use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Contact in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class TestModule method createFakeActivitiesList.
* TODO: fill in the method properly
* @return
public List<ActivityItem> createFakeActivitiesList() {
List<ActivityItem> activityList = new ArrayList<ActivityItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
ActivityItem activityItem = new ActivityItem();
/** Unique identifier for the activity. This can be empty when setting
* a new activity (the id is generated on the server side) */
activityItem.activityId = System.currentTimeMillis();
/** Timestamp representing the time of the activity.
* This may not be related to creation/updated time. */
activityItem.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
/** local id for db */
// activityItem.mLocalId; set by DB insertion
// activityItem.mMoreInfo; //new Hashtable<ActivityItem, String>
/** The parent activity for 'grouped' or aggregated activities. This must be empty
* for normal activities that can be retrieved normally. Normally, a GetActivities
* without filter will not yield any 'grouped' or 'child' activities.
* To get activities that have a mParentActivity set, the 'children' filter must
* be used with a value of the parent Activity's id.*/
// activityItem.mParentActivity; // null
/** Indicates wether this activity 'groups' several child activities. When set,
* there must be child activities set that refer the main activity. Normally,
* a GetActivities without filter will not yield any 'grouped' or 'child' activities.
* To get activities that have a parentactivity set, the 'children' filter
* must be used with a value of the parent Activity's id.*/
// activityItem.mHasChildren = false;
/** Defines a binary preview for the activity. The preview can be a small thumbnail
* of the activity. The type of the binary data is defined into the previewmime field.*/
// keep null
// activityItem.mPreview = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.length);
// activityItem.mPreviewMime;
/** Defines an http url that the client can use to retrieve preview binary data.
* Can be used to embed the url into an IMG HTML tag.*/
// activityItem.mPreviewUrl
/** Name of the store type for this message. This field contains information about the
* originator network (local or external community activity).
* By default, should be set to local*/ = "local";
activityItem.title = generateRandomString();
activityItem.description = activityItem.description +;
/** Defines the type of the activity. */
/** Defines an internal reference (if any) to the source of the activity.
* The format for the uri is "module:identifier".Some examples of valid uri are:
* contact:2737b322c9f6476ca152aa6cf3e5ac12 The activity is linked to some
* changes on a contact identified by id=2737b322c9f6476ca152aa6cf3e5ac12.
* file:virtual/flickr/2590004126 The activity is linked to some actions
* on a file identified by id=virtual/flickr/2590004126.
* message:9efd255359074dd9bd04cc1c8c4743e5 The activity is linked to a message
* identified by id=9efd255359074dd9bd04cc1c8c4743e5 */
activityItem.uri = "virtual/flickr/2590004126";
//can be 0 activityItem.mActivityFlags;
/** Miscellaneous flags.*/
activityItem.flagList = new ArrayList<Flag>();
/** Defines the contact information of the counter-parties in the activity.
* This field is not mandatory, because some activity types
* are not related to contacts, but required if known.. */
//keep it simple - empty activityItem.mContactList = ;
activityItem.visibility = new ArrayList<Visibility>();
//keep it 0 activityItem.mVisibilityFlags = 0;
return activityList;
use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Contact in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class TestModule method generateFakeTimeLinesList.
* TODO: fill in the method properly
* @return
public static ArrayList<TimelineSummaryItem> generateFakeTimeLinesList() {
ArrayList<TimelineSummaryItem> timeList = new ArrayList<TimelineSummaryItem>();
ArrayList<String> uniqueContactNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Long> uniqueLocalContactIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
TimelineSummaryItem item = new TimelineSummaryItem();
item.mTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
item.mNativeItemId = generateRandomInt();
// the same as in fetch
item.mNativeItemType = TimelineNativeTypes.SmsLog.ordinal();
item.mNativeThreadId = generateRandomInt();
item.mContactAddress = "some local address";
item.mDescription = generateRandomString();
item.mTitle = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date(item.mTimestamp));
//item.mLocalActivityId = i; // Set on databae insert.
//the below fields are originally set under condition
item.mContactId = generateRandomLong();
item.mLocalContactId = generateRandomLong();
item.mUserId = generateRandomLong();
item.mContactName = generateRandomString() + i;
item.mContactNetwork = generateRandomString();
item.mIncoming = TimelineSummaryItem.Type.INCOMING;
// then contact isn't included in ActivitiesTable.fetchTimelineEventList
if (!uniqueContactNames.contains(item.mContactName) && !uniqueLocalContactIds.contains(item.mLocalContactId)) {
Log.e("UNIQUE TIMELINE NAMES:", uniqueContactNames.toString());
return timeList;
use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Contact in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class TestModule method createDummyNativeContactData.
public Contact createDummyNativeContactData() {
Contact contact = createDummyContactData();
for (ContactDetail cd : contact.details) {
cd.nativeContactId = generateRandomInt();
cd.nativeDetailId = generateRandomInt();
cd.nativeVal1 = generateRandomString();
cd.nativeVal2 = generateRandomString();
cd.nativeVal3 = generateRandomString();
return contact;
use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Contact in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class HessianDecoder method decodeResponse.
