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Example 1 with ASN1StreamReader

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class ExtendedResult method readExtendedResultFrom.

 * Creates a new extended result object with the provided message ID and with
 * the protocol op and controls read from the given ASN.1 stream reader.
 * @param  messageID        The LDAP message ID for the LDAP message that is
 *                          associated with this extended result.
 * @param  messageSequence  The ASN.1 stream reader sequence used in the
 *                          course of reading the LDAP message elements.
 * @param  reader           The ASN.1 stream reader from which to read the
 *                          protocol op and controls.
 * @return  The decoded extended result.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while reading or decoding data
 *                         from the ASN.1 stream reader.
static ExtendedResult readExtendedResultFrom(final int messageID, @NotNull final ASN1StreamReaderSequence messageSequence, @NotNull final ASN1StreamReader reader) throws LDAPException {
    try {
        final ASN1StreamReaderSequence protocolOpSequence = reader.beginSequence();
        final ResultCode resultCode = ResultCode.valueOf(reader.readEnumerated());
        String matchedDN = reader.readString();
        if (matchedDN.length() == 0) {
            matchedDN = null;
        String diagnosticMessage = reader.readString();
        if (diagnosticMessage.length() == 0) {
            diagnosticMessage = null;
        String[] referralURLs = null;
        String oid = null;
        ASN1OctetString value = null;
        while (protocolOpSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            final byte type = (byte) reader.peek();
            switch(type) {
                case TYPE_REFERRAL_URLS:
                    final ArrayList<String> refList = new ArrayList<>(1);
                    final ASN1StreamReaderSequence refSequence = reader.beginSequence();
                    while (refSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
                    referralURLs = new String[refList.size()];
                case TYPE_EXTENDED_RESPONSE_OID:
                    oid = reader.readString();
                case TYPE_EXTENDED_RESPONSE_VALUE:
                    value = new ASN1OctetString(type, reader.readBytes());
                    throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_EXTENDED_RESULT_INVALID_ELEMENT.get(StaticUtils.toHex(type)));
        Control[] controls = NO_CONTROLS;
        if (messageSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            final ArrayList<Control> controlList = new ArrayList<>(1);
            final ASN1StreamReaderSequence controlSequence = reader.beginSequence();
            while (controlSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            controls = new Control[controlList.size()];
        return new ExtendedResult(messageID, resultCode, diagnosticMessage, matchedDN, referralURLs, oid, value, controls);
    } catch (final LDAPException le) {
        throw le;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_EXTENDED_RESULT_CANNOT_DECODE.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
Also used : ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1StreamReaderSequence(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReaderSequence) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 2 with ASN1StreamReader

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class Filter method readFrom.

