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Example 1 with LevelCalcByChunk

use of com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.LevelCalcByChunk in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class IslandCmd method calculateIslandLevel.

 * Calculates the island level
 * @param sender - asker of the level info
 * @param targetPlayer
 * @param report - if true, a detailed report will be provided
 * @return - false if this is cannot be done
public boolean calculateIslandLevel(final CommandSender sender, final UUID targetPlayer, boolean report) {
    if (sender instanceof Player) {
        Player asker = (Player) sender;
        // Player asking for their own island calc
        if (asker.getUniqueId().equals(targetPlayer) || asker.isOp() || VaultHelper.checkPerm(asker, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "")) {
            // Newer better system - uses chunks
            if (!onLevelWaitTime(asker) || Settings.levelWait <= 0 || asker.isOp() || VaultHelper.checkPerm(asker, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "")) {
                Util.sendMessage(asker, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(asker.getUniqueId()).levelCalculating);
                new LevelCalcByChunk(plugin, plugin.getGrid().getIsland(targetPlayer), targetPlayer, asker, report);
            } else {
                Util.sendMessage(asker, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale(asker.getUniqueId()).islandresetWait.replace("[time]", String.valueOf(getLevelWaitTime(asker))));
        } else {
            // Asking for the level of another player
            Util.sendMessage(asker, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(asker.getUniqueId()).islandislandLevelis.replace("[level]", String.valueOf(plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLevel(targetPlayer))));
    } else {
        // Console request
        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().levelCalculating);
        new LevelCalcByChunk(plugin, plugin.getGrid().getIsland(targetPlayer), targetPlayer, sender, report);
    return true;
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) OfflinePlayer(org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer) LevelCalcByChunk(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.LevelCalcByChunk)

Example 2 with LevelCalcByChunk

use of com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.LevelCalcByChunk in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class JoinLeaveEvents method onPlayerJoin.