* @param is
* @param requestId
* @param type
* @param isZipped
* @param engineId
* @return
* @throws IOException
private DecodedResponse decodeResponse(InputStream is, int requestId, Request.Type type, boolean isZipped, EngineId engineId) throws IOException {
boolean usesReplyTag = false;
int responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.UNKNOWN.ordinal();
List<BaseDataType> resultList = new ArrayList<BaseDataType>();
// skip start
// initial map tag or fail
int tag =;
if (tag == 'r') {
// reply / response
// read major and minor;;
// read next tag
tag =;
usesReplyTag = true;
if (tag == -1) {
return null;
// read reason string and throw exception
if (tag == 'f') {
ServerError zybErr = new ServerError(mMicroHessianInput.readFault().errString());
DecodedResponse decodedResponse = new DecodedResponse(requestId, resultList, engineId, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal());
return decodedResponse;
// this is not wrapped up in a hashtable
if (type == Request.Type.EXTERNAL_RPG_RESPONSE) {
LogUtils.logV("HessianDecoder.decodeResponse() EXTERNAL_RPG_RESPONSE");
if (tag != 'I') {
LogUtils.logE("HessianDecoder.decodeResponse() " + "tag!='I' Unexpected Hessian type:" + tag);
parseExternalResponse(resultList, is, tag);
DecodedResponse decodedResponse = new DecodedResponse(requestId, resultList, engineId, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal());
return decodedResponse;
// internal response: should contain a Map type - i.e. Hashtable
if (tag != 'M') {
LogUtils.logE("HessianDecoder.decodeResponse() tag!='M' Unexpected Hessian type:" + tag);
throw new IOException("Unexpected Hessian type");
} else if (// if we have a common request or sign in request
(type == Request.Type.COMMON) || (type == Request.Type.SIGN_IN) || (type == Request.Type.GET_MY_IDENTITIES) || (type == Request.Type.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES)) {
Hashtable<String, Object> map = (Hashtable<String, Object>) mMicroHessianInput.readHashMap(tag);
if (null == map) {
return null;
if (map.containsKey(KEY_SESSION)) {
AuthSessionHolder auth = new AuthSessionHolder();
Hashtable<String, Object> authHash = (Hashtable<String, Object>) map.get(KEY_SESSION);
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.LOGIN_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if (map.containsKey(KEY_CONTACT_LIST)) {
// contact list
getContacts(resultList, ((Vector<?>) map.get(KEY_CONTACT_LIST)));
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_CONTACTCHANGES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if (map.containsKey(KEY_USER_PROFILE_LIST)) {
Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> upVect = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_USER_PROFILE_LIST);
for (Hashtable<String, Object> obj : upVect) {
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GETME_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if (map.containsKey(KEY_USER_PROFILE)) {
Hashtable<String, Object> userProfileHash = (Hashtable<String, Object>) map.get(KEY_USER_PROFILE);
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GETME_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if (// we have identity items in the map which we can parse
(map.containsKey(KEY_IDENTITY_LIST)) || (map.containsKey(KEY_AVAILABLE_IDENTITY_LIST))) {
int identityType = 0;
Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> idcap = null;
if (map.containsKey(KEY_IDENTITY_LIST)) {
idcap = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_IDENTITY_LIST);
identityType = BaseDataType.MY_IDENTITY_DATA_TYPE;
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_MY_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else {
idcap = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_AVAILABLE_IDENTITY_LIST);
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
for (Hashtable<String, Object> obj : idcap) {
Identity id = new Identity(identityType);
} else if (type == Request.Type.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES) {
// we have an available identities response, but it is empty
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if (type == Request.Type.GET_MY_IDENTITIES) {
// we have a my identities response, but it is empty
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_MY_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if (map.containsKey(KEY_ACTIVITY_LIST)) {
Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> activityList = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_ACTIVITY_LIST);
for (Hashtable<String, Object> obj : activityList) {
responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_ACTIVITY_RESPONSE.ordinal();
} else if ((type != Request.Type.COMMON) && (type != Request.Type.SIGN_IN)) {
// get initial hash table
// TODO: we cast every response to a Map, losing e.g. push event
// "c0" which only contains a string - to fix
Hashtable<String, Object> hash = (Hashtable<String, Object>) mMicroHessianInput.decodeType(tag);
responseType = decodeResponseByRequestType(resultList, hash, type);
if (usesReplyTag) {
// read the last 'z';
DecodedResponse decodedResponse = new DecodedResponse(requestId, resultList, engineId, responseType);
return decodedResponse;
use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Contact in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.
the class NowPlusContactSummaryTest method testAddingContactSummary.
* Tests adding a contact to the contact summary table.
public void testAddingContactSummary() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "***** EXECUTING testAddingContactSummary *****");
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Create ContactSummaryTable");
final Contact contact = mTestModule.createDummyContactData();
contact.localContactID = new Long(10);
ContactSummaryTable.addContact(contact, mTestDatabase.getWritableDatabase());