Search in sources :

Example 11 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class TabBox method execute.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    int activeTab = 0;
    Block blockTmp, dataBlock = null;
    Collection<Block> tabBlocks = new LinkedList<Block>();
    org.w3c.dom.Element tabBox;
    org.w3c.dom.Element item;
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    if (!extendedMode) {
        if (!block.type.equals("keyword") || block.getOptionalAttribute("penselectable") == null) {
            // block not matching first button
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        // seams first button found
        blockTmp = block;
        if (blockTmp.getOptionalAttribute("penselectable").equals("false"))
        // look for other buttons
        while (blockFactory.getEastBlock(blockTmp) != null && canBlockBeSelected(blockFactory.getEastBlock(blockTmp)) && blockFactory.getEastBlock(blockTmp).type.equals("keyword") && blockFactory.getEastBlock(blockTmp).getOptionalAttribute("penselectable") != null && activeTab <= 1) {
            if (blockFactory.getEastBlock(blockTmp).getOptionalAttribute("penselectable").equals("false"))
            blockTmp = blockFactory.getEastBlock(blockTmp);
        if (activeTab != 1) {
            // more than one button not penselectable => not a tabBox
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        // creates the tab box element
        tabBox = dom.createElement("tabBox");
        // creates the tab box items
        for (Block itemBlock : tabBlocks) {
            // create item element
            item = dom.createElement("block");
            item.setAttribute("line", "" + itemBlock.line);
            item.setAttribute("column", "" + itemBlock.column);
            item.setAttribute("width", "" + itemBlock.getOptionalAttribute("width"));
            item.setAttribute("height", "" + itemBlock.getOptionalAttribute("height"));
            item.setAttribute("type", "tabBoxItem");
            item.setAttribute("selected", itemBlock.getOptionalAttribute("penselectable").equals("false") ? "true" : "false");
            // add the item to the tabBox element
    } else {
        // extended mode : we look for buttonsPanel type block
        if (!block.type.equals("buttonsPanel")) {
            // block not matching buttons panel
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        // buttonsPanel found
        // change tagname
        block.tagName = "tabBox";
        // save tabBox
        tabBox = block.toXML(dom, attributes);
        // and remove all attributes to match tabBoxes'set
        // modify every child node to match tabBoxes'items
        NodeList items = tabBox.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < items.getLength(); i++) {
            Node node = items.item(i);
            if (node instanceof Element) {
                Element elem = (Element) node;
                elem.setAttribute("type", "tabBoxItem");
                if (elem.getAttribute("available").equals("true"))
                    elem.setAttribute("selected", "false");
                    elem.setAttribute("selected", "true");
        // set dataBlock to the first next block
        blockTmp = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
        // put the block in the vector to be removed
    // look for the first data block : the first selectable block of the next line
    while (blockFactory.getNextBlock(blockTmp) != null && dataBlock == null) {
        if (canBlockBeSelected(blockFactory.getNextBlock(blockTmp)) && blockFactory.getNextBlock(blockTmp).line > blockTmp.line) {
            dataBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(blockTmp);
        } else {
            blockTmp = blockFactory.getNextBlock(blockTmp);
    // create the tab box block
    Block tabBoxBlock = new Block();
    tabBoxBlock.type = "tabBox";
    tabBoxBlock.bRender = true;
    tabBoxBlock.column = block.column;
    tabBoxBlock.line = block.line; = "untitled";
    tabBoxBlock.setOptionalAttribute("width", "" + getSelectionScreenZone().width);
    tabBoxBlock.setOptionalAttribute("height", "" + getSelectionScreenZone().height);
    // attach the tabBox element
    // add the block to the block factory
    blockFactory.insertBlock(tabBoxBlock, block);
    // remove other blocks from the block factory
    // now attach all data blocks to the tabBoxBlock
    // and remove them from the blockFactory
    Block dataNextBlock = dataBlock;
    do {
        if (canBlockBeSelected(dataBlock)) {
            dataNextBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(dataBlock);
            dataBlock = dataNextBlock;
        } else {
            dataBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(dataBlock);
    } while (dataBlock != null);
    xrs.hasMatched = true;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    return xrs;
Also used : Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 12 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Radio method execute.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    Block nextBlock;
    XMLVector<XMLVector<Object>> foundOptions = new XMLVector<XMLVector<Object>>();
    Collection<Block> blocksToDelete = new LinkedList<Block>();
    String currentOption = "";
    String direction = "horizontal";
    boolean bLastBlock = false;
    if (bFirstTime) {
        if (radioDesc.x != -1 && radioDesc.y != -1) {
            // defined radio button
            if (radioDesc.width == -1)
                radioDesc.width = 1;
            if (radioDesc.height == -1)
                radioDesc.height = 1;
        } else if (!separatorChars.equals("")) {
            // if no position is defined and separator is defined
            // searching all radio buttons on the screen
            bSearch = true;
            bFirstTime = false;
        } else if (!options.isEmpty()) {
            // initialize the position of the radio button
            if (radioDesc.x == -1)
                radioDesc.x = 0;
            if (radioDesc.y == -1)
                radioDesc.y = 0;
            if (radioDesc.width == -1)
