use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.IUIComponent in project convertigo by convertigo.
the class Ionic3Builder method writeFunctionTempTsFile.
public void writeFunctionTempTsFile(final IUIComponent uiComponent, String functionMarker) throws EngineException {
UIComponent uic = (UIComponent) uiComponent;
try {
IScriptComponent main = uic.getMainScriptComponent();
if (main != null) {
String tempTsFileName = null, tsContent = null;
File tempTsDir = null;
if (main instanceof ApplicationComponent) {
UIActionStack sharedAction = uic.getSharedAction();
tempTsDir = sharedAction == null ? new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/app") : new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/services");
tempTsFileName = sharedAction == null ? "app.component.function.temp.ts" : "actionbeans.service.function.temp.ts";
File appTsFile = sharedAction == null ? new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/app/app.component.ts") : new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/services/actionbeans.service.ts");
synchronized (writtenFiles) {
if (writtenFiles.contains(appTsFile)) {
File appTsFileTmp = toTmpFile(appTsFile);
if (appTsFileTmp.exists()) {
appTsFile = appTsFileTmp;
tsContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(appTsFile, "UTF-8");
if (main instanceof PageComponent) {
PageComponent page = (PageComponent) main;
String pageName = page.getName();
tempTsDir = new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/pages/" + pageName);
tempTsFileName = pageName.toLowerCase() + ".function.temp.ts";
if (page.isEnabled()) {
File pageTsFile = new File(tempTsDir, pageName.toLowerCase() + ".ts");
synchronized (writtenFiles) {
if (writtenFiles.contains(pageTsFile)) {
File pageTsFileTmp = toTmpFile(pageTsFile);
if (pageTsFileTmp.exists()) {
pageTsFile = pageTsFileTmp;
tsContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(pageTsFile, "UTF-8");
} else {
tsContent = getPageTsContent(page);
// Replace all Begin_c8o_XXX, End_c8o_XXX except for functionMarker
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\*Begin_c8o_(.+)\\*/");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tsContent);
while (matcher.find()) {
String markerId =;
if (!markerId.equals(functionMarker)) {
String beginMarker = "/*Begin_c8o_" + markerId + "*/";
String endMarker = "/*End_c8o_" + markerId + "*/";
tsContent = tsContent.replace(beginMarker, "//---" + markerId + "---");
tsContent = tsContent.replace(endMarker, "//---" + markerId + "---");
// CustomAction : reduce code lines (action's function only)
if (tempTsDir != null && tempTsFileName != null) {
if (uiComponent instanceof UICustomAction) {
UICustomAction uica = (UICustomAction) uic;
tempTsFileName = "CTS" + uica.priority + ".temp.ts";
int index = tsContent.indexOf("export class ");
if (index != -1) {
int i = tsContent.indexOf("{", index);
tsContent = tsContent.substring(0, i + 1) + System.lineSeparator() + uica.getActionCode() + System.lineSeparator() + "}" + System.lineSeparator();
// Write file (do not need delay)
tsContent = LsPattern.matcher(tsContent).replaceAll(System.lineSeparator());
File tempTsFile = new File(tempTsDir, tempTsFileName);
FileUtils.write(tempTsFile, tsContent, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new EngineException("Unable to write function temp ts file", e);
use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.IUIComponent in project convertigo by convertigo.
the class Ionic3Builder method getFunctionTempTsRelativePath.
public String getFunctionTempTsRelativePath(final IUIComponent uiComponent) throws EngineException {
UIComponent uic = (UIComponent) uiComponent;
IScriptComponent main = uic.getMainScriptComponent();
if (main != null) {
File tempTsDir = null;
String tempTsFileName = null;
if (main instanceof ApplicationComponent) {
UIActionStack stack = uic.getSharedAction();
tempTsDir = stack == null ? new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/app") : new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/services");
tempTsFileName = stack == null ? "app.component.function.temp.ts" : "actionbeans.service.function.temp.ts";
if (main instanceof PageComponent) {
PageComponent page = (PageComponent) main;
String pageName = page.getName();
tempTsDir = new File(ionicWorkDir, "src/pages/" + pageName);
tempTsFileName = pageName.toLowerCase() + ".function.temp.ts";
if (tempTsDir != null && tempTsFileName != null) {
if (uiComponent instanceof UICustomAction) {
tempTsFileName = "CTS" + ((UICustomAction) uiComponent).priority + ".temp.ts";
File tempTsFile = new File(tempTsDir, tempTsFileName);
return tempTsFile.getPath().replace(projectDir.getPath(), File.separator);
return null;
use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.IUIComponent in project convertigo by convertigo.
