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Example 1 with ASkyBlock

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class AdminCmd method onCommand.

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor#onCommand(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
     * , org.bukkit.command.Command, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
public boolean onCommand(final CommandSender sender, final Command command, final String label, final String[] split) {
    // Console commands
    Player player;
    if (sender instanceof Player) {
        player = (Player) sender;
        if (player.getUniqueId() == null) {
            return false;
        if (split.length > 0) {
            // Admin-only commands : reload, register, delete and purge
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("register") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("delete") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("purge") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("confirm") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setspawn") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("deleteisland") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setrange") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reserve") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("addrange") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("unregister") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clearresetall") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("settingsreset") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("cobblestats") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setlanguage")) {
                if (!checkAdminPerms(player, split)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorNoPermission);
                    return true;
            } else {
                // Mod commands
                if (!checkModPerms(player, split)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorNoPermission);
                    return true;
    // Island name (can have spaces)
    if (split.length > 1 && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("name")) {
        final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
        // + playerUUID);
        if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
            return true;
        } else {
            if (split.length == 2) {
                // Say the island name
                Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.getGrid().getIslandName(playerUUID));
            } else {
                String name = split[2];
                for (int i = 3; i < split.length; i++) {
                    name = name + " " + split[i];
                if (name.length() < Settings.minNameLength) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + (plugin.myLocale().errorTooShort).replace("[length]", String.valueOf(Settings.minNameLength)));
                    return true;
                if (name.length() > Settings.maxNameLength) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + (plugin.myLocale().errorTooLong).replace("[length]", String.valueOf(Settings.maxNameLength)));
                    return true;
                plugin.getGrid().setIslandName(playerUUID, ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name));
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
            return true;
    // Check for zero parameters e.g., /asadmin
    switch(split.length) {
        case 0:
            help(sender, label);
            return true;
        case 1:
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setlanguage")) {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().helpColor + plugin.myLocale().adminHelpsetLanguage);
                return true;
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("listchallengeresets")) {
                // Reset the challenge now
                for (String challenge : plugin.getChallenges().getRepeatingChallengeResets()) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + challenge);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("cobblestats")) {
                if (LavaCheck.getStats().size() == 0) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().banNone);
                    return true;
                // Display by level
                for (Long level : LavaCheck.getStats().keySet()) {
                    if (level == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().challengeslevel + ": Default");
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().challengeslevel + ": " + level);
                    // Collect and sort
                    Collection<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(Collator.getInstance());
                    for (Material mat : LavaCheck.getStats().get(level).elementSet()) {
                        result.add("   " + Util.prettifyText(mat.toString()) + ": " + LavaCheck.getStats().get(level).count(mat) + "/" + LavaCheck.getStats().get(level).size() + " or " + ((long) ((double) LavaCheck.getStats().get(level).count(mat) / LavaCheck.getStats().get(level).size() * 100)) + "% (config = " + String.valueOf(LavaCheck.getConfigChances(level, mat)) + "%)");
                    // Send to player
                    for (String r : result) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, r);
                return true;
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setdeaths")) {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().helpColor + label + " setdeaths <player> <number>:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminHelpsetDeaths);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("settingsreset")) {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().helpColor + label + " settingsreset help");
                return true;
            } else if (Settings.teamChat && split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("spy")) {
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminLockerrorInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                if (VaultHelper.checkPerm(player, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "mod.spy") || player.isOp()) {
                    if (plugin.getChatListener().toggleSpy(player.getUniqueId())) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().teamChatSpyStatusOn);
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().teamChatSpyStatusOff);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("lock")) {
                // Just /asadmin lock
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminLockerrorInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(player.getLocation());
                // Check if island exists
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorNotOnIsland);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    Player owner = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(island.getOwner());
                    if (island.isLocked()) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().lockUnlocking);
                        if (owner != null) {
                            Util.sendMessage(owner, plugin.myLocale(owner.getUniqueId()).adminLockadminUnlockedIsland);
                        } else {
                            plugin.getMessages().setMessage(island.getOwner(), plugin.myLocale(island.getOwner()).adminLockadminUnlockedIsland);
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().lockLocking);
                        if (owner != null) {
                            Util.sendMessage(owner, plugin.myLocale(owner.getUniqueId()).adminLockadminLockedIsland);
                        } else {
                            plugin.getMessages().setMessage(island.getOwner(), plugin.myLocale(island.getOwner()).adminLockadminLockedIsland);
                    return true;
            } else // Find farms
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("topbreeders")) {
                // Go through each island and find how many farms there are
                Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().adminTopBreedersFinding);
                // TreeMap<Integer, List<UUID>> topEntityIslands = new TreeMap<Integer, List<UUID>>();
                // Generate the stats
                Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().adminTopBreedersChecking.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(plugin.getGrid().getOwnershipMap().size())));
                // Try just finding every entity
                final List<Entity> allEntities = ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld().getEntities();
                final World islandWorld = ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld();
                final World netherWorld = ASkyBlock.getNetherWorld();
                plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        Map<UUID, Multiset<EntityType>> result = new HashMap<UUID, Multiset<EntityType>>();
                        // Find out where the entities are
                        for (Entity entity : allEntities) {
                            // System.out.println("DEBUG " + entity.getType().toString());
                            if (entity.getLocation().getWorld().equals(islandWorld) || entity.getLocation().getWorld().equals(netherWorld)) {
                                // System.out.println("DEBUG in world");
                                if (entity instanceof Creature && !(entity instanceof Player)) {
                                    // System.out.println("DEBUG creature");
                                    // Find out where it is
                                    Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(entity.getLocation());
                                    if (island != null && !island.isSpawn()) {
                                        // System.out.println("DEBUG on island");
                                        // Add to result
                                        UUID owner = island.getOwner();
                                        Multiset<EntityType> count = result.get(owner);
                                        if (count == null) {
                                            // New entry for owner
                                            // System.out.println("DEBUG new entry for owner");
                                            count = HashMultiset.create();
                                        result.put(owner, count);
                        // Sort by the number of entities on each island
                        TreeMap<Integer, List<UUID>> topEntityIslands = new TreeMap<Integer, List<UUID>>();
                        for (Entry<UUID, Multiset<EntityType>> entry : result.entrySet()) {
                            int numOfEntities = entry.getValue().size();
                            List<UUID> players = topEntityIslands.get(numOfEntities);
                            if (players == null) {
                                players = new ArrayList<UUID>();
                            topEntityIslands.put(numOfEntities, players);
                        final TreeMap<Integer, List<UUID>> topBreeders = topEntityIslands;
                        final Map<UUID, Multiset<EntityType>> finalResult = result;
                        // Now display results in sync thread
                        plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                            public void run() {
                                if (topBreeders.isEmpty()) {
                                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().adminTopBreedersNothing);
                                int rank = 1;
                                // Display, largest first
                                for (int numOfEntities : topBreeders.descendingKeySet()) {
                                    // Only bother if there's more that 5 animals
                                    if (numOfEntities > 5) {
                                        // There can be multiple owners in the same position
                                        List<UUID> owners = topBreeders.get(numOfEntities);
                                        // Go through the owners one by one
                                        for (UUID owner : owners) {
                                            Util.sendMessage(sender, "#" + rank + " " + plugin.getPlayers().getName(owner) + " = " + numOfEntities);
                                            String content = "";
                                            Multiset<EntityType> entityCount = finalResult.get(owner);
                                            for (EntityType entity : entityCount.elementSet()) {