                radioDesc.width = 1;
            if (radioDesc.height == -1)
                radioDesc.height = 1;
        } else {
            // no position, no separator, no options defined
            // use default check pattern
            separatorChars = ". ";
            // searching all radio buttons on the screen
            bSearch = true;
            bFirstTime = false;
    if (bSearch) {
        nextBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
        // if next block = null or is not on the same line : not matching
        if (nextBlock == null || nextBlock.line != block.line) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        // if block is a field and next block is a matching option
        if (block.type.equals("field") && nextBlock != null && canBlockBeSelected(nextBlock) && nextBlock.type.equals("static") && nextBlock.getText().indexOf(separatorChars) != -1) {
            // first option found
            currentOption = block.getText().trim();
            // searching for the direction of options
            if (blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock) != null && canBlockBeSelected(blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock)) && blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock).type.equals("static") && blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock).getText().indexOf(separatorChars) != -1) {
                // options are on the same line
                direction = "horizontal";
                do {
                    nextBlock = blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock);
                } while (blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock) != null && canBlockBeSelected(blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock)) && blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock).type.equals("static") && blockFactory.getEastBlock(nextBlock).getText().indexOf(separatorChars) != -1);
            } else if (blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock) != null && canBlockBeSelected(blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock)) && blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock).type.equals("static") && blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock).getText().indexOf(separatorChars) != -1) {
                // options are on the same column
                direction = "vertical";
                do {
                    nextBlock = blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock);
                } while (blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock) != null && canBlockBeSelected(blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock)) && blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock).type.equals("static") && blockFactory.getSouthBlock(nextBlock).getText().indexOf(separatorChars) != -1);
            } else // no other option
        } else {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
    } else if (bAdded) {
        xrs.hasMatched = false;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
        return xrs;
    if (!bAdded || bSearch) {
        bFirstTime = false;
        if (!bSearch) {
            if (blockFactory.getNextBlock(block) == null) {
                // case block is the last one : insert block after !
                bLastBlock = true;
            } else {
                // test if the block matches to add the block checkbox just before
                if (block.line < radioDesc.y) {
                    xrs.hasMatched = false;
                    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                    return xrs;
                } else if (block.line == radioDesc.y) {
                    if (block.column < radioDesc.x) {
                        xrs.hasMatched = false;
                        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                        return xrs;
        Block myRadio;
        // build result block
        if (bSearch) {
            myRadio = block;
            // add the options
            for (List<Object> op : foundOptions) {
                Element element = dom.createElement("item");
                element.setAttribute("action", (String) op.get(0));
                element.setAttribute("value", (String) op.get(1));
                element.setAttribute("column", String.valueOf((Integer) op.get(2)));
                element.setAttribute("line", String.valueOf((Integer) op.get(3)));
                element.setAttribute("selected", currentOption.equalsIgnoreCase((String) op.get(0)) ? "true" : "false");
        } else {
            myRadio = new Block();
            myRadio.bRender = true;
   = "untitled";
            myRadio.line = radioDesc.y;
            myRadio.column = radioDesc.x;
            if (bLastBlock) {
                blockFactory.insertBlock(myRadio, block);
            } else {
                blockFactory.insertBlock(myRadio, blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(block));
            // add the options
            int item = 0;
            for (List<Object> op : options) {
                Element element = dom.createElement("item");
                element.setAttribute("action", (String) op.get(1));
                element.setAttribute("value", (String) op.get(0));
                element.setAttribute("column", String.valueOf(radioDesc.x));
                element.setAttribute("line", String.valueOf(radioDesc.y + item));
                element.setAttribute("selected", "false");
        myRadio.type = "radio";
        myRadio.setOptionalAttribute("radio", "true");
        myRadio.setOptionalAttribute("direction", direction);
        // remove old blocks
        bAdded = true;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = bSearch ? myRadio : block;
        xrs.hasMatched = true;
    return xrs;
Also used : Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)

Example 13 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class MergeBlocks method execute.

 * Applies the extraction rule to the current iJavelin object.
 * @param javelin the Javelin object.
 * @param block the current block to analyze.
