Search in sources :

Example 1 with Particle

use of com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle in project ViaVersion by ViaVersion.

the class Particle1_13_2Type method read.

public Particle read(ByteBuf buffer) throws Exception {
    int type = Type.VAR_INT.readPrimitive(buffer);
    Particle particle = new Particle(type);
    switch(type) {
        // Block / Falling Dust /
        case 3:
        case 20:
            // Flat Block
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.VAR_INT, Type.VAR_INT.readPrimitive(buffer)));
        // Dust
        case 11:
            // Red 0 - 1
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.FLOAT, Type.FLOAT.readPrimitive(buffer)));
            // Green 0 - 1
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.FLOAT, Type.FLOAT.readPrimitive(buffer)));
            // Blue 0 - 1
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.FLOAT, Type.FLOAT.readPrimitive(buffer)));
            // Scale 0.01 - 4
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.FLOAT, Type.FLOAT.readPrimitive(buffer)));
        // Item
        case 27:
            // Flat item
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.FLAT_VAR_INT_ITEM,;
    return particle;
Also used : Particle(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle)

Example 2 with Particle

use of com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle in project ViaVersion by ViaVersion.

the class MetadataRewriter1_13To1_12_2 method handleMetadata.

protected void handleMetadata(int entityId, EntityType type, Metadata metadata, List<Metadata> metadatas, UserConnection connection) throws Exception {
    // Handle new MetaTypes
    if (metadata.metaType().typeId() > 4) {
        metadata.setMetaType(Types1_13.META_TYPES.byId(metadata.metaType().typeId() + 1));
    } else {
    // Handle String -> Chat DisplayName
    if ( == 2) {
        if (metadata.getValue() != null && !((String) metadata.getValue()).isEmpty()) {
            metadata.setTypeAndValue(Types1_13.META_TYPES.optionalComponentType, ChatRewriter.legacyTextToJson((String) metadata.getValue()));
        } else {
            metadata.setTypeAndValue(Types1_13.META_TYPES.optionalComponentType, null);
    // Remap held block to match new format for remapping to flat block
    if (type == Entity1_13Types.EntityType.ENDERMAN && == 12) {
        int stateId = (int) metadata.getValue();
        int id = stateId & 4095;
        int data = stateId >> 12 & 15;
        metadata.setValue((id << 4) | (data & 0xF));
    // 1.13 changed item to flat item (no data)
    if (metadata.metaType() == Types1_13.META_TYPES.itemType) {
        protocol.getItemRewriter().handleItemToClient((Item) metadata.getValue());
    } else if (metadata.metaType() == Types1_13.META_TYPES.blockStateType) {
        // Convert to new block id
        metadata.setValue(WorldPackets.toNewId((int) metadata.getValue()));
    // Skip type related changes when the type is null
    if (type == null)
    // Handle new colors
    if (type == Entity1_13Types.EntityType.WOLF && == 17) {
        metadata.setValue(15 - (int) metadata.getValue());
    // Handle new zombie meta (INDEX 15 - Boolean - Zombie is shaking while enabled)
    if (type.isOrHasParent(Entity1_13Types.EntityType.ZOMBIE)) {
        if ( > 14)
            metadata.setId( + 1);
    // Handle Minecart inner block
    if (type.isOrHasParent(Entity1_13Types.EntityType.MINECART_ABSTRACT) && == 9) {
        // New block format
        int oldId = (int) metadata.getValue();
        int combined = (((oldId & 4095) << 4) | (oldId >> 12 & 15));
        int newId = WorldPackets.toNewId(combined);
    // Handle other changes
    if (type == Entity1_13Types.EntityType.AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD) {
        if ( == 9) {
            int particleId = (int) metadata.getValue();
            Metadata parameter1Meta = metaByIndex(10, metadatas);
            Metadata parameter2Meta = metaByIndex(11, metadatas);
            int parameter1 = parameter1Meta != null ? (int) parameter1Meta.getValue() : 0;
            int parameter2 = parameter2Meta != null ? (int) parameter2Meta.getValue() : 0;
            Particle particle = ParticleRewriter.rewriteParticle(particleId, new Integer[] { parameter1, parameter2 });
            if (particle != null && particle.getId() != -1) {
                metadatas.add(new Metadata(9, Types1_13.META_TYPES.particleType, particle));
        if ( >= 9)
            // Remove
    if ( == 0) {
        // Previously unused, now swimming
        metadata.setValue((byte) ((byte) metadata.getValue() & ~0x10));
// TODO: Boat has changed
Also used : Particle(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle) Metadata(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.metadata.Metadata)

