use of com.unboundid.ldap.protocol.LDAPResponse in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class LDAPConnectionReader method readResponse.
* Reads a response from the server, blocking if necessary until the response
* has been received. This should only be used for connections operating in
* synchronous mode.
* @param messageID The message ID for the response to be read. Any
* response read with a different message ID will be
* discarded, unless it is an unsolicited notification in
* which case it will be provided to any registered
* unsolicited notification handler.
* @return The response read from the server.
* @throws LDAPException If a problem occurs while reading the response.
LDAPResponse readResponse(final int messageID) throws LDAPException {
while (true) {
try {
final LDAPResponse response = LDAPMessage.readLDAPResponseFrom(asn1StreamReader, false, connection.getCachedSchema());
if (response == null) {
return new ConnectionClosedResponse(ResultCode.SERVER_DOWN, null);
if (response.getMessageID() == messageID) {
return response;
if ((response instanceof ExtendedResult) && (response.getMessageID() == 0)) {
// This is an intermediate response message, so handle it
// appropriately.
ExtendedResult extendedResult = (ExtendedResult) response;
final String oid = extendedResult.getOID();
if (NoticeOfDisconnectionExtendedResult.NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION_RESULT_OID.equals(oid)) {
extendedResult = new NoticeOfDisconnectionExtendedResult(extendedResult);
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.SERVER_CLOSED_WITH_NOTICE, extendedResult.getDiagnosticMessage(), null);
} else if (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.InteractiveTransactionAbortedExtendedResult.INTERACTIVE_TRANSACTION_ABORTED_RESULT_OID.equals(oid)) {
extendedResult = new com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.InteractiveTransactionAbortedExtendedResult(extendedResult);
final UnsolicitedNotificationHandler handler = connection.getConnectionOptions().getUnsolicitedNotificationHandler();
if (handler == null) {
if (Debug.debugEnabled(DebugType.LDAP)) {
} else {
handler.handleUnsolicitedNotification(connection, extendedResult);
if (Debug.debugEnabled(DebugType.LDAP)) {
Debug.debug(Level.WARNING, DebugType.LDAP, WARN_READER_DISCARDING_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE.get(response, messageID));
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
// If the cause was a SocketTimeoutException, then we shouldn't
// terminate the connection, but we should propagate the failure to
// the client with the appropriate result.
final Throwable t = le.getCause();
if ((t != null) && (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException)) {
Debug.debugException(Level.FINEST, le);
throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.TIMEOUT, le.getMessage(), le);
} else {
// We should terminate the connection regardless of the type of
// exception, but might want to customize the debug message.
final String message;
Level debugLevel = Level.SEVERE;
if (t == null) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.DECODE_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = le.getMessage();
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if (t instanceof IOException) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.IO_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_IO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(t));
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if (t instanceof ASN1Exception) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.DECODE_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_ASN1_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(t));
} else {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.LOCAL_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(t));
Debug.debug(debugLevel, DebugType.LDAP, message, t);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final boolean autoReconnect = connection.getConnectionOptions().autoReconnect();
if (!autoReconnect) {
closeRequested = true;
closeInternal(true, message);
throw le;
} catch (final Exception e) {
// We should terminate the connection regardless of the type of
// exception, but might want to customize the debug message.
final String message;
Level debugLevel = Level.SEVERE;
if (e instanceof IOException) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.IO_ERROR, null, e);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_IO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if (e instanceof ASN1Exception) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.DECODE_ERROR, null, e);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_ASN1_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
} else {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.LOCAL_ERROR, null, e);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
Debug.debug(debugLevel, DebugType.LDAP, message, e);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final boolean autoReconnect = connection.getConnectionOptions().autoReconnect();
if (!autoReconnect) {
closeRequested = true;
closeInternal(true, message);
throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.SERVER_DOWN, message, e);
use of com.unboundid.ldap.protocol.LDAPResponse in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class LDAPConnectionReader method run.
