use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate in project sldeditor by robward-scisys.
the class SLDEditorBufferedImageLegendGraphicBuilder method getSampleShape.
* Returns a <code>java.awt.Shape</code> appropiate to render a legend graphic given the
* symbolizer type and the legend dimensions.
* @param symbolizer the Symbolizer for whose type a sample shape will be created
* @param legendWidth the requested width, in output units, of the legend graphic
* @param legendHeight the requested height, in output units, of the legend graphic
* @return an appropiate Line2D, Rectangle2D or LiteShape(Point) for the symbolizer, wether it
* is a LineSymbolizer, a PolygonSymbolizer, or a Point ot Text Symbolizer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an unknown symbolizer impl was passed in.
private LiteShape2 getSampleShape(Symbolizer symbolizer, int legendWidth, int legendHeight) {
LiteShape2 sampleShape;
final float hpad = (legendWidth * LegendUtils.hpaddingFactor);
final float vpad = (legendHeight * LegendUtils.vpaddingFactor);
if (symbolizer instanceof LineSymbolizer) {
Coordinate[] coords = { new Coordinate(hpad, legendHeight - vpad - 1), new Coordinate(legendWidth - hpad - 1, vpad) };
LineString geom = geomFac.createLineString(coords);
try {
this.sampleLine = new LiteShape2(geom, null, null, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.sampleLine = null;
sampleShape = this.sampleLine;
} else if ((symbolizer instanceof PolygonSymbolizer) || (symbolizer instanceof RasterSymbolizer)) {
final float w = legendWidth - (2 * hpad) - 1;
final float h = legendHeight - (2 * vpad) - 1;
Coordinate[] coords = { new Coordinate(hpad, vpad), new Coordinate(hpad, vpad + h), new Coordinate(hpad + w, vpad + h), new Coordinate(hpad + w, vpad), new Coordinate(hpad, vpad) };
LinearRing shell = geomFac.createLinearRing(coords);
Polygon geom = geomFac.createPolygon(shell, null);
try {
this.sampleRect = new LiteShape2(geom, null, null, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.sampleRect = null;
sampleShape = this.sampleRect;
} else if (symbolizer instanceof PointSymbolizer || symbolizer instanceof TextSymbolizer) {
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(legendWidth / 2, legendHeight / 2);
try {
this.samplePoint = new LiteShape2(geomFac.createPoint(coord), null, null, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.samplePoint = null;
sampleShape = this.samplePoint;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown symbolizer: " + symbolizer);
return sampleShape;
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class GeoIndexerTest method testRestrictPredicatesSearch.
public void testRestrictPredicatesSearch() throws Exception {
conf.setStrings(ConfigUtils.GEO_PREDICATES_LIST, "pred:1,pred:2");
try (final GeoMesaGeoIndexer f = new GeoMesaGeoIndexer()) {
final ValueFactory vf = new ValueFactoryImpl();
final Point point = gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(10, 10));
final Value pointValue = vf.createLiteral("Point(10 10)", GeoConstants.XMLSCHEMA_OGC_WKT);
final URI invalidPredicate = GeoConstants.GEO_AS_WKT;
// These should not be stored because they are not in the predicate list
f.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj1"), invalidPredicate, pointValue)));
f.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj2"), invalidPredicate, pointValue)));
final URI pred1 = vf.createURI("pred:1");
final URI pred2 = vf.createURI("pred:2");
// These should be stored because they are in the predicate list
final Statement s3 = new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj3"), pred1, pointValue);
final Statement s4 = new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj4"), pred2, pointValue);
// This should not be stored because the object is not valid wkt
f.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj5"), pred1, vf.createLiteral("soint(10 10)"))));
// This should not be stored because the object is not a literal
f.storeStatement(convertStatement(new StatementImpl(vf.createURI("foo:subj6"), pred1, vf.createURI("p:Point(10 10)"))));
final Set<Statement> actual = getSet(f.queryEquals(point, EMPTY_CONSTRAINTS));
Assert.assertEquals(2, actual.size());
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class GeoWaveFeatureReaderTest method setup.
public void setup() throws SchemaException, CQLException, Exception {
try (final GeoWaveGeoIndexer indexer = new GeoWaveGeoIndexer()) {
dataStore = indexer.getGeoToolsDataStore();
// Clear old data
type = DataUtilities.createType("GeoWaveFeatureReaderTest", "geometry:Geometry:srid=4326,start:Date,end:Date,pop:java.lang.Long,pid:String");
stime = DateUtilities.parseISO("2005-05-15T20:32:56Z");
etime = DateUtilities.parseISO("2005-05-20T20:32:56Z");
final Transaction transaction1 = new DefaultTransaction();
final FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> writer = dataStore.getFeatureWriter(type.getTypeName(), transaction1);
SimpleFeature newFeature =;
newFeature.setAttribute("pop", Long.valueOf(100));
newFeature.setAttribute("pid", "a" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
newFeature.setAttribute("start", stime);
newFeature.setAttribute("end", etime);
newFeature.setAttribute("geometry", factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(27.25, 41.25)));
newFeature =;
newFeature.setAttribute("pop", Long.valueOf(101));
newFeature.setAttribute("pid", "b" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
newFeature.setAttribute("start", etime);
newFeature.setAttribute("geometry", factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(28.25, 41.25)));
query = new Query("GeoWaveFeatureReaderTest", ECQL.toFilter("IN ('" + fids.get(0) + "')"), new String[] { "geometry", "pid" });
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class EventQueryNode2IT method evaluate_variableSubject.
