use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class AuthenticationDataValidator method validate.
// as null check is done by BeanAssertUtil#validate
public void validate(@NonNull AuthenticationData authenticationData, @NonNull AuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters) {
AssertUtil.notNull(authenticationParameters, "authenticationParameters must not be null");
// spec| Step1
// spec| Let options be a new PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions structure configured to the Relying Party's needs for the ceremony.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step2
// spec| Call navigator.credentials.get() and pass options as the publicKey option. Let credential be the result of the successfully resolved promise.
// spec| If the promise is rejected, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error, or otherwise guide the user experience as might be determinable
// spec| from the context available in the rejected promise. For information on different error contexts and the circumstances leading to them,
// spec| see § 6.3.3 The authenticatorGetAssertion Operation.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step3
// spec| Let response be credential.response. If response is not an instance of AuthenticatorAssertionResponse, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step4
// spec| Let clientExtensionResults be the result of calling credential.getClientExtensionResults().
AuthenticationExtensionsClientOutputs<AuthenticationExtensionClientOutput> clientExtensions = authenticationData.getClientExtensions();
// spec| Step5
// spec| If options.allowCredentials is not empty, verify that identifies one of the public key credentials listed in options.allowCredentials.
byte[] credentialId = authenticationData.getCredentialId();
List<byte[]> allowCredentials = authenticationParameters.getAllowCredentials();
validateCredentialId(credentialId, allowCredentials);
// spec| Step6
// spec| Identify the user being authenticated and verify that this user is the owner of the public key credential source credentialSource identified by
// spec| - If the user was identified before the authentication ceremony was initiated,
// spec| verify that the identified user is the owner of credentialSource. If credential.response.userHandle is present,
// spec| let userHandle be its value. Verify that userHandle also maps to the same user.
// spec| - If the user was not identified before the authentication ceremony was initiated,
// spec| verify that response.userHandle is present, and that the user identified by this value is the owner of credentialSource.
// (This step is out of WebAuthn4J scope. It's caller's responsibility.)
// spec| Step7
// spec| Using credential’s id attribute (or the corresponding rawId, if base64url encoding is inappropriate for your use case),
// spec| look up the corresponding credential public key and let credentialPublicKey be that credential public key.
// (This step is out of WebAuthn4J scope. It's caller's responsibility.)
// spec| Step8
// spec| Let cData, aData and sig denote the value of credential’s response's clientDataJSON, authenticatorData,
// spec| and signature respectively.
byte[] cData = authenticationData.getCollectedClientDataBytes();
byte[] aData = authenticationData.getAuthenticatorDataBytes();
// spec| Step9
// spec| Let JSONtext be the result of running UTF-8 decode on the value of cData.
// (This step is done on caller.)
// spec| Step10
// spec| Let C, the client data claimed as used for the signature, be the result of running an implementation-specific JSON parser on JSONtext.
// (In the spec, claimed as "C", but use "collectedClientData" here)
CollectedClientData collectedClientData = authenticationData.getCollectedClientData();
AuthenticatorData<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = authenticationData.getAuthenticatorData();
ServerProperty serverProperty = authenticationParameters.getServerProperty();
Authenticator authenticator = authenticationParameters.getAuthenticator();
AuthenticationObject authenticationObject = new AuthenticationObject(credentialId, authenticatorData, aData, collectedClientData, cData, clientExtensions, serverProperty, authenticator);
// spec| Verify that the value of C.type is the string webauthn.get.
if (!Objects.equals(collectedClientData.getType(), ClientDataType.WEBAUTHN_GET)) {
throw new InconsistentClientDataTypeException("ClientData.type must be 'get' on authentication, but it isn't.");
// spec| Step12
// spec| Verify that the value of C.challenge matches the challenge that was sent to the authenticator in
// spec| the PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions passed to the get() call.
challengeValidator.validate(collectedClientData, serverProperty);
// spec| Step13
// spec| Verify that the value of C.origin matches the Relying Party's origin.