 * Reads and decodes a search filter from the provided ASN.1 stream reader.
 * @param  reader  The ASN.1 stream reader from which to read the filter.
 * @return  The decoded search filter.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If an error occurs while reading or parsing the
 *                         search filter.
public static Filter readFrom(@NotNull final ASN1StreamReader reader) throws LDAPException {
    try {
        final Filter[] filterComps;
        final Filter notComp;
        final String attrName;
        final ASN1OctetString assertionValue;
        final ASN1OctetString subInitial;
        final ASN1OctetString[] subAny;
        final ASN1OctetString subFinal;
        final String matchingRuleID;
        final boolean dnAttributes;
        final byte filterType = (byte) reader.peek();
        switch(filterType) {
            case FILTER_TYPE_AND:
            case FILTER_TYPE_OR:
                final ArrayList<Filter> comps = new ArrayList<>(5);
                final ASN1StreamReaderSet elementSet = reader.beginSet();
                while (elementSet.hasMoreElements()) {
                filterComps = new Filter[comps.size()];
                notComp = null;
                attrName = null;
                assertionValue = null;
                subInitial = null;
                subAny = NO_SUB_ANY;
                subFinal = null;
                matchingRuleID = null;
                dnAttributes = false;
            case FILTER_TYPE_NOT:
                final ASN1Element notFilterElement;
                try {
                    final ASN1Element e = reader.readElement();
                    notFilterElement = ASN1Element.decode(e.getValue());
                } catch (final ASN1Exception ae) {
                    throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_CANNOT_DECODE_NOT_COMP.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(ae)), ae);
                notComp = decode(notFilterElement);
                filterComps = NO_FILTERS;
                attrName = null;
                assertionValue = null;
                subInitial = null;
                subAny = NO_SUB_ANY;
                subFinal = null;
                matchingRuleID = null;
                dnAttributes = false;
            case FILTER_TYPE_EQUALITY:
            case FILTER_TYPE_LESS_OR_EQUAL:
                attrName = reader.readString();
                assertionValue = new ASN1OctetString(reader.readBytes());
                filterComps = NO_FILTERS;
                notComp = null;
                subInitial = null;
                subAny = NO_SUB_ANY;
                subFinal = null;
                matchingRuleID = null;
                dnAttributes = false;
            case FILTER_TYPE_SUBSTRING:
                attrName = reader.readString();
                ASN1OctetString tempSubInitial = null;
                ASN1OctetString tempSubFinal = null;
                final ArrayList<ASN1OctetString> subAnyList = new ArrayList<>(1);
                final ASN1StreamReaderSequence subSequence = reader.beginSequence();
                while (subSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
                    final byte type = (byte) reader.peek();
                    final ASN1OctetString s = new ASN1OctetString(type, reader.readBytes());
                    switch(type) {
                        case SUBSTRING_TYPE_SUBINITIAL:
                            tempSubInitial = s;
                        case SUBSTRING_TYPE_SUBANY:
                        case SUBSTRING_TYPE_SUBFINAL:
                            tempSubFinal = s;
                            throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_INVALID_SUBSTR_TYPE.get(StaticUtils.toHex(type)));
                subInitial = tempSubInitial;
                subFinal = tempSubFinal;
                subAny = new ASN1OctetString[subAnyList.size()];
                filterComps = NO_FILTERS;
                notComp = null;
                assertionValue = null;
                matchingRuleID = null;
                dnAttributes = false;
            case FILTER_TYPE_PRESENCE:
                attrName = reader.readString();
                filterComps = NO_FILTERS;
                notComp = null;
                assertionValue = null;
                subInitial = null;
                subAny = NO_SUB_ANY;
                subFinal = null;
                matchingRuleID = null;
                dnAttributes = false;
                String tempAttrName = null;
                ASN1OctetString tempAssertionValue = null;
                String tempMatchingRuleID = null;
                boolean tempDNAttributes = false;
                final ASN1StreamReaderSequence emSequence = reader.beginSequence();
                while (emSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
                    final byte type = (byte) reader.peek();
                    switch(type) {
                        case EXTENSIBLE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME:
                            tempAttrName = reader.readString();
                        case EXTENSIBLE_TYPE_MATCHING_RULE_ID:
                            tempMatchingRuleID = reader.readString();
                        case EXTENSIBLE_TYPE_MATCH_VALUE:
                            tempAssertionValue = new ASN1OctetString(type, reader.readBytes());
                        case EXTENSIBLE_TYPE_DN_ATTRIBUTES:
                            tempDNAttributes = reader.readBoolean();
                            throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_EXTMATCH_INVALID_TYPE.get(StaticUtils.toHex(type)));
                if ((tempAttrName == null) && (tempMatchingRuleID == null)) {
                    throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_EXTMATCH_NO_ATTR_OR_MRID.get());
                if (tempAssertionValue == null) {
                    throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_EXTMATCH_NO_VALUE.get());
                attrName = tempAttrName;
                assertionValue = tempAssertionValue;
                matchingRuleID = tempMatchingRuleID;
                dnAttributes = tempDNAttributes;
                filterComps = NO_FILTERS;
                notComp = null;
                subInitial = null;
                subAny = NO_SUB_ANY;
                subFinal = null;
                throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_ELEMENT_INVALID_TYPE.get(StaticUtils.toHex(filterType)));
        return new Filter(null, filterType, filterComps, notComp, attrName, assertionValue, subInitial, subAny, subFinal, matchingRuleID, dnAttributes);
    } catch (final LDAPException le) {
        throw le;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_FILTER_CANNOT_DECODE.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
Also used : ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1StreamReaderSequence(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReaderSequence) ASN1Exception(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Exception) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASN1StreamReaderSet(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReaderSet) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1Exception(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Exception) JSONObjectFilter(com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.jsonfilter.JSONObjectFilter) ASN1Element(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Element) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 3 with ASN1StreamReader

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class IntermediateResponse method readFrom.

 * Creates a new intermediate response object with the provided message ID and
 * with the protocol op and controls read from the given ASN.1 stream reader.
 * @param  messageID        The LDAP message ID for the LDAP message that is
 *                          associated with this intermediate response.
 * @param  messageSequence  The ASN.1 stream reader sequence used in the
 *                          course of reading the LDAP message elements.
 * @param  reader           The ASN.1 stream reader from which to read the
 *                          protocol op and controls.
 * @return  The decoded intermediate response.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while reading or decoding data
 *                         from the ASN.1 stream reader.
static IntermediateResponse readFrom(final int messageID, @NotNull final ASN1StreamReaderSequence messageSequence, @NotNull final ASN1StreamReader reader) throws LDAPException {
    try {
        String oid = null;
        ASN1OctetString value = null;
        final ASN1StreamReaderSequence opSequence = reader.beginSequence();
        while (opSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            final byte type = (byte) reader.peek();
            switch(type) {
                    oid = reader.readString();
                    value = new ASN1OctetString(type, reader.readBytes());
                    throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE_INVALID_ELEMENT.get(StaticUtils.toHex(type)));
        final Control[] controls;
        if (messageSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            final ArrayList<Control> controlList = new ArrayList<>(1);
            final ASN1StreamReaderSequence controlSequence = reader.beginSequence();
            while (controlSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            controls = new Control[controlList.size()];
        } else {
            controls = NO_CONTROLS;
        return new IntermediateResponse(messageID, oid, value, controls);
    } catch (final LDAPException le) {
        throw le;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE_CANNOT_DECODE.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
Also used : ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1StreamReaderSequence(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReaderSequence) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 4 with ASN1StreamReader

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class Control method readFrom.