 * @param event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerJoin(final PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: on PlayerJoin");
    final Player player = event.getPlayer();
    final UUID playerUUID = player.getUniqueId();
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: got player UUID");
    if (playerUUID == null) {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("Player " + player.getName() + " has a null UUID!");
    // Check language permission
    if (VaultHelper.checkPerm(player, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "island.lang")) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: checking language");
        // Get language
        String language = getLanguage(player);
        // Check if we have this language
        if (plugin.getResource("locale/" + language + ".yml") != null) {
            if (DEBUG)
                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG:check if lang exists");
            if (plugin.getPlayers().getLocale(playerUUID).isEmpty()) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: setting locale to " + language);
                plugin.getPlayers().setLocale(playerUUID, language);
    } else {
        // Default locale
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: using default locale");
        plugin.getPlayers().setLocale(playerUUID, "");
    // Check updates
    if (player.isOp() && plugin.getUpdateCheck() != null) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: checking Updates");
    if (players == null) {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("players is NULL");
    // If this player is not an island player just skip all this
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: checking if player has island or is in team");
    if (!players.hasIsland(playerUUID) && !players.inTeam(playerUUID)) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: not in team and does not have island");
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: has island");
    UUID leader = null;
    Location loc = null;
         * This should not be needed
    if (players.inTeam(playerUUID) && players.getTeamIslandLocation(playerUUID) == null) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: reseting team island");
        leader = players.getTeamLeader(playerUUID);
        players.setTeamIslandLocation(playerUUID, players.getIslandLocation(leader));
    // Only happens when the team leader logs in
    if (players.inTeam(playerUUID) && players.getTeamLeader(playerUUID).equals(playerUUID)) {
        // Run through this team leader's players and check they are correct
        Iterator<UUID> it = players.getMembers(playerUUID).iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            UUID member =;
            if (players.getTeamLeader(member) != null && !players.getTeamLeader(member).equals(playerUUID)) {
                plugin.getLogger().warning(plugin.getPlayers().getName(member) + " is on more than one team. Fixing...");
                plugin.getLogger().warning("Removing " + player.getName() + " as team leader, keeping " + plugin.getPlayers().getName(players.getTeamLeader(member)));
                players.removeMember(players.getTeamLeader(member), member);
    // Leader or solo
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Getting island info");
    if (players.hasIsland(playerUUID)) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: owner");
        loc = players.getIslandLocation(playerUUID);
        leader = playerUUID;
    } else if (players.inTeam(playerUUID)) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: team");
        // Team player
        loc = players.getTeamIslandLocation(playerUUID);
        leader = players.getTeamLeader(playerUUID);
        if (leader == null) {
            plugin.getLogger().severe("Player " + player.getName() + " is in a team but leader's UUID is missing. Leaving team.");
    // If the player has an island location of some kind
    if (loc != null && leader != null) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: getting island");
        // Check if the island location is on the grid
        Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(loc);
        if (island == null) {
            if (DEBUG)
                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: getIslandLoc is null!");
            // Island isn't in the grid, so add it
            // See if this owner is tagged as having an island elsewhere
            Island islandByOwner = plugin.getGrid().getIsland(leader);
            if (islandByOwner == null) {
                // No previous ownership, so just create the new island in the grid
                if (plugin.getGrid().onGrid(loc)) {
                    plugin.getGrid().addIsland(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockZ(), leader);
                } else {
                    plugin.getLogger().severe(player.getName() + " joined and has an island at " + loc + " but those coords are NOT on the grid! Use admin register commands to correct!");
            } else {
                // We have a mismatch - correct in favor of the player info
                if (DEBUG)
                    plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: getIslandLoc is null but there is a player listing");
                plugin.getLogger().warning(player.getName() + " login: mismatch - player.yml and islands.yml are out of sync. Fixing...");
                // Cannot delete by location
                if (plugin.getGrid().onGrid(loc)) {
                    plugin.getGrid().addIsland(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockZ(), leader);
                } else {
                    plugin.getLogger().severe(player.getName() + " joined and has an island at " + loc + " but those coords are NOT on the grid! Use admin register commands to correct!");
        } else {
            if (DEBUG)
                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: island is not null");
            // Island at this location exists
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: getIslandLoc is not null - island exists");
            // See if this owner is tagged as having an island elsewhere
            Island islandByOwner = plugin.getGrid().getIsland(leader);
            if (islandByOwner == null) {
                plugin.getLogger().warning(player.getName() + " login: has island, but islands.yml says it is unowned, correcting...");
                // No previous ownership, so just assign ownership
                plugin.getGrid().setIslandOwner(island, leader);
            } else {
                if (DEBUG)
                    plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: island by owner found");
                if (!islandByOwner.equals(island)) {
                    if (DEBUG)
                        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: mismatch");
                    plugin.getLogger().warning(player.getName() + " login: mismatch - islands.yml and player.yml are out of sync. Fixing...");
                    // We have a mismatch - correct in favor of the player info
                    plugin.getGrid().setIslandOwner(island, leader);
                } else {
                    if (island.getOwner().equals(player.getUniqueId())) {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: This player owns the island and island protection size is " + islandByOwner.getProtectionSize());
                            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: everything looks good");
                        // Dynamic island range sizes with permissions