 * @param blockFactory the block context of the current block.
 * @param dom the XML DOM.
 * @return an ExtractionRuleResult object containing the result of
 * the query.
public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    Block curBlock;
    Block tempBlock;
    curBlock = block;
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    if (canBlockBeSelected(curBlock)) {
        tempBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(curBlock);
        if ((tempBlock == null) || (tempBlock.line != curBlock.line && !bMultilineMerge) || (!canBlockBeSelected(tempBlock)) || (tempBlock.bFinal)) {
            bAccumulating = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = curBlock;
            return xrs;
        } else {
            if (tempBlock.line != curBlock.line) {
                curBlock.setText(curBlock.getText() + multilineSeparatorChar);
            if (separationPattern.equals("")) {
                // Ignore separator
                Engine.logBeans.trace("merging curBlock : line,col " + curBlock.line + "," + curBlock.column + " text [" + curBlock.getText() + "]");
                Engine.logBeans.trace("and    tempBlock : line,col " + tempBlock.line + "," + tempBlock.column + " text [" + tempBlock.getText() + "]");
                blockFactory.mergeBlocks(curBlock, tempBlock);
                bAccumulating = true;
                xrs.hasMatched = true;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(curBlock);
                return xrs;
            } else if (tempBlock.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(separationPattern)) {
                // next block is a separator block so merge it in our block
                Engine.logBeans.trace("merging curBlock : line,col " + curBlock.line + "," + curBlock.column + " text [" + curBlock.getText() + "]");
                Engine.logBeans.trace("and    tempBlock : line,col " + tempBlock.line + "," + tempBlock.column + " text [" + tempBlock.getText() + "]");
                blockFactory.mergeBlocks(curBlock, tempBlock);
                tempBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(curBlock);
                if ((tempBlock != null) && ((tempBlock.line == curBlock.line) || (tempBlock.line != curBlock.line && bMultilineMerge)) && (canBlockBeSelected(tempBlock)) && (!tempBlock.bFinal) && (!tempBlock.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(separationPattern))) {
                    blockFactory.mergeBlocks(curBlock, tempBlock);
                    // the engine will fetch the nect block but this rule
                    // needs to restart with the same block !!
                    // so  position the currentBlock on the prevous block
                    bAccumulating = true;
                    xrs.hasMatched = true;
                    xrs.newCurrentBlock = blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(curBlock);
                    return xrs;
    bAccumulating = false;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = curBlock;
    return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)

Example 14 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Panel method execute.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
		 * consider any form of text :
		 * UL t t t t t t t t t UR l R l R LL b b b b b b b b b LR
		 * to be a panel.
		 * UL : upperLeft UR : upperRight LL : lowerLeft LR : lowerRight l :
		 * left r : right t : top b : bottom
    boolean isSelected = isSelectedPanel();
    if (initialize && isSelected) {
        initialize = false;
        Block myPanel = new Block(); = getName();
        myPanel.type = "panel";
        myPanel.bRender = true;
        myPanel.line = getSelectionScreenZone().y;
        myPanel.column = getSelectionScreenZone().x;
        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("width", "" + getSelectionScreenZone().width);
        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("height", "" + getSelectionScreenZone().height);
        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("topTitle", topTitle);
        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("bottomTitle", bottomTitle);
        Block curBlock = blockFactory.getFirstBlock();
        block = null;
        while ((curBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(curBlock)) != null) {
            if (isBlockInSelection(curBlock, getSelectionScreenZone())) {
                // we mark the first block that goes inside the panel
                if (block == null)
                    block = curBlock;
        // we insert the panel to the blockfactory, before the first block
        // inside the panel
        blockFactory.insertBlock(myPanel, blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(block));
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = blockFactory.getLastBlock();
        return xrs;
    // blockFactory
    if (initialize) {
        listCandidate = new LinkedList<PanelCandidate>();
        lePanel = null;
        screenHeight = javelin.getScreenHeight();
        screenWidth = javelin.getScreenWidth();
        int curLine = 0, curColumn = 0;
        while (curLine < screenHeight) {
            while (curColumn < screenWidth) {
                // check if current character matches UL corner of a panel
                if (charMatchesUpperLeft(javelin, javelin.getChar(curColumn, curLine), javelin.getCharAttribute(curColumn, curLine)) && !coordinateInExistantPanel((new Coordinates(curColumn, curLine)))) {
                    // Engine.logBeans.trace("PANEL TROUVE en " + curColumn + " " +curLine);
                    checkClosedContours(javelin, curColumn, curLine);
            curColumn = 0;
        // do not execute the instructions above next time (on the other
        // blocks)
        initialize = false;
        // print the found panel
        for (PanelCandidate unPanel : listCandidate) {
            if (unPanel.factor >= minSides) {
                Engine.logBeans.trace("Found closed panel : l=" + unPanel.UL.line + ", c=" + unPanel.UL.column);
                lePanel = unPanel;
                xrs.hasMatched = true;
                // panel
                if (lePanel != null) {