// Verify cross origin, which is not defined in the spec
// spec| Step14
// spec| Verify that the value of C.tokenBinding.status matches the state of Token Binding for the TLS connection over
// spec| which the attestation was obtained. If Token Binding was used on that TLS connection,
// spec| also verify that matches the base64url encoding of the Token Binding ID for the connection.
tokenBindingValidator.validate(collectedClientData.getTokenBinding(), serverProperty.getTokenBindingId());
// spec| Step15
// spec| Verify that the rpIdHash in authData is the SHA-256 hash of the RP ID expected by the Relying Party.
rpIdHashValidator.validate(authenticatorData.getRpIdHash(), serverProperty);
// spec| Verify that the User Present bit of the flags in authData is set.
if (authenticationParameters.isUserPresenceRequired() && !authenticatorData.isFlagUP()) {
throw new UserNotPresentException("Validator is configured to check user present, but UP flag in authenticatorData is not set.");
// spec| If user verification is required for this assertion, verify that the User Verified bit of the flags in authData is set.
if (authenticationParameters.isUserVerificationRequired() && !authenticatorData.isFlagUV()) {
throw new UserNotVerifiedException("Validator is configured to check user verified, but UV flag in authenticatorData is not set.");
// spec| Step18
// spec| Verify that the values of the client extension outputs in clientExtensionResults and the authenticator
// spec| extension outputs in the extensions in authData are as expected, considering the client extension input
// spec| values that were given as the extensions option in the get() call. In particular, any extension identifier
// spec| values in the clientExtensionResults and the extensions in authData MUST be also be present as extension
// spec| identifier values in the extensions member of options, i.e., no extensions are present that were not requested.
// spec| In the general case, the meaning of "are as expected" is specific to the Relying Party and which extensions are in use.
AuthenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs = authenticatorData.getExtensions();
// spec| Step19
// spec| Let hash be the result of computing a hash over the cData using SHA-256.
// spec| Step20
// spec| Using the credential public key, validate that sig is a valid signature over
// spec| the binary concatenation of the authenticatorData and the hash of the collectedClientData.
assertionSignatureValidator.validate(authenticationData, authenticator.getAttestedCredentialData().getCOSEKey());
// spec| Step21
// spec| Let storedSignCount be the stored signature counter value associated with
// spec| If authData.signCount is nonzero or storedSignCount is nonzero, then run the following sub-step:
long presentedSignCount = authenticatorData.getSignCount();
long storedSignCount = authenticator.getCounter();
if (presentedSignCount > 0 || storedSignCount > 0) {
// spec| greater than storedSignCount:
if (presentedSignCount > storedSignCount) {
// spec| Update storedSignCount to be the value of authData.signCount.
// (caller need to update the signature counter value based on the value set in the Authenticator instance)
} else // spec| less than or equal to storedSignCount:
// spec| This is a signal that the authenticator may be cloned, i.e. at least two copies of the credential private key may exist and are being used in parallel.
// spec| Relying Parties should incorporate this information into their risk scoring.
// spec| Whether the Relying Party updates storedSignCount in this case, or not, or fails the authentication ceremony or not, is Relying Party-specific.
for (CustomAuthenticationValidator customAuthenticationValidator : customAuthenticationValidators) {
// spec| Step18
// spec| If all the above steps are successful, continue with the authentication ceremony as appropriate. Otherwise, fail the authentication ceremony.
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class CoreAuthenticationDataValidator method createCoreAuthenticationObject.
protected CoreAuthenticationObject createCoreAuthenticationObject(@NonNull CoreAuthenticationData authenticationData, @NonNull CoreAuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters) {
byte[] credentialId = authenticationData.getCredentialId();
AuthenticatorData<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = authenticationData.getAuthenticatorData();
byte[] authenticatorDataBytes = authenticationData.getAuthenticatorDataBytes();
byte[] clientDataHash = authenticationData.getClientDataHash();
CoreServerProperty serverProperty = authenticationParameters.getServerProperty();
CoreAuthenticator authenticator = authenticationParameters.getAuthenticator();
AssertUtil.notNull(authenticatorData, "authenticatorData must not be null");
return new CoreAuthenticationObject(credentialId, authenticatorData, authenticatorDataBytes, clientDataHash, serverProperty, authenticator);
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class CoreAuthenticationDataValidator method validate.
