use of com.usthe.common.entity.dto.Message in project hertzbeat by dromara.
the class AlertDefineController method getAlertDefine.
@GetMapping(path = "/{id}")
@ApiOperation(value = "查询告警定义", notes = "根据告警定义ID获取告警定义信息")
public ResponseEntity<Message<AlertDefine>> getAlertDefine(@ApiParam(value = "告警定义ID", example = "6565463543") @PathVariable("id") long id) {
// 获取监控信息
AlertDefine alertDefine = alertDefineService.getAlertDefine(id);
Message.MessageBuilder<AlertDefine> messageBuilder = Message.builder();
if (alertDefine == null) {
messageBuilder.code(MONITOR_NOT_EXIST_CODE).msg("AlertDefine not exist.");
} else {;
return ResponseEntity.ok(;
use of com.usthe.common.entity.dto.Message in project hertzbeat by dromara.
the class AlertDefinesController method getAlertDefines.
@ApiOperation(value = "查询告警定义列表", notes = "根据查询过滤项获取告警定义信息列表")
public ResponseEntity<Message<Page<AlertDefine>>> getAlertDefines(@ApiParam(value = "告警定义ID", example = "6565463543") @RequestParam(required = false) List<Long> ids, @ApiParam(value = "告警定义级别", example = "6565463543") @RequestParam(required = false) Byte priority, @ApiParam(value = "排序字段,默认id", example = "id") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "id") String sort, @ApiParam(value = "排序方式,asc:升序,desc:降序", example = "desc") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "desc") String order, @ApiParam(value = "列表当前分页", example = "0") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int pageIndex, @ApiParam(value = "列表分页数量", example = "8") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "8") int pageSize) {
Specification<AlertDefine> specification = (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
List<Predicate> andList = new ArrayList<>();
if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
CriteriaBuilder.In<Long> inPredicate ="id"));
for (long id : ids) {
if (priority != null) {
Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("priority"), priority);
Predicate[] predicates = new Predicate[andList.size()];
return criteriaBuilder.and(andList.toArray(predicates));
// 分页是必须的
Sort sortExp = Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.fromString(order), sort));
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(pageIndex, pageSize, sortExp);
Page<AlertDefine> alertDefinePage = alertDefineService.getAlertDefines(specification, pageRequest);
Message<Page<AlertDefine>> message = new Message<>(alertDefinePage);
return ResponseEntity.ok(message);
use of com.usthe.common.entity.dto.Message in project hertzbeat by dromara.
the class AlertsController method getAlerts.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a list of alarm information based on query filter items", notes = "根据查询过滤项获取告警信息列表")
public ResponseEntity<Message<Page<Alert>>> getAlerts(@ApiParam(value = "Alarm ID List | 告警IDS", example = "6565466456") @RequestParam(required = false) List<Long> ids, @ApiParam(value = "Alarm monitor object ID | 告警监控对象ID", example = "6565463543") @RequestParam(required = false) Long monitorId, @ApiParam(value = "Alarm level | 告警级别", example = "6565463543") @RequestParam(required = false) Byte priority, @ApiParam(value = "Alarm Status | 告警状态", example = "6565463543") @RequestParam(required = false) Byte status, @ApiParam(value = "Alarm content fuzzy query | 告警内容模糊查询", example = "linux") @RequestParam(required = false) String content, @ApiParam(value = "Sort field, default id | 排序字段,默认id", example = "name") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "id") String sort, @ApiParam(value = "Sort Type | 排序方式,asc:升序,desc:降序", example = "desc") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "desc") String order, @ApiParam(value = "List current page | 列表当前分页", example = "0") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int pageIndex, @ApiParam(value = "Number of list pagination | 列表分页数量", example = "8") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "8") int pageSize) {
Specification<Alert> specification = (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
List<Predicate> andList = new ArrayList<>();
if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
CriteriaBuilder.In<Long> inPredicate ="id"));
for (long id : ids) {
if (monitorId != null) {
Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("monitorId"), monitorId);
if (priority != null) {
Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("priority"), priority);
if (status != null) {
Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("status"), status);
if (content != null && !"".equals(content)) {
Predicate predicateContent ="content"), "%" + content + "%");
Predicate[] predicates = new Predicate[andList.size()];
return criteriaBuilder.and(andList.toArray(predicates));
Sort sortExp = Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.fromString(order), sort));
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(pageIndex, pageSize, sortExp);
Page<Alert> alertPage = alertService.getAlerts(specification, pageRequest);
Message<Page<Alert>> message = new Message<>(alertPage);
return ResponseEntity.ok(message);
use of com.usthe.common.entity.dto.Message in project hertzbeat by dromara.
the class AccountController method refreshToken.
