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Example 6 with SettingsFlag

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class SettingsPanel method onInventoryClick.

 * Handle clicks to the Settings panel
 * @param event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
    // The player that clicked the item
    Player player = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
    // The inventory that was clicked in
    Inventory inventory = event.getInventory();
    if (inventory.getName() == null) {
    int slot = event.getRawSlot();
    // Check this is the right panel
    if (!inventory.getName().equals(plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).igsTitle)) {
    // Stop removal of items
    if (event.getSlotType() == SlotType.OUTSIDE) {
    if (event.getClick().equals(ClickType.SHIFT_RIGHT)) {
    // Check world
    if (!player.getLocation().getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getIslandWorld()) && !player.getLocation().getWorld().equals(ASkyBlock.getNetherWorld())) {
    // 1.7.x server
    if (!hasArmorStand && slot > lookup.size()) {
    // 1.8.x server
    if (slot > (lookup.size() + 1)) {
    // Get the flag
    SettingsFlag flag = null;
    if (lookup.containsKey(event.getCurrentItem().getType())) {
        // All other items
        flag = lookup.get(event.getCurrentItem().getType());
    } else if (hasArmorStand && event.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.ARMOR_STAND) {
        // Special handling to avoid errors on 1.7.x servers
        flag = SettingsFlag.ARMOR_STAND;
    // If flag is null, do nothing
    if (flag == null) {
    // Players can only do something if they own the island or are op
    Island island = plugin.getGrid().getIslandAt(player.getLocation());
    if (island != null && (player.isOp() || (island.getOwner() != null && island.getOwner().equals(player.getUniqueId())))) {
        // Check perms
        if (player.isOp() || player.hasPermission(Settings.PERMPREFIX + "settings." + flag.toString())) {
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: Player has perm " + flag.toString());
            if (flag.equals(SettingsFlag.PVP) || flag.equals(SettingsFlag.NETHER_PVP)) {
                // PVP always results in an inventory closure
                // PVP activation
                if (!island.getIgsFlag(flag)) {
                    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: attempt to activate PVP");
                    if (pvpCoolDown.containsKey(player.getUniqueId())) {
                        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: player is in the cooldown list");
                        long setTime = pvpCoolDown.get(player.getUniqueId());
                        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: set time is " + setTime);
                        long secondsLeft = Settings.pvpRestartCooldown - (System.currentTimeMillis() - setTime) / 1000;
                        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: seconds left = " + secondsLeft);
                        if (secondsLeft > 0) {
                            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + "You must wait " + secondsLeft + " seconds until you can do that again!");
                        // Tidy up
                    // Warn players on the island
                    for (Player p : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
                        if (island.onIsland(p.getLocation())) {
                            if (flag.equals(SettingsFlag.NETHER_PVP)) {
                                Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igs.get(SettingsFlag.NETHER_PVP) + " " + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igsAllowed);
                            } else {
                                Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igs.get(SettingsFlag.PVP) + " " + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igsAllowed);
                            if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                                player.getWorld().playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf("ARROW_HIT"), 1F, 1F);
                            } else {
                                player.getWorld().playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_ARROW_HIT, 1F, 1F);
                    // Toggle the flag
                    // Update warp signs
                    final List<UUID> members = island.getMembers();
                    // Run one tick later because text gets updated at the end of tick
                    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            for (UUID playerUUID : members) {
                } else {
                    // PVP deactivation
                    // Store this deactivation time
                    pvpCoolDown.put(player.getUniqueId(), System.currentTimeMillis());
                    // Immediately toggle the setting
                    // Update warp signs
                    final List<UUID> members = island.getMembers();
                    // Run one tick later because text gets updated at the end of tick
                    plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            for (UUID playerUUID : members) {
                    // Warn players of change
                    for (Player p : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
                        if (island.onIsland(p.getLocation())) {
                            // Deactivate PVP
                            if (flag.equals(SettingsFlag.NETHER_PVP)) {
                                Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igs.get(SettingsFlag.NETHER_PVP) + " " + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igsDisallowed);
                            } else {
                                Util.sendMessage(p, ChatColor.GREEN + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igs.get(SettingsFlag.PVP) + " " + plugin.myLocale(p.getUniqueId()).igsDisallowed);
                            if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                                p.getWorld().playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf("FIREWORK_TWINKLE"), 1F, 1F);
                            } else {
                                p.getWorld().playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_FIREWORK_TWINKLE, 1F, 1F);
            } else {
        // player.closeInventory();
Also used : SettingsFlag(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag) Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) UUID(java.util.UUID) Island(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island) Inventory(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory) EventHandler(org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)

Example 7 with SettingsFlag

use of com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag in project askyblock by tastybento.

the class GridManager method convert.