                        boolean hasARangePerm = false;
                        int range = Settings.islandProtectionRange;
                        // Check for zero protection range
                        if (island.getProtectionSize() == 0) {
                            plugin.getLogger().warning("Player " + player.getName() + "'s island had a protection range of 0. Setting to default " + range);
                        for (PermissionAttachmentInfo perms : player.getEffectivePermissions()) {
                            if (perms.getPermission().startsWith(Settings.PERMPREFIX + "island.range.")) {
                                if (DEBUG)
                                    plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: perm found");
                                if (perms.getPermission().contains(Settings.PERMPREFIX + "island.range.*")) {
                                    // Ignore
                                } else {
                                    String[] spl = perms.getPermission().split(Settings.PERMPREFIX + "island.range.");
                                    if (spl.length > 1) {
                                        if (!NumberUtils.isDigits(spl[1])) {
                                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Player " + player.getName() + " has permission: " + perms.getPermission() + " <-- the last part MUST be a number! Ignoring...");
                                        } else {
                                            if (DEBUG)
                                                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: found number perm");
                                            hasARangePerm = true;
                                            range = Math.max(range, Integer.valueOf(spl[1]));
                                            if (DEBUG)
                                                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: highest range is " + range);
                        // Only set the island range if the player has a perm to override the default
                        if (hasARangePerm) {
                            // Do some sanity checking
                            if (range % 2 != 0) {
                                if (DEBUG)
                                    plugin.getLogger().warning("Login range setting: Protection range must be even, using " + range + " for " + player.getName());
                            if (DEBUG)
                                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: final range is " + range + " island protection size = " + islandByOwner.getProtectionSize());
                            // Range can go up or down
                            if (range != islandByOwner.getProtectionSize()) {
                                plugin.getMessages().storeMessage(playerUUID, plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeUpdated.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(range)));
                                plugin.getLogger().info("Login range setting: Island protection range changed from " + islandByOwner.getProtectionSize() + " to " + range + " for " + player.getName() + " due to permission.");
    // Run the level command
    if (Settings.loginLevel) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Run level calc");
        new LevelCalcByChunk(plugin, plugin.getGrid().getIsland(playerUUID), playerUUID, player, false);
    // Reset resets if the admin changes it to or from unlimited
    if (Settings.resetLimit < players.getResetsLeft(playerUUID) || (Settings.resetLimit >= 0 && players.getResetsLeft(playerUUID) < 0)) {
        players.setResetsLeft(playerUUID, Settings.resetLimit);
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Setting player's name");
    // Set the player's name (it may have changed), but only if it isn't empty
    if (!player.getName().isEmpty()) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Player name is " + player.getName());
        players.setPlayerName(playerUUID, player.getName());
    } else {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Player that just logged in has no name! " + playerUUID.toString());
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Saving player");;
    if (Settings.logInRemoveMobs) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Removing mobs");
    // Set the TEAMNAME and TEAMSUFFIX variable if required
    if (Settings.setTeamName) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: setTeamName");
    // Check if they logged in to a locked island and expel them or if they are banned
    Island currentIsland = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(player.getLocation());
    if (currentIsland != null && (currentIsland.isLocked() || plugin.getPlayers().isBanned(currentIsland.getOwner(), player.getUniqueId()))) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Current island is locked, or player is banned");
        if (!currentIsland.getMembers().contains(playerUUID) && !player.isOp() && !VaultHelper.checkPerm(player, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "mod.bypassprotect")) {
            if (DEBUG)
                plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: No bypass - teleporting");
            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).lockIslandLocked);
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Setting the player's level in chat listener");
    // Set the player's level
    plugin.getChatListener().setPlayerLevel(playerUUID, plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLevel(player.getUniqueId()));
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Remove from top ten if excluded");
    // Remove from TopTen if the player has the permission
    if (!player.hasPermission(Settings.PERMPREFIX + "intopten")) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Removing from top ten");
    // Load any messages for the player
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: checking messages for " + player.getName());
    final List<String> messages = plugin.getMessages().getMessages(playerUUID);
    if (messages != null) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Messages waiting!");
        plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(plugin, new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.AQUA + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).newsHeadline);
                int i = 1;
                for (String message : messages) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, i++ + ": " + message);
                // Clear the messages
        }, 40L);
    // }
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Log in completed, passing to other plugins.");
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) LevelCalcByChunk(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.LevelCalcByChunk) Island(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.Island) PermissionAttachmentInfo(org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo) UUID(java.util.UUID) Location(org.bukkit.Location) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)


LevelCalcByChunk (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.LevelCalcByChunk)2 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)2 Island (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.Island)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 Location (org.bukkit.Location)1 OfflinePlayer (org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer)1 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)1 PermissionAttachmentInfo (org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo)1