use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ContextManagerImpl method setContext.
* vasaService interface
public VasaProviderInfo setContext(UsageContext uc) throws InvalidArgument, InvalidSession, StorageFault {
final String methodName = "setContext(): ";
log.debug(methodName + "Entry");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
HostInitiatorInfo[] hostInitiators = uc.getHostInitiator();
if (hostInitiators != null && hostInitiators.length > 0) {
log.debug(methodName + "list of host initiators (HBA):");
for (HostInitiatorInfo initiator : hostInitiators) {
log.debug(methodName + "id[" + initiator.getUniqueIdentifier() + "] iSCSIId[" + initiator.getIscsiIdentifier() + "] nodeWWN[" + initiator.getNodeWwn() + "] portWWN[" + initiator.getPortWwn() + "]");
String[] iscsiIpAddresseses = uc.getIscsiInitiatorIpAddress();
if (iscsiIpAddresseses != null) {
log.debug(methodName + "list of iSCSI initiator IP addresses:");
log.debug(methodName + Arrays.asList(iscsiIpAddresseses));
MountInfo[] mountPoints = uc.getMountPoint();
if (mountPoints != null && mountPoints.length > 0) {
log.debug(methodName + "List of file share mount paths:");
for (MountInfo mountPoint : mountPoints) {
log.debug(methodName + "filePath[" + mountPoint.getFilePath() + "] serverName[" + mountPoint.getServerName() + "]");
log.debug(methodName + "vSphere service instance Id[" + uc.getVcGuid() + "]");
String clientAddress = "unknown";
try {
// _sslUtil.checkForUniqueVASASessionId();
SessionContext sc = null;
clientAddress = _sslUtil.checkHttpRequest(true, false);
// Tear down any existing session
log.debug(methodName + "Tear down any existing session");
// Create new session.
sc = SessionContext.createSession(uc, clientAddress);
log.trace(methodName + "Created a new session: " + sc.getSessionId());
log.trace(methodName + "SOS manager is set in session context: " + sc.getSessionId());
log.debug(methodName + "Exit returning VasaProviderInfo with new session Id[" + _vpInfo.getSessionId() + "]");
return _vpInfo;
} catch (StorageFault sf) {
log.error(methodName + " unknown exception occured", sf);
throw sf;
} catch (InvalidSession is) {
log.error(methodName + "Invalid session exception", is);
throw is;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("unknown exception occured", e);
throw FaultUtil.StorageFault("runtime ", e);
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ContextManagerImpl method initializeVasaProviderInfo.
* Craft the VASAProvider info
public VasaProviderInfo initializeVasaProviderInfo() {
final String methodName = "initializeVasaProviderInfo(): ";
log.debug(methodName + "Entry");
VendorModel[] vms = new VendorModel[1];
vms[0] = new VendorModel();
_vpInfo = new VasaProviderInfo();
log.debug(methodName + "vasa api version: " + _vpInfo.getVasaApiVersion());
log.debug(methodName + "vasa provider name: " + _vpInfo.getName());
log.debug(methodName + "vasa provider version: " + _vpInfo.getVasaProviderVersion());
log.debug(methodName + "default session time out (in seconds): " + _vpInfo.getDefaultSessionTimeoutInSeconds());
String namespace = Constants.VASA_BOURNE_PROVIDER_NAMESPACE;
log.debug(methodName + "defaultNameSpace: " + _vpInfo.getDefaultNamespace());
log.debug(methodName + "Exit");
return _vpInfo;
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ContextManagerImpl method registerVASACertificate.
* vasaService interface
public VasaProviderInfo registerVASACertificate(String username, String password, String certificateStr) throws InvalidCertificate, InvalidLogin, InvalidSession, StorageFault {
final String methodName = "registerVASACertificate() :";
log.debug(methodName + "Entry with inputs username[" + username + "] password[" + (password != null ? "****" : null) + "] certificateStr[" + (certificateStr != null ? "****" : null) + "]");
try {
_sosManager = new SOSManager();
* Verify username/password before verifying certificate. This means
* that if both username/password and certificate are invalid
* InvalidLogin exception will be thrown.
