use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class FIDOU2FAuthenticatorAdaptor method register.
public CredentialCreationResponse register(PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, CollectedClientData collectedClientData, RegistrationEmulationOption registrationEmulationOption, AttestationOption attestationOption) {
String rpId = publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.getRp().getId();
byte[] rpIdHash = MessageDigestUtil.createSHA256().digest(rpId.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
byte[] challengeParameter = MessageDigestUtil.createSHA256().digest(collectedClientDataConverter.convertToBytes(collectedClientData));
// noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
byte[] applicationParameter = rpIdHash;
RegistrationRequest registrationRequest = new RegistrationRequest(challengeParameter, applicationParameter);
RegistrationResponse registrationResponse = fidoU2FAuthenticator.register(registrationRequest, registrationEmulationOption);
AttestationStatement attestationStatement = new FIDOU2FAttestationStatement(new AttestationCertificatePath(Collections.singletonList(registrationResponse.getAttestationCertificate())), registrationResponse.getSignature());
EC2COSEKey ec2CredentialPublicKey = EC2COSEKey.createFromUncompressedECCKey(registrationResponse.getUserPublicKey());
// zero-filled 16bytes(128bits) array
AttestedCredentialData attestedCredentialData = new AttestedCredentialData(aaguid, registrationResponse.getKeyHandle(), ec2CredentialPublicKey);
byte flag = BIT_AT | BIT_UP;
AuthenticatorData<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = new AuthenticatorData<>(rpIdHash, flag, 0, attestedCredentialData);
AttestationObject attestationObject = new AttestationObject(authenticatorData, attestationStatement);
return new CredentialCreationResponse(attestationObject);
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class DeviceCheckAssertionManagerTest method parse_DCAssertion_with_signature_null_authenticatorData_null_test.
void parse_DCAssertion_with_signature_null_authenticatorData_null_test() {
DeviceCheckAssertionManager deviceCheckAssertionManager = new DeviceCheckAssertionManager();
AuthenticatorData<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = TestDataUtil.createAuthenticatorData();
byte[] keyId = new byte[64];
byte[] authenticatorDataBytes = authenticatorDataConverter.convert(authenticatorData);
byte[] assertion = cborConverter.writeValueAsBytes(new DCAssertion(new byte[32], authenticatorDataBytes));
byte[] clientDataHash = new byte[32];
DCAssertionData dcAssertionData = deviceCheckAssertionManager.parse(new DCAssertionRequest(keyId, assertion, clientDataHash));
assertThat(dcAssertionData.getKeyId()).isEqualTo(new byte[64]);
assertThat(dcAssertionData.getSignature()).isEqualTo(new byte[32]);
assertThat(dcAssertionData.getClientDataHash()).isEqualTo(new byte[32]);
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class WebAuthnModelAuthenticator method makeCredential.
public MakeCredentialResponse makeCredential(MakeCredentialRequest makeCredentialRequest, RegistrationEmulationOption registrationEmulationOption) {
PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity rpEntity = makeCredentialRequest.getRpEntity();
// Check if all the supplied parameters are syntactically well-formed and of the correct length.
// If not, return an error code equivalent to "UnknownError" and terminate the operation.
// Check if at least one of the specified combinations of PublicKeyCredentialType and cryptographic parameters
// in credTypesAndPubKeyAlgs is supported. If not, return an error code equivalent to "NotSupportedError"
// and terminate the operation.
Optional<PublicKeyCredentialParameters> optionalPublicKeyCredentialParameters = makeCredentialRequest.getCredTypesAndPublicKeyAlgs().stream().filter(this::isCapableOfHandling).findFirst();
PublicKeyCredentialParameters publicKeyCredentialParameters;
if (optionalPublicKeyCredentialParameters.isPresent()) {
publicKeyCredentialParameters = optionalPublicKeyCredentialParameters.get();
} else {
throw new NotSupportedException("Specified PublicKeyCredentialParameters are not supported");
// For each descriptor of excludeCredentialDescriptorList:
List<PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor> descriptors = makeCredentialRequest.getExcludeCredentialDescriptorList();
if (descriptors == null) {
descriptors = Collections.emptyList();
for (PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) {
PublicKeyCredentialSource publicKeyCredentialSource = lookup(descriptor.getId());
// The method of obtaining user consent MUST include a test of user presence.
