use of com.twitter.distributedlog.thrift.service.HeartbeatOptions in project distributedlog by twitter.
the class TestDistributedLogServer method testBasicWrite.
* {@link}
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testBasicWrite() throws Exception {
String name = "dlserver-basic-write";
dlClient.routingService.addHost(name, dlServer.getAddress());
for (long i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
logger.debug("Write entry {} to stream {}.", i, name);
Await.result(dlClient.dlClient.write(name, ByteBuffer.wrap(("" + i).getBytes())));
HeartbeatOptions hbOptions = new HeartbeatOptions();
// make sure the first log segment of each stream created
DistributedLogManager dlm = DLMTestUtil.createNewDLM(name, conf, getUri());
LogReader reader = dlm.getInputStream(1);
int numRead = 0;
LogRecord r = reader.readNext(false);
while (null != r) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(new String(r.getPayload()));
assertEquals(numRead + 1, i);
r = reader.readNext(false);
assertEquals(10, numRead);
use of com.twitter.distributedlog.thrift.service.HeartbeatOptions in project distributedlog by twitter.
the class TestDistributedLogService method testCloseStreamsShouldFlush.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testCloseStreamsShouldFlush() throws Exception {
DistributedLogConfiguration confLocal = newLocalConf();
String streamNamePrefix = testName.getMethodName();
DistributedLogServiceImpl localService = createService(serverConf, confLocal);
StreamManagerImpl streamManager = (StreamManagerImpl) localService.getStreamManager();
int numStreams = 10;
int numWrites = 10;
List<Future<WriteResponse>> futureList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numStreams * numWrites);
for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) {
String streamName = streamNamePrefix + "-" + i;
HeartbeatOptions hbOptions = new HeartbeatOptions();
// make sure the first log segment of each stream created
FutureUtils.result(localService.heartbeatWithOptions(streamName, new WriteContext(), hbOptions));
for (int j = 0; j < numWrites; j++) {
futureList.add(localService.write(streamName, createRecord(i * numWrites + j)));
assertEquals("There should be " + numStreams + " streams in cache", numStreams, streamManager.getCachedStreams().size());
while (streamManager.getAcquiredStreams().size() < numStreams) {
Future<List<Void>> closeResult = localService.closeStreams();
List<Void> closedStreams = Await.result(closeResult);
assertEquals("There should be " + numStreams + " streams closed", numStreams, closedStreams.size());
// all writes should be flushed
for (Future<WriteResponse> future : futureList) {
WriteResponse response = Await.result(future);
assertTrue("Op should succeed or be rejected : " + response.getHeader().getCode(), StatusCode.SUCCESS == response.getHeader().getCode() || StatusCode.WRITE_EXCEPTION == response.getHeader().getCode() || StatusCode.STREAM_UNAVAILABLE == response.getHeader().getCode());
assertTrue("There should be no streams in the cache", streamManager.getCachedStreams().isEmpty());
assertTrue("There should be no streams in the acquired cache", streamManager.getAcquiredStreams().isEmpty());
use of com.twitter.distributedlog.thrift.service.HeartbeatOptions in project distributedlog by twitter.
the class TestDistributedLogService method testCloseStreamsShouldAbort.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testCloseStreamsShouldAbort() throws Exception {
DistributedLogConfiguration confLocal = newLocalConf();
String streamNamePrefix = testName.getMethodName();
DistributedLogServiceImpl localService = createService(serverConf, confLocal);
StreamManagerImpl streamManager = (StreamManagerImpl) localService.getStreamManager();
int numStreams = 10;
int numWrites = 10;
List<Future<WriteResponse>> futureList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numStreams * numWrites);
for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) {
String streamName = streamNamePrefix + "-" + i;
HeartbeatOptions hbOptions = new HeartbeatOptions();
// make sure the first log segment of each stream created
FutureUtils.result(localService.heartbeatWithOptions(streamName, new WriteContext(), hbOptions));
for (int j = 0; j < numWrites; j++) {
futureList.add(localService.write(streamName, createRecord(i * numWrites + j)));
assertEquals("There should be " + numStreams + " streams in cache", numStreams, streamManager.getCachedStreams().size());
while (streamManager.getAcquiredStreams().size() < numStreams) {
for (Stream s : streamManager.getAcquiredStreams().values()) {
StreamImpl stream = (StreamImpl) s;
Future<List<Void>> closeResult = localService.closeStreams();
List<Void> closedStreams = Await.result(closeResult);
assertEquals("There should be " + numStreams + " streams closed", numStreams, closedStreams.size());
// all writes should be flushed
for (Future<WriteResponse> future : futureList) {
WriteResponse response = Await.result(future);
assertTrue("Op should fail with " + StatusCode.BK_TRANSMIT_ERROR + " or be rejected : " + response.getHeader().getCode(), StatusCode.BK_TRANSMIT_ERROR == response.getHeader().getCode() || StatusCode.WRITE_EXCEPTION == response.getHeader().getCode() || StatusCode.WRITE_CANCELLED_EXCEPTION == response.getHeader().getCode());
// acquired streams should all been removed after we close them
assertTrue("There should be no streams in the acquired cache", streamManager.getAcquiredStreams().isEmpty());
// cached streams wouldn't be removed immediately after streams are closed
// but they should be removed after we shutdown the service
assertTrue("There should be no streams in the cache after shutting down the service", streamManager.getCachedStreams().isEmpty());