use of com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509CertificateExtension in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class PromptTrustManagerProcessorTestCase method testIssuerCertificateWithInvalidSignature.
* Tests the behavior with an issuer certificate that has an invalid
* signature.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testIssuerCertificateWithInvalidSignature() throws Exception {
// Create a bunch of variables with file paths and other values to use
// during testing.
final File tempDir = createTempDir();
final String caCertificateAlias = "ca-cert";
final String caKeyStorePath = new File(tempDir, caCertificateAlias + "-keystore.jks").getAbsolutePath();
final String caCertificatePath = new File(tempDir, caCertificateAlias + ".cert").getAbsolutePath();
final String serverCertificateAlias = "server-cert";
final String serverKeyStorePath = new File(tempDir, serverCertificateAlias + "-keystore.jks").getAbsolutePath();
final String serverCSRPath = new File(tempDir, serverCertificateAlias + ".csr").getAbsolutePath();
final String serverCertificatePath = new File(tempDir, serverCertificateAlias + ".cert").getAbsolutePath();
// Create a JKS keystore with just a CA certificate.
manageCertificates("generate-self-signed-certificate", "--keystore", caKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--keystore-type", "JKS", "--alias", caCertificateAlias, "--subject-dn", "CN=Example Root CA,O=Example Corporation,C=US", "--days-valid", "7300", "--key-algorithm", "RSA", "--key-size-bits", "2048", "--signature-algorithm", "SHA256withRSA", "--subject-alternative-name-email-address", "", "--basic-constraints-is-ca", "true", "--key-usage", "key-cert-sign", "--display-keytool-command");
manageCertificates("export-certificate", "--keystore", caKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--alias", caCertificateAlias, "--output-format", "PEM", "--output-file", caCertificatePath, "--display-keytool-command");
// Create a JKS keystore with a server certificate that is signed by the CA.
manageCertificates("generate-certificate-signing-request", "--output-file", serverCSRPath, "--keystore", serverKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--keystore-type", "JKS", "--alias", serverCertificateAlias, "--subject-dn", ",O=Example Corporation,C=US", "--key-algorithm", "RSA", "--key-size-bits", "2048", "--signature-algorithm", "SHA256withRSA", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "ldap", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "ds", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "localhost", "--subject-alternative-name-ip-address", "", "--subject-alternative-name-ip-address", "::1", "--extended-key-usage", "server-auth", "--extended-key-usage", "client-auth", "--display-keytool-command");
manageCertificates("sign-certificate-signing-request", "--request-input-file", serverCSRPath, "--certificate-output-file", serverCertificatePath, "--output-format", "PEM", "--keystore", caKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--signing-certificate-alias", caCertificateAlias, "--days-valid", "365", "--include-requested-extensions", "--no-prompt", "--display-keytool-command");
manageCertificates("import-certificate", "--certificate-file", serverCertificatePath, "--certificate-file", caCertificatePath, "--keystore", serverKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--alias", serverCertificateAlias, "--no-prompt", "--display-keytool-command");
// Load the keystore and get the certificate chain.
final KeyStore keystore = CryptoHelper.getKeyStore("JKS");
try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(serverKeyStorePath)) {
keystore.load(inputStream, "password".toCharArray());
final Certificate[] javaChain = keystore.getCertificateChain(serverCertificateAlias);
final X509Certificate[] ldapSDKChain = PromptTrustManager.convertChain(javaChain);
final List<X509CertificateExtension> extensionList = ldapSDKChain[1].getExtensions();
final X509CertificateExtension[] extensionArray = new X509CertificateExtension[extensionList.size()];
final boolean[] validSignatureBits = ldapSDKChain[1].getSignatureValue().getBits();
final boolean[] invalidSignatureBits = new boolean[validSignatureBits.length];
final ASN1BitString invalidSignatureValue = new ASN1BitString(invalidSignatureBits);
ldapSDKChain[1] = InternalCertHelper.createX509Certificate(ldapSDKChain[1].getVersion(), ldapSDKChain[1].getSerialNumber(), ldapSDKChain[1].getSignatureAlgorithmOID(), ldapSDKChain[1].getSignatureAlgorithmParameters(), invalidSignatureValue, ldapSDKChain[1].getIssuerDN(), ldapSDKChain[1].getNotBeforeTime(), ldapSDKChain[1].getNotAfterTime(), ldapSDKChain[1].getSubjectDN(), ldapSDKChain[1].getPublicKeyAlgorithmOID(), ldapSDKChain[1].getPublicKeyAlgorithmParameters(), ldapSDKChain[1].getEncodedPublicKey(), ldapSDKChain[1].getDecodedPublicKey(), ldapSDKChain[1].getIssuerUniqueID(), ldapSDKChain[1].getSubjectUniqueID(), extensionArray);
// Invoke the shouldPrompt method and examine the result.