 * Converts from the old version where islands were stored in an island
 * folder.
 * Did not work for large installations.
private void convert() {
    // Read spawn file if it exists
    final File spawnFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "spawn.yml");
    if (spawnFile.exists()) {
        YamlConfiguration spawn = new YamlConfiguration();
        try {
            int range = spawn.getInt("spawn.range");
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG:" + range + " " +
            // spawn.getString("spawn.bedrock",""));
            Location spawnLoc = Util.getLocationString(spawn.getString("spawn.bedrock", ""));
            if (spawnLoc != null && onGrid(spawnLoc)) {
                Island newIsland = addIsland(spawnLoc.getBlockX(), spawnLoc.getBlockZ());
            } else {
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Spawn could not be imported! Location " + spawnLoc);
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Go to the spawn island and set it manually");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            plugin.getLogger().severe("Spawn could not be imported! File could not load.");
    // Go through player folder
    final File playerFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "players");
    final File quarantineFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "quarantine");
    YamlConfiguration playerFile = new YamlConfiguration();
    int noisland = 0;
    int inTeam = 0;
    int count = 0;
    if (playerFolder.exists() && playerFolder.listFiles().length > 0) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Reading player folder...");
        if (playerFolder.listFiles().length > 5000) {
            plugin.getLogger().warning("This could take some time with a large number of islands...");
        for (File f : playerFolder.listFiles()) {
            // Need to remove the .yml suffix
            String fileName = f.getName();
            if (fileName.endsWith(".yml")) {
                try {
                    boolean hasIsland = playerFile.getBoolean("hasIsland", false);
                    if (hasIsland) {
                        String islandLocation = playerFile.getString("islandLocation");
                        if (islandLocation.isEmpty()) {
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem with " + fileName);
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Owner :" + playerFile.getString("playerName", "Unknown"));
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Player file says they have an island, but there is no location.");
                            // Move to quarantine
                            if (!quarantineFolder.exists()) {
                            // Move the file
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Moving " + f.getName() + " to " + quarantineFolder.getName());
                            File rename = new File(quarantineFolder, f.getName());
                        } else {
                            // Location exists
                            Location islandLoc = Util.getLocationString(islandLocation);
                            if (islandLoc != null) {
                                // Check to see if this island is already loaded
                                Island island = getIslandAt(islandLoc);
                                if (island != null) {
                                    // PlayerIsland exists, compare creation dates
                                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem with " + fileName);
                                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Owner :" + playerFile.getString("playerName", "Unknown"));
                                    plugin.getLogger().severe("This island location already exists and is already imported");
                                    if (island.getUpdatedDate() > f.lastModified()) {
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Previous file is more recent so keeping it.");
                                        // Move to quarantine
                                        if (!quarantineFolder.exists()) {
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Moving " + (playerFile.getString("playerName", "Unknown")) + "'s file (" + f.getName() + ") to " + quarantineFolder.getName());
                                        File rename = new File(quarantineFolder, f.getName());
                                    } else {
                                        // New file is more recent
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe(playerFile.getString("playerName", "Unknown") + "'s file is more recent");
                                        File oldFile = new File(playerFolder, island.getOwner().toString() + ".yml");
                                        File rename = new File(quarantineFolder, oldFile.getName());
                                        // Move to quarantine
                                        if (!quarantineFolder.exists()) {
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Moving previous file (" + oldFile.getName() + ") to " + quarantineFolder.getName());
                                        island = null;
                                if (island == null) {
                                    if (!onGrid(islandLoc)) {
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem with " + fileName);
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Owner :" + playerFile.getString("playerName", "Unknown"));
                                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Island is not on grid lines! " + islandLoc);
                                    String ownerString = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4);
                                    // Add the island
                                    UUID owner = UUID.fromString(ownerString);
                                    Island newIsland = addIsland(islandLoc.getBlockX(), islandLoc.getBlockZ(), owner);
                                    ownershipMap.put(owner, newIsland);
                                    // Grab when this was last updated
                                    if ((count) % 1000 == 0) {
                                        plugin.getLogger().info("Converted " + count + " islands");
                                    // plugin.getLogger().info("Converted island at "
                                    // + islandLoc);
                                    // Top ten
                                    int islandLevel = playerFile.getInt("islandLevel", 0);
                                    String teamLeaderUUID = playerFile.getString("teamLeader", "");
                                    if (islandLevel > 0) {
                                        if (!playerFile.getBoolean("hasTeam")) {
                                            plugin.getTopTen().topTenAddEntry(owner, islandLevel);