if (publicKeyCredentialSource != null) {
if (publicKeyCredentialSource.getRpId().equals(rpEntity.getId()) && publicKeyCredentialSource.getType().equals(descriptor.getType())) {
boolean userConsent = true;
// confirms consent to create a new credential
if (userConsent) {
throw new InvalidStateException("");
} else // does not consent to create a new credential
throw new NotAllowedException("User consent is required");
// return an error code equivalent to "ConstraintError" and terminate the operation.
if (makeCredentialRequest.isRequireResidentKey() && !isCapableOfStoringClientSideResidentCredential()) {
throw new ConstraintException("Authenticator isn't capable of storing client-side resident credential");
// return an error code equivalent to "ConstraintError" and terminate the operation.
if (makeCredentialRequest.isRequireUserVerification() && !isCapableOfUserVerification()) {
throw new ConstraintException("Authenticator isn't capable of user verification");
// Obtain user consent for creating a new credential.
// The prompt for obtaining this consent is shown by the authenticator if it has its own output capability,
// or by the user agent otherwise. The prompt SHOULD display,,
// and userEntity.displayName, if possible.
boolean userVerification = true;
boolean userConsent = true;
// "NotAllowedError" and terminate the operation.
if (makeCredentialRequest.isRequireUserVerification() && !userVerification) {
throw new NotAllowedException("User is not verified.");
if (makeCredentialRequest.isRequireUserPresence() && !userConsent) {
throw new NotAllowedException("User doesn't resolve consent.");
// Once user consent has been obtained, generate a new credential object:
byte[] credentialId;
// Let (publicKey, privateKey) be a new pair of cryptographic keys using the combination of
// PublicKeyCredentialType and cryptographic parameters represented by the first item in
// credTypesAndPubKeyAlgs that is supported by this authenticator.
KeyPair credentialKeyPair;
COSEKey cosePublicKey;
COSEKey cosePrivateKey;
try {
credentialKeyPair = ECUtil.createKeyPair();
ECPublicKey publicKey = (ECPublicKey) credentialKeyPair.getPublic();
ECPrivateKey privateKey = (ECPrivateKey) credentialKeyPair.getPrivate();
cosePublicKey = TestDataUtil.createEC2COSEPublicKey(publicKey);
cosePrivateKey = TestDataUtil.createEC2COSEPrivateKey(publicKey, privateKey);
// Let userHandle be
byte[] userHandle = makeCredentialRequest.getUserEntity().getId();
// Let credentialSource be a new public key credential source with the fields:
PublicKeyCredentialSource credentialSource = new PublicKeyCredentialSource();
// Credential Private Key:
if (makeCredentialRequest.isRequireResidentKey()) {
// Let credentialId be a new credential id.
credentialId = new byte[32];
// Set to credentialId.
// Let credentials be this authenticator’s credentials map.
// noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
Map<CredentialMapKey, PublicKeyCredentialSource> credentials = credentialMap;
credentials.put(new CredentialMapKey(rpEntity.getId(), userHandle), credentialSource);
} else // Otherwise:
// Let credentialId be the result of serializing and encrypting credentialSource
// so that only this authenticator can decrypt it.
byte[] data = cborConverter.writeValueAsBytes(credentialSource);
credentialId = CipherUtil.encrypt(data, credentialEncryptionKey);
}// return an error code equivalent to "UnknownError" and terminate the operation.
catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new WebAuthnModelException(e);
// Let processedExtensions be the result of authenticator extension processing for each
// supported extension identifier -> authenticator extension input in extensions.
AuthenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> registrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutputs = processRegistrationExtensions(makeCredentialRequest);
// If the authenticator supports:
// a per-RP ID signature counter
// allocate the counter, associate it with the RP ID, and initialize the counter value as zero.
// a global signature counter
// Use the global signature counter's actual value when generating authenticator data.
// a per credential signature counter
// allocate the counter, associate it with the new credential, and initialize the counter value as zero.