Example 3 with Particle

use of com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle in project ViaVersion by ViaVersion.

the class WorldPackets method register.

public static void register(Protocol protocol) {
    // Outgoing packets
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.SPAWN_PAINTING, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            // 0 - Entity ID
            // 1 - Entity UUID
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    PaintingProvider provider = Via.getManager().getProviders().get(PaintingProvider.class);
                    String motive =;
                    Optional<Integer> id = provider.getIntByIdentifier(motive);
                    if (!id.isPresent() && (!Via.getConfig().isSuppressConversionWarnings() || Via.getManager().isDebug())) {
                        Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Could not find painting motive: " + motive + " falling back to default (0)");
                    wrapper.write(Type.VAR_INT, id.orElse(0));
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.BLOCK_ENTITY_DATA, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            // 0 - Location
            // 1 - Action
            // 2 - NBT data
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    Position position = wrapper.get(Type.POSITION, 0);
                    short action = wrapper.get(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
                    CompoundTag tag = wrapper.get(Type.NBT, 0);
                    BlockEntityProvider provider = Via.getManager().getProviders().get(BlockEntityProvider.class);
                    int newId = provider.transform(wrapper.user(), position, tag, true);
                    if (newId != -1) {
                        BlockStorage storage = wrapper.user().get(BlockStorage.class);
                        BlockStorage.ReplacementData replacementData = storage.get(position);
                        if (replacementData != null) {
                    if (action == 5) {
                        // Set type of flower in flower pot
                        // Removed
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.BLOCK_ACTION, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            // Location
            // Action Id
            // Action param
            // Block Id - /!\ NOT BLOCK STATE ID
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    Position pos = wrapper.get(Type.POSITION, 0);
                    short action = wrapper.get(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
                    short param = wrapper.get(Type.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1);
                    int blockId = wrapper.get(Type.VAR_INT, 0);
                    if (blockId == 25)
                        blockId = 73;
                    else if (blockId == 33)
                        blockId = 99;
                    else if (blockId == 29)
                        blockId = 92;
                    else if (blockId == 54)
                        blockId = 142;
                    else if (blockId == 146)
                        blockId = 305;
                    else if (blockId == 130)
                        blockId = 249;
                    else if (blockId == 138)
                        blockId = 257;
                    else if (blockId == 52)
                        blockId = 140;
                    else if (blockId == 209)
                        blockId = 472;
                    else if (blockId >= 219 && blockId <= 234)
                        blockId = blockId - 219 + 483;
                    if (blockId == 73) {
                        // Note block
                        // block change
                        PacketWrapper blockChange = wrapper.create(0x0B);
                        blockChange.write(Type.POSITION, pos);
                        blockChange.write(Type.VAR_INT, 249 + (action * 24 * 2) + (param * 2));
                    wrapper.set(Type.VAR_INT, 0, blockId);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.BLOCK_CHANGE, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    Position position = wrapper.get(Type.POSITION, 0);
                    int newId = toNewId(wrapper.get(Type.VAR_INT, 0));
                    UserConnection userConnection = wrapper.user();
                    if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections()) {
