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Example 36 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Command method execute.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    String textBlock = block.getText().trim();
    // test if the current block matches a keyword
    for (List<String> keyword : keywordTable) {
        String textKeyword = keyword.get(0);
        String dataKeyword = keyword.get(1);
        String replaceTextKeyword = keyword.get(2);
        String actionKeyword = keyword.get(3);
        if (textBlock.equals(textKeyword) || (textBlock.equalsIgnoreCase(textKeyword) && !caseDependency)) {
            // set its type to "keyword"
            block.type = "keyword";
            // sets the "data" attribute
            if (dataKeyword.length() != 0) {
                block.setOptionalAttribute("data", dataKeyword);
            } else // otherwise it keeps the old value
            if (block.getOptionalAttribute("data") == null)
                block.setOptionalAttribute("data", "");
            // keep the original size
            if (replaceTextKeyword.length() != 0) {
                int len = block.length;
                block.length = len;
            // set the "action" attribute
            if (actionKeyword.length() != 0) {
                block.setOptionalAttribute("action", actionKeyword);
            } else // otherwise it keeps the old value
            if (block.getOptionalAttribute("action") == null)
                block.setOptionalAttribute("action", "");
            xrs.hasMatched = true;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return (xrs);
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult)

Example 37 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Date method execute1.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute1(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    Engine.logBeans.debug("Date: trying to find a date form according to the pattern '" + format + "'");
    if (!block.type.equals("field")) {
        Engine.logBeans.debug("Date: block is not field; aborting");
    try {
        char separator1, separator2;
        char c;
        int i = 0;
        int fieldLen1 = 0, fieldLen2 = 0, fieldLen3 = 0;
        int len = format.length();
        String day = "", month = "", year = "";
        try {
            // First field
            c = format.charAt(i);
            if (c == 'd')
                day = "1";
            else if (c == 'm')
                month = "1";
            else if (c == 'y')
                year = "1";
            do {
            } while ((separator1 = format.charAt(i)) == c);
            // Second field
            c = format.charAt(i);
            if (c == 'd')
                day = "2";
            else if (c == 'm')
                month = "2";
            else if (c == 'y')
                year = "2";
            do {
            } while ((separator2 = format.charAt(i)) == c);
            // Third field
            c = format.charAt(i + 1);
            if (c == 'd')
                day = "3";
            else if (c == 'm')
                month = "3";
            else if (c == 'y')
                year = "3";
            fieldLen3 = len - i - 1;
        } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            Engine.logBeans.warn("Date: wrong format!");
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        Block block1, block2, block3;
        // Verify the first field
        block1 = block;
        int blockFieldLen1 = -1;
        if (block.getOptionalAttribute("size") != null)
            blockFieldLen1 = Integer.parseInt(block.getOptionalAttribute("size"));
        if (blockFieldLen1 != fieldLen1) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        block = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
        if (separator1 == ' ') {
            // Two cases: separator block can be a space character or blank
            if (block.type.equals("field")) {
            // Nothing to do
            } else if (blockFactory.getNextBlock(block).getText().equals(" ")) {
                block = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
            } else {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
        } else {
            if (block.getText().equals("" + separator1)) {
                block = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
            } else {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
        // Verify the second field
        block2 = block;
        if (!block.type.equals("field")) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        int blockFieldLen2 = Integer.parseInt(block.getOptionalAttribute("size"));
        if (blockFieldLen2 != fieldLen2) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        block = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
        if (separator2 == ' ') {
            // Two cases: separator block can be a space character or blank
            if (block.type.equals("field")) {
            // Nothing to do
            } else if (blockFactory.getNextBlock(block).getText().equals(" ")) {
                block = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
            } else {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
        } else {
            if (block.getText().equals("" + separator2)) {
                block = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
            } else {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
        // Verify the third field
        block3 = block;
        if (!block.type.equals("field")) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        int blockFieldLen3 = Integer.parseInt(block.getOptionalAttribute("size"));
        if (blockFieldLen3 != fieldLen3) {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
        Block newBlock = new Block();
        newBlock.type = "date"; = StringUtils.normalize(getName()) + "_" + nDate;
        newBlock.setOptionalAttribute("day", day);
        newBlock.setOptionalAttribute("month", month);
        newBlock.setOptionalAttribute("year", year);
        blockFactory.insertBlock(newBlock, block1);
        xrs.hasMatched = true;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = newBlock;
        return xrs;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Engine.logBeans.error("Date: exception while processing the rule", e);
        xrs.hasMatched = false;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
        return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block) EngineException(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)

Example 38 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Date method execute.

