Search in sources :

Example 1 with EntityDoc

use of in project step by STEPBible.

the class TimelineServiceImpl method getTimelineEvent.

public EnhancedTimelineEvent getTimelineEvent(final String id, final String version) {
    final EntityDoc[] results = this.timelineEvents.searchExactTermBySingleField("id", 1, id);
    if (results.length == 0) {
        return null;
    final EnhancedTimelineEvent ete = new EnhancedTimelineEvent(results[0]);
    final String references = ete.getEvent().get("storedReferences");
    final String[] refs = StringUtils.split(references);
    for (final String r : refs) {
    // final OsisWrapper osisText = this.jsword.peakOsisText(version, KEYED_REFERENCE_VERSION, r);
    // ete.add(osisText);
    return ete;
Also used : EnhancedTimelineEvent(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.EnhancedTimelineEvent) EntityDoc(

Example 2 with EntityDoc

use of in project step by STEPBible.

the class TimelineServiceImpl method getEventsFromScripture.

public TimelineEventsAndDate getEventsFromScripture(final String reference) {
    final TimelineEventsAndDate timelineEventsAndDate = new TimelineEventsAndDate();
    final EntityDoc[] matchingTimelineEvents = lookupEventsMatchingReference(reference);
    return timelineEventsAndDate;
Also used : EntityDoc( TimelineEventsAndDate(

Example 3 with EntityDoc

use of in project step by STEPBible.

the class VocabularyServiceImpl method getDataFromLexiconDefinition.

 * gets data from the matched lexicon definitions
 * @param reference        the reference that anchors the strong number
 * @param vocabIdentifiers the identifiers
 * @param provider         the provider used to get data from it
 * @return the data in String form
private String getDataFromLexiconDefinition(final String version, final String reference, final String vocabIdentifiers, final LexiconDataProvider provider) {
    // else we lookup and concatenate
    EntityDoc[] lds = getLexiconDefinitions(vocabIdentifiers, version, reference);
    if (lds.length == 0) {
        return vocabIdentifiers;
    } else if (lds.length == 1) {
        return provider.getData(lds[0]);
    // otherwise, we need to resort to concatenating the fields
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(lds.length * 32);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < lds.length; ii++) {
        final EntityDoc l = lds[ii];
        if (ii + 1 < lds.length) {
    return sb.toString();
Also used : EntityDoc(

Example 4 with EntityDoc

use of in project step by STEPBible.

the class LexiconDefinitionServiceImpl method lookup.

public Map<String, LexiconSuggestion> lookup(final Set<String> strongNumbers, final String userLanguage) {
    final Map<String, LexiconSuggestion> results = new HashMap<String, LexiconSuggestion>(strongNumbers.size() * 2);
    // exit early if no strong numbers
    if (strongNumbers.size() == 0) {
        return results;
    final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(strongNumbers.size() * 7);
    for (final String strong : strongNumbers) {
        query.append(' ');
    final EntityDoc[] lexiconDefitions = this.definitions.searchSingleColumn("strongNumber", query.toString());
    for (final EntityDoc lexiconDefinition : lexiconDefitions) {
        final String strongNumber = lexiconDefinition.get("strongNumber");
        final LexiconSuggestion suggestion = getLexiconSuggestion(lexiconDefinition, strongNumber, userLanguage);
        results.put(strongNumber, suggestion);
    return results;
Also used : LexiconSuggestion(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LexiconSuggestion) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) EntityDoc(

Example 5 with EntityDoc

use of in project step by STEPBible.

the class MorphologyServiceImpl method getMorphology.

public List<EntityDoc> getMorphology(final String code) {
    // split code into keys
    final String[] codes = split(code, SPACE_SEPARATOR);
    final List<EntityDoc> morphs = new ArrayList<EntityDoc>(codes.length);
    for (final String c : codes) {
        // check cache for key, otherwise obtain from database
        final EntityDoc item = retrieveMorphologyByLongName(c);
        if (item != null) {
    return morphs;
Also used : EntityDoc( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)


EntityDoc ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 StepInternalException (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.StepInternalException)5 TranslatedException (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.TranslatedException)5 LexiconSuggestion (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LexiconSuggestion)5 ParseException (org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException)5 SearchQuery (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.SearchQuery)4 IOException ( MultiFieldQueryParser (org.apache.lucene.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser)4 Query ( BookAndBibleCount ( SearchEntry ( SearchResult ( QueryParser (org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser)3 Key (org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Key)3 ExpandableSubjectHeadingEntry ( LexicalSearchEntry ( SubjectHeadingSearchEntry (