use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class MapComposer method warnForLargeWKT.
public void warnForLargeWKT(MapLayer ml) {
//display warning for large wkt that does not have a facet
if (ml.getFacets() == null) {
WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
try {
Geometry g =;
if (g.getNumPoints() > Integer.parseInt(CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("max_q_wkt_points", "200"))) {
WKTReducedDTO reduced = Util.reduceWKT(ml.getWKT());
Geometry gsimplified =;
getMapComposer().showMessage("WARNING: The polygon has more than the maximum number of points and has been simplified, " + "\r\n\r\noriginal points: " + g.getNumPoints() + "\r\nmax points: " + CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("max_q_wkt_points", "200") + "\r\nsimplified points: " + gsimplified.getNumPoints());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error testing and reducing WKT", e);
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class TripFromLabel method parsePathIntoLegs.
// We are parsing a string of edges into a hierarchical trip.
// One could argue that one should never write a parser
// by hand, because it is always ugly, but use a parser library.
// The code would then read like a specification of what paths through the graph mean.
private List<Trip.Leg> parsePathIntoLegs(List<Label.Transition> path, GraphExplorer graph, Weighting weighting, Translation tr) {
if (path.size() <= 1) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (GtfsStorage.EdgeType.ENTER_PT == path.get(1).edge.edgeType) {
final GtfsStorage.FeedIdWithTimezone feedIdWithTimezone = gtfsStorage.getTimeZones().get(path.get(1).edge.timeZoneId);
List<Trip.Leg> result = new ArrayList<>();
long boardTime = -1;
List<Label.Transition> partition = null;
for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
Label.Transition transition = path.get(i);
Label.EdgeLabel edge = path.get(i).edge;
if (edge.edgeType == GtfsStorage.EdgeType.BOARD) {
boardTime = transition.label.currentTime;
partition = new ArrayList<>();
if (partition != null) {
if (EnumSet.of(GtfsStorage.EdgeType.TRANSFER, GtfsStorage.EdgeType.LEAVE_TIME_EXPANDED_NETWORK).contains(edge.edgeType)) {
Geometry lineString = lineStringFromEdges(partition);
GtfsRealtime.TripDescriptor tripDescriptor;
try {
tripDescriptor = GtfsRealtime.TripDescriptor.parseFrom(realtimeFeed.getTripDescriptor(partition.get(0).edge.edgeIteratorState.getEdge()));
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final StopsFromBoardHopDwellEdges stopsFromBoardHopDwellEdges = new StopsFromBoardHopDwellEdges(feedIdWithTimezone.feedId, tripDescriptor); -> EnumSet.of(GtfsStorage.EdgeType.HOP, GtfsStorage.EdgeType.BOARD, GtfsStorage.EdgeType.DWELL).contains(e.edge.edgeType)).forEach(stopsFromBoardHopDwellEdges::next);
List<Trip.Stop> stops = stopsFromBoardHopDwellEdges.stops;
result.add(new Trip.PtLeg(feedIdWithTimezone.feedId, partition.get(0).edge.nTransfers == 0, tripDescriptor.getTripId(), tripDescriptor.getRouteId(), edges(partition).map(edgeLabel -> edgeLabel.edgeIteratorState).collect(Collectors.toList()), stops, -> t.edge.distance).sum(), path.get(i - 1).label.currentTime - boardTime, lineString));
partition = null;
return result;
} else {
InstructionList instructions = new InstructionList(tr);
InstructionsFromEdges instructionsFromEdges = new InstructionsFromEdges(path.get(1).edge.edgeIteratorState.getBaseNode(), graph.getGraph(), weighting, weighting.getFlagEncoder(), graph.getNodeAccess(), tr, instructions);
int prevEdgeId = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
EdgeIteratorState edge = path.get(i).edge.edgeIteratorState;, i, prevEdgeId);
prevEdgeId = edge.getEdge();
final Instant departureTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(path.get(0).label.currentTime);
final Instant arrivalTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(path.get(path.size() - 1).label.currentTime);
return Collections.singletonList(new Trip.WalkLeg("Walk", Date.from(departureTime), edges(path).map(edgeLabel -> edgeLabel.edgeIteratorState).collect(Collectors.toList()), lineStringFromEdges(path), edges(path).mapToDouble(edgeLabel -> edgeLabel.distance).sum(), instructions, Date.from(arrivalTime)));
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class SpatialRuleLookupBuilder method buildIndex.