* It is up to caller responsibility to inject challenge into clientData and validate it equals to challenge stored in server side
* @param authenticationData authentication data
* @param authenticationParameters authentication parameters
// as null check is done by BeanAssertUtil#validate
public void validate(@NonNull CoreAuthenticationData authenticationData, @NonNull CoreAuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters) {
AssertUtil.notNull(authenticationParameters, "authenticationParameters must not be null");
// spec| Step1
// spec| Let options be a new PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions structure configured to the Relying Party's needs for the ceremony.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step2
// spec| Call navigator.credentials.get() and pass options as the publicKey option. Let credential be the result of the successfully resolved promise.
// spec| If the promise is rejected, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error, or otherwise guide the user experience as might be determinable
// spec| from the context available in the rejected promise. For information on different error contexts and the circumstances leading to them,
// spec| see § 6.3.3 The authenticatorGetAssertion Operation.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step3
// spec| Let response be credential.response. If response is not an instance of AuthenticatorAssertionResponse, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step4
// spec| Let clientExtensionResults be the result of calling credential.getClientExtensionResults().
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step5
// spec| If options.allowCredentials is not empty, verify that identifies one of the public key credentials listed in options.allowCredentials.
byte[] credentialId = authenticationData.getCredentialId();
List<byte[]> allowCredentials = authenticationParameters.getAllowCredentials();
validateCredentialId(credentialId, allowCredentials);
// spec| Step6
// spec| Identify the user being authenticated and verify that this user is the owner of the public key credential source credentialSource identified by
// spec| - If the user was identified before the authentication ceremony was initiated,
// spec| verify that the identified user is the owner of credentialSource. If credential.response.userHandle is present,
// spec| let userHandle be its value. Verify that userHandle also maps to the same user.
// spec| - If the user was not identified before the authentication ceremony was initiated,
// spec| verify that response.userHandle is present, and that the user identified by this value is the owner of credentialSource.
// (This step is out of WebAuthn4J scope. It's caller's responsibility.)
// spec| Step7
// spec| Using credential’s id attribute (or the corresponding rawId, if base64url encoding is inappropriate for your use case),
// spec| look up the corresponding credential public key and let credentialPublicKey be that credential public key.
// (This step is out of WebAuthn4J scope. It's caller's responsibility.)
// spec| Step8
// spec| Let cData, aData and sig denote the value of credential’s response's clientDataJSON, authenticatorData,
// spec| and signature respectively.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step9
// spec| Let JSONtext be the result of running UTF-8 decode on the value of cData.
// (This step is done on caller.)
// spec| Step10
// spec| Let C, the client data claimed as used for the signature, be the result of running an implementation-specific JSON parser on JSONtext.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
AuthenticatorData<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = authenticationData.getAuthenticatorData();
CoreServerProperty serverProperty = authenticationParameters.getServerProperty();
CoreAuthenticator authenticator = authenticationParameters.getAuthenticator();
CoreAuthenticationObject authenticationObject = createCoreAuthenticationObject(authenticationData, authenticationParameters);
// spec| Step11
// spec| Verify that the value of C.type is the string webauthn.get.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step12
// spec| Verify that the value of C.challenge matches the challenge that was sent to the authenticator in
// spec| the PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions passed to the get() call.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step13
// spec| Verify that the value of C.origin matches the Relying Party's origin.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// Verify cross origin, which is not defined in the spec
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step14
// spec| Verify that the value of C.tokenBinding.status matches the state of Token Binding for the TLS connection over
// spec| which the attestation was obtained. If Token Binding was used on that TLS connection,
// spec| also verify that matches the base64url encoding of the Token Binding ID for the connection.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step15
// spec| Verify that the rpIdHash in authData is the SHA-256 hash of the RP ID expected by the Relying Party.
rpIdHashValidator.validate(authenticatorData.getRpIdHash(), serverProperty);
// spec| Verify that the User Present bit of the flags in authData is set.
if (authenticationParameters.isUserPresenceRequired() && !authenticatorData.isFlagUP()) {
throw new UserNotPresentException("Validator is configured to check user present, but UP flag in authenticatorData is not set.");
// spec| If user verification is required for this assertion, verify that the User Verified bit of the flags in authData is set.
if (authenticationParameters.isUserVerificationRequired() && !authenticatorData.isFlagUV()) {
throw new UserNotVerifiedException("Validator is configured to check user verified, but UV flag in authenticatorData is not set.");
// spec| Step18
// spec| Verify that the values of the client extension outputs in clientExtensionResults and the authenticator
// spec| extension outputs in the extensions in authData are as expected, considering the client extension input
// spec| values that were given as the extensions option in the get() call. In particular, any extension identifier
// spec| values in the clientExtensionResults and the extensions in authData MUST be also be present as extension
// spec| identifier values in the extensions member of options, i.e., no extensions are present that were not requested.