                                                int num = entityCount.count(entity);
                                                String color = ChatColor.GREEN.toString();
                                                if (num > 10 && num <= 20) {
                                                    color = ChatColor.YELLOW.toString();
                                                } else if (num > 20 && num <= 40) {
                                                    color = ChatColor.GOLD.toString();
                                                } else if (num > 40) {
                                                    color = ChatColor.RED.toString();
                                                content += Util.prettifyText(entity.toString()) + " x " + color + num + ChatColor.WHITE + ", ";
                                            int lastComma = content.lastIndexOf(",");
                                            // lastComma);
                                            if (lastComma > 0) {
                                                content = content.substring(0, lastComma);
                                            Util.sendMessage(sender, "  " + content);
                                        if (rank > 10) {
                                // If we didn't show anything say so
                                if (rank == 1) {
                                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().adminTopBreedersNothing);
                return true;
            // Delete island
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("deleteisland")) {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminDeleteIslandError);
                return true;
            // Set spawn
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setspawn")) {
                // Find the closest island
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUseInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                // Island spawn must be in the island world
                if (!player.getLocation().getWorld().getName().equals(Settings.worldName)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorWrongWorld);
                    return true;
                // The island location is calculated based on the grid
                Location closestIsland = getClosestIsland(player.getLocation());
                Island oldSpawn = plugin.getGrid().getSpawn();
                Island newSpawn = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(closestIsland);
                if (newSpawn != null && newSpawn.isSpawn()) {
                    // Already spawn, so just set the world spawn coords
                    // ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld().setSpawnLocation(player.getLocation().getBlockX(), player.getLocation().getBlockY(), player.getLocation().getBlockZ());
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnset);
                    return true;
                // Space otherwise occupied - find if anyone owns it
                if (newSpawn != null && newSpawn.getOwner() != null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnownedBy.replace("[name]", plugin.getPlayers().getName(newSpawn.getOwner())));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnmove);
                    return true;
                if (oldSpawn != null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GOLD + "Changing spawn island location. Warning: old spawn island location at " + oldSpawn.getCenter().getBlockX() + "," + oldSpawn.getCenter().getBlockZ() + " will be at risk of being overwritten with new islands. Recommend to clear that old area.");
                // New spawn site is free, so make it official
                if (newSpawn == null) {
                    // Make the new spawn
                    newSpawn = plugin.getGrid().addIsland(closestIsland.getBlockX(), closestIsland.getBlockZ());
                    // Set the default spawn island settings
                // ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld().setSpawnLocation(player.getLocation().getBlockX(), player.getLocation().getBlockY(), player.getLocation().getBlockZ());
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnsetting.replace("[location]", player.getLocation().getBlockX() + "," + player.getLocation().getBlockZ()));
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncenter.replace("[location]", newSpawn.getCenter().getBlockX() + "," + newSpawn.getCenter().getBlockZ()));
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + (plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlimits.replace("[min]", newSpawn.getMinX() + "," + newSpawn.getMinZ())).replace("[max]", (newSpawn.getMinX() + newSpawn.getIslandDistance() - 1) + "," + (newSpawn.getMinZ() + newSpawn.getIslandDistance() - 1)));
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnrange.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newSpawn.getProtectionSize())));
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + (plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncoords.replace("[min]", newSpawn.getMinProtectedX() + ", " + newSpawn.getMinProtectedZ())).replace("[max]", +(newSpawn.getMinProtectedX() + newSpawn.getProtectionSize() - 1) + ", " + (newSpawn.getMinProtectedZ() + newSpawn.getProtectionSize() - 1)));
                if (newSpawn.isLocked()) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlocked);
                // Save grid async
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setrange")) {
                // Find the closest island
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUseInGame);
                    return true;
                Location closestIsland = getClosestIsland(((Player) sender).getLocation());
                if (closestIsland == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + "Sorry, could not find an island. Move closer?");
                    return true;
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(closestIsland);
                if (island != null && island.isSpawn()) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminInfotitle);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncenter.replace("[location]", island.getCenter().getBlockX() + "," + island.getCenter().getBlockZ()));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + (plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlimits.replace("[min]", island.getMinX() + "," + island.getMinZ())).replace("[max]", (island.getMinX() + island.getIslandDistance() - 1) + "," + (island.getMinZ() + island.getIslandDistance() - 1)));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnrange.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(island.getProtectionSize())));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + (plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncoords.replace("[min]", island.getMinProtectedX() + ", " + island.getMinProtectedZ())).replace("[max]", +(island.getMinProtectedX() + island.getProtectionSize() - 1) + ", " + (island.getMinProtectedZ() + island.getProtectionSize() - 1)));
                    if (island.isLocked()) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlocked);
                    return true;
                if (island == null) {
                    plugin.getLogger().info("Get island at was null" + closestIsland);
                UUID target = plugin.getPlayers().getPlayerFromIslandLocation(closestIsland);
                if (target == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminInfounowned);
                    return true;
                showInfo(target, sender);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetsign")) {
                // Find the closest island
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUseInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                if (!VaultHelper.checkPerm(player, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "mod.signadmin") && !player.isOp()) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorNoPermission);
                    return true;
                // Find out whether the player is looking at a warp sign
                // Look at what the player was looking at
                BlockIterator iter = new BlockIterator(player, 10);
                Block lastBlock =;
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    lastBlock =;
                    if (lastBlock.getType() == Material.AIR)
                if (!lastBlock.getType().equals(Material.SIGN_POST)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignNoSign);
                    return true;
                // Check if it is a warp sign
                Sign sign = (Sign) lastBlock.getState();
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignFound);
                // Find out whose island this is
                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: closest bedrock: " +
                // closestBedRock.toString());
                UUID target = plugin.getPlayers().getPlayerFromIslandLocation(player.getLocation());
                if (target == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminInfounowned);
                    return true;
                if (plugin.getWarpSignsListener().addWarp(target, lastBlock.getLocation())) {
                    // Change sign color to green
                    sign.setLine(0, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().warpswelcomeLine);
                    sign.update(true, false);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignRescued.replace("[name]", plugin.getPlayers().getName(target)));
                    return true;
                // Warp already exists
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignErrorExists.replace("[name]", plugin.getWarpSignsListener().getWarpOwner(lastBlock.getLocation())));
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) {
                // Remove temp permissions
                if (Settings.useEconomy && VaultHelper.setupEconomy()) {
                } else {
                    Settings.useEconomy = false;
                if (Settings.updateCheck) {
                } else {
                if (plugin.getAcidTask() != null)
                // Give back any temporary permissions
                // Reset resets if the admin changes it to or from unlimited
                for (Player players : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
                    UUID playerUUID = players.getUniqueId();
                    if (plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(playerUUID) || plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        if (Settings.resetLimit < plugin.getPlayers().getResetsLeft(playerUUID) || (Settings.resetLimit >= 0 && plugin.getPlayers().getResetsLeft(playerUUID) < 0)) {
                            plugin.getPlayers().setResetsLeft(playerUUID, Settings.resetLimit);
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().reloadconfigReloaded);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("topten")) {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminTopTengenerating);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("purge")) {
                if (purgeFlag) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().purgealreadyRunning);
                    return true;
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgeusage.replace("[label]", label));
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("confirm")) {
                if (!confirmReq) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().confirmerrorTimeLimitExpired);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    // Tell purge routine to go
                    confirmOK = true;
                    confirmReq = false;
                return true;
            } else // clearesetall - clears all player resets
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clearresetall")) {
                if (asyncPending) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorCommandNotReady);
                    return true;
                // Do online players first
                // Do offline players
                final File playerFolder = plugin.getPlayersFolder();
                // Set the pending flag
                asyncPending = true;
                // Check against player files
                plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        // System.out.println("DEBUG: Running async task");
                        int done = 0;
                        // Check files against potentialUnowned
                        FilenameFilter ymlFilter = new FilenameFilter() {

