Search in sources :

Example 1 with IndividualSearch

use of com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch in project step by STEPBible.

the class JSwordSearchServiceImpl method searchKeys.

public Key searchKeys(final SearchQuery sq) {
    final DefaultSearchModifier modifier = new DefaultSearchModifier();
    // we have a linked hashmap, because we want to preserve the order of the versions we're looking up
    // this was we end up with the results in the correct versification
    final Map<String, Key> resultsPerVersion = new LinkedHashMap<String, Key>();
    // need to set to something sensible, other we may experience a
    // "Requested array size exceeds VM limit"
    final IndividualSearch currentSearch = sq.getCurrentSearch();
    final boolean searchOnTaggedText = currentSearch.getType().isOriginalSearch();
    boolean searchExecuted = false;
    for (final String version : currentSearch.getVersions()) {
        // now for each version, we do the search and store it in a map
        final Book bible = this.av11nService.getBookFromVersion(version);
        // TODO: improvement investigate which is faster
        if (searchOnTaggedText) {
            // then we only do the search if the bible is tagged
            if (!this.metadataService.supportsStrongs(bible)) {
        doSearch(modifier, resultsPerVersion, currentSearch, bible);
        searchExecuted = true;
    if (searchOnTaggedText && !searchExecuted) {
        Book bible = this.av11nService.getBookFromVersion(JSwordPassageService.REFERENCE_BOOK);
        doSearch(modifier, resultsPerVersion, currentSearch, bible);
    // no need to rank, since it won't be possible to rank accurately across versions
    return mergeSearches(resultsPerVersion);
Also used : Book( IndividualSearch(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch) DefaultSearchModifier(

Example 2 with IndividualSearch

use of com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch in project step by STEPBible.

the class SearchServiceImpl method runJSwordTextSearch.

 * Runs a query against the JSword modules backends
 * @param sq the search query contained
 * @return the search to be run
private SearchResult runJSwordTextSearch(SearchQuery sq) {
    final IndividualSearch is = sq.getCurrentSearch();
    // for text searches, we may have a prefix of t=
    final String[] versions = is.getVersions();
    if (versions.length == 1) {
        return, versions[0]);
    // Options from user was not passed to this method
    return buildCombinedVerseBasedResults(sq, this.jswordSearch.searchKeys(sq), "");
Also used : IndividualSearch(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch)

Example 3 with IndividualSearch

use of com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch in project step by STEPBible.

the class SearchServiceImpl method getKeysFromOriginalText.

 * Searches for all passage references matching an original text (greek or hebrew)
 * @param sq the search criteria
 * @return the list of verses
private Key getKeysFromOriginalText(final SearchQuery sq) {
    final IndividualSearch currentSearch = sq.getCurrentSearch();
    final String[] soughtAfterVersions = currentSearch.getVersions();
    // overwrite version with WHNU to do the search
    if (GreekUtils.isGreekText(sq.getCurrentSearch().getQuery())) {
        currentSearch.setQuery(unaccent(currentSearch.getQuery(), sq), true);
    } else {
        currentSearch.setVersions(new String[] { BASE_HEBREW_VERSION });
        currentSearch.setQuery(unaccent(currentSearch.getQuery(), sq), true);
    final Key resultKeys = this.jswordSearch.searchKeys(sq);
    // now overwrite again and do the intersection with the normal text
    return resultKeys;
Also used : IndividualSearch(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch)

Example 4 with IndividualSearch

use of com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch in project step by STEPBible.

the class SearchServiceImpl method runCorrectSearch.

 * Establishes what the correct search should be and kicks off the right type of search
 * @param versions    the list of versions
 * @param references  the list of references
 * @param options     the options
 * @param displayMode the display mode
 * @param filter      the filter to apply to the searhc. Blank retrieves just the current search term, non-blank
 *                    returns all non-blank (usually strong) matches as well
 * @param sort        the sort to apply to the search
 * @param pageNumber  the page number of interest
 * @param context     amount of context to be used in searhc
 * @return the results
private AbstractComplexSearch runCorrectSearch(final List<String> versions, final String references, final String options, final String displayMode, final List<SearchToken> searchTokens, final int pageNumber, final String filter, final String sort, final int context, final String userLanguage) {
    final List<IndividualSearch> individualSearches = new ArrayList<IndividualSearch>(2);
    String[] filters = null;
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filter)) {
        filters = StringUtils.split(filter, "[ ,]+");
    for (SearchToken st : searchTokens) {
        final String tokenType = st.getTokenType();
        if (SearchToken.STRONG_NUMBER.equals(tokenType)) {
            addWordSearches(versions, references, st.getToken(), filters, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.MEANINGS.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.ORIGINAL_MEANING, versions, references, st.getToken(), filters, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.EXACT_FORM.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.EXACT_FORM, versions, references, st.getToken(), filters, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.TEXT_SEARCH.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.TEXT, versions, references, st.getToken(), null, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.SUBJECT_SEARCH.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.SUBJECT_SIMPLE, versions, references, st.getToken(), null, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.NAVE_SEARCH.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.SUBJECT_EXTENDED, versions, references, st.getToken(), null, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.NAVE_SEARCH_EXTENDED.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.SUBJECT_FULL, versions, references, st.getToken(), null, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.TOPIC_BY_REF.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.SUBJECT_RELATED, versions, references, st.getToken(), null, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.RELATED_VERSES.equals(tokenType)) {
            addSearch(SearchType.RELATED_VERSES, versions, references, st.getToken(), null, individualSearches);
        } else if (SearchToken.SYNTAX.equals(tokenType)) {
            // add a number of searches from the query syntax given...
            final IndividualSearch[] searches = new SearchQuery(st.getToken(), versions.toArray(new String[versions.size()]), null, context, pageNumber, references).getSearches();
            for (IndividualSearch is : searches) {
        } else {
        // ignore and do nothing - generally references and versions which have been parsed already
    // we will prefer a word search to anything else...
    if (individualSearches.size() != 0) {
        return SearchQuery(pageNumber, context, displayMode, sort, individualSearches.toArray(new IndividualSearch[individualSearches.size()])), options);
    return this.bibleInfoService.getPassageText(versions.get(0), references, options, getExtraVersions(versions), displayMode, userLanguage);
Also used : SearchQuery(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.SearchQuery) IndividualSearch(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 5 with IndividualSearch

use of com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch in project step by STEPBible.

the class SearchServiceImpl method addWordSearches.

 * Adds a word search to the list of searches we will perform
 * @param versions           the list of versions
 * @param references         the list of references
 * @param strong             the strong number/criteria
 * @param individualSearches the searches to perform
private void addWordSearches(final List<String> versions, final String references, String strong, final String[] filters, final List<IndividualSearch> individualSearches) {
    String[] filtersForSearch = filters;
    if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
        filtersForSearch = new String[] { strong };
    } else if (filters.length == 1 && NO_FILTER.equals(filters[0])) {
        filtersForSearch = new String[0];
    boolean isGreek = strong.charAt(0) == 'G';
    individualSearches.add(new IndividualSearch(isGreek ? SearchType.ORIGINAL_GREEK_RELATED : SearchType.ORIGINAL_HEBREW_RELATED, versions, strong, getInclusion(references), filtersForSearch));
Also used : IndividualSearch(com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch)


IndividualSearch (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch)12 SearchResult ( SearchQuery (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.SearchQuery)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Book ( TranslatedException (com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.TranslatedException)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1 DefaultSearchModifier ( Key (org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Key)1 Passage (org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Passage)1 RangedPassage (org.crosswire.jsword.passage.RangedPassage)1 VerseKey (org.crosswire.jsword.passage.VerseKey)1