use of com.twitter.common.text.token.TokenizedCharSequence in project commons by twitter.
the class TokenizerUsageExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This is the canonical way to create a token stream.
DefaultTextTokenizer tokenizer = new DefaultTextTokenizer.Builder().setKeepPunctuation(true).build();
TwitterTokenStream stream = tokenizer.getDefaultTokenStream();
// We're going to ask the token stream what type of attributes it makes available. "Attributes"
// can be understood as "annotations" on the original text.
System.out.println("Attributes available:");
Iterator<Class<? extends Attribute>> iter = stream.getAttributeClassesIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Class<? extends Attribute> c =;
System.out.println(" - " + c.getCanonicalName());
// We're now going to iterate through a few tweets and tokenize each in turn.
for (String tweet : famousTweets) {
// We're first going to demonstrate the "token-by-token" method of consuming tweets.
System.out.println("Processing: " + tweet);
// Reset the token stream to process new input.
// Now we're going to consume tokens from the stream.
int tokenCnt = 0;
while (stream.incrementToken()) {
// CharSequenceTermAttribute holds the actual token text. This is preferred over
// TermAttribute because it avoids creating new String objects.
CharSequenceTermAttribute termAttribute = stream.getAttribute(CharSequenceTermAttribute.class);
// TokenTypeAttribute holds, as you'd expect, the type of the token.
TokenTypeAttribute typeAttribute = stream.getAttribute(TokenTypeAttribute.class);
System.out.println(String.format("token %2d (%3d, %3d) type: %12s, token: '%s'", tokenCnt, termAttribute.getOffset(), termAttribute.getLength() - termAttribute.getOffset(), typeAttribute.getType().name, termAttribute.getTermCharSequence()));
// We're now going to demonstrate the TokenizedCharSequence API.
// This should produce exactly the same result as above.
tokenCnt = 0;
System.out.println("Processing: " + tweet);
TokenizedCharSequence tokSeq = tokenizer.tokenize(tweet);
for (Token tok : tokSeq.getTokens()) {
System.out.println(String.format("token %2d (%3d, %3d) type: %12s, token: '%s'", tokenCnt, tok.getOffset(), tok.getOffset() + tok.getLength(), tok.getType().name, tok.getTerm()));