 * Reads an LDAP control from the provided ASN.1 stream reader.
 * @param  reader  The ASN.1 stream reader from which to read the control.
 * @return  The decoded control.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while attempting to read or
 *                         parse the control.
public static Control readFrom(@NotNull final ASN1StreamReader reader) throws LDAPException {
    try {
        final ASN1StreamReaderSequence controlSequence = reader.beginSequence();
        final String oid = reader.readString();
        boolean isCritical = false;
        ASN1OctetString value = null;
        while (controlSequence.hasMoreElements()) {
            final byte type = (byte) reader.peek();
            switch(type) {
                case ASN1Constants.UNIVERSAL_BOOLEAN_TYPE:
                    isCritical = reader.readBoolean();
                case ASN1Constants.UNIVERSAL_OCTET_STRING_TYPE:
                    value = new ASN1OctetString(reader.readBytes());
                    throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_CONTROL_INVALID_TYPE.get(StaticUtils.toHex(type)));
        return decode(oid, isCritical, value);
    } catch (final LDAPException le) {
        throw le;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.DECODING_ERROR, ERR_CONTROL_CANNOT_DECODE.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
Also used : ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1StreamReaderSequence(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReaderSequence) ASN1OctetString(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString) ASN1Exception(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Exception) NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)

Example 5 with ASN1StreamReader

use of com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.

the class LDAPConnectionReader method doStartTLS.

 * Converts this clear-text connection to one that uses TLS.
 * @param  sslSocketFactory  The SSL socket factory to use to convert an
 *                           insecure connection into a secure connection.  It
 *                           must not be {@code null}.
 * @return  The TLS-enabled output stream that may be used to send encrypted
 *          requests to the server.
 * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while attempting to convert the
 *                         connection to use TLS security.
OutputStream doStartTLS(@NotNull final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory) throws LDAPException {
    final LDAPConnectionOptions connectionOptions = connection.getConnectionOptions();
    if (connection.synchronousMode()) {
        try {
            final int connectTimeout = connectionOptions.getConnectTimeoutMillis();
            if (connectTimeout > 0) {
                InternalSDKHelper.setSoTimeout(connection, connectTimeout);
            } else {
                InternalSDKHelper.setSoTimeout(connection, 0);
            final SSLSocket sslSocket;
            synchronized (sslSocketFactory) {
                sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(socket, connection.getConnectedAddress(), socket.getPort(), true);
            connectionOptions.getSSLSocketVerifier().verifySSLSocket(connection.getConnectedAddress(), socket.getPort(), sslSocket);
            inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(sslSocket.getInputStream(), DEFAULT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
            asn1StreamReader = new ASN1StreamReader(inputStream, connectionOptions.getMaxMessageSize());
            startTLSOutputStream = sslSocket.getOutputStream();
            socket = sslSocket;
            final OutputStream outputStream = startTLSOutputStream;
            startTLSOutputStream = null;
            return outputStream;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.SECURITY_PROBLEM, StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e), e);
            startTLSException = e;
            closeRequested = true;
            closeInternal(true, StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
            throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.SERVER_DOWN, ERR_CONNREADER_STARTTLS_FAILED.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
    } else {
        this.sslSocketFactory = sslSocketFactory;
        // Since the connection isn't operating in synchronous mode, we'll want to
        // use a relatively small SO_TIMEOUT for the connection during this
        // process so that it'll be more responsive.  The original SO_TIMEOUT will
        // be restored after the TLS negotiation.
        final int originalSOTimeout = InternalSDKHelper.getSoTimeout(connection);
        try {
            InternalSDKHelper.setSoTimeout(connection, 50);
            while (true) {
                if (startTLSOutputStream != null) {
                    final OutputStream outputStream = startTLSOutputStream;
                    startTLSOutputStream = null;
                    return outputStream;
                } else if (thread == null) {
                    if (startTLSException == null) {
                        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR, ERR_CONNREADER_STARTTLS_FAILED_NO_EXCEPTION.get());
                    } else {
                        final Exception e = startTLSException;
                        startTLSException = null;
                        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR, ERR_CONNREADER_STARTTLS_FAILED.get(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e)), e);
        } finally {
            InternalSDKHelper.setSoTimeout(connection, originalSOTimeout);
Also used : BufferedInputStream( SSLSocket( OutputStream( ASN1StreamReader(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader) InterruptedIOException( SocketTimeoutException( ASN1Exception(com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Exception) IOException( NotNull(com.unboundid.util.NotNull)


ASN1StreamReader (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReader)121 ByteArrayInputStream ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)114 ASN1Buffer (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Buffer)91 ASN1OctetString (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString)31 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)28 ASN1BufferSequence (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1BufferSequence)22 DN (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN)21 Control (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control)18 NotNull (com.unboundid.util.NotNull)13 ASN1StreamReaderSequence (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1StreamReaderSequence)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 ASN1Exception (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Exception)8 IOException ( LDAPException (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException)5 InterruptedIOException ( SocketTimeoutException ( Attribute (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Attribute)4 SSLSocket ( ASN1Element (com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1Element)3