* Builds a SpatialRuleLookup by passing the provided JSON features into the provided
* SpatialRuleFactory and collecting all the SpatialRule instances that it returns,
* ignoring when it returns SpatialRule.EMPTY.
* <p>
* See {@link SpatialRuleLookup} and {@link SpatialRule}.
* @param jsonFeatureCollection a feature collection
* @param jsonIdField the name of a property in that feature collection which serves as an id
* @param spatialRuleFactory a factory which is called with all the (id, geometry) pairs.
* It should provide a SpatialRule for each id it knows about,
* and SpatialRule.EMPTY otherwise.
* @param maxBBox limit the maximum BBox of the SpatialRuleLookup to the given BBox
* @return the fully constructed SpatialRuleLookup.
public static SpatialRuleLookup buildIndex(JsonFeatureCollection jsonFeatureCollection, String jsonIdField, SpatialRuleFactory spatialRuleFactory, double resolution, BBox maxBBox) {
BBox polygonBounds = BBox.createInverse(false);
List<SpatialRule> spatialRules = new ArrayList<>();
for (int jsonFeatureIdx = 0; jsonFeatureIdx < jsonFeatureCollection.getFeatures().size(); jsonFeatureIdx++) {
JsonFeature jsonFeature = jsonFeatureCollection.getFeatures().get(jsonFeatureIdx);
String id = jsonIdField.isEmpty() || toLowerCase(jsonIdField).equals("id") ? jsonFeature.getId() : (String) jsonFeature.getProperty(jsonIdField);
if (id == null || id.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ID cannot be empty but was for JsonFeature " + jsonFeatureIdx);
List<Polygon> borders = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonFeature.getGeometry().getNumGeometries(); i++) {
Geometry poly = jsonFeature.getGeometry().getGeometryN(i);
if (poly instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon)
borders.add(Polygon.create((com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon) poly));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Geometry for " + id + " (" + i + ") not supported " + poly.getClass().getSimpleName());
SpatialRule spatialRule = spatialRuleFactory.createSpatialRule(id, borders);
if (spatialRule != SpatialRule.EMPTY) {
for (Polygon polygon : spatialRule.getBorders()) {
polygonBounds.update(polygon.getMinLat(), polygon.getMinLon());
polygonBounds.update(polygon.getMaxLat(), polygon.getMaxLon());
if (!polygonBounds.isValid()) {
return SpatialRuleLookup.EMPTY;
BBox calculatedBounds = polygonBounds.calculateIntersection(maxBBox);
if (calculatedBounds == null)
return SpatialRuleLookup.EMPTY;
SpatialRuleLookup spatialRuleLookup = new SpatialRuleLookupArray(spatialRules, resolution, true, calculatedBounds);"Created the SpatialRuleLookup with the following rules: " + Arrays.toString(spatialRules.toArray()));
return spatialRuleLookup;
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class LineStringBuilder method build.
public Shape build() {
Coordinate[] coordinates = this.coordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[this.coordinates.size()]);
Geometry geometry;
if (wrapdateline) {
ArrayList<LineString> strings = decompose(FACTORY, coordinates, new ArrayList<LineString>());
if (strings.size() == 1) {
geometry = strings.get(0);
} else {
LineString[] linestrings = strings.toArray(new LineString[strings.size()]);
geometry = FACTORY.createMultiLineString(linestrings);
} else {
geometry = FACTORY.createLineString(coordinates);
return jtsGeometry(geometry);
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class MultiLineStringBuilder method build.
public Shape build() {
final Geometry geometry;
if (wrapdateline) {
ArrayList<LineString> parts = new ArrayList<>();
for (LineStringBuilder line : lines) {
LineStringBuilder.decompose(FACTORY, line.coordinates(false), parts);
if (parts.size() == 1) {
geometry = parts.get(0);
} else {
LineString[] lineStrings = parts.toArray(new LineString[parts.size()]);
geometry = FACTORY.createMultiLineString(lineStrings);
} else {
LineString[] lineStrings = new LineString[lines.size()];
Iterator<LineStringBuilder> iterator = lines.iterator();
for (int i = 0; iterator.hasNext(); i++) {
lineStrings[i] = FACTORY.createLineString(;
geometry = FACTORY.createMultiLineString(lineStrings);
return jtsGeometry(geometry);