final ObjectPair<Boolean, List<String>> promptResult = PromptTrustManagerProcessor.shouldPrompt(PromptTrustManager.getCacheKey(javaChain[0]), ldapSDKChain, true, true, Collections.<String, Boolean>emptyMap(), Collections.singletonList(""));
assertEquals(promptResult.getFirst(), Boolean.TRUE);
assertEquals(promptResult.getSecond().size(), 1);
use of com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509CertificateExtension in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class JVMDefaultTrustManager method checkIncompleteChain.
* Checks to determine whether the provided certificate chain may be
* incomplete, and if so, whether we can find and trust the issuer of the last
* certificate in the chain.
* @param chain The chain to validate.
* @return {@code true} if the chain could be validated, or {@code false} if
* not.
private boolean checkIncompleteChain(@NotNull final X509Certificate[] chain) {
try {
// Get the last certificate in the chain and decode it as one that we can
// more fully inspect.
final com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509Certificate c = new com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509Certificate(chain[chain.length - 1].getEncoded());
// If the certificate is self-signed, then it can't be trusted.
if (c.isSelfSigned()) {
return false;
// so, then use it to try to find the issuer.
for (final X509CertificateExtension e : c.getExtensions()) {
if (e instanceof AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension) {
final AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension akie = (AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension) e;
final ASN1OctetString authorityKeyID = new ASN1OctetString(akie.getKeyIdentifier().getValue());
final com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509Certificate issuer = trustedCertsByKeyID.get(authorityKeyID);
if ((issuer != null) && issuer.isWithinValidityWindow()) {
return true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
use of com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509CertificateExtension in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class PromptTrustManagerProcessor method shouldPrompt.
* Indicates whether the trust manager should prompt about whether to trust
* the provided certificate chain.
* @param cacheKey The key that should be used to identify
* this certificate chain in the cache. It
* should be an all-lowercase hexadecimal
* representation of the end certificate's
* subject.
* @param chain The certificate chain to be examined. It
* must not be {@code null} or empty.
* @param isServerChain Indicates whether the provided certificate
* chain was provided by a server (if
* {@code true}) or a client (if
* {@code false}).
* @param examineValidityDates Indicates whether to examine the
* certificate's validity dates in the course
* of determining about whether to prompt
* about whether to trust the given
* certificate chain.
* @param acceptedCertificates A cache of the certificates that have
* already been accepted. The entries in the
* cache will be mapped from an all-lowercase
* hex representation of a previously-trusted
* certificate's signature to a Boolean value
* that indicates whether the certificate has
* been declared trusted even if the
* certificate is outside the validity
* window.
* @param expectedServerAddresses A list containing the addresses that the
* client is expected to use to connect to a
* target server. If this is {@code null} or
* empty, then no address validation will be
* performed. This will be ignored if
* {@code isServerChain} is {@code false}.
* @return An object pair in which the first element is a {@code Boolean}
* indicating whether the trust manager should prompt about whether
* to trust the certificate chain, and the second element is a
* (possibly empty) list of warning messages about the certificate
* chain that should be displayed to the user if they should be
* prompted.
static ObjectPair<Boolean, List<String>> shouldPrompt(@NotNull final String cacheKey, @NotNull final X509Certificate[] chain, final boolean isServerChain, final boolean examineValidityDates, @NotNull final Map<String, Boolean> acceptedCertificates, @Nullable final List<String> expectedServerAddresses) {
// See if any of the certificates is outside the validity window.