                            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                                String lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase();
                                if (lowercaseName.endsWith(".yml")) {
                                    return true;
                                } else {
                                    return false;
                        for (File file : playerFolder.listFiles(ymlFilter)) {
                            List<String> playerFileContents = new ArrayList<String>();
                            try {
                                Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
                                while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
                                    final String lineFromFile = scanner.nextLine();
                                    if (lineFromFile.contains("resetsLeft:")) {
                                        playerFileContents.add("resetsLeft: " + Settings.resetLimit);
                                    } else {
                                // Write file
                                try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file)) {
                                    for (String str : playerFileContents) {
                                        writer.write(str + "\n");
                                if (done % 500 == 0) {
                                    final int update = done;
                                    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                                        public void run() {
                                            // Tell player
                                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().clearedResetLimit + " [" + update + " players]...");
                            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                        // System.out.println("DEBUG: scanning done");
                        asyncPending = false;
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().clearedResetLimit + " [" + done + " players] completed.");
                return true;
            } else {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                return false;
        case 2:
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setlanguage")) {
                if (asyncPending) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorCommandNotReady);
                    return true;
                if (plugin.getAvailableLocales().keySet().contains(split[1])) {
                    // Change the config.yml setting without removing comments
                    try {
                        Util.setConfig("defaultlanguage", Settings.defaultLanguage, split[1]);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + e.getMessage());
                        return true;
                    // e.printStackTrace();
                    plugin.getConfig().set("general.defaultlanguage", split[1]);
                    Settings.defaultLanguage = split[1];
                    // Load languages
                    HashMap<String, ASLocale> availableLocales = new HashMap<String, ASLocale>();
                    FileLister fl = new FileLister(plugin);
                    try {
                        int index = 1;
                        for (String code : fl.list()) {
                            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: lang file = " + code);
                            availableLocales.put(code, new ASLocale(plugin, code, index++));
                    } catch (IOException e1) {
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Could not add locales!");
                    if (!availableLocales.containsKey(Settings.defaultLanguage)) {
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("'" + Settings.defaultLanguage + ".yml' not found in /locale folder. Using /locale/en-US.yml");
                        Settings.defaultLanguage = "en-US";
                        availableLocales.put(Settings.defaultLanguage, new ASLocale(plugin, Settings.defaultLanguage, 0));
                    // Run through all the players and set their languages
                    for (UUID onlinePlayer : plugin.getPlayers().getOnlineCachedPlayers()) {
                        plugin.getPlayers().setLocale(onlinePlayer, Settings.defaultLanguage);
                    // Prepare for the async check - make final
                    final File playerFolder = plugin.getPlayersFolder();
                    // Set the pending flag
                    asyncPending = true;
                    // Change player files
                    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            try {
                                Util.setPlayerYamlConfig(playerFolder, "locale", Settings.defaultLanguage);
                                // Run sync task
                                plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                                    public void run() {
                                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
                                        asyncPending = false;
                            } catch (final IOException e) {
                                // Run sync task
                                plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                                    public void run() {
                                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + e.getMessage());
                                        asyncPending = false;
                        // System.out.println("DEBUG: scanning done");
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.getAvailableLocales().keySet().toString());
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("level")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                // + playerUUID);
                if (playerUUID == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if (sender instanceof Player) {
                        plugin.getIslandCmd().calculateIslandLevel(sender, playerUUID, false);
                    } else {
                        plugin.getIslandCmd().calculateIslandLevel(sender, playerUUID, true);
                    return true;
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clearchallengereset")) {
                split[1] = split[1].toLowerCase();
                if (!Settings.challengeList.contains(split[1])) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().resetChallengeerrorChallengeDoesNotExist);
                    return true;
                // Clear challenge reset
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetchallengeforall")) {
                if (!Settings.challengeList.contains(split[1].toLowerCase())) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().resetChallengeerrorChallengeDoesNotExist);
                    return true;
                // Reset the challenge now
                plugin.getChallenges().resetChallengeForAll(split[1].toLowerCase(), 0L, "");
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("settingsreset")) {
                if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().settingsResetInProgress);
                    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            for (Island island : plugin.getGrid().getOwnedIslands().values()) {
                            for (Island island : plugin.getGrid().getUnownedIslands().values()) {
                            // Go back to non-async world
                            plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                                public void run() {
                                    // Reset any warp signs
                                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().settingsResetDone);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    // Check if there is a flag here
                    for (SettingsFlag flag : SettingsFlag.values()) {
                        if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase(flag.toString())) {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().settingsResetInProgress);
                            final SettingsFlag flagToSet = flag;
                            plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(plugin, new Runnable() {