                        ConnectionData.updateBlockStorage(userConnection, position.x(), position.y(), position.z(), newId);
                        newId = ConnectionData.connect(userConnection, position, newId);
                    wrapper.set(Type.VAR_INT, 0, checkStorage(wrapper.user(), position, newId));
                    if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections()) {
                        // Workaround for packet order issue
                        ConnectionData.update(userConnection, position);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.MULTI_BLOCK_CHANGE, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            // 0 - Chunk X
            // 1 - Chunk Z
            // 2 - Records
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    int chunkX = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 0);
                    int chunkZ = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 1);
                    UserConnection userConnection = wrapper.user();
                    BlockChangeRecord[] records = wrapper.get(Type.BLOCK_CHANGE_RECORD_ARRAY, 0);
                    // Convert ids
                    for (BlockChangeRecord record : records) {
                        int newBlock = toNewId(record.getBlockId());
                        Position position = new Position(record.getSectionX() + (chunkX * 16), record.getY(), record.getSectionZ() + (chunkZ * 16));
                        if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections()) {
                            ConnectionData.updateBlockStorage(userConnection, position.x(), position.y(), position.z(), newBlock);
                        record.setBlockId(checkStorage(wrapper.user(), position, newBlock));
                    if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections()) {
                        for (BlockChangeRecord record : records) {
                            int blockState = record.getBlockId();
                            Position position = new Position(record.getSectionX() + (chunkX * 16), record.getY(), record.getSectionZ() + (chunkZ * 16));
                            ConnectionHandler handler = ConnectionData.getConnectionHandler(blockState);
                            if (handler != null) {
                                blockState = handler.connect(userConnection, position, blockState);
                        // Workaround for packet order issue
                        for (BlockChangeRecord record : records) {
                            Position position = new Position(record.getSectionX() + (chunkX * 16), record.getY(), record.getSectionZ() + (chunkZ * 16));
                            ConnectionData.update(userConnection, position);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.EXPLOSION, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            if (!Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections())
            // X
            // Y
            // Z
            // Radius
            // Record Count
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    UserConnection userConnection = wrapper.user();
                    int x = (int) Math.floor(wrapper.get(Type.FLOAT, 0));
                    int y = (int) Math.floor(wrapper.get(Type.FLOAT, 1));
                    int z = (int) Math.floor(wrapper.get(Type.FLOAT, 2));
                    int recordCount = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 0);
                    Position[] records = new Position[recordCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
                        Position position = new Position(x + wrapper.passthrough(Type.BYTE), (short) (y + wrapper.passthrough(Type.BYTE)), z + wrapper.passthrough(Type.BYTE));
                        records[i] = position;
                        // Set to air
                        ConnectionData.updateBlockStorage(userConnection, position.x(), position.y(), position.z(), 0);
                    // Workaround for packet order issue
                    for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
                        ConnectionData.update(userConnection, records[i]);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.UNLOAD_CHUNK, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections()) {
                handler(new PacketHandler() {