boolean outsideValidityWindow = false;
final List<String> warningMessages = new ArrayList<>(5);
final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) {
if (!chain[i].isWithinValidityWindow(currentTime)) {
outsideValidityWindow = true;
final String identifier;
if (i == 0) {
if (isServerChain) {
} else {
} else {
if (currentTime > chain[i].getNotAfterTime()) {
final long expiredSecondsAgo = Math.round(((currentTime - chain[i].getNotAfterTime()) / 1000.0d));
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_CERT_EXPIRED.get(identifier, String.valueOf(chain[i].getSubjectDN()), formatDate(chain[i].getNotAfterDate()), StaticUtils.secondsToHumanReadableDuration(expiredSecondsAgo)));
} else {
final long secondsUntilValid = Math.round(((chain[i].getNotBeforeTime() - currentTime) / 1000.0d));
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID.get(identifier, String.valueOf(chain[i].getSubjectDN()), formatDate(chain[i].getNotBeforeDate()), StaticUtils.secondsToHumanReadableDuration(secondsUntilValid)));
// If the certificate at the head of the chain has an extended key usage
// extension, then make sure it includes either the serverAuth usage (for a
// server certificate) or the clientAuth usage (for a client certificate).
SubjectAlternativeNameExtension san = null;
for (final X509CertificateExtension extension : chain[0].getExtensions()) {
if (extension instanceof ExtendedKeyUsageExtension) {
final ExtendedKeyUsageExtension eku = (ExtendedKeyUsageExtension) extension;
if (isServerChain) {
if (!eku.getKeyPurposeIDs().contains(ExtendedKeyUsageID.TLS_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION.getOID())) {
} else {
if (!eku.getKeyPurposeIDs().contains(ExtendedKeyUsageID.TLS_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION.getOID())) {
} else if (extension instanceof SubjectAlternativeNameExtension) {
san = (SubjectAlternativeNameExtension) extension;
// extensions in the issuer certificates.
if (chain.length == 1) {
if (chain[0].isSelfSigned()) {
try {
} catch (final CertException ce) {
} else {
} else {
for (int i = 1; i < chain.length; i++) {
if (chain[i].isIssuerFor(chain[i - 1])) {
try {
chain[i - 1].verifySignature(chain[i]);
} catch (final CertException ce) {
} else {
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_CHAIN_ISSUER_MISMATCH.get(chain[i].getSubjectDN(), chain[i - 1].getSubjectDN()));
BasicConstraintsExtension bc = null;
KeyUsageExtension ku = null;
for (final X509CertificateExtension extension : chain[i].getExtensions()) {
if (extension instanceof BasicConstraintsExtension) {
bc = (BasicConstraintsExtension) extension;
} else if (extension instanceof KeyUsageExtension) {
ku = (KeyUsageExtension) extension;
if (bc == null) {
} else if (!bc.isCA()) {
} else if ((bc.getPathLengthConstraint() != null) && ((i - 1) > bc.getPathLengthConstraint())) {
if (bc.getPathLengthConstraint() == 0) {
} else {
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_BC_TOO_MANY_INTERMEDIATES.get(chain[i].getSubjectDN(), bc.getPathLengthConstraint(), (i - 1)));
if ((ku != null) && (!ku.isKeyCertSignBitSet())) {
if (chain[chain.length - 1].isSelfSigned()) {
try {
chain[chain.length - 1].verifySignature(chain[chain.length - 1]);
} catch (final CertException ce) {
} else {
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_CHAIN_NOT_COMPLETE.get(chain[chain.length - 1].getSubjectDN()));
// addresses.
if (isServerChain && (expectedServerAddresses != null) && (!expectedServerAddresses.isEmpty())) {
// Get the CN attribute from the certificate subject.
boolean hasAllowedAddress = false;
final StringBuilder addressBuffer = new StringBuilder();
for (final RDN rdn : chain[0].getSubjectDN().getRDNs()) {
final String[] names = rdn.getAttributeNames();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
if (names[i].equalsIgnoreCase("cn") || names[i].equalsIgnoreCase("commonName") || names[i].equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
final String cnValue = rdn.getAttributeValues()[i];
final String lowerCNValue = StaticUtils.toLowerCase(cnValue);
if (isHostnameOrIPAddress(lowerCNValue)) {
commaAppend(addressBuffer, cnValue);
if (isAllowedHostnameOrIPAddress(lowerCNValue, expectedServerAddresses)) {
hasAllowedAddress = true;
if (hasAllowedAddress) {
// check its DNS names.
if ((!hasAllowedAddress) && (san != null)) {
for (final String dnsName : san.getDNSNames()) {
commaAppend(addressBuffer, dnsName);
if (isAllowedHostnameOrIPAddress(dnsName, expectedServerAddresses)) {
hasAllowedAddress = true;
if (!hasAllowedAddress) {
for (final InetAddress ipAddress : san.getIPAddresses()) {
commaAppend(addressBuffer, ipAddress.getHostAddress());
if (isAllowedIPAddress(ipAddress, expectedServerAddresses)) {
hasAllowedAddress = true;
if (!hasAllowedAddress) {
if (addressBuffer.length() == 0) {
// The certificate doesn't indicate the server with which it should be
// used. This isn't desirable, but we won't warn about it.