                                public void run() {
                                    for (Island island : plugin.getGrid().getOwnedIslands().values()) {
                                        island.setIgsFlag(flagToSet, Settings.defaultIslandSettings.get(flagToSet));
                                    for (Island island : plugin.getGrid().getUnownedIslands().values()) {
                                        island.setIgsFlag(flagToSet, Settings.defaultIslandSettings.get(flagToSet));
                                    // Go back to non-async world
                                    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                                        public void run() {
                                            if (flagToSet.equals(SettingsFlag.PVP) || flagToSet.equals(SettingsFlag.NETHER_PVP)) {
                                                // Reset any warp signs
                                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().settingsResetDone);
                            return true;
                    // Show help
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().helpColor + "/" + label + " settingsreset [help | all | flag]:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminHelpSettingsReset);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + "flag options: ");
                    String commaList = "all";
                    for (SettingsFlag flag : SettingsFlag.values()) {
                        commaList += ", " + flag.toString();
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, commaList);
                    return true;
            // Resetsign <player> - makes a warp sign for player
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetsign")) {
                // Find the closest island
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUseInGame);
                    return true;
                Player p = (Player) sender;
                if (!VaultHelper.checkPerm(p, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "mod.signadmin") && !p.isOp()) {
                    Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).errorNoPermission);
                    return true;
                // Convert target name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                } else {
                    // Check if this player has an island
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(playerUUID) && !plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        // No island
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                        return true;
                    // Has an island
                    // Find out whether the player is looking at a warp sign
                    // Look at what the player was looking at
                    BlockIterator iter = new BlockIterator(p, 10);
                    Block lastBlock =;
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        lastBlock =;
                        if (lastBlock.getType() == Material.AIR)
                    // Check if it is a sign
                    if (!lastBlock.getType().equals(Material.SIGN_POST)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignNoSign);
                        return true;
                    Sign sign = (Sign) lastBlock.getState();
                    // Check if the sign is within the right island boundary
                    Location islandLoc = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(playerUUID);
                    Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(islandLoc);
                    if (island == null) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).errorNoIsland);
                        return true;
                    if (!island.inIslandSpace(sign.getLocation())) {
                        Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminSetHomeNotOnPlayersIsland);
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignFound);
                        // Find out if this player is allowed to have a sign on this island
                        if (plugin.getWarpSignsListener().addWarp(playerUUID, lastBlock.getLocation())) {
                            // Change sign color to green
                            sign.setLine(0, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().warpswelcomeLine);
                            Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignRescued.replace("[name]", plugin.getPlayers().getName(playerUUID)));
                            return true;
                        // Warp already exists
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminResetSignErrorExists.replace("[name]", plugin.getWarpSignsListener().getWarpOwner(lastBlock.getLocation())));
                return true;
            } else // Delete the island you are on
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("deleteisland")) {
                if (!split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("confirm")) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminDeleteIslandError);
                    return true;
                // Get the island I am on
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(((Player) sender).getLocation());
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminDeleteIslandnoid);
                    return true;
                // Try to get the owner of this island
                UUID owner = island.getOwner();
                String name = "unknown";
                if (owner != null) {
                    name = plugin.getPlayers().getName(owner);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnownedBy.replace("[name]", name));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminDeleteIslanduse.replace("[name]", name));
                    return true;
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().deleteremoving.replace("[name]", name));
                    deleteIslands(island, sender);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetname")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                } else {
                    // Check if this player has an island
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(playerUUID) && !plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        // No island
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                        return true;
                    // Has an island
                    plugin.getGrid().setIslandName(playerUUID, null);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resethome")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                } else {
                    // Check if this player has an island
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(playerUUID) && !plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        // No island
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                        return true;
                    // Has an island
                    Location safeHome = plugin.getGrid().getSafeHomeLocation(playerUUID, 1);
                    if (safeHome == null) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetHomeNoneFound);
                    } else {
                        plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(playerUUID, safeHome);
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminSetHomeHomeSet.replace("[location]", safeHome.getBlockX() + ", " + safeHome.getBlockY() + "," + safeHome.getBlockZ()));
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("sethome")) {
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminLockerrorInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                } else {
                    // Check if this player has an island
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(playerUUID) && !plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        // No island
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorNoIslandOther);
                        return true;
                    // Has an island
                    Location islandLoc = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(playerUUID);
                    Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(islandLoc);
                    // Check the player is within the island boundaries
                    if (island == null || !island.inIslandSpace(player.getLocation())) {
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminSetHomeNotOnPlayersIsland);
                    } else {
                        // Check that the location is safe
                        if (!GridManager.isSafeLocation(player.getLocation())) {
                            // Not safe
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminSetHomeNoneFound);
                        } else {
                            // Success
                            plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(playerUUID, player.getLocation());
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminSetHomeHomeSet.replace("[location]", player.getLocation().getBlockX() + ", " + player.getLocation().getBlockY() + "," + player.getLocation().getBlockZ()));
                return true;
            } else // Set protection for the island the player is on
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setrange")) {
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminLockerrorInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                UUID playerUUID = player.getUniqueId();
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(player.getLocation());
                // Check if island exists
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNotOnIsland);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    int newRange = 10;
                    int maxRange = Settings.islandDistance;
                    // If spawn do something different
                    if (island.isSpawn()) {
                        try {
                            newRange = Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeInvalid);
                            return true;
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeSet.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newRange)));
                        if (newRange > maxRange) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeWarning.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeWarning2);
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncenter.replace("[location]", island.getCenter().getBlockX() + "," + island.getCenter().getBlockZ()));
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlimits.replace("[min]", island.getMinX() + "," + island.getMinZ()).replace("[max]", (island.getMinX() + island.getIslandDistance() - 1) + "," + (island.getMinZ() + island.getIslandDistance() - 1)));
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnrange.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(island.getProtectionSize())));
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncoords.replace("[min]", island.getMinProtectedX() + ", " + island.getMinProtectedZ()).replace("[max]", +(island.getMinProtectedX() + island.getProtectionSize() - 1) + ", " + (island.getMinProtectedZ() + island.getProtectionSize() - 1)));
                        if (island.isLocked()) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlocked);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            newRange = Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                            return true;
                        if (newRange < 10 || newRange > maxRange) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                            return true;
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeSet.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newRange)));
                        showInfo(island.getOwner(), sender);
                    return true;
            } else // Add/remove protection for the island the player is on
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("addrange")) {
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminLockerrorInGame);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                UUID playerUUID = player.getUniqueId();
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(player.getLocation());
                // Check if island exists
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNotOnIsland);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    int newRange = island.getProtectionSize();
                    int maxRange = Settings.islandDistance;
                    // If spawn do something different
                    if (island.isSpawn()) {
                        try {
                            newRange = Integer.valueOf(split[1]) + island.getProtectionSize();
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeInvalid);
                            return true;
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeSet.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newRange)));
                        if (newRange > maxRange) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeWarning.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeWarning2);
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncenter.replace("[location]", island.getCenter().getBlockX() + "," + island.getCenter().getBlockZ()));
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlimits.replace("[min]", island.getMinX() + "," + island.getMinZ()).replace("[max]", (island.getMinX() + island.getIslandDistance() - 1) + "," + (island.getMinZ() + island.getIslandDistance() - 1)));
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnrange.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(island.getProtectionSize())));
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawncoords.replace("[min]", island.getMinProtectedX() + ", " + island.getMinProtectedZ()).replace("[max]", +(island.getMinProtectedX() + island.getProtectionSize() - 1) + ", " + (island.getMinProtectedZ() + island.getProtectionSize() - 1)));
                        if (island.isLocked()) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetSpawnlocked);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            newRange = Integer.valueOf(split[1]) + island.getProtectionSize();
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                            return true;
                        if (newRange < 10 || newRange > maxRange) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                            return true;
                        Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).adminSetRangeSet.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newRange)));
                        showInfo(island.getOwner(), sender);
                    return true;
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("purge")) {
                // Protect island from purging
                if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("allow") || split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("disallow")) {
                    // Find the closest island
                    if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminLockerrorInGame);
                        return true;
                    Player p = (Player) sender;
                    // Island spawn must be in the island world
                    if (!p.getLocation().getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld()) && !p.getLocation().getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getNetherWorld())) {
                        Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).errorWrongWorld);
                        return true;
                    Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(p.getLocation());
                    if (island == null) {
                        Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).errorNoIslandOther);
                        return true;
                    if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("disallow")) {
                    } else {
                    if (island.isPurgeProtected()) {
                        Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminPreventPurge);
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).adminAllowPurge);
                    return true;
                // this flag stops a repeat
                if (purgeFlag) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().purgealreadyRunning);
                    return true;
                if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("unowned")) {
                    return true;
                // Set the flag
                purgeFlag = true;
                // See if this purge unowned
                // Convert days to hours - no other limit checking?
                final int time;
                try {
                    time = Integer.parseInt(split[1]) * 24;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().purgeusage.replace("[label]", label));
                    purgeFlag = false;
                    return true;
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgecalculating.replace("[time]", split[1]));
                // Check who has not been online since the time
                for (Entry<UUID, Island> entry : plugin.getGrid().getOwnershipMap().entrySet()) {
                    // Only do this if it isn't protected
                    if (entry.getKey() != null && !entry.getValue().isPurgeProtected()) {
                        if (Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(entry.getKey()).hasPlayedBefore()) {
                            long offlineTime = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(entry.getKey()).getLastPlayed();
                            offlineTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - offlineTime) / 3600000L;
                            if (offlineTime > time && plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLevel(entry.getKey()) < Settings.abandonedIslandLevel) {
                        } else {
                if (removeList.isEmpty()) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgenoneFound);
                    purgeFlag = false;
                    return true;
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgethisWillRemove.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(removeList.size())).replace("[level]", String.valueOf(Settings.abandonedIslandLevel)));
                long runtime = removeList.size() * 2L;
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgeEstimatedRunTime.replace("[time]", String.format("%d h %02d m %02d s", runtime / 3600, (runtime % 3600) / 60, (runtime % 60))));
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().purgewarning);
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().purgetypeConfirm.replace("[label]", label));
                if (removeList.size() > Settings.maxPurge) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().purgeLimit.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(Settings.maxPurge)));
                    Iterator<UUID> it = removeList.iterator();
                    int count = 1;
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        if (count++ > Settings.maxPurge) {
                confirmReq = true;
                confirmOK = false;
                confirmTimer = 0;
                new BukkitRunnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        // cancels
                        if (confirmTimer++ > 10) {
                            // Ten seconds is up!
                            confirmReq = false;
                            confirmOK = false;
                            purgeFlag = false;
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgepurgeCancelled);
                        } else if (confirmOK) {
                            // Set up a repeating task to run every 2
                            // seconds to remove
                            // islands one by one and then cancel when
                            // done
                            final int total = removeList.size();
                            new BukkitRunnable() {

