use of com.vmware.vim25.VMwareDVSConfigInfo in project cloudstack by apache.
the class DistributedVirtualSwitchMO method retrieveVlanPvlan.
public Map<Integer, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType> retrieveVlanPvlan(int vlanid, int secondaryvlanid, ManagedObjectReference dvSwitchMor) throws Exception {
assert (dvSwitchMor != null);
Map<Integer, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType> result = new HashMap<Integer, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType>();
VMwareDVSConfigInfo configinfo = (VMwareDVSConfigInfo) _context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(dvSwitchMor, "config");
List<VMwareDVSPvlanMapEntry> pvlanconfig = null;
pvlanconfig = configinfo.getPvlanConfig();
if (null == pvlanconfig || 0 == pvlanconfig.size()) {
return result;
for (VMwareDVSPvlanMapEntry mapEntry : pvlanconfig) {
int entryVlanid = mapEntry.getPrimaryVlanId();
int entryPvlanid = mapEntry.getSecondaryVlanId();
if (entryVlanid == entryPvlanid) {
// promiscuous
if (vlanid == entryVlanid) {
// pvlan type will always be promiscuous in this case.
result.put(vlanid, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.valueOf(mapEntry.getPvlanType()));
} else if ((vlanid != secondaryvlanid) && secondaryvlanid == entryVlanid) {
result.put(secondaryvlanid, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.valueOf(mapEntry.getPvlanType()));
} else {
if (vlanid == entryVlanid) {
// vlan id in entry is promiscuous
result.put(vlanid, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.promiscuous);
} else if (vlanid == entryPvlanid) {
result.put(vlanid, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.valueOf(mapEntry.getPvlanType()));
if ((vlanid != secondaryvlanid) && secondaryvlanid == entryVlanid) {
result.put(secondaryvlanid, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.promiscuous);
} else if (secondaryvlanid == entryPvlanid) {
result.put(secondaryvlanid, HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.valueOf(mapEntry.getPvlanType()));
// go over the entire list. Return.
if (result.containsKey(vlanid) && result.get(vlanid) != HypervisorHostHelper.PvlanType.promiscuous)
return result;
// If we've already found both vlanid and pvlanid, we have enough info to make a decision. Return.
if (result.containsKey(vlanid) && result.containsKey(secondaryvlanid))
return result;
return result;