* Operates in a loop, reading data from the server and decoding the
* responses, and associating them with their corresponding requests.
public void run() {
boolean reconnect = false;
thread = Thread.currentThread();
while (!closeRequested) {
try {
final LDAPResponse response;
try {
response = LDAPMessage.readLDAPResponseFrom(asn1StreamReader, true, connection.getCachedSchema());
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
final Throwable t = le.getCause();
if ((t != null) && (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException)) {
// This is rarely a problem, so we can make the debug message for
// this exception only visible at a verbose log level.
final SocketTimeoutException ste = (SocketTimeoutException) t;
Debug.debugException(Level.FINEST, ste);
if (sslSocketFactory != null) {
final LDAPConnectionOptions connectionOptions = connection.getConnectionOptions();
try {
final int responseTimeoutMillis = (int) connectionOptions.getResponseTimeoutMillis();
if (responseTimeoutMillis > 0) {
InternalSDKHelper.setSoTimeout(connection, responseTimeoutMillis);
} else {
InternalSDKHelper.setSoTimeout(connection, 0);
final SSLSocket sslSocket;
synchronized (sslSocketFactory) {
sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket(socket, connection.getConnectedAddress(), socket.getPort(), true);
connectionOptions.getSSLSocketVerifier().verifySSLSocket(connection.getConnectedAddress(), socket.getPort(), sslSocket);
inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(sslSocket.getInputStream(), DEFAULT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
asn1StreamReader = new ASN1StreamReader(inputStream, connectionOptions.getMaxMessageSize());
startTLSOutputStream = sslSocket.getOutputStream();
socket = sslSocket;
} catch (final Exception e) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.SECURITY_PROBLEM, StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e), e);
startTLSException = e;
closeRequested = true;
if (thread != null) {
thread.setName(thread.getName() + " (closed)");
thread = null;
closeInternal(true, StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
sslSocketFactory = null;
if (closeRequested || connection.closeRequested() || (connection.getDisconnectType() != null)) {
// This exception resulted from the connection being closed in a way
// that we already knew about. We don't want to debug it at the
// same level as a newly-detected invalidity.
closeRequested = true;
Debug.debugException(Level.FINEST, le);
} else {
// We should terminate the connection regardless of the type of
// exception, but might want to customize the debug message.
final String message;
Level debugLevel = Level.SEVERE;
if (t == null) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.DECODE_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = le.getMessage();
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if ((t instanceof InterruptedIOException) && socket.isClosed()) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.SERVER_CLOSED_WITHOUT_NOTICE, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_INTERRUPTED_IO.get(connection.getHostPort());
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if (t instanceof IOException) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.IO_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_IO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(t));
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if (t instanceof ASN1Exception) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.DECODE_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_ASN1_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(t));
} else {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.LOCAL_ERROR, le.getMessage(), t);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(t));
Debug.debug(debugLevel, DebugType.LDAP, message, t);
// If the connection is configured to try to auto-reconnect, then set
// things up to do that. Otherwise, terminate the connection.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final boolean autoReconnect = connection.getConnectionOptions().autoReconnect();
if ((!closeRequested) && autoReconnect) {
reconnect = true;
} else {
closeRequested = true;
if (thread != null) {
thread.setName(thread.getName() + " (closed)");
thread = null;
closeInternal(true, message);
if (response == null) {
// This should only happen if the socket has been closed.
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.SERVER_CLOSED_WITHOUT_NOTICE, null, null);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final boolean autoReconnect = connection.getConnectionOptions().autoReconnect();
if ((!closeRequested) && (!connection.unbindRequestSent()) && autoReconnect) {
reconnect = true;
} else {
closeRequested = true;
if (thread != null) {
thread.setName(thread.getName() + " (closed)");
thread = null;
closeInternal(true, null);
Debug.debugLDAPResult(response, connection);
final ResponseAcceptor responseAcceptor;
if ((response instanceof SearchResultEntry) || (response instanceof SearchResultReference)) {
responseAcceptor = acceptorMap.get(response.getMessageID());
} else if (response instanceof IntermediateResponse) {
final IntermediateResponse ir = (IntermediateResponse) response;
responseAcceptor = acceptorMap.get(response.getMessageID());
IntermediateResponseListener l = null;
if (responseAcceptor instanceof LDAPRequest) {
final LDAPRequest r = (LDAPRequest) responseAcceptor;
l = r.getIntermediateResponseListener();
} else if (responseAcceptor instanceof IntermediateResponseListener) {
l = (IntermediateResponseListener) responseAcceptor;
if (l == null) {
Debug.debug(Level.WARNING, DebugType.LDAP, WARN_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE_WITH_NO_LISTENER.get(String.valueOf(ir)));
} else {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
} else {
responseAcceptor = acceptorMap.remove(response.getMessageID());
if (responseAcceptor == null) {
if ((response instanceof ExtendedResult) && (response.getMessageID() == 0)) {
// This is an intermediate response message, so handle it
// appropriately.