                                        } else if (!teamLeaderUUID.isEmpty()) {
                                            if (teamLeaderUUID.equals(ownerString)) {
                                                plugin.getTopTen().topTenAddEntry(owner, islandLevel);
                                    // Check if there is an island info string and see if it jibes
                                    String islandInfo = playerFile.getString("islandInfo", "");
                                    if (!islandInfo.isEmpty()) {
                                        String[] split = islandInfo.split(":");
                                        try {
                                            // int protectionRange = Integer.parseInt(split[3]);
                                            // int islandDistance = Integer.parseInt(split[4]);
                                            if (split.length > 6) {
                                                // Get locked status
                                                if (split[6].equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                                            // Check if deletable
                                            if (split.length > 7) {
                                                if (split[7].equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                                            if (!split[5].equals("null")) {
                                                if (split[5].equals("spawn")) {
                                                    // Try to get the spawn point
                                                    if (split.length > 8) {
                                                        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: " + serial.substring(serial.indexOf(":SP:") + 4));
                                                        Location spawnPoint = Util.getLocationString(islandInfo.substring(islandInfo.indexOf(":SP:") + 4));
                                            // Check if protection options there
                                            if (!newIsland.isSpawn()) {
                                                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: NOT SPAWN owner is " + owner + " location " + center);
                                                if (split.length > 8 && split[8].length() == 29) {
                                                    // Parse the 8th string into island guard protection settings
                                                    int index = 0;
                                                    // Run through the enum and set
                                                    for (SettingsFlag flag : SettingsFlag.values()) {
                                                        if (index < split[8].length()) {
                                                            newIsland.setIgsFlag(flag, split[8].charAt(index++) == '1');
                                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            } else {
                                plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem with " + fileName);
                                plugin.getLogger().severe("Owner :" + playerFile.getString("playerName", "Unknown"));
                                plugin.getLogger().severe("The world for this file does not exist!");
                    } else {
                        if (playerFile.getBoolean("hasTeam", false)) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem with " + fileName);
                // e.printStackTrace();
        plugin.getLogger().info("Converted " + count + " islands from player's folder");
        plugin.getLogger().info(noisland + " have no island, of which " + inTeam + " are in a team.");
        plugin.getLogger().info((noisland - inTeam) + " are in the system, but have no island or team");
    int count2 = 0;
    // Check island folder
    final File islandFolder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + File.separator + "islands");
    if (islandFolder.exists() && islandFolder.listFiles().length > 0) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Reading island folder...");
        if (islandFolder.listFiles().length > 5000) {
            plugin.getLogger().warning("This could take some time with a large number of islands...");
        for (File f : islandFolder.listFiles()) {
            // Need to remove the .yml suffix
            String fileName = f.getName();
            int comma = fileName.indexOf(",");
            if (fileName.endsWith(".yml") && comma != -1) {
                try {
                    // Parse to an island value
                    int x = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(0, comma));
                    int z = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(comma + 1, fileName.indexOf(".")));
                    if (!onGrid(x, z)) {
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Island is not on grid lines! " + x + "," + z + " skipping...");
                    } else {
                        // Note that this is the CENTER of the island
                        if (getIslandAt(x, z) == null) {
                            addIsland(x, z);
                            if (count2 % 1000 == 0) {
                                plugin.getLogger().info("Converted " + count + " islands");
                        // plugin.getLogger().info("Added island from island folder: "
                        // + x + "," +z);
                } catch (Exception e) {
        plugin.getLogger().info("Converted " + count2 + " islands from island folder");
        plugin.getLogger().info("Total " + (count + count2) + " islands converted.");
    // Now save the islandGrid
Also used : SettingsFlag(com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag) YamlConfiguration(org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration) UUID(java.util.UUID) File( IOException( Location(org.bukkit.Location)


SettingsFlag (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island.SettingsFlag)7 UUID (java.util.UUID)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Island (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.Island)3 File ( IOException ( TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)3 YamlConfiguration (org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration)3 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)3 SetBiome (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.panels.SetBiome)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Location (org.bukkit.Location)2 Material (org.bukkit.Material)2 Biome (org.bukkit.block.Biome)2 EntityType (org.bukkit.entity.EntityType)2 Inventory (org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)2 HashMultiset ( Multiset ( ASLocale (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASLocale)1 ASkyBlock (com.wasteofplastic.askyblock.ASkyBlock)1