use of com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Streamlet in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class StreamletImplTest method testCalculatedDefaultStageNames.
public void testCalculatedDefaultStageNames() {
// create SupplierStreamlet
Streamlet<String> baseStreamlet = StreamletImpl.createSupplierStreamlet(() -> "This is test content");
SupplierStreamlet<String> supplierStreamlet = (SupplierStreamlet<String>) baseStreamlet;
assertEquals(supplierStreamlet.getChildren().size(), 0);
// apply the consumer function
baseStreamlet.consume((SerializableConsumer<String>) s -> {
// build SupplierStreamlet
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
Set<String> stageNames = new HashSet<>();, stageNames);
// verify SupplierStreamlet
assertEquals(1, supplierStreamlet.getChildren().size());
assertTrue(supplierStreamlet.getChildren().get(0) instanceof ConsumerStreamlet);
assertEquals("consumer1", supplierStreamlet.getChildren().get(0).getName());
// verify stageNames
assertEquals(2, stageNames.size());
List<String> expectedStageNames = Arrays.asList("consumer1", "supplier1");
// verify ConsumerStreamlet
ConsumerStreamlet<String> consumerStreamlet = (ConsumerStreamlet<String>) supplierStreamlet.getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals(0, consumerStreamlet.getChildren().size());
use of com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Streamlet in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class StreamletImplTest method testSimpleBuild.
public void testSimpleBuild() throws Exception {
Streamlet<String> baseStreamlet = StreamletImpl.createSupplierStreamlet(() -> "sa re ga ma");
baseStreamlet.flatMap(x -> Arrays.asList(x.split(" "))).reduceByKeyAndWindow(x -> x, x -> 1, WindowConfig.TumblingCountWindow(10), (x, y) -> x + y);
SupplierStreamlet<String> supplierStreamlet = (SupplierStreamlet<String>) baseStreamlet;
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
Set<String> stageNames = new HashSet<>();, stageNames);
assertEquals(supplierStreamlet.getChildren().size(), 1);
assertTrue(supplierStreamlet.getChildren().get(0) instanceof FlatMapStreamlet);
FlatMapStreamlet<String, String> fStreamlet = (FlatMapStreamlet<String, String>) supplierStreamlet.getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals(fStreamlet.getChildren().size(), 1);
assertTrue(fStreamlet.getChildren().get(0) instanceof ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet);
ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet<String, Integer, Integer> rStreamlet = (ReduceByKeyAndWindowStreamlet<String, Integer, Integer>) fStreamlet.getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals(rStreamlet.getChildren().size(), 0);
use of com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Streamlet in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class StreamletImplTest method testStreamletNameIfDuplicateNameIsSet.
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void testStreamletNameIfDuplicateNameIsSet() {
// create SupplierStreamlet
Streamlet<String> baseStreamlet = StreamletImpl.createSupplierStreamlet(() -> "This is test content");
SupplierStreamlet<String> supplierStreamlet = (SupplierStreamlet<String>) baseStreamlet;
// set duplicate streamlet name and expect thrown exception -> content.toUpperCase()).setName("MyMapStreamlet").map((content) -> content + "_test_suffix").setName("MyMapStreamlet");
// build SupplierStreamlet
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
Set<String> stageNames = new HashSet<>();, stageNames);
use of com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Streamlet in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class ImpressionsAndClicksTopology method main.
* All Heron topologies require a main function that defines the topology's behavior
* at runtime
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder processingGraphBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
// A KVStreamlet is produced. Each element is a KeyValue object where the key
// is the impression ID and the user ID is the value.
Streamlet<AdImpression> impressions = processingGraphBuilder.newSource(AdImpression::new);
// A KVStreamlet is produced. Each element is a KeyValue object where the key
// is the ad ID and the user ID is the value.
Streamlet<AdClick> clicks = processingGraphBuilder.newSource(AdClick::new);
* Here, the impressions KVStreamlet is joined to the clicks KVStreamlet.
impressions.join(// The other streamlet that's being joined to
clicks, // Key extractor for the impressions streamlet
impression -> impression.getUserId(), // Key extractor for the clicks streamlet
click -> click.getUserId(), // Window configuration for the join operation
WindowConfig.TumblingCountWindow(25), // Join type (inner join means that all elements from both streams will be included)
JoinType.INNER, // if the ad IDs match between the elements (or a value of 0 if they don't).
(user1, user2) -> (user1.getAdId().equals(user2.getAdId())) ? 1 : 0).reduceByKeyAndWindow(// Key extractor for the reduce operation
kv -> String.format("user-%s", kv.getKey().getKey()), // Value extractor for the reduce operation
kv -> kv.getValue(), // Window configuration for the reduce operation
WindowConfig.TumblingCountWindow(50), // A running cumulative total is calculated for each key
(cumulative, incoming) -> cumulative + incoming).consume(kw -> {"(user: %s, clicks: %d)", kw.getKey().getKey(), kw.getValue()));
Config config = Config.defaultConfig();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, processingGraphBuilder);
use of com.twitter.heron.streamlet.Streamlet in project incubator-heron by apache.
the class StreamletCloneTopology method main.
* All Heron topologies require a main function that defines the topology's behavior
* at runtime
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Builder processingGraphBuilder = Builder.newBuilder();
* A supplier streamlet of random GameScore objects is cloned into two
* separate streamlets.
List<Streamlet<GameScore>> splitGameScoreStreamlet = processingGraphBuilder.newSource(GameScore::new).clone(2);
* Elements in the first cloned streamlet go to the database sink.
splitGameScoreStreamlet.get(0).toSink(new DatabaseSink());
* Elements in the second cloned streamlet go to the logging sink.
splitGameScoreStreamlet.get(1).toSink(new FormattedLogSink());
Config config = Config.defaultConfig();
// Fetches the topology name from the first command-line argument
String topologyName = StreamletUtils.getTopologyName(args);
// Finally, the processing graph and configuration are passed to the Runner, which converts
// the graph into a Heron topology that can be run in a Heron cluster.
new Runner().run(topologyName, config, processingGraphBuilder);