// spec| In the general case, the meaning of "are as expected" is specific to the Relying Party and which extensions are in use.
AuthenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs = authenticatorData.getExtensions();
// (This clientExtensionResults verification is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step19
// spec| Let hash be the result of computing a hash over the cData using SHA-256.
// spec| Step20
// spec| Using the credential public key, validate that sig is a valid signature over
// spec| the binary concatenation of the authenticatorData and the hash of the collectedClientData.
assertionSignatureValidator.validate(authenticationData, authenticator.getAttestedCredentialData().getCOSEKey());
// spec| Step21
// spec| Let storedSignCount be the stored signature counter value associated with
// spec| If authData.signCount is nonzero or storedSignCount is nonzero, then run the following sub-step:
long presentedSignCount = authenticatorData.getSignCount();
long storedSignCount = authenticator.getCounter();
if (presentedSignCount > 0 || storedSignCount > 0) {
// spec| greater than storedSignCount:
if (presentedSignCount > storedSignCount) {
// spec| Update storedSignCount to be the value of authData.signCount.
// (caller need to update the signature counter value based on the value set in the Authenticator instance)
} else // spec| less than or equal to storedSignCount:
// spec| This is a signal that the authenticator may be cloned, i.e. at least two copies of the credential private key may exist and are being used in parallel.
// spec| Relying Parties should incorporate this information into their risk scoring.
// spec| Whether the Relying Party updates storedSignCount in this case, or not, or fails the authentication ceremony or not, is Relying Party-specific.
for (CustomCoreAuthenticationValidator customAuthenticationValidator : customAuthenticationValidators) {
// spec| Step18
// spec| If all the above steps are successful, continue with the authentication ceremony as appropriate. Otherwise, fail the authentication ceremony.
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class DeviceCheckAssertionManager method parse.
public DCAssertionData parse(@NonNull DCAssertionRequest dcAssertionRequest) throws DataConversionException {
AssertUtil.notNull(dcAssertionRequest, "dcAssertionRequest must not be null");
byte[] credentialId = dcAssertionRequest.getKeyId();
DCAssertion assertion = cborConverter.readValue(dcAssertionRequest.getAssertion(), DCAssertion.class);
byte[] authenticatorDataBytes = assertion == null ? null : assertion.getAuthenticatorData();
AuthenticatorData<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = authenticatorDataBytes == null ? null : authenticatorDataConverter.convert(authenticatorDataBytes);
byte[] clientDataHash = dcAssertionRequest.getClientDataHash();
byte[] signature = assertion == null ? null : assertion.getSignature();
return new DCAssertionData(credentialId, authenticatorData, authenticatorDataBytes, clientDataHash, signature);
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class FIDOAuthenticatorCoreAuthenticationValidationTest method validate_test.
void validate_test() {
String rpId = "";
long timeout = 0;
Challenge challenge = new DefaultChallenge();
// create
AttestationObject attestationObject = createAttestationObject(rpId, challenge);
// get
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions credentialRequestOptions = new PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions(challenge, timeout, rpId, null, UserVerificationRequirement.REQUIRED, null);
PublicKeyCredential<AuthenticatorAssertionResponse, AuthenticationExtensionClientOutput> credential = clientPlatform.get(credentialRequestOptions);
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse authenticationRequest = credential.getAuthenticatorResponse();
ServerProperty serverProperty = new ServerProperty(origin, rpId, challenge, null);
Authenticator authenticator = TestDataUtil.createAuthenticator(attestationObject);
AuthenticatorData<AuthenticationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticationData = authenticatorDataConverter.convert(authenticationRequest.getAuthenticatorData());
CoreAuthenticationData coreAuthenticationData = new CoreAuthenticationData(credential.getRawId(), authenticationData, authenticationRequest.getAuthenticatorData(), MessageDigestUtil.createSHA256().digest(authenticationRequest.getClientDataJSON()), authenticationRequest.getSignature());
AuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters = new AuthenticationParameters(serverProperty, authenticator, null, true);
target.validate(coreAuthenticationData, authenticationParameters);