public void evaluate_variableSubject() throws Exception {
final EventStorage storage = new MongoEventStorage(super.getMongoClient(), "testDB");
RyaURI subject = new RyaURI("urn:event-1111");
Geometry geo = GF.createPoint(new Coordinate(1, 1));
final TemporalInstant temp = new TemporalInstantRfc3339(2015, 12, 30, 12, 00, 0);
final Event event = Event.builder().setSubject(subject).setGeometry(geo).setTemporalInstant(temp).build();
subject = new RyaURI("urn:event-2222");
geo = GF.createPoint(new Coordinate(-1, -1));
final Event otherEvent = Event.builder().setSubject(subject).setGeometry(geo).setTemporalInstant(temp).build();
final String query = "PREFIX time: <> \n" + "PREFIX tempo: <,2015:temporal#> \n" + "PREFIX geo: <>" + "PREFIX geof: <>" + "SELECT ?event ?time ?point ?wkt " + "WHERE { " + " ?event time:atTime ?time . " + " ?event geo:asWKT ?wkt . " + " FILTER(geof:sfWithin(?wkt, \"POLYGON((-3 -2, -3 2, 1 2, 1 -2, -3 -2))\"^^geo:wktLiteral)) " + " FILTER(tempo:equals(?time, \"2015-12-30T12:00:00Z\")) " + "}";
final EventQueryNode node = buildNode(storage, query);
final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> rez = node.evaluate(new MapBindingSet());
final MapBindingSet expected1 = new MapBindingSet();
expected1.addBinding("wkt", VF.createLiteral("POINT (1 1)"));
expected1.addBinding("time", VF.createLiteral(new TemporalInstantRfc3339(2015, 12, 30, 12, 00, 0).toString()));
final MapBindingSet expected2 = new MapBindingSet();
expected2.addBinding("wkt", VF.createLiteral("POINT (-1 -1)"));
expected2.addBinding("time", VF.createLiteral(new TemporalInstantRfc3339(2015, 12, 30, 12, 00, 0).toString()));
final List<BindingSet> actual = new ArrayList<>();
while (rez.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(expected1, actual.get(0));
assertEquals(expected2, actual.get(1));
assertEquals(2, actual.size());
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class EventQueryNode2IT method evaluate_variableSubject_existingBindingsetWrongFilters.
public void evaluate_variableSubject_existingBindingsetWrongFilters() throws Exception {
final EventStorage storage = new MongoEventStorage(super.getMongoClient(), "testDB");
RyaURI subject = new RyaURI("urn:event-1111");
Geometry geo = GF.createPoint(new Coordinate(1, 1));
final TemporalInstant temp = new TemporalInstantRfc3339(2015, 12, 30, 12, 00, 0);
final Event event = Event.builder().setSubject(subject).setGeometry(geo).setTemporalInstant(temp).build();
subject = new RyaURI("urn:event-2222");
geo = GF.createPoint(new Coordinate(-10, -10));
final Event otherEvent = Event.builder().setSubject(subject).setGeometry(geo).setTemporalInstant(temp).build();
final String query = "PREFIX time: <> \n" + "PREFIX tempo: <,2015:temporal#> \n" + "PREFIX geo: <>" + "PREFIX geof: <>" + "SELECT ?event ?time ?point ?wkt " + "WHERE { " + " ?event time:atTime ?time . " + " ?event geo:asWKT ?wkt . " + " FILTER(geof:sfWithin(?wkt, \"POLYGON((-3 -2, -3 2, 1 2, 1 -2, -3 -2))\"^^geo:wktLiteral)) " + " FILTER(tempo:equals(?time, \"2015-12-30T12:00:00Z\")) " + "}";
final EventQueryNode node = buildNode(storage, query);
final MapBindingSet existingBindings = new MapBindingSet();
existingBindings.addBinding("event", VF.createURI("urn:event-2222"));
final CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> rez = node.evaluate(existingBindings);
final MapBindingSet expected = new MapBindingSet();
expected.addBinding("wkt", VF.createLiteral("POINT (-1 -1)"));
expected.addBinding("time", VF.createLiteral(new TemporalInstantRfc3339(2015, 12, 30, 12, 00, 0).toString()));