// TODO: counter mode
// Let attestedCredentialData be the attested credential data byte array including the credentialId and publicKey.
byte[] rpIdHash = MessageDigestUtil.createSHA256().digest(rpEntity.getId().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
byte flag = BIT_AT;
if (userConsent)
flag |= BIT_UP;
if (userVerification)
flag |= BIT_UV;
if (!registrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutputs.getKeys().isEmpty())
flag |= BIT_ED;
AttestedCredentialData attestedCredentialData = new AttestedCredentialData(aaguid, credentialId, cosePublicKey);
// Let authenticatorData be the byte array specified in §6.1 Authenticator data,
// including attestedCredentialData as the attestedCredentialData and processedExtensions, if any, as the extensions.
AuthenticatorData<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = new AuthenticatorData<>(rpIdHash, flag, counter, attestedCredentialData, registrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutputs);
byte[] authenticatorDataBytes = authenticatorDataConverter.convert(authenticatorData);
byte[] signedData = getSignedData(authenticatorDataBytes, makeCredentialRequest.getHash());
byte[] clientDataHash = makeCredentialRequest.getHash();
AttestationStatementRequest attestationStatementRequest = new AttestationStatementRequest(signedData, credentialKeyPair, clientDataHash);
AttestationStatement attestationStatement = createAttestationStatement(attestationStatementRequest, registrationEmulationOption);
// Return the attestation object for the new credential created by the procedure specified in
// §6.3.4 Generating an Attestation Object using an authenticator-chosen attestation statement format,
// authenticatorData, and hash. For more details on attestation, see §6.3 Attestation.
AttestationObject attestationObject = new AttestationObject(authenticatorData, attestationStatement);
// On successful completion of this operation, the authenticator returns the attestation object to the client.
MakeCredentialResponse makeCredentialResponse = new MakeCredentialResponse();
return makeCredentialResponse;
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class AndroidKeyAttestationStatementValidator method validate.
public AttestationType validate(@NonNull CoreRegistrationObject registrationObject) {
AssertUtil.notNull(registrationObject, "registrationObject must not be null");
if (!supports(registrationObject)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Specified format '%s' is not supported by %s.", registrationObject.getAttestationObject().getFormat(), this.getClass().getName()));
AndroidKeyAttestationStatement attestationStatement = (AndroidKeyAttestationStatement) registrationObject.getAttestationObject().getAttestationStatement();
if (attestationStatement.getX5c().isEmpty()) {
throw new BadAttestationStatementException("No attestation certificate is found in android key attestation statement.");
// / Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax defined above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields.
// / Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData and clientDataHash using the public key in the first certificate in x5c with the algorithm specified in alg.
// / Verify that the public key in the first certificate in x5c matches the credentialPublicKey in the attestedCredentialData in authenticatorData.
PublicKey publicKeyInEndEntityCert = attestationStatement.getX5c().getEndEntityAttestationCertificate().getCertificate().getPublicKey();
AuthenticatorData<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = registrationObject.getAttestationObject().getAuthenticatorData();
// noinspection ConstantConditions as null check is already done in caller
PublicKey publicKeyInCredentialData = authenticatorData.getAttestedCredentialData().getCOSEKey().getPublicKey();
if (!publicKeyInEndEntityCert.equals(publicKeyInCredentialData)) {
throw new PublicKeyMismatchException("The public key in the first certificate in x5c doesn't matches the credentialPublicKey in the attestedCredentialData in authenticatorData.");
byte[] clientDataHash = registrationObject.getClientDataHash();
keyDescriptionValidator.validate(attestationStatement.getX5c().getEndEntityAttestationCertificate().getCertificate(), clientDataHash, teeEnforcedOnly);
return AttestationType.BASIC;
use of in project webauthn4j by webauthn4j.
the class CoreRegistrationDataValidator method validate.
* It is up to caller responsibility to inject challenge into clientData and validate it equals to challenge stored in server side
* @param registrationData registration data
* @param registrationParameters registration parameters
// as null check is done by BeanAssertUtil#validate
public void validate(@NonNull CoreRegistrationData registrationData, @NonNull CoreRegistrationParameters registrationParameters) {
// spec| Step1
// spec| Let options be a new PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions structure configured to the Relying Party's needs for the ceremony.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step2
// spec| Call navigator.credentials.create() and pass options as the publicKey option. Let credential be the result of the successfully resolved promise.
