyInstruction("\t", "\n").append("return null"));
return function.toString();