@ApiOperation(value = "Use refresh TOKEN to re-acquire TOKEN", notes = "使用刷新TOKEN重新获取TOKEN")
public ResponseEntity<Message<Map<String, String>>> refreshToken(@ApiParam(value = "Refresh TOKEN | 刷新TOKEN", example = "xxx") @PathVariable("refreshToken") @NotNull final String refreshToken) {
String userId;
boolean isRefresh;
try {
Claims claims = JsonWebTokenUtil.parseJwt(refreshToken);
userId = String.valueOf(claims.getSubject());
isRefresh = claims.get("refresh", Boolean.class);
} catch (Exception e) {;
Message<Map<String, String>> message = Message.<Map<String, String>>builder().msg("刷新TOKEN过期或错误").code(MONITOR_LOGIN_FAILED_CODE).build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(message);
if (userId == null || !isRefresh) {
Message<Map<String, String>> message = Message.<Map<String, String>>builder().msg("非法的刷新TOKEN").code(MONITOR_LOGIN_FAILED_CODE).build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(message);
SurenessAccount account = accountProvider.loadAccount(userId);
if (account == null) {
Message<Map<String, String>> message = Message.<Map<String, String>>builder().msg("TOKEN对应的账户不存在").code(MONITOR_LOGIN_FAILED_CODE).build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(message);
List<String> roles = account.getOwnRoles();
// Issue TOKEN 签发TOKEN
String issueToken = JsonWebTokenUtil.issueJwt(userId, PERIOD_TIME, roles);
Map<String, Object> customClaimMap = new HashMap<>(1);
customClaimMap.put("refresh", true);
String issueRefresh = JsonWebTokenUtil.issueJwt(userId, PERIOD_TIME << 5, customClaimMap);
Map<String, String> resp = new HashMap<>(2);
resp.put("token", issueToken);
resp.put("refreshToken", issueRefresh);
return ResponseEntity.ok(new Message<>(resp));
use of com.usthe.common.entity.dto.Message in project hertzbeat by dromara.
the class MonitorsController method getMonitors.
@ApiOperation(value = "Obtain a list of monitoring information based on query filter items", notes = "根据查询过滤项获取监控信息列表")
public ResponseEntity<Message<Page<Monitor>>> getMonitors(@ApiParam(value = "en: Monitor ID,zh: 监控ID", example = "6565463543") @RequestParam(required = false) final List<Long> ids, @ApiParam(value = "en: Monitor Type,zh: 监控类型", example = "linux") @RequestParam(required = false) final String app, @ApiParam(value = "en: Monitor Name,zh: 监控名称,模糊查询", example = "linux-") @RequestParam(required = false) final String name, @ApiParam(value = "en: Monitor Host,zh: 监控Host,模糊查询", example = "") @RequestParam(required = false) final String host, @ApiParam(value = "en: Monitor Status,zh: 监控状态 0:未监控,1:可用,2:不可用,3:不可达,4:挂起,9:全部状态", example = "1") @RequestParam(required = false) final Byte status, @ApiParam(value = "en: Sort Field,default id,zh: 排序字段,默认id", example = "name") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "id") final String sort, @ApiParam(value = "en: Sort by,zh: 排序方式,asc:升序,desc:降序", example = "desc") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "desc") final String order, @ApiParam(value = "en: List current page,zh: 列表当前分页", example = "0") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int pageIndex, @ApiParam(value = "en: Number of list pagination,zh: 列表分页数量", example = "8") @RequestParam(defaultValue = "8") int pageSize) {
Specification<Monitor> specification = (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
List<Predicate> andList = new ArrayList<>();
if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
CriteriaBuilder.In<Long> inPredicate ="id"));
for (long id : ids) {
if (app != null && !"".equals(app)) {
Predicate predicateApp = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("app"), app);
if (status != null && status >= 0 && status < ALL_MONITOR_STATUS) {
Predicate predicateStatus = criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("status"), status);
Predicate[] andPredicates = new Predicate[andList.size()];
Predicate andPredicate = criteriaBuilder.and(andList.toArray(andPredicates));
List<Predicate> orList = new ArrayList<>();
if (host != null && !"".equals(host)) {
Predicate predicateHost ="host"), "%" + host + "%");
if (name != null && !"".equals(name)) {
Predicate predicateName ="name"), "%" + name + "%");
Predicate[] orPredicates = new Predicate[orList.size()];
Predicate orPredicate = criteriaBuilder.or(orList.toArray(orPredicates));
if (andPredicate.getExpressions().isEmpty() && orPredicate.getExpressions().isEmpty()) {
return query.where().getRestriction();
} else if (andPredicate.getExpressions().isEmpty()) {
return query.where(orPredicate).getRestriction();
} else if (orPredicate.getExpressions().isEmpty()) {
return query.where(andPredicate).getRestriction();
} else {
return query.where(andPredicate, orPredicate).getRestriction();
// Pagination is a must 分页是必须的
Sort sortExp = Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.fromString(order), sort));
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(pageIndex, pageSize, sortExp);
Page<Monitor> monitorPage = monitorService.getMonitors(specification, pageRequest);
Message<Page<Monitor>> message = new Message<>(monitorPage);
return ResponseEntity.ok(message);