ExtendedResult extendedResult = (ExtendedResult) response;
final String oid = extendedResult.getOID();
if (NoticeOfDisconnectionExtendedResult.NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION_RESULT_OID.equals(oid)) {
extendedResult = new NoticeOfDisconnectionExtendedResult(extendedResult);
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.SERVER_CLOSED_WITH_NOTICE, extendedResult.getDiagnosticMessage(), null);
} else if (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.InteractiveTransactionAbortedExtendedResult.INTERACTIVE_TRANSACTION_ABORTED_RESULT_OID.equals(oid)) {
extendedResult = new com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.InteractiveTransactionAbortedExtendedResult(extendedResult);
final UnsolicitedNotificationHandler handler = connection.getConnectionOptions().getUnsolicitedNotificationHandler();
if (handler == null) {
if (Debug.debugEnabled(DebugType.LDAP)) {
} else {
handler.handleUnsolicitedNotification(connection, extendedResult);
if (Debug.debugEnabled(DebugType.LDAP)) {
Debug.debug(Level.WARNING, DebugType.LDAP, WARN_READER_NO_ACCEPTOR.get(response));
try {
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
Debug.debug(Level.WARNING, DebugType.LDAP, ERR_READER_ACCEPTOR_ERROR.get(String.valueOf(response), connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(le)), le);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// We should terminate the connection regardless of the type of
// exception, but might want to customize the debug message.
final String message;
Level debugLevel = Level.SEVERE;
if (e instanceof IOException) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.IO_ERROR, null, e);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_IO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
debugLevel = Level.WARNING;
} else if (e instanceof ASN1Exception) {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.DECODE_ERROR, null, e);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_ASN1_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
} else {
connection.setDisconnectInfo(DisconnectType.LOCAL_ERROR, null, e);
message = ERR_READER_CLOSING_DUE_TO_EXCEPTION.get(connection.getHostPort(), StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));
Debug.debug(debugLevel, DebugType.LDAP, message, e);
// If the connection is configured to try to auto-reconnect, then set
// things up to do that. Otherwise, terminate the connection.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final boolean autoReconnect = connection.getConnectionOptions().autoReconnect();
if (autoReconnect) {
reconnect = true;
} else {
closeRequested = true;
if (thread != null) {
thread.setName(thread.getName() + " (closed)");
thread = null;
closeInternal(true, message);
if (thread != null) {
thread = null;
if (reconnect && (!connection.closeRequested())) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
} else {
// Ensure that the connection has properly been closed.
closeInternal(true, null);
use of com.unboundid.ldap.protocol.LDAPResponse in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class ModifyDNRequest method process.
* Sends this modify DN request to the directory server over the provided
* connection and returns the associated response.
* @param connection The connection to use to communicate with the directory
* server.
* @param depth The current referral depth for this request. It should
* always be one for the initial request, and should only
* be incremented when following referrals.
* @return An LDAP result object that provides information about the result
* of the modify DN processing.
* @throws LDAPException If a problem occurs while sending the request or
* reading the response.
protected LDAPResult process(@NotNull final LDAPConnection connection, final int depth) throws LDAPException {
if (connection.synchronousMode()) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final boolean autoReconnect = connection.getConnectionOptions().autoReconnect();
return processSync(connection, depth, autoReconnect);
final long requestTime = System.nanoTime();
processAsync(connection, null);
try {
// Wait for and process the response.
final LDAPResponse response;
try {
final long responseTimeout = getResponseTimeoutMillis(connection);
if (responseTimeout > 0) {
response = responseQueue.poll(responseTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} else {
response = responseQueue.take();
} catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR, ERR_MODDN_INTERRUPTED.get(connection.getHostPort()), ie);
return handleResponse(connection, response, requestTime, depth, false);
} finally {
use of com.unboundid.ldap.protocol.LDAPResponse in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class ModifyDNRequest method processSync.
