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Example 1 with ServerError

use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.

the class PresenceEngine method handleServerError.

private void handleServerError(ServerError srvError) {
    LogUtils.logE("PresenceEngine.handleServerResponse() - Server error: " + srvError);
    ServiceStatus errorStatus = srvError.toServiceStatus();
    if (errorStatus == ServiceStatus.ERROR_COMMS_TIMEOUT) {
        LogUtils.logW("PresenceEngine handleServerResponce(): TIME OUT IS RETURNED TO PRESENCE ENGINE.");
Also used : ServiceStatus(com.vodafone360.people.service.ServiceStatus)

Example 2 with ServerError

use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.

the class DecoderThread method run.

 * Thread's run function If the decoding queue contains any entries we
 * decode the first response and add the decoded data to the response queue.
 * If the decode queue is empty, the thread will become inactive. It is
 * resumed when a raw data entry is added to the decode queue.
public void run() {
    LogUtils.logI(" [Start thread]");
    while (mRunning) {
        EngineId engineId = EngineId.UNDEFINED;
        Type type = Type.PUSH_MSG;
        int reqId = -1;
        try {
            if (mResponses.size() > 0) {
                LogUtils.logI(" Decoding [" + mResponses.size() + "x] responses");
                // Decode first entry in queue
                RawResponse decode = mResponses.get(0);
                reqId = decode.mReqId;
                if (!decode.mIsPushMessage) {
                    // Attempt to get type from request
                    Request request = QueueManager.getInstance().getRequest(reqId);
                    if (request != null) {
                        type = request.mType;
                        engineId = request.mEngineId;
                        long backendResponseTime = decode.mTimeStamp - request.getAuthTimestamp();
                        LogUtils.logD("Backend response time was " + backendResponseTime + "ms");
                    } else {
                        type = Type.COMMON;
                DecodedResponse response = mHessianDecoder.decodeHessianByteArray(reqId, decode.mData, type, decode.mIsCompressed, engineId);
                // if we have a push message let's try to find out to which engine it should be routed
                if ((response.getResponseType() == DecodedResponse.ResponseType.PUSH_MESSAGE.ordinal()) && (response.mDataTypes.get(0) != null)) {
                    // for push messages we have to override the engine id as it is parsed inside the hessian decoder
                    engineId = ((PushEvent) response.mDataTypes.get(0)).mEngineId;
                    response.mSource = engineId;
                // TODO mSource should get the engineId inside the decoder once types for mDataTypes is out. see PAND-1805.
                // the request ID.
                if (type == Type.PUSH_MSG && reqId != 0 && engineId == EngineId.UNDEFINED) {
                    Request request = QueueManager.getInstance().getRequest(reqId);
                    if (request != null) {
                        engineId = request.mEngineId;
                if (engineId == EngineId.UNDEFINED) {
                    LogUtils.logE(" Unknown engine for message with type[" + + "]");
                // TODO: Throw Exception for undefined messages, as
                // otherwise they might always remain on the Queue?
                // Add data to response queue
                HttpConnectionThread.logV("", "Add message[" + decode.mReqId + "] to ResponseQueue for engine[" + engineId + "] with data [" + response.mDataTypes + "]");
                // Remove item from our list of responses.
                // be nice to the other threads
            } else {
                synchronized (this) {
                    // No waiting responses, so the thread should sleep.
                    try {
                        LogUtils.logV(" [Waiting for more responses]");
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                    // Do nothing
        } catch (Throwable t) {
                 * Keep thread running regardless of error. When something goes
                 * wrong we should remove response from queue and report error
                 * back to engine.
            if (mResponses.size() > 0) {
            if (type != Type.PUSH_MSG && engineId != EngineId.UNDEFINED) {
                List<BaseDataType> list = new ArrayList<BaseDataType>();
                // this error type was chosen to make engines remove request
                // or retry
                // we may consider using other error code later
                ServerError error = new ServerError(ServerError.ErrorType.INTERNALERROR);
                error.errorDescription = "Decoder thread was unable to decode server message";
                mRespQueue.addToResponseQueue(new DecodedResponse(reqId, list, engineId, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal()));
            LogUtils.logE(" Throwable on reqId[" + reqId + "]", t);
    LogUtils.logI(" [End thread]");
Also used : DecodedResponse( EngineId(com.vodafone360.people.engine.EngineManager.EngineId) ServerError(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError) Request( BaseDataType(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType) Type( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) BaseDataType(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType)

Example 3 with ServerError

use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.

the class HessianDecoder method decodeResponse.