                    public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                        int x = wrapper.passthrough(Type.INT);
                        int z = wrapper.passthrough(Type.INT);
                        ConnectionData.blockConnectionProvider.unloadChunk(wrapper.user(), x, z);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.NAMED_SOUND, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    String sound = wrapper.get(Type.STRING, 0).replace("minecraft:", "");
                    String newSoundId = NamedSoundRewriter.getNewId(sound);
                    wrapper.set(Type.STRING, 0, newSoundId);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.CHUNK_DATA, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    ClientWorld clientWorld = wrapper.user().get(ClientWorld.class);
                    BlockStorage storage = wrapper.user().get(BlockStorage.class);
                    Chunk1_9_3_4Type type = new Chunk1_9_3_4Type(clientWorld);
                    Chunk1_13Type type1_13 = new Chunk1_13Type(clientWorld);
                    Chunk chunk =;
                    wrapper.write(type1_13, chunk);
                    for (int i = 0; i < chunk.getSections().length; i++) {
                        ChunkSection section = chunk.getSections()[i];
                        if (section == null)
                        for (int p = 0; p < section.getPaletteSize(); p++) {
                            int old = section.getPaletteEntry(p);
                            int newId = toNewId(old);
                            section.setPaletteEntry(p, newId);
                        boolean willSaveToStorage = false;
                        for (int p = 0; p < section.getPaletteSize(); p++) {
                            int newId = section.getPaletteEntry(p);
                            if (storage.isWelcome(newId)) {
                                willSaveToStorage = true;
                        boolean willSaveConnection = false;
                        if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections() && ConnectionData.needStoreBlocks()) {
                            for (int p = 0; p < section.getPaletteSize(); p++) {
                                int newId = section.getPaletteEntry(p);
                                if (ConnectionData.isWelcome(newId)) {
                                    willSaveConnection = true;
                        if (willSaveToStorage) {
                            for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
                                for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
                                    for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
                                        int block = section.getFlatBlock(x, y, z);
                                        if (storage.isWelcome(block)) {
                                   Position((x + (chunk.getX() << 4)), (short) (y + (i << 4)), (z + (chunk.getZ() << 4))), block);
                        if (willSaveConnection) {
                            for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
                                for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
                                    for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
                                        int block = section.getFlatBlock(x, y, z);
                                        if (ConnectionData.isWelcome(block)) {
                                            ConnectionData.blockConnectionProvider.storeBlock(wrapper.user(), x + (chunk.getX() << 4), y + (i << 4), z + (chunk.getZ() << 4), block);
                    // Rewrite biome id 255 to plains
                    if (chunk.isBiomeData()) {
                        int latestBiomeWarn = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
                            int biome = chunk.getBiomeData()[i];
                            if (!VALID_BIOMES.contains(biome)) {
                                if (// is it generated naturally? *shrug*
                                biome != 255 && latestBiomeWarn != biome) {
                                    if (!Via.getConfig().isSuppressConversionWarnings() || Via.getManager().isDebug()) {
                                        Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Received invalid biome id " + biome);
                                    latestBiomeWarn = biome;
                                // Plains
                                chunk.getBiomeData()[i] = 1;
                    // Rewrite BlockEntities to normal blocks
                    BlockEntityProvider provider = Via.getManager().getProviders().get(BlockEntityProvider.class);
                    final Iterator<CompoundTag> iterator = chunk.getBlockEntities().iterator();
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        CompoundTag tag =;
                        int newId = provider.transform(wrapper.user(), null, tag, false);
                        if (newId != -1) {
                            int x = ((NumberTag) tag.get("x")).asInt();
                            int y = ((NumberTag) tag.get("y")).asInt();
                            int z = ((NumberTag) tag.get("z")).asInt();
                            Position position = new Position(x, (short) y, z);
                            // Store the replacement blocks for blockupdates
                            BlockStorage.ReplacementData replacementData = storage.get(position);
                            if (replacementData != null) {
                            chunk.getSections()[y >> 4].setFlatBlock(x & 0xF, y & 0xF, z & 0xF, newId);
                        final Tag idTag = tag.get("id");
                        if (idTag instanceof StringTag) {
                            // No longer block entities
                            final String id = ((StringTag) idTag).getValue();
                            if (id.equals("minecraft:noteblock") || id.equals("minecraft:flower_pot")) {
                    if (Via.getConfig().isServersideBlockConnections()) {
                        ConnectionData.connectBlocks(wrapper.user(), chunk);
                        // Workaround for packet order issue
                        for (int i = 0; i < chunk.getSections().length; i++) {
                            ChunkSection section = chunk.getSections()[i];
                            if (section == null)
                            ConnectionData.updateChunkSectionNeighbours(wrapper.user(), chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ(), i);
    protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_12_1.SPAWN_PARTICLE, new PacketRemapper() {