                                public void run() {
                                    if (removeList.isEmpty() && purgeFlag) {
                                        purgeFlag = false;
                                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().purgefinished);
                                    if (removeList.size() > 0 && purgeFlag) {
                                        // Check if the player is online
                                        if (plugin.getServer().getPlayer(removeList.get(0)) == null) {
                                            // Check the level
                                            if (plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLevel(removeList.get(0)) < Settings.abandonedIslandLevel) {
                                                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + "[" + (total - removeList.size() + 1) + "/" + total + "] " + plugin.myLocale().purgeremovingName.replace("[name]", plugin.getPlayers().getName(removeList.get(0))));
                                                plugin.deletePlayerIsland(removeList.get(0), true);
                                        } else {
                                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + "[" + (total - removeList.size() + 1) + "/" + total + "] " + "Skipping online player...");
                                // Util.sendMessage(sender, "Now waiting...");
                            }.runTaskTimer(plugin, 0L, 20L);
                            confirmReq = false;
                            confirmOK = false;
                }.runTaskTimer(plugin, 0L, 40L);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("lock")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIsland(playerUUID);
                    if (island != null) {
                        Player owner = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(island.getOwner());
                        if (island.isLocked()) {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().lockUnlocking);
                            if (owner != null) {
                            } else {
                                plugin.getMessages().setMessage(island.getOwner(), plugin.myLocale(island.getOwner()).adminLockadminUnlockedIsland);
                        } else {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().lockLocking);
                            if (owner != null) {
                                Util.sendMessage(owner, plugin.myLocale(owner.getUniqueId()).adminLockadminLockedIsland);
                            } else {
                                plugin.getMessages().setMessage(island.getOwner(), plugin.myLocale(island.getOwner()).adminLockadminLockedIsland);
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setdeaths")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.getPlayers().getName(playerUUID) + " " + plugin.getPlayers().getDeaths(playerUUID) + " " + plugin.myLocale().deaths);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().helpColor + label + " setdeaths <player> <number>:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminHelpsetDeaths);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clearreset")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    plugin.getPlayers().setResetsLeft(playerUUID, Settings.resetLimit);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().clearedResetLimit + " [" + Settings.resetLimit + "]");
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("tp")) {
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID targetUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(targetUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if (plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(targetUUID) || plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(targetUUID)) {
                        // Teleport to the over world
                        Location warpSpot = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(targetUUID).toVector().toLocation(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld());
                        String failureMessage = ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminTpManualWarp.replace("[location]", warpSpot.getBlockX() + " " + warpSpot.getBlockY() + " " + warpSpot.getBlockZ());
                        // Try the player's home first
                        Location home = plugin.getPlayers().getHomeLocation(targetUUID);
                        if (home != null && home.getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld()) && GridManager.isSafeLocation(home)) {
                            return true;
                        // Other wise, go to a safe spot
                        new SafeTeleportBuilder(plugin).entity(player).location(warpSpot).failureMessage(failureMessage).build();
                        return true;
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("tpnether")) {
                if (!Settings.createNether || !Settings.newNether || ASkyBlock.getNetherWorld() == null) {
                    return false;
                if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                    return true;
                player = (Player) sender;
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID targetUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(targetUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if (plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(targetUUID) || plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(targetUUID)) {
                        // Teleport to the nether
                        Location warpSpot = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(targetUUID).toVector().toLocation(ASkyBlock.getNetherWorld());
                        String failureMessage = ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).adminTpManualWarp.replace("[location]", warpSpot.getBlockX() + " " + warpSpot.getBlockY() + " " + warpSpot.getBlockZ());
                        // Try the player's home first
                        Location home = plugin.getPlayers().getHomeLocation(targetUUID);
                        if (home != null && home.getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getNetherWorld()) && GridManager.isSafeLocation(home)) {
                            return true;
                        new SafeTeleportBuilder(plugin).entity(player).location(warpSpot).failureMessage(failureMessage).build();
                        return true;
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    // This now deletes the player and cleans them up even if
                    // they don't have an island
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().deleteremoving.replace("[name]", split[1]));
                    // If they are online and in ASkyBlock then delete their
                    // stuff too
                    Player target = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerUUID);
                    if (target != null) {
                        // Clear any coop inventories
                        // CoopPlay.getInstance().returnAllInventories(target);
                        // Remove any of the target's coop invitees and grab
                        // their stuff
                    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: deleting player");
                    plugin.deletePlayerIsland(playerUUID, true);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reserve")) {
                // Reserves a spot for the player's next island
                if (sender instanceof Player) {
                    player = (Player) sender;
                    // Convert name to a UUID
                    final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        // Check the spot
                        Location islandLoc = plugin.getGrid().getClosestIsland(player.getLocation());
                        Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(islandLoc);
                        if (island == null) {
                            // Empty spot, reserve it!
                            plugin.getIslandCmd().reserveLocation(playerUUID, islandLoc);
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + " [" + islandLoc.getBlockX() + ", " + islandLoc.getBlockZ() + "] " + plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
                        } else {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminReserveIslandExists);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("register")) {
                if (sender instanceof Player) {
                    // Convert name to a UUID
                    final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: UUID is " + playerUUID);
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        if (adminSetPlayerIsland(sender, ((Player) sender).getLocation(), playerUUID)) {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().registersettingIsland.replace("[name]", split[1]));
                        } else {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().registererrorBedrockNotFound);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("unregister")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if (plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminUnregisterOnTeam);
                        return true;
                    Location island = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(playerUUID);
                    if (island == null) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                        return true;
                    // Delete player, but keep blocks
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminUnregisterKeepBlocks.replace("[location]", +plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(playerUUID).getBlockX() + "," + plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(playerUUID).getBlockZ()));
                    plugin.deletePlayerIsland(playerUUID, false);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                // + playerUUID);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    showInfo(playerUUID, sender);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetallchallenges")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                plugin.getPlayers().resetAllChallenges(playerUUID, true);
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().resetChallengessuccess.replace("[name]", split[1]));
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        case 3:
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetchallengeforall")) {
                if (!Settings.challengeList.contains(split[1].toLowerCase())) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().resetChallengeerrorChallengeDoesNotExist);
                    return true;
                // Convert repeat to time in millis
                split[2] = split[2].trim();
                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: " + split[2]);
                if (split[2].length() > 1 && (split[2].toLowerCase().endsWith("m") || split[2].toLowerCase().endsWith("h") || split[2].toLowerCase().endsWith("d"))) {
                    char unit = split[2].charAt(split[2].length() - 1);
                    String value = split[2].substring(0, split[2].length() - 1);
                    try {
                        long repeat = 0;
                        int number = Integer.valueOf(value);
                        switch(unit) {
                            case 'm':
                                // Minutes
                                repeat = 60000L * number;
                            case 'h':
                                repeat = 60000L * 60 * number;
                            case 'd':
                                repeat = 60000L * 60 * 24 * number;
                        // Reset all the players online
                        plugin.getChallenges().resetChallengeForAll(split[1].toLowerCase(), repeat, split[2]);
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().generalSuccess);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminResetChallengeForAllError);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminResetChallengeForAllError);
                    return true;
                return true;
            } else // Confirm purge unowned
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("purge")) {
                if (purgeFlag) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().purgealreadyRunning);
                    return true;
                // Check if this is purge unowned
                if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("unowned") && split[2].equalsIgnoreCase("confirm")) {
                    if (!purgeUnownedConfirm) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().confirmerrorTimeLimitExpired);
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        purgeUnownedConfirm = false;
                        // Purge the unowned islands
                        return true;
            // Add or remove protection range
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("addrange")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                // Check if player exists
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                // Check if the target is in a team and if so, the leader needs to be adjusted
                if (plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                    playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getTeamLeader(playerUUID);
                // Get the range that this player has now
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIsland(playerUUID);
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    int newRange = 0;
                    int maxRange = Settings.islandDistance;
                    try {
                        newRange = Integer.valueOf(split[2]) + island.getProtectionSize();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                        return true;
                    if (newRange < 10 || newRange > maxRange) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                        return true;
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeSet.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newRange)));
                    showInfo(playerUUID, sender);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setrange")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                // Check if player exists
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                // Check if the target is in a team and if so, the leader needs to be adjusted
                if (plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                    playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getTeamLeader(playerUUID);
                // Get the range that this player has now