 * Applies the extraction rule to the current iJavelin object.
 * @param javelin
 *            the Javelin object.
 * @param block
 *            the current block to analyze.
 * @param blockFactory
 *            the block context of the current block.
 * @param dom
 *            the XML DOM.
 * @return an ExtractionRuleResult object containing the result of the
 *         query.
public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    xrs = execute1(javelin, block, blockFactory, dom);
    if (xrs.hasMatched)
        return xrs;
    xrs = execute2(javelin, block, blockFactory, dom);
    return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult)

Example 39 with JavelinExtractionRuleResult

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class CheckBox method execute.

public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    xrs.hasMatched = false;
    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
    Block nextBlock;
    XMLRectangle position = new XMLRectangle(-1, -1, -1, -1);
    String label = "";
    boolean checked = false;
    Collection<Block> blocksToDelete = new LinkedList<Block>();
    boolean bLastBlock = false;
    if (bFirstTime) {
        // if position is defined
        if (checkBoxDesc.x != -1 && checkBoxDesc.y != -1) {
            // defined checkbox
            if (checkBoxDesc.width == -1)
                checkBoxDesc.width = 1;
            if (checkBoxDesc.height == -1)
                checkBoxDesc.height = 1;
        // if no position is defined and check pattern or uncheck pattern is defined
        } else if (!checkPattern.equals("") || !uncheckPattern.equals("")) {
            // searching all checkboxes on the screen
            bSearch = true;
            bFirstTime = false;
        // no position and no check/uncheck pattern but label defined
        } else if (!Label.equals("")) {
            // initialize the position of the checkbox
            if (checkBoxDesc.x == -1)
                checkBoxDesc.x = 0;
            if (checkBoxDesc.y == -1)
                checkBoxDesc.y = 0;
            if (checkBoxDesc.width == -1)
                checkBoxDesc.width = 1;
            if (checkBoxDesc.height == -1)
                checkBoxDesc.height = 1;
        // no position, no check pattern, no label defined
        } else {
            // use default check and uncheck patterns
            checkPattern = "/";
            uncheckPattern = "";
            // searching all checkboxes on the screen
            bSearch = true;
            bFirstTime = false;
    if (bSearch) {
        nextBlock = blockFactory.getNextBlock(block);
        if (block.type.equals("field") && block.length == 1 && (block.getText().equals(checkPattern) || block.getText().equals(uncheckPattern))) {
            // test if the next block is a label
            if (nextBlock != null && canBlockBeSelected(nextBlock) && nextBlock.type.equals("static")) {
                // label found
                label = nextBlock.getText();
                name =;
                position.y = block.line;
                position.x = block.column;
                checked = block.getText().equals(checkPattern) ? true : false;
            } else {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
        } else {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
    } else if (bAdded) {
        xrs.hasMatched = false;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
        return xrs;
    if (!bAdded || bSearch) {
        bFirstTime = false;
        if (!bSearch) {
            if (blockFactory.getNextBlock(block) == null) {
                // case block is the last one : insert block after !
                bLastBlock = true;
            } else {
                // test if the block matches to add the block checkbox just before
                if (block.line < checkBoxDesc.y) {
                    xrs.hasMatched = false;
                    xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                    return xrs;
                } else if (block.line == checkBoxDesc.y) {
                    if (block.column < checkBoxDesc.x) {
                        xrs.hasMatched = false;
                        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                        return xrs;
        Block myCheckBox;
        if (bSearch) {
            myCheckBox = createCheckBox(label, position, checked);
        } else {
            myCheckBox = createCheckBox(Label, checkBoxDesc, false);
        if (bLastBlock) {
            blockFactory.insertBlock(myCheckBox, block);
        } else {
            blockFactory.insertBlock(myCheckBox, blockFactory.getPreviousBlock(block));
        bAdded = true;
        if (bSearch) {
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = myCheckBox;
        } else {
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
        xrs.hasMatched = true;
    return xrs;
Also used : JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


JavelinExtractionRuleResult (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult)39 Block (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)24 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)5 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)5 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)4 XMLVector (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector)3 XMLRectangle (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLRectangle)2 EngineException (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)2 RESyntaxException (org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException)2 ACLNptuiComponent (com.eicon.iConnect.acl.ACLNptuiComponent)1 ACLNptuiScreen (com.eicon.iConnect.acl.ACLNptuiScreen)1 ACLNptuiWindow (com.eicon.iConnect.acl.ACLNptuiWindow)1 PanelBlockFactory (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.PanelBlockFactory)1 TabBox (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.TabBox)1 ExtractionRule (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.ExtractionRule)1 JavelinExtractionRule (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRule)1 Nptui (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.sna.Nptui)1 EngineEvent (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineEvent)1 StringEx (com.twinsoft.util.StringEx)1 File (