} else if (addressBuffer.indexOf(",") > 0) {
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_MULTIPLE_ADDRESSES_NOT_MATCHED.get(chain[0].getSubjectDN(), addressBuffer));
} else {
warningMessages.add(WARN_PROMPT_PROCESSOR_SINGLE_ADDRESS_NOT_MATCHED.get(chain[0].getSubjectDN(), addressBuffer));
// See if the provided certificate is in the cache. If not, then we will
// definitely prompt. If the cache indicates that the certificate has been
// accepted even outside the validity window, then we will not prompt.
// Otherwise, we'll prompt only if the certificate is outside the validity
// window.
final Boolean acceptedEvenWithBadValidity = acceptedCertificates.get(cacheKey);
if (acceptedEvenWithBadValidity == null) {
return new ObjectPair<>(Boolean.TRUE, warningMessages);
} else if (acceptedEvenWithBadValidity) {
return new ObjectPair<>(Boolean.FALSE, warningMessages);
} else {
return new ObjectPair<>(outsideValidityWindow, warningMessages);
use of com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509CertificateExtension in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class JVMDefaultTrustManager method findIssuer.
* Finds the issuer for the provided certificate, if it is in the JVM-default
* trust store.
* @param cert The certificate for which to find the issuer. It must
* have already been retrieved from the JVM-default trust
* store.
* @param currentDate The current date to use when verifying validity.
* @return The issuer for the provided certificate, or {@code null} if the
* provided certificate is self-signed.
* @throws CertificateException If the provided certificate is not
* self-signed but its issuer could not be
* found, or if the issuer certificate is
* not currently valid.
private X509Certificate findIssuer(@NotNull final X509Certificate cert, @NotNull final Date currentDate) throws CertificateException {
try {
// More fully decode the provided certificate so that we can better
// examine it.
final com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509Certificate c = new com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509Certificate(cert.getEncoded());
// If the certificate is self-signed, then it doesn't have an issuer.
if (c.isSelfSigned()) {
return null;
// so, then use it to try to find the issuer.
for (final X509CertificateExtension e : c.getExtensions()) {
if (e instanceof AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension) {
final AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension akie = (AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension) e;
final ASN1OctetString authorityKeyID = new ASN1OctetString(akie.getKeyIdentifier().getValue());
final com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509Certificate issuer = trustedCertsByKeyID.get(authorityKeyID);
if ((issuer != null) && issuer.isWithinValidityWindow(currentDate)) {
return (X509Certificate) issuer.toCertificate();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new CertificateException(ERR_JVM_DEFAULT_TRUST_MANAGER_CANNOT_FIND_ISSUER.get(String.valueOf(cert.getSubjectDN())));
use of com.unboundid.util.ssl.cert.X509CertificateExtension in project ldapsdk by pingidentity.
the class PromptTrustManagerProcessorTestCase method testSubjectCertificateWithInvalidSignature.
* Tests the behavior with a two-certificate chain in which the subject
* certificate has an invalid signature.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testSubjectCertificateWithInvalidSignature() throws Exception {
// Create a bunch of variables with file paths and other values to use
// during testing.
final File tempDir = createTempDir();
final String caCertificateAlias = "ca-cert";
final String caKeyStorePath = new File(tempDir, caCertificateAlias + "-keystore.jks").getAbsolutePath();
final String caCertificatePath = new File(tempDir, caCertificateAlias + ".cert").getAbsolutePath();
final String serverCertificateAlias = "server-cert";
final String serverKeyStorePath = new File(tempDir, serverCertificateAlias + "-keystore.jks").getAbsolutePath();
final String serverCSRPath = new File(tempDir, serverCertificateAlias + ".csr").getAbsolutePath();
final String serverCertificatePath = new File(tempDir, serverCertificateAlias + ".cert").getAbsolutePath();
// Create a JKS keystore with just a CA certificate.