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIsland(playerUUID);
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIslandOther);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    int newRange = 0;
                    int maxRange = Settings.islandDistance;
                    try {
                        newRange = Integer.valueOf(split[2]);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                        return true;
                    if (newRange < 10 || newRange > maxRange) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeInvalid + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeTip.replace("[max]", String.valueOf(maxRange)));
                        return true;
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminSetRangeSet.replace("[number]", String.valueOf(newRange)));
                    showInfo(playerUUID, sender);
                    return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setdeaths")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    try {
                        int newDeaths = Integer.valueOf(split[2]);
                        int oldDeaths = plugin.getPlayers().getDeaths(playerUUID);
                        plugin.getPlayers().setDeaths(playerUUID, newDeaths);
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.getPlayers().getName(playerUUID) + " " + oldDeaths + " >>> " + newDeaths + " " + plugin.myLocale().deaths);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.getPlayers().getName(playerUUID) + " " + plugin.getPlayers().getDeaths(playerUUID) + " " + plugin.myLocale().deaths);
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, plugin.myLocale().helpColor + label + " setdeaths <player> <number>:" + ChatColor.WHITE + " " + plugin.myLocale().adminHelpsetDeaths);
                        return true;
                    return true;
            // Change biomes
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("setbiome")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                // Check if player exists
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                // Check if the target is in a team and if so, the leader
                if (plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                    playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getTeamLeader(playerUUID);
                Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIsland(playerUUID);
                if (island == null) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoIsland);
                    return true;
                // Check if biome is valid
                Biome biome = null;
                String biomeName = split[2].toUpperCase();
                try {
                    biome = Biome.valueOf(biomeName);
                    biomeName =;
                    if (!plugin.getConfig().contains("biomes." + biomeName)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().biomeUnknown);
                        // shown
                        for (Biome b : Biome.values()) {
                            if (plugin.getConfig().contains("biomes." + {
                        return true;
                    // Get friendly name
                    biomeName = plugin.getConfig().getString("biomes." + biomeName + ".friendlyname", Util.prettifyText(biomeName));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().biomeUnknown);
                    for (Biome b : Biome.values()) {
                        if (plugin.getConfig().contains("biomes." + {
                    return true;
                // Okay clear to set biome
                // Actually set the biome
                new SetBiome(plugin, island, biome, sender);
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().biomeSet.replace("[biome]", biomeName));
                Player targetPlayer = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerUUID);
                if (targetPlayer != null) {
                    // Online
                    Util.sendMessage(targetPlayer, "[Admin] " + ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).biomeSet.replace("[biome]", biomeName));
                } else {
                    plugin.getMessages().setMessage(playerUUID, "[Admin] " + ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(playerUUID).biomeSet.replace("[biome]", biomeName));
                return true;
            } else // team kick <player> and team delete <leader>
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("team")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[2], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("kick")) {
                    // Remove player from team
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorNoTeam);
                        return true;
                    UUID teamLeader = plugin.getPlayers().getTeamLeader(playerUUID);
                    if (teamLeader == null) {
                        // Clear the player of all team-related items
                        if (!plugin.getPlayers().setLeaveTeam(playerUUID)) {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorBlockedByAPI);
                            return true;
                        plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(playerUUID, null);
                        plugin.getPlayers().setIslandLocation(playerUUID, null);
                        // Remove any warps
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().kicknameRemoved.replace("[name]", split[2]));
                        return true;
                    // Payer is not a team leader
                    if (!teamLeader.equals(playerUUID)) {
                        // Clear the player of all team-related items
                        if (!plugin.getPlayers().setLeaveTeam(playerUUID)) {
                            Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorBlockedByAPI);
                            return true;
                        plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(playerUUID, null);
                        plugin.getPlayers().setIslandLocation(playerUUID, null);
                        // Clear the leader of this player and if they now have
                        // no team, remove the team
                        plugin.getPlayers().removeMember(teamLeader, playerUUID);
                        if (plugin.getPlayers().getMembers(teamLeader).size() < 2) {
                            if (!plugin.getPlayers().setLeaveTeam(teamLeader)) {
                                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorBlockedByAPI);
                                return true;
                        // Remove any warps
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().kicknameRemoved.replace("[name]", split[2]));
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + (plugin.myLocale().adminTeamKickLeader.replace("[label]", label)).replace("[name]", split[2]));
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                    return false;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("completechallenge")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                if (plugin.getPlayers().checkChallenge(playerUUID, split[2].toLowerCase()) || !plugin.getPlayers().get(playerUUID).challengeExists(split[2].toLowerCase())) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().completeChallengeerrorChallengeDoesNotExist);
                    return true;
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().completeChallengechallangeCompleted.replace("[challengename]", split[2].toLowerCase()).replace("[name]", split[1]));
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("resetchallenge")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[1], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().checkChallenge(playerUUID, split[2].toLowerCase()) || !plugin.getPlayers().get(playerUUID).challengeExists(split[2].toLowerCase())) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().resetChallengeerrorChallengeDoesNotExist);
                    return true;
                plugin.getPlayers().resetChallenge(playerUUID, split[2].toLowerCase());
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale().resetChallengechallengeReset.replace("[challengename]", split[2].toLowerCase()).replace("[name]", split[1]));
                return true;
            } else if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info") && split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("challenges")) {
                // Convert name to a UUID
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[2], true);
                // + playerUUID);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    showInfoChallenges(playerUUID, sender);
                    return true;
            return false;
        case 4:
            // Team add <player> <leader>
            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("team") && split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
                // Convert names to UUIDs
                final UUID playerUUID = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[2], true);
                final Player targetPlayer = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerUUID);
                final UUID teamLeader = plugin.getPlayers().getUUID(split[3], true);
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(playerUUID) || !plugin.getPlayers().isAKnownPlayer(teamLeader)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownPlayer);
                    return true;
                if (playerUUID.equals(teamLeader)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamAddLeaderToOwn);
                    return true;
                // See if leader has an island
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(teamLeader)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamAddLeaderNoIsland);
                    return true;
                // Check to see if this player is already in a team
                if (plugin.getPlayers().inTeam(playerUUID)) {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().inviteerrorThatPlayerIsAlreadyInATeam);
                    return true;
                // then add it
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().getMembers(teamLeader).contains(teamLeader)) {
                    // Set up the team leader
                    if (!plugin.getPlayers().setJoinTeam(teamLeader, teamLeader, plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(teamLeader))) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorBlockedByAPI);
                        return true;
                    plugin.getPlayers().addTeamMember(teamLeader, teamLeader);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GOLD + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamAddedLeader);
                // This is a hack to clear any pending invitations
                if (targetPlayer != null) {
                    Util.runCommand(targetPlayer, Settings.ISLANDCOMMAND + " decline");
                // If the invitee has an island of their own
                if (plugin.getPlayers().hasIsland(playerUUID)) {
                    Location islandLoc = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(playerUUID);
                    if (islandLoc != null) {
                        Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamNowUnowned.replace("[name]", plugin.getPlayers().getName(playerUUID)).replace("[location]", islandLoc.getBlockX() + " " + islandLoc.getBlockZ()));
                // Remove their old island affiliation - do not delete the
                // island just in case
                plugin.deletePlayerIsland(playerUUID, false);
                // Join the team and set the team island location and leader
                plugin.getPlayers().setJoinTeam(playerUUID, teamLeader, plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(teamLeader));
                // Configure the best home location for this player
                if (plugin.getPlayers().getHomeLocation(teamLeader) != null) {
                    plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(playerUUID, plugin.getPlayers().getHomeLocation(teamLeader));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamSettingHome);
                } else {
                    plugin.getPlayers().setHomeLocation(playerUUID, plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLocation(teamLeader));
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamSettingHome);
                // it
                if (!plugin.getPlayers().getMembers(teamLeader).contains(playerUUID)) {
                    plugin.getPlayers().addTeamMember(teamLeader, playerUUID);
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamAddingPlayer);
                } else {
                    Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.GOLD + plugin.myLocale().adminTeamAlreadyOnTeam);
                // Teleport the player if they are online
                if (targetPlayer != null) {
                return true;
            } else {
                Util.sendMessage(sender, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale().errorUnknownCommand);
                return false;
            return false;
Also used : Entity(org.bukkit.entity.Entity) Creature(org.bukkit.entity.Creature) SafeTeleportBuilder(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.util.teleport.SafeTeleportBuilder) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileNotFoundException( World(org.bukkit.World) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UUID(java.util.UUID) Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) Island(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island) FileLister(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.FileLister) EntityType(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType) Collection(java.util.Collection) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) ASkyBlock(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) File( BlockIterator(org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator) Scanner(java.util.Scanner) FileWriter( FilenameFilter( SettingsFlag(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Biome(org.bukkit.block.Biome) SetBiome(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.panels.SetBiome) ASLocale(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASLocale) SetBiome(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.panels.SetBiome) BukkitRunnable(org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable) Material(org.bukkit.Material) IOException( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) FileNotFoundException( IOException( BukkitRunnable(org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable) HashMultiset( Multiset( Sign(org.bukkit.block.Sign) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 2 with ASkyBlock