_sosManager.verifyLoginCredentials(username, password);
log.debug(methodName + "Valid username and password. User credentials accepted.");
String clientAddress = _sslUtil.checkHttpRequest(false, false);
X509Certificate x509Cert = (X509Certificate) _sslUtil.buildCertificate(certificateStr);
if (!_sslUtil.certificateIsTrusted((Certificate) x509Cert)) {
_sslUtil.addCertificateToTrustStore(clientAddress, (Certificate) x509Cert);
log.trace(methodName + "new certificate added as trusted");
} else {
log.trace(methodName + "certificate was already trusted");
log.trace(methodName + "vpInfo: defaultNameSpace[" + _vpInfo.getDefaultNamespace() + "] name[" + _vpInfo.getName() + "] sessionId[" + _vpInfo.getSessionId() + " vasaApiVersion[" + _vpInfo.getVasaApiVersion() + "] vasaProviderVersion[" + _vpInfo.getVasaProviderVersion() + "]");
log.debug(methodName + "Exit returning vpInfo");
return _vpInfo;
} catch (InvalidSession is) {
// thrown by sslUtil.checkHttpRequest()
log.error(methodName + "Session is invalid", is);
throw is;
} catch (InvalidCertificate ic) {
// thrown by sslUtil.buildCertificate()
log.error(methodName + "Certificate is invalid", ic);
throw ic;
} catch (CertificateExpiredException e) {
// thrown by x509Cert.checkValidity()
log.error(methodName + "Certificate is expired", e);
throw FaultUtil.InvalidCertificate(e);
} catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e) {
// thrown by x509Cert.checkValidity()
log.error(methodName + "Certificate is not in validity period ", e);
throw FaultUtil.InvalidCertificate(e);
} catch (InvalidLogin il) {
// thrown by verifyPassword();
log.error(methodName + "Invalid login", il);
throw il;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(methodName + "registration failed: ", e);
throw FaultUtil.StorageFault(methodName + "registration failed: ", e);
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ServiceImpl method registerVASACertificate.
* Verifies username, password and certificate provided. If inputs are valid
* an instance of VasaProviderInfo is returned
* @param username
* the username
* @param password
* the password
* @param certificateStr
* certificate string
* @return VasaProviderInfo with modelId, vendorId, VASA API version, VASA
* provider version and namespace
* @throws InvalidCertificate
* if certificate is invalid
* @throws InvalidLogin
* if login attempt is incorrect
public VasaProviderInfo registerVASACertificate(String username, String password, String certificateStr) throws InvalidCertificate, InvalidLogin, InvalidSession, StorageFault {
// Mandatory function
final String methodName = "registerVASACertificate(): "; + "Entry with username[" + username + "], password[****], certificate[****]");
VasaProviderInfo vpinfo = contextManager.registerVASACertificate(username, password, certificateStr); + "Exit returning [vpInfo]");
return vpinfo;
use of in project coprhd-controller by CoprHD.
the class ServiceImpl method setContext.
* Returns VASA provider info with a new seesion Id. This session Id is used
* by vCenter for suture calls
* @param usageContext
* this object has host initiators and mount point information
* @return VasaProviderInfo instance with new session Id
* @throws InvalidArgument
* if usage context is incorrect
* @throws InvalidSession
* if session Id is invalid
* @throws StorageFault
* if there is a failure in the underlying storage
public VasaProviderInfo setContext(UsageContext usageContext) throws InvalidArgument, InvalidSession, StorageFault {
// Mandatory function
final String methodName = "setContext(): "; + "Entry with usageContext[" + usageContext + "]");
if (usageContext == null) {
log.error(methodName + " VC context is invalid: [" + usageContext + "]");
throw FaultUtil.InvalidArgument("VC context is invalid: [" + usageContext + "]");
// run function
VasaProviderInfo vpInfo = contextManager.setContext(usageContext);
log.debug(methodName + "initializing alarms and events");
// TODO: Discuss with Vasu where to move this line
// _sosManager.initializeEventsAlarms(); + "Exit returning vasa provider info");
return vpInfo;