 * @param is
 * @param requestId
 * @param type
 * @param isZipped
 * @param engineId
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private DecodedResponse decodeResponse(InputStream is, int requestId, Request.Type type, boolean isZipped, EngineId engineId) throws IOException {
    boolean usesReplyTag = false;
    int responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.UNKNOWN.ordinal();
    List<BaseDataType> resultList = new ArrayList<BaseDataType>();
    // skip start
    // initial map tag or fail
    int tag =;
    if (tag == 'r') {
        // reply / response
        // read major and minor;;
        // read next tag
        tag =;
        usesReplyTag = true;
    if (tag == -1) {
        return null;
    // read reason string and throw exception
    if (tag == 'f') {
        ServerError zybErr = new ServerError(mMicroHessianInput.readFault().errString());
        DecodedResponse decodedResponse = new DecodedResponse(requestId, resultList, engineId, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal());
        return decodedResponse;
    // this is not wrapped up in a hashtable
    if (type == Request.Type.EXTERNAL_RPG_RESPONSE) {
        LogUtils.logV("HessianDecoder.decodeResponse() EXTERNAL_RPG_RESPONSE");
        if (tag != 'I') {
            LogUtils.logE("HessianDecoder.decodeResponse() " + "tag!='I' Unexpected Hessian type:" + tag);
        parseExternalResponse(resultList, is, tag);
        DecodedResponse decodedResponse = new DecodedResponse(requestId, resultList, engineId, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal());
        return decodedResponse;
    // internal response: should contain a Map type - i.e. Hashtable
    if (tag != 'M') {
        LogUtils.logE("HessianDecoder.decodeResponse() tag!='M' Unexpected Hessian type:" + tag);
        throw new IOException("Unexpected Hessian type");
    } else if (// if we have a common request or sign in request
    (type == Request.Type.COMMON) || (type == Request.Type.SIGN_IN) || (type == Request.Type.GET_MY_IDENTITIES) || (type == Request.Type.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES)) {
        Hashtable<String, Object> map = (Hashtable<String, Object>) mMicroHessianInput.readHashMap(tag);
        if (null == map) {
            return null;
        if (map.containsKey(KEY_SESSION)) {
            AuthSessionHolder auth = new AuthSessionHolder();
            Hashtable<String, Object> authHash = (Hashtable<String, Object>) map.get(KEY_SESSION);
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.LOGIN_RESPONSE.ordinal();
        } else if (map.containsKey(KEY_CONTACT_LIST)) {
            // contact list
            getContacts(resultList, ((Vector<?>) map.get(KEY_CONTACT_LIST)));
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_CONTACTCHANGES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
        } else if (map.containsKey(KEY_USER_PROFILE_LIST)) {
            Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> upVect = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_USER_PROFILE_LIST);
            for (Hashtable<String, Object> obj : upVect) {
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GETME_RESPONSE.ordinal();
        } else if (map.containsKey(KEY_USER_PROFILE)) {
            Hashtable<String, Object> userProfileHash = (Hashtable<String, Object>) map.get(KEY_USER_PROFILE);
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GETME_RESPONSE.ordinal();
        } else if (// we have identity items in the map which we can parse
        (map.containsKey(KEY_IDENTITY_LIST)) || (map.containsKey(KEY_AVAILABLE_IDENTITY_LIST))) {
            int identityType = 0;
            Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> idcap = null;
            if (map.containsKey(KEY_IDENTITY_LIST)) {
                idcap = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_IDENTITY_LIST);
                identityType = BaseDataType.MY_IDENTITY_DATA_TYPE;
                responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_MY_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
            } else {
                idcap = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_AVAILABLE_IDENTITY_LIST);
                identityType = BaseDataType.AVAILABLE_IDENTITY_DATA_TYPE;
                responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
            for (Hashtable<String, Object> obj : idcap) {
                Identity id = new Identity(identityType);
        } else if (type == Request.Type.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES) {
            // we have an available identities response, but it is empty
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_AVAILABLE_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
        } else if (type == Request.Type.GET_MY_IDENTITIES) {
            // we have a my identities response, but it is empty
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_MY_IDENTITIES_RESPONSE.ordinal();
        } else if (map.containsKey(KEY_ACTIVITY_LIST)) {
            Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> activityList = (Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>) map.get(KEY_ACTIVITY_LIST);
            for (Hashtable<String, Object> obj : activityList) {
            responseType = DecodedResponse.ResponseType.GET_ACTIVITY_RESPONSE.ordinal();
    } else if ((type != Request.Type.COMMON) && (type != Request.Type.SIGN_IN)) {
        // get initial hash table
        // TODO: we cast every response to a Map, losing e.g. push event
        // "c0" which only contains a string - to fix
        Hashtable<String, Object> hash = (Hashtable<String, Object>) mMicroHessianInput.decodeType(tag);
        responseType = decodeResponseByRequestType(resultList, hash, type);
    if (usesReplyTag) {
        // read the last 'z';
    DecodedResponse decodedResponse = new DecodedResponse(requestId, resultList, engineId, responseType);
    return decodedResponse;
Also used : DecodedResponse( ServerError(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( AuthSessionHolder(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.AuthSessionHolder) BaseDataType(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType) ExternalResponseObject(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ExternalResponseObject) Identity(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Identity) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 4 with ServerError