* Processes this modify DN operation in synchronous mode, in which the same
* thread will send the request and read the response.
* @param connection The connection to use to communicate with the directory
* server.
* @param depth The current referral depth for this request. It should
* always be one for the initial request, and should only
* be incremented when following referrals.
* @param allowRetry Indicates whether the request may be re-tried on a
* re-established connection if the initial attempt fails
* in a way that indicates the connection is no longer
* valid and autoReconnect is true.
* @return An LDAP result object that provides information about the result
* of the modify DN processing.
* @throws LDAPException If a problem occurs while sending the request or
* reading the response.
private LDAPResult processSync(@NotNull final LDAPConnection connection, final int depth, final boolean allowRetry) throws LDAPException {
// Create the LDAP message.
messageID = connection.nextMessageID();
final LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(messageID, this, getControls());
// Send the request to the server.
final long requestTime = System.nanoTime();
Debug.debugLDAPRequest(Level.INFO, this, messageID, connection);
final LDAPConnectionLogger logger = connection.getConnectionOptions().getConnectionLogger();
if (logger != null) {
logger.logModifyDNRequest(connection, messageID, this);
try {
connection.sendMessage(message, getResponseTimeoutMillis(connection));
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
if (allowRetry) {
final LDAPResult retryResult = reconnectAndRetry(connection, depth, le.getResultCode());
if (retryResult != null) {
return retryResult;
throw le;
while (true) {
final LDAPResponse response;
try {
response = connection.readResponse(messageID);
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
if ((le.getResultCode() == ResultCode.TIMEOUT) && connection.getConnectionOptions().abandonOnTimeout()) {
if (allowRetry) {
final LDAPResult retryResult = reconnectAndRetry(connection, depth, le.getResultCode());
if (retryResult != null) {
return retryResult;
throw le;
if (response instanceof IntermediateResponse) {
final IntermediateResponseListener listener = getIntermediateResponseListener();
if (listener != null) {
listener.intermediateResponseReturned((IntermediateResponse) response);
} else {
return handleResponse(connection, response, requestTime, depth, allowRetry);
use of com.unboundid.ldap.protocol.LDAPResponse in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class ModifyRequest method processSync.
* Processes this modify operation in synchronous mode, in which the same
* thread will send the request and read the response.
* @param connection The connection to use to communicate with the directory
* server.
* @param depth The current referral depth for this request. It should
* always be one for the initial request, and should only
* be incremented when following referrals.
* @param allowRetry Indicates whether the request may be re-tried on a
* re-established connection if the initial attempt fails
* in a way that indicates the connection is no longer
* valid and autoReconnect is true.
* @return An LDAP result object that provides information about the result
* of the modify processing.
* @throws LDAPException If a problem occurs while sending the request or
* reading the response.
private LDAPResult processSync(@NotNull final LDAPConnection connection, final int depth, final boolean allowRetry) throws LDAPException {
// Create the LDAP message.
messageID = connection.nextMessageID();
final LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(messageID, this, getControls());
// Send the request to the server.
final long requestTime = System.nanoTime();
Debug.debugLDAPRequest(Level.INFO, this, messageID, connection);
final LDAPConnectionLogger logger = connection.getConnectionOptions().getConnectionLogger();
if (logger != null) {
logger.logModifyRequest(connection, messageID, this);
try {
connection.sendMessage(message, getResponseTimeoutMillis(connection));
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
if (allowRetry) {
final LDAPResult retryResult = reconnectAndRetry(connection, depth, le.getResultCode());
if (retryResult != null) {
return retryResult;
throw le;
while (true) {
final LDAPResponse response;
try {
response = connection.readResponse(messageID);
} catch (final LDAPException le) {
if ((le.getResultCode() == ResultCode.TIMEOUT) && connection.getConnectionOptions().abandonOnTimeout()) {
if (allowRetry) {
final LDAPResult retryResult = reconnectAndRetry(connection, depth, le.getResultCode());
if (retryResult != null) {
return retryResult;
throw le;
if (response instanceof IntermediateResponse) {
final IntermediateResponseListener listener = getIntermediateResponseListener();
if (listener != null) {
listener.intermediateResponseReturned((IntermediateResponse) response);
} else {
return handleResponse(connection, response, requestTime, depth, allowRetry);