manageCertificates("generate-self-signed-certificate", "--keystore", caKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--keystore-type", "JKS", "--alias", caCertificateAlias, "--subject-dn", "CN=Example Root CA,O=Example Corporation,C=US", "--days-valid", "7300", "--key-algorithm", "RSA", "--key-size-bits", "2048", "--signature-algorithm", "SHA256withRSA", "--subject-alternative-name-email-address", "", "--basic-constraints-is-ca", "true", "--key-usage", "key-cert-sign", "--display-keytool-command");
manageCertificates("export-certificate", "--keystore", caKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--alias", caCertificateAlias, "--output-format", "PEM", "--output-file", caCertificatePath, "--display-keytool-command");
// Create a JKS keystore with a server certificate that is signed by the CA.
manageCertificates("generate-certificate-signing-request", "--output-file", serverCSRPath, "--keystore", serverKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--keystore-type", "JKS", "--alias", serverCertificateAlias, "--subject-dn", ",O=Example Corporation,C=US", "--key-algorithm", "RSA", "--key-size-bits", "2048", "--signature-algorithm", "SHA256withRSA", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "ldap", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "ds", "--subject-alternative-name-dns", "localhost", "--subject-alternative-name-ip-address", "", "--subject-alternative-name-ip-address", "::1", "--extended-key-usage", "server-auth", "--extended-key-usage", "client-auth", "--display-keytool-command");
manageCertificates("sign-certificate-signing-request", "--request-input-file", serverCSRPath, "--certificate-output-file", serverCertificatePath, "--output-format", "PEM", "--keystore", caKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--signing-certificate-alias", caCertificateAlias, "--days-valid", "365", "--include-requested-extensions", "--no-prompt", "--display-keytool-command");
manageCertificates("import-certificate", "--certificate-file", serverCertificatePath, "--certificate-file", caCertificatePath, "--keystore", serverKeyStorePath, "--keystore-password", "password", "--alias", serverCertificateAlias, "--no-prompt", "--display-keytool-command");
// Load the keystore and get the certificate chain.
final KeyStore keystore = CryptoHelper.getKeyStore("JKS");
try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(serverKeyStorePath)) {
keystore.load(inputStream, "password".toCharArray());
final Certificate[] javaChain = keystore.getCertificateChain(serverCertificateAlias);
final X509Certificate[] ldapSDKChain = PromptTrustManager.convertChain(javaChain);
final List<X509CertificateExtension> extensionList = ldapSDKChain[0].getExtensions();
final X509CertificateExtension[] extensionArray = new X509CertificateExtension[extensionList.size()];
final boolean[] validSignatureBits = ldapSDKChain[0].getSignatureValue().getBits();
final boolean[] invalidSignatureBits = new boolean[validSignatureBits.length];
final ASN1BitString invalidSignatureValue = new ASN1BitString(invalidSignatureBits);
ldapSDKChain[0] = InternalCertHelper.createX509Certificate(ldapSDKChain[0].getVersion(), ldapSDKChain[0].getSerialNumber(), ldapSDKChain[0].getSignatureAlgorithmOID(), ldapSDKChain[0].getSignatureAlgorithmParameters(), invalidSignatureValue, ldapSDKChain[0].getIssuerDN(), ldapSDKChain[0].getNotBeforeTime(), ldapSDKChain[0].getNotAfterTime(), ldapSDKChain[0].getSubjectDN(), ldapSDKChain[0].getPublicKeyAlgorithmOID(), ldapSDKChain[0].getPublicKeyAlgorithmParameters(), ldapSDKChain[0].getEncodedPublicKey(), ldapSDKChain[0].getDecodedPublicKey(), ldapSDKChain[0].getIssuerUniqueID(), ldapSDKChain[0].getSubjectUniqueID(), extensionArray);
// Invoke the shouldPrompt method and examine the result.
final ObjectPair<Boolean, List<String>> promptResult = PromptTrustManagerProcessor.shouldPrompt(PromptTrustManager.getCacheKey(javaChain[0]), ldapSDKChain, true, true, Collections.<String, Boolean>emptyMap(), Collections.singletonList(""));
assertEquals(promptResult.getFirst(), Boolean.TRUE);
assertEquals(promptResult.getSecond().size(), 1);