        public void registerMap() {
            // 0 - Particle ID
            // 1 - Long Distance
            // 2 - X
            // 3 - Y
            // 4 - Z
            // 5 - Offset X
            // 6 - Offset Y
            // 7 - Offset Z
            // 8 - Particle Data
            // 9 - Particle Count
            handler(new PacketHandler() {

                public void handle(PacketWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {
                    int particleId = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 0);
                    // Get the data (Arrays are overrated)
                    int dataCount = 0;
                    // Particles with 1 data [BlockCrack,BlockDust,FallingDust]
                    if (particleId == 37 || particleId == 38 || particleId == 46)
                        dataCount = 1;
                    else // Particles with 2 data [IconCrack]
                    if (particleId == 36)
                        dataCount = 2;
                    Integer[] data = new Integer[dataCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] =;
                    Particle particle = ParticleRewriter.rewriteParticle(particleId, data);
                    // Cancel if null or completely removed
                    if (particle == null || particle.getId() == -1) {
                    // Handle reddust particle color
                    if (particle.getId() == 11) {
                        int count = wrapper.get(Type.INT, 1);
                        float speed = wrapper.get(Type.FLOAT, 6);
                        // Only handle for count = 0
                        if (count == 0) {
                            wrapper.set(Type.INT, 1, 1);
                            wrapper.set(Type.FLOAT, 6, 0f);
                            List<Particle.ParticleData> arguments = particle.getArguments();
                            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                                // RGB values are represented by the X/Y/Z offset
                                float colorValue = wrapper.get(Type.FLOAT, i + 3) * speed;
                                if (colorValue == 0 && i == 0) {
                                    colorValue = 1;
                                wrapper.set(Type.FLOAT, i + 3, 0f);
                    wrapper.set(Type.INT, 0, particle.getId());
                    for (Particle.ParticleData particleData : particle.getArguments()) wrapper.write(particleData.getType(), particleData.getValue());
Also used : StringTag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.StringTag) PacketRemapper(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.protocol.remapper.PacketRemapper) Chunk1_9_3_4Type(com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_9_1_2to1_9_3_4.types.Chunk1_9_3_4Type) Particle(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle) BlockChangeRecord(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.BlockChangeRecord) BlockStorage( Chunk1_13Type(com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.types.Chunk1_13Type) CompoundTag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag) Position(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.Position) PaintingProvider(com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.providers.PaintingProvider) Chunk(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.chunks.Chunk) UserConnection(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.connection.UserConnection) ConnectionHandler(com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.blockconnections.ConnectionHandler) PacketHandler(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.protocol.remapper.PacketHandler) PacketWrapper(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.protocol.packet.PacketWrapper) NumberTag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.NumberTag) ClientWorld( CompoundTag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag) NumberTag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.NumberTag) StringTag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.StringTag) Tag(com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag) BlockEntityProvider(com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_13to1_12_2.providers.BlockEntityProvider) ChunkSection(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.chunks.ChunkSection)

Example 4 with Particle

use of com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle in project ViaVersion by ViaVersion.

the class ParticleRewriter method iconcrackHandler.

// Rewrite IconCrack items to new format :)
private static ParticleDataHandler iconcrackHandler() {
    return new ParticleDataHandler() {

        public Particle handler(Particle particle, Integer[] data) {
            Item item;
            if (data.length == 1)
                item = new DataItem(data[0], (byte) 1, (short) 0, null);
            else if (data.length == 2)
                item = new DataItem(data[0], (byte) 1, data[1].shortValue(), null);
                return particle;
            // Transform to new Item
            // Item Slot	The item that will be used.
            particle.getArguments().add(new Particle.ParticleData(Type.FLAT_ITEM, item));
            return particle;
Also used : Particle(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle) DataItem(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.item.DataItem) Item(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.item.Item) DataItem(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.item.DataItem)

Example 5 with Particle

use of com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle in project ViaVersion by ViaVersion.

the class EntityRewriter method rewriteParticle.

protected void rewriteParticle(Particle particle) {
    ParticleMappings mappings = protocol.getMappingData().getParticleMappings();
    int id = particle.getId();
    if (mappings.isBlockParticle(id)) {
        Particle.ParticleData data = particle.getArguments().get(0);
    } else if (mappings.isItemParticle(id) && protocol.getItemRewriter() != null) {
        Particle.ParticleData data = particle.getArguments().get(0);
        Item item = data.get();
Also used : Particle(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle) Item(com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.item.Item) ParticleMappings(


Particle (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.type.types.Particle)12 Item (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.item.Item)4 MetaType (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.metadata.MetaType)3 Metadata (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.metadata.Metadata)3 Position (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.Position)2 PacketWrapper (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.protocol.packet.PacketWrapper)2 PacketHandler (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.protocol.remapper.PacketHandler)2 PacketRemapper (com.viaversion.viaversion.api.protocol.remapper.PacketRemapper)2 ClientWorld ( CompoundTag (com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag)1 NumberTag (com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.NumberTag)1 StringTag (com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.StringTag)1 Tag (com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag)1 ViaBackwards (com.viaversion.viabackwards.ViaBackwards)1 EntityData ( EntityPositionHandler ( LegacyEntityRewriter (com.viaversion.viabackwards.api.rewriters.LegacyEntityRewriter)1 ParticleMapping ( Protocol1_13_2To1_14 (com.viaversion.viabackwards.protocol.protocol1_13_2to1_14.Protocol1_13_2To1_14)1 ChunkLightStorage (