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class AcidEffect method onPlayerMove.

@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) {
    // Fast return if acid isn't being used
    if (Settings.rainDamage == 0 && Settings.acidDamage == 0) {
    final Player player = e.getPlayer();
    // Fast checks
    if (player.isDead() || player.getGameMode().toString().startsWith("SPECTATOR")) {
    // Check if in teleport
    if (plugin.getPlayers().isInTeleport(player.getUniqueId())) {
    // Check that they are in the ASkyBlock world
    if (!player.getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld())) {
    // Return if players are immune
    if (player.isOp()) {
        if (!Settings.damageOps) {
    } else if (VaultHelper.checkPerm(player, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "mod.noburn") || VaultHelper.checkPerm(player, Settings.PERMPREFIX + "admin.noburn")) {
    if (player.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.CREATIVE)) {
        if (!e.getTo().toVector().equals(e.getFrom().toVector())) {
            // Head movements only
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Acid Effect " + e.getEventName());
    // Slow checks
    final Location playerLoc = player.getLocation();
    final Block block = playerLoc.getBlock();
    final Block head = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
    // Check for acid rain
    if (Settings.rainDamage > 0D && isRaining) {
        // Only check if they are in a non-dry biome
        Biome biome = playerLoc.getBlock().getBiome();
        if (biome != Biome.DESERT && biome != Biome.DESERT_HILLS && biome != Biome.SAVANNA && biome != Biome.MESA && biome != Biome.HELL) {
            if (isSafeFromRain(player)) {
                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: not hit by rain");
            } else {
                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: hit by rain");
                if (!wetPlayers.contains(player)) {
                    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Start hurting player");
                    // Start hurting them
                    // Add to the list
                    // This runnable continuously hurts the player even if
                    // they are not
                    // moving but are in acid rain.
                    new BukkitRunnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            // Check if it is still raining or player is safe or dead or there is no damage
                            if (!isRaining || player.isDead() || isSafeFromRain(player) || Settings.rainDamage <= 0D) {
                                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Player is dead or it has stopped raining");
                            // Check they are still in this world
                            } else {
                                player.damage((Settings.rainDamage - Settings.rainDamage * getDamageReduced(player)));
                                if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                                    player.getWorld().playSound(playerLoc, Sound.valueOf("FIZZ"), 3F, 3F);
                                } else {
                                    player.getWorld().playSound(playerLoc, Sound.ENTITY_CREEPER_PRIMED, 3F, 3F);
                    }.runTaskTimer(plugin, 0L, 20L);
    // back up
    if (playerLoc.getBlockY() < 1 && Settings.GAMETYPE.equals(GameType.ACIDISLAND)) {
        final Vector v = new Vector(player.getVelocity().getX(), 1D, player.getVelocity().getZ());
    // If they are already burning in acid then return
    if (burningPlayers.contains(player)) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: already burning in acid");
    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: no acid water is false");
    if (isSafeFromAcid(player)) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: safe from acid");
    // ACID!
    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Acid!");
    // Put the player into the acid list
    // This runnable continuously hurts the player even if they are not
    // moving but are in acid.
    new BukkitRunnable() {

        public void run() {
            if (player.isDead() || isSafeFromAcid(player)) {
            } else {
                if (!Settings.acidDamageType.isEmpty()) {
                    for (PotionEffectType t : Settings.acidDamageType) {
                        if (t.equals(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS) || t.equals(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION) || t.equals(PotionEffectType.HUNGER) || t.equals(PotionEffectType.SLOW) || t.equals(PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING) || t.equals(PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS)) {
                            player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(t, 600, 1));
                        } else {
                            // Poison
                            player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(t, 200, 1));
                // Apply damage if there is any
                if (Settings.acidDamage > 0D) {
                    player.damage((Settings.acidDamage - Settings.acidDamage * getDamageReduced(player)));
                    if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                        player.getWorld().playSound(playerLoc, Sound.valueOf("FIZZ"), 3F, 3F);
                    } else {
                        player.getWorld().playSound(playerLoc, Sound.ENTITY_CREEPER_PRIMED, 3F, 3F);
    }.runTaskTimer(plugin, 0L, 20L);
Also used : Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) Biome(org.bukkit.block.Biome) PotionEffect(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect) PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) ASkyBlock(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock) BukkitRunnable(org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable) Vector(org.bukkit.util.Vector) Location(org.bukkit.Location) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)

Example 3 with ASkyBlock

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class LavaCheck method onCleanstoneGen.

