use of com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition in project ANNIS by korpling.
the class TigerQueryBuilderCanvas method updateLinesAndEdgePositions.
public void updateLinesAndEdgePositions() {
for (EdgeWindow e : edges) {
GripDragComponent w1 = nodes.get(e.getSource());
GripDragComponent w2 = nodes.get(e.getTarget());
ComponentPosition p1 = area.getPosition(w1);
ComponentPosition p2 = area.getPosition(w2);
float x1 = p1.getLeftValue() + (w1.getWidth() / 2);
float y1 = p1.getTopValue() + (w1.getHeight() / 2);
float x2 = p2.getLeftValue() + (w2.getWidth() / 2);
float y2 = p2.getTopValue() + (w2.getHeight() / 2);
float v_x = x2 - x1;
float v_y = y2 - y1;
// add line
canvas.getLines().add(new Line2D.Float(x1, y1, x2, y2));
// set position on half of the line for the edge window
ComponentPosition posEdge = area.getPosition(e);
float vectorLength = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
float xM = x1 + (vectorLength / 2.0f) * ((x2 - x1) / vectorLength);
float yM = y1 + (vectorLength / 2.0f) * ((y2 - y1) / vectorLength);
double normV_x = v_x / vectorLength;
double normV_y = v_y / vectorLength;
double pos1_x = (2.1 * vectorLength / 3) * normV_x + x1;
double pos1_y = (2.1 * vectorLength / 3) * normV_y + y1;
double origDir = Math.atan2(normV_y, normV_x);
double pos2_x = ((1 * vectorLength) / 3) * normV_x + x1;
double pos2_y = ((1 * vectorLength) / 3) * normV_y + y1;
canvas.getLines().addAll(createArrow(pos1_x, pos1_y, origDir, 20.0));
canvas.getLines().addAll(createArrow(pos2_x, pos2_y, origDir, 20.0));
posEdge.setLeftValue(xM - e.getWidth() / 2.0f);
posEdge.setTopValue(yM - e.getHeight() / 2.0f);
use of com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition in project cuba by cuba-platform.
the class AbstractDefaultLayoutDropHandler method handleDropFromAbsoluteParentLayout.
* Handles a drop by a component which has an absolute layout as parent. In
* this case the component is moved.
* @param event
* The drag and drop event
protected void handleDropFromAbsoluteParentLayout(DragAndDropEvent event) {
LayoutBoundTransferable transferable = (LayoutBoundTransferable) event.getTransferable();
TargetDetails details = event.getTargetDetails();
MouseEventDetails mouseDown = transferable.getMouseDownEvent();
MouseEventDetails mouseUp = MouseEventDetails.deSerialize((String) details.getData(Constants.DROP_DETAIL_MOUSE_EVENT));
int movex = mouseUp.getClientX() - mouseDown.getClientX();
int movey = mouseUp.getClientY() - mouseDown.getClientY();
Component comp = transferable.getComponent();
DDAbsoluteLayout parent = (DDAbsoluteLayout) comp.getParent();
ComponentPosition position = parent.getPosition(comp);
if (position.getLeftValue() != null) {
float x = position.getLeftValue() + movex;
position.setLeft(x, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
if (position.getRightValue() != null) {
float x = position.getRightValue() - movex;
position.setRight(x, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
if (position.getTopValue() != null) {
float y = position.getTopValue() + movey;
position.setTop(y, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
if (position.getBottomValue() != null) {
float y = position.getBottomValue() - movey;
position.setBottom(y, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
use of com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition in project cuba by cuba-platform.
the class DefaultAbsoluteLayoutDropHandler method handleComponentReordering.
* Called when a component changed location within the layout
* @param event
* The drag and drop event
protected void handleComponentReordering(DragAndDropEvent event) {
AbsoluteLayoutTargetDetails details = (AbsoluteLayoutTargetDetails) event.getTargetDetails();
DDAbsoluteLayout layout = (DDAbsoluteLayout) details.getTarget();
LayoutBoundTransferable transferable = (LayoutBoundTransferable) event.getTransferable();
Component component = transferable.getComponent();
// Get top-left pixel position
int leftPixelPosition = details.getRelativeLeft();
int topPixelPosition = details.getRelativeTop();
ComponentPosition position = layout.getPosition(component);
position.setLeft((float) leftPixelPosition, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
position.setTop((float) topPixelPosition, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
use of com.vaadin.ui.AbsoluteLayout.ComponentPosition in project cuba by cuba-platform.
the class DefaultGridLayoutDropHandler method handleDropFromLayout.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.addons.dragdroplayouts.drophandlers.AbstractDefaultLayoutDropHandler
* #handleDropFromLayout(com.vaadin.event.dd.DragAndDropEvent)
protected void handleDropFromLayout(DragAndDropEvent event) {
LayoutBoundTransferable transferable = (LayoutBoundTransferable) event.getTransferable();
GridLayoutTargetDetails details = (GridLayoutTargetDetails) event.getTargetDetails();
DDGridLayout layout = (DDGridLayout) details.getTarget();
Component source = event.getTransferable().getSourceComponent();
Component comp = transferable.getComponent();
if (comp == layout) {
// move
if (comp.getParent() instanceof DDAbsoluteLayout) {
MouseEventDetails mouseDown = transferable.getMouseDownEvent();
MouseEventDetails mouseUp = details.getMouseEvent();
int movex = mouseUp.getClientX() - mouseDown.getClientX();
int movey = mouseUp.getClientY() - mouseDown.getClientY();
DDAbsoluteLayout parent = (DDAbsoluteLayout) comp.getParent();
ComponentPosition position = parent.getPosition(comp);
float x = position.getLeftValue() + movex;
float y = position.getTopValue() + movey;
position.setLeft(x, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
position.setTop(y, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS);
} else {
// Check that we are not dragging an outer layout into an inner
// layout
Component parent = layout.getParent();
while (parent != null) {
if (parent == comp) {
parent = parent.getParent();
// Detach from old source
if (source instanceof ComponentContainer) {
((ComponentContainer) source).removeComponent(comp);
} else if (source instanceof SingleComponentContainer) {
((SingleComponentContainer) source).setContent(null);
int row = details.getOverRow();
int column = details.getOverColumn();
addComponent(event, comp, column, row);