the class NgxBuilder method getFunctionTempTsRelativePath.
public String getFunctionTempTsRelativePath(final IUIComponent uiComponent) throws EngineException {
UIComponent uic = (UIComponent) uiComponent;
IScriptComponent main = uic.getMainScriptComponent();
if (main != null) {
File tempTsDir = null;
String tempTsFileName = null;
if (main instanceof ApplicationComponent) {
UIActionStack stack = uic.getSharedAction();
tempTsDir = stack == null ? appDir : servicesDir;
tempTsFileName = stack == null ? "app.component.function.temp.ts" : "actionbeans.service.function.temp.ts";
if (main instanceof PageComponent) {
PageComponent page = (PageComponent) main;
String pageName = page.getName();
tempTsDir = pageDir(page);
tempTsFileName = pageName.toLowerCase() + ".function.temp.ts";
if (tempTsDir != null && tempTsFileName != null) {
if (uiComponent instanceof UICustomAction) {
tempTsFileName = "CTS" + ((UICustomAction) uiComponent).priority + ".temp.ts";
File tempTsFile = new File(tempTsDir, tempTsFileName);
return tempTsFile.getPath().replace(projectDir.getPath(), File.separator);
return null;
use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.IUIComponent in project convertigo by convertigo.
the class NgxBuilder method writeFunctionTempTsFile.
public void writeFunctionTempTsFile(final IUIComponent uiComponent, String functionMarker) throws EngineException {
UIComponent uic = (UIComponent) uiComponent;
try {
IScriptComponent main = uic.getMainScriptComponent();
if (main != null) {
String tempTsFileName = null, tsContent = null;
File tempTsDir = null;
UIActionStack sharedAction = null;
if (main instanceof ApplicationComponent) {
sharedAction = uic.getSharedAction();
tempTsDir = sharedAction == null ? appDir : servicesDir;
tempTsFileName = sharedAction == null ? "app.component.function.temp.ts" : "actionbeans.service.function.temp.ts";
File appTsFile = sharedAction == null ? new File(appDir, "app.component.ts") : new File(servicesDir, "actionbeans.service.ts");
synchronized (writtenFiles) {
if (writtenFiles.contains(appTsFile)) {
File appTsFileTmp = toTmpFile(appTsFile);
if (appTsFileTmp.exists()) {
appTsFile = appTsFileTmp;
tsContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(appTsFile, "UTF-8");
if (main instanceof PageComponent) {
PageComponent page = (PageComponent) main;
String pageName = page.getName();
tempTsDir = pageDir(page);
tempTsFileName = pageName.toLowerCase() + ".function.temp.ts";
if (page.isEnabled()) {
File pageTsFile = new File(tempTsDir, pageName.toLowerCase() + ".ts");
synchronized (writtenFiles) {
if (writtenFiles.contains(pageTsFile)) {
File pageTsFileTmp = toTmpFile(pageTsFile);
if (pageTsFileTmp.exists()) {
pageTsFile = pageTsFileTmp;
tsContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(pageTsFile, "UTF-8");
} else {
tsContent = getPageTsContent(page);
// Replace all Begin_c8o_XXX, End_c8o_XXX except for functionMarker
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\*Begin_c8o_(.+)\\*/");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tsContent);
while (matcher.find()) {
String markerId =;
if (!markerId.equals(functionMarker)) {
String beginMarker = "/*Begin_c8o_" + markerId + "*/";
String endMarker = "/*End_c8o_" + markerId + "*/";
tsContent = tsContent.replace(beginMarker, "//---" + markerId + "---");
tsContent = tsContent.replace(endMarker, "//---" + markerId + "---");
// CustomAction : reduce code lines (action's function only)
if (tempTsDir != null && tempTsFileName != null) {
if (uiComponent instanceof UICustomAction) {
UICustomAction uica = (UICustomAction) uic;
tempTsFileName = "CTS" + uica.priority + ".temp.ts";
int index = tsContent.indexOf("export class ");
if (index != -1) {
int i = tsContent.indexOf("{", index);
tsContent = tsContent.substring(0, i + 1) + System.lineSeparator() + uica.getActionCode() + System.lineSeparator() + "}" + System.lineSeparator();
// Write file (do not need delay)
tsContent = LsPattern.matcher(tsContent).replaceAll(System.lineSeparator());
File tempTsFile = new File(tempTsDir, tempTsFileName);
FileUtils.write(tempTsFile, tsContent, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new EngineException("Unable to write function temp ts file", e);