use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.

the class TimeOutWatcher method fireRequestExpired.

 * Creates a TimeOut event and adds it to the response queue. FIXME: this
 * assumes that adding a request to the response queue will trigger a
 * synchronous removeRequest() call with the same thread.
 * @param request the request that has timed out
private void fireRequestExpired(Request request) {
    // create a list with a server error containing a timeout
    final List<BaseDataType> data = new ArrayList<BaseDataType>(1);
    final ServerError timeoutError = new ServerError(ServerError.ErrorType.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, request.getRequestId());
    timeoutError.errorDescription = "TimeOutWatcher detected that the request id=[" + request.getRequestId() + "] has timed out.";
    // set the request as expired
    request.expired = true;
    // add the timeout error to the response queue
    LogUtils.logW("TimeOutWatcher.fireRequestExpired(): " + "adding a timeout error to the response queue for reqId=[" + request.getRequestId() + "]");
    QueueManager.getInstance().addResponse(new DecodedResponse(request.getRequestId(), data, request.mEngineId, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal()));
Also used : DecodedResponse( ServerError(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BaseDataType(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType)

Example 5 with ServerError

use of com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError in project 360-Engine-for-Android by 360.

the class UploadServerContactsTest method reportBackToEngine.

public void reportBackToEngine(int reqId, EngineId engine) {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "reportBackToEngine");
    ResponseQueue respQueue = ResponseQueue.getInstance();
    List<BaseDataType> data = new ArrayList<BaseDataType>();
    try {
        assertEquals(mEng.engineId(), engine);
        synchronized (mEng.mWaitForReqIdLock) {
            if (mEng.mActiveReqId == null || mEng.mActiveReqId.intValue() != reqId) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(reqId), mEng.mActiveReqId);
        switch(mState) {
            case ADD_CONTACT_LIST:
                reportBackAddContactSuccess(reqId, data);
            case MODIFY_CONTACT_LIST:
                reportModifyContactSuccess(reqId, data);
            case DELETE_CONTACT_LIST:
                reportDeleteContactSuccess(reqId, data);
                reportDeleteContactDetailSuccess(reqId, data);
            case ADD_NEW_GROUP_LIST:
                reportBackAddGroupSuccess(reqId, data);
            case DELETE_GROUP_LIST:
                reportDeleteGroupListSuccess(reqId, data);
                fail("Unexpected request from processor");
    } catch (Throwable err) {
        ServerError serverError = new ServerError(ServerError.ErrorType.INTERNALERROR);
        serverError.errorDescription = err + "\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < err.getStackTrace().length; i++) {
            StackTraceElement v = err.getStackTrace()[i];
            serverError.errorDescription += "\t" + v + "\n";
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception:\n" + serverError.errorDescription);
    respQueue.addToResponseQueue(new DecodedResponse(reqId, data, engine, DecodedResponse.ResponseType.SERVER_ERROR.ordinal()));
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "reportBackToEngine - message added to response queue");
Also used : DecodedResponse( ServerError(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BaseDataType(com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType) ResponseQueue(


BaseDataType (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.BaseDataType)12 ServerError (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ServerError)12 DecodedResponse ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 ResponseQueue ( Identity (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.Identity)3 StatusMsg (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.StatusMsg)3 AuthSessionHolder (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.AuthSessionHolder)2 Request ( IOException ( MediumTest (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest)1 Suppress (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Suppress)1 ActivityContact (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ActivityContact)1 ActivityItem (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ActivityItem)1 ExternalResponseObject (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.ExternalResponseObject)1 IdentityCapability (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.IdentityCapability)1 SimpleText (com.vodafone360.people.datatypes.SimpleText)1 EngineId (com.vodafone360.people.engine.EngineManager.EngineId)1 ServiceStatus (com.vodafone360.people.service.ServiceStatus)1 QueueManager (