// spec| If the promise is rejected, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error,
// spec| or otherwise guide the user experience as might be determinable from the context available in the rejected promise.
// spec| For example if the promise is rejected with an error code equivalent to "InvalidStateError",
// spec| the user might be instructed to use a different authenticator.
// spec| For information on different error contexts and the circumstances leading to them, see § 6.3.2 The authenticatorMakeCredential Operation.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step3
// spec| Let response be credential.response. If response is not an instance of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse, abort the ceremony with a user-visible error.
// (This step is done on client slide and out of WebAuthn4J responsibility.)
// spec| Step4
// spec| Let clientExtensionResults be the result of calling credential.getClientExtensionResults().
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step5
// spec| Let JSONtext be the result of running UTF-8 decode on the value of response.clientDataJSON.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
AssertUtil.notNull(registrationParameters, "registrationParameters must not be null");
// spec| Step6
// spec| Let C, the client data claimed as collected during the credential creation,
// spec| be the result of running an implementation-specific JSON parser on JSONtext.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
AttestationObject attestationObject = registrationData.getAttestationObject();
CoreServerProperty serverProperty = registrationParameters.getServerProperty();
CoreRegistrationObject registrationObject = createCoreRegistrationObject(registrationData, registrationParameters);
AuthenticatorData<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticatorData = attestationObject.getAuthenticatorData();
COSEKey coseKey = authenticatorData.getAttestedCredentialData().getCOSEKey();
// spec| Step7
// spec| Verify that the value of C.type is webauthn.create.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step8
// spec| Verify that the value of C.challenge equals the base64url encoding of options.challenge.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step9
// spec| Verify that the value of C.origin matches the Relying Party's origin.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step10
// spec| Verify that the value of C.tokenBinding.status matches the state of Token Binding for the TLS connection over
// spec| which the assertion was obtained. If Token Binding was used on that TLS connection, also verify that
// spec| matches the base64url encoding of the Token Binding ID for the connection.
// (This step is only applicable to WebAuthn)
// spec| Step11
// spec| Let hash be the result of computing a hash over response.clientDataJSON using SHA-256.
// spec| Step12
// spec| Perform CBOR decoding on the attestationObject field of the AuthenticatorAttestationResponse structure to
// spec| obtain the attestation statement format fmt, the authenticator data authData, and the attestation statement attStmt.
// (This step is done on caller.)
// spec| Step13
// spec| Verify that the rpIdHash in authData is the SHA-256 hash of the RP ID expected by the Relying Party.
rpIdHashValidator.validate(authenticatorData.getRpIdHash(), serverProperty);
// spec| Step14, 15
// spec| Verify that the User Present bit of the flags in authData is set.
// spec| If user verification is required for this registration, verify that the User Verified bit of the flags in authData is set.
validateUVUPFlags(authenticatorData, registrationParameters.isUserVerificationRequired(), registrationParameters.isUserPresenceRequired());
// spec| Step16
// spec| Verify that the "alg" parameter in the credential public key in authData matches the alg attribute of one of the items in options.pubKeyCredParams.
COSEAlgorithmIdentifier alg = authenticatorData.getAttestedCredentialData().getCOSEKey().getAlgorithm();
List<PublicKeyCredentialParameters> pubKeyCredParams = registrationParameters.getPubKeyCredParams();
validateAlg(alg, pubKeyCredParams);
// spec| Step17
// spec| Verify that the values of the client extension outputs in clientExtensionResults and the authenticator extension outputs in the extensions in authData are as expected,
// spec| considering the client extension input values that were given in options.extensions and any specific policy of the Relying Party regarding unsolicited extensions,
// spec| i.e., those that were not specified as part of options.extensions.
// spec| In the general case, the meaning of "are as expected" is specific to the Relying Party and which extensions are in use.
AuthenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs<RegistrationExtensionAuthenticatorOutput> authenticationExtensionsAuthenticatorOutputs = authenticatorData.getExtensions();
// spec| Step18-21
// validate with custom logic
for (CustomCoreRegistrationValidator customRegistrationValidator : customRegistrationValidators) {