                    XMLRectangle laScreenZone = new XMLRectangle(lePanel.UL.column, lePanel.UL.line, lePanel.UR.column - lePanel.UL.column, lePanel.LR.line - lePanel.UR.line);
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Entry with " + block.getText());
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Panel : " + "column=" + lePanel.UL.column + ", line=" + lePanel.UL.line + ", width=" + (lePanel.UR.column - lePanel.UL.column) + ", height=" + (lePanel.LR.line - lePanel.UR.line));
                    if (laScreenZone.width > 1 && laScreenZone.height > 1) {
                        Block myPanel = new Block();
               = getName();
                        myPanel.type = "panel";
                        myPanel.bRender = true;
                        myPanel.line = laScreenZone.y;
                        myPanel.column = laScreenZone.x;
                        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("width", "" + laScreenZone.width);
                        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("height", "" + laScreenZone.height);
                        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("topTitle", lePanel.topTitle);
                        myPanel.setOptionalAttribute("bottomTitle", lePanel.bottomTitle);
                        Block curBlock = blockFactory.getFirstBlock();
                        block = null;
                        do {
                            Engine.logBeans.trace("Testing " + curBlock);
                            if (isBlockInSelection(curBlock, laScreenZone)) {
                                // right + left + upperLeft))
                                if (isBlockInBorder(curBlock, laScreenZone) && removeBlocksInBorder) {
                                    Block bToRemove = curBlock;
                                    curBlock = blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(curBlock);
                                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Removing " + bToRemove);
                                } else {
                                    // inside the panel
                                    if (block == null)
                                        block = curBlock;
                        } while ((curBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(curBlock)) != null);
                        // we insert the panel to the blockfactory, before
                        // the first block inside the panel
                        blockFactory.insertBlock(myPanel, blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(block));
                        xrs.newCurrentBlock = blockFactory.getLastBlock();
                        return xrs;
                    } else {
                        Engine.logBeans.debug("Invalid panel found (width = 0 or height = 0)");
                } else
                    return xrs;
        return xrs;
    return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)

Example 15 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Field method execute.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    boolean bLastBlock = false;
    if (bFirstTime) {
        bFirstTime = false;
        if (fieldDesc.x == -1)
            fieldDesc.x = 0;
        if (fieldDesc.y == -1)
            fieldDesc.y = 0;
        if (fieldDesc.width == -1)
            fieldDesc.width = 6;
        if (fieldDesc.height == -1)
            fieldDesc.height = 1;
    // if field has already been added to the blocks
    if (bAdded) {
        xrs.hasMatched = false;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
        return xrs;
    if (blockFactory.getNextBlock(block) == null) {
        // case block is the last one : insert block after !
        bLastBlock = true;
    } else {
        // test if the block matches to add the block field just before
        if (block.line < fieldDesc.y) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        } else if (block.line == fieldDesc.y) {
            if (block.column < fieldDesc.x) {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
    // block matches : add the field block
    Block myField = new Block(); = Name;
    myField.type = Type;
    myField.bRender = true;
    myField.line = fieldDesc.y;
    myField.column = fieldDesc.x;
    myField.setOptionalAttribute("hasFocus", "false");
    myField.setOptionalAttribute("size", Integer.toString(fieldDesc.width));
    myField.attribute = fieldAttrb;
    if (bLastBlock) {
        blockFactory.insertBlock(myField, block);
    } else {
        blockFactory.insertBlock(myField, blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(block));
    bAdded = true;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    xrs.hasMatched = true;
    return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)


JavelinExtractionRuleResult (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult)39 Block (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)24 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)5 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)5 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)4 XMLVector (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector)3 XMLRectangle (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLRectangle)2 EngineException (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)2 RESyntaxException (org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException)2 ACLNptuiComponent (com.eicon.iConnect.acl.ACLNptuiComponent)1 ACLNptuiScreen (com.eicon.iConnect.acl.ACLNptuiScreen)1 ACLNptuiWindow (com.eicon.iConnect.acl.ACLNptuiWindow)1 PanelBlockFactory (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.PanelBlockFactory)1 TabBox (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.TabBox)1 ExtractionRule (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.ExtractionRule)1 JavelinExtractionRule (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRule)1 Nptui (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.sna.Nptui)1 EngineEvent (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineEvent)1 StringEx (com.twinsoft.util.StringEx)1 File (