 * Removes stone generated by lava pouring onto water
 * @param e - event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onCleanstoneGen(BlockFromToEvent e) {
    // Only do this in ASkyBlock world
    if (!e.getBlock().getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld())) {
    // Do nothing if a new island is being created
    if (plugin.isNewIsland())
    final Block to = e.getToBlock();
		plugin.getLogger().info("From material is " + e.getBlock().toString());
		plugin.getLogger().info("To material is " + to.getType().toString());
    if (Settings.acidDamage > 0) {
        if (DEBUG)
            plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: cleanstone gen " + e.getEventName());
        final Material prev = to.getType();
        // plugin.getLogger().info("To material was " +
        // to.getType().toString());
        plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                // to.getType().toString());
                if ((prev.equals(Material.WATER) || prev.equals(Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) && to.getType().equals(Material.STONE)) {
                    if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                        to.getWorld().playSound(to.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf("FIZZ"), 1F, 2F);
                    } else {
                        to.getWorld().playSound(to.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_CREEPER_PRIMED, 1F, 2F);
Also used : ASkyBlock(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) Material(org.bukkit.Material) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)

Example 4 with ASkyBlock

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class LavaCheck method onCobbleGen.

 * Magic Cobble Generator
 * @param e - event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onCobbleGen(BlockFromToEvent e) {
    // If magic cobble gen isnt used
    if (!Settings.useMagicCobbleGen) {
        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: no magic cobble gen");
    // Only do this in ASkyBlock world
    if (!e.getBlock().getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld())) {
        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: wrong world");
    // Do nothing if a new island is being created
    if (plugin.isNewIsland()) {
        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: new island in creation");
    // If only at spawn, do nothing if we're not at spawn
    if (Settings.magicCobbleGenOnlyAtSpawn && (!ASkyBlockAPI.getInstance().isAtSpawn(e.getBlock().getLocation()))) {
    final Block b = e.getBlock();
    if (b.getType().equals(Material.WATER) || b.getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_WATER) || b.getType().equals(Material.LAVA) || b.getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_LAVA)) {
        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: From block is water or lava. To = " + e.getToBlock().getType());
        final Block toBlock = e.getToBlock();
        if (toBlock.getType().equals(Material.AIR) && generatesCobble(b, toBlock)) {
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: potential cobble gen");
            // Get island level or use default
            long l = Long.MIN_VALUE;
            Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(b.getLocation());
            if (island != null) {
                if (island.getOwner() != null) {
                    l = plugin.getPlayers().getIslandLevel(island.getOwner());
                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: level " + level);
            final long level = l;
            // Check if cobble was generated next tick
            // Store surrounding blocks and their current material types
            final List<Block> prevBlock = new ArrayList<Block>();
            final List<Material> prevMat = new ArrayList<Material>();
            for (BlockFace face : FACES) {
                Block r = toBlock.getRelative(face);
            // r = toBlock.getRelative(face,2);
            // prevBlock.add(r);
            // prevMat.add(r.getType());
            // Check if they became cobblestone next tick
            plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    Iterator<Block> blockIt = prevBlock.iterator();
                    Iterator<Material> matIt = prevMat.iterator();
                    while (blockIt.hasNext() && matIt.hasNext()) {
                        Block block =;
                        Material material =;
                        if (block.getType().equals(Material.COBBLESTONE) && !block.getType().equals(material)) {
                            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Cobble generated. Island level = " + level);
                            if (!Settings.magicCobbleGenChances.isEmpty()) {
                                Entry<Long, TreeMap<Double, Material>> entry = Settings.magicCobbleGenChances.floorEntry(level);
                                double maxValue = entry.getValue().lastKey();
                                double rnd = Util.randomDouble() * maxValue;
                                Entry<Double, Material> en = entry.getValue().ceilingEntry(rnd);
                                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: material = " + en.getValue());
                                if (en != null) {
                                    // Record stats, per level
                                    if (stats.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                                    } else {
                                        Multiset<Material> set = HashMultiset.create();
                                        stats.put(entry.getKey(), set);
Also used : BlockFace(org.bukkit.block.BlockFace) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Material(org.bukkit.Material) Island(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ASkyBlock(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock) Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) Multiset( HashMultiset( EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)

Example 5 with ASkyBlock

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class AcidEffect method onPlayerInteract.

 * Enables changing of obsidian back into lava
 * @param e - event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onPlayerInteract(final PlayerInteractEvent e) {
    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: " + Settings.allowObsidianScooping);
    if (!Settings.allowObsidianScooping) {
    // Check that they are in the ASkyBlock world
    if (!e.getPlayer().getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Settings.worldName)) {
    if (!e.getPlayer().getGameMode().equals(GameMode.SURVIVAL)) {
        // Only Survival players can do this
    if (DEBUG)
        plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: obsidian scoop " + e.getEventName());
    if (plugin.getGrid().playerIsOnIsland(e.getPlayer())) {
        boolean otherOb = false;
        @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") ItemStack inHand = e.getPlayer().getItemInHand();
        if (e.getAction().equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && inHand.getType().equals(Material.BUCKET) && e.getClickedBlock().getType().equals(Material.OBSIDIAN)) {
            // Look around to see if this is a lone obsidian block
            Block b = e.getClickedBlock();
            for (int x = -2; x <= 2; x++) {
                for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++) {
                    for (int z = -2; z <= 2; z++) {
                        final Block testBlock = b.getWorld().getBlockAt(b.getX() + x, b.getY() + y, b.getZ() + z);
                        if ((x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0) && testBlock.getType().equals(Material.OBSIDIAN)) {
                            otherOb = true;
            if (!otherOb) {
                Util.sendMessage(e.getPlayer(), ChatColor.YELLOW + plugin.myLocale(e.getPlayer().getUniqueId()).changingObsidiantoLava);
                // e.getPlayer().getInventory().removeItem(new
                // ItemStack(Material.BUCKET, 1));
                e.getPlayer().getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.LAVA_BUCKET, 1));
                if (inHand.getAmount() > 1) {
                    e.getPlayer().getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.BUCKET, inHand.getAmount() - 1));
Also used : Block(org.bukkit.block.Block) ASkyBlock(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)


ASkyBlock (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock)7 Material (org.bukkit.Material)5 Block (org.bukkit.block.Block)5 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)4 HashMultiset ( Multiset ( Island (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 Location (org.bukkit.Location)2 Biome (org.bukkit.block.Biome)2 ConfigurationSection (org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)2 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)2 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)2 BukkitRunnable (org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable)2 ASLocale (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASLocale)1 FileLister (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.FileLister)1 SettingsFlag (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag)1 SetBiome (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.panels.SetBiome)1