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Example 1 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class WOOgnl method convertOgnlConstantAssociations.

public void convertOgnlConstantAssociations(NSMutableDictionary associations) {
    for (Enumeration e = associations.keyEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        String name = (String) e.nextElement();
        WOAssociation association = (WOAssociation) associations.objectForKey(name);
        boolean isConstant = false;
        String keyPath = null;
        if (association instanceof WOConstantValueAssociation) {
            WOConstantValueAssociation constantAssociation = (WOConstantValueAssociation) association;
            // AK: this sucks, but there is no API to get at the value
            Object value = constantAssociation.valueInComponent(null);
            keyPath = value != null ? value.toString() : null;
            isConstant = true;
        } else if (association instanceof WOKeyValueAssociation) {
            keyPath = association.keyPath();
        } else if (association instanceof WOBindingNameAssociation) {
            WOBindingNameAssociation b = (WOBindingNameAssociation) association;
            // AK: strictly speaking, this is not correct, as we only get the first part of
            // the path. But take a look at WOBindingNameAssociation for a bit of fun...
            keyPath = "^" + b._parentBindingName;
        if (keyPath != null) {
            if (!associationMappings.isEmpty()) {
                int index = name.indexOf(':');
                if (index > 0) {
                    String prefix = name.substring(0, index);
                    if (prefix != null) {
                        Class c = associationMappings.get(prefix);
                        if (c != null) {
                            String postfix = name.substring(index + 1);
                            WOAssociation newAssociation = createAssociationForClass(c, keyPath, isConstant);
                            associations.setObjectForKey(newAssociation, postfix);
            if (isConstant && keyPath.startsWith(ognlBindingFlag())) {
                String ognlExpression = keyPath.substring(ognlBindingFlag().length(), keyPath.length());
                if (ognlExpression.length() > 0) {
                    WOAssociation newAssociation = new WOOgnlAssociation(ognlExpression);
                    NSArray keys = associations.allKeysForObject(association);
                    // + (keys.count() == 1 ? keys.lastObject() : keys) + " expression: " + ognlExpression);
                    if (keys.count() == 1) {
                        associations.setObjectForKey(newAssociation, keys.lastObject());
                    } else {
                        for (Enumeration ee = keys.objectEnumerator(); ee.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                            associations.setObjectForKey(newAssociation, e.nextElement());
Also used : WOAssociation(com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation) Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) NSArray( WOBindingNameAssociation(com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOBindingNameAssociation) WOConstantValueAssociation(com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOConstantValueAssociation) WOKeyValueAssociation(com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOKeyValueAssociation)

Example 2 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXExceptionUtilities method _printSingleStackTrace.

private static void _printSingleStackTrace(Throwable t, PrintWriter writer, int exceptionDepth, boolean cleanupStackTrace) {
    NSArray<Pattern> skipPatterns = ERXExceptionUtilities._skipPatterns;
    if (cleanupStackTrace && skipPatterns == null) {
        String skipPatternsFile = ERXProperties.stringForKey("er.extensions.stackTrace.skipPatternsFile");
        if (skipPatternsFile != null) {
            NSMutableArray<Pattern> mutableSkipPatterns = new NSMutableArray<>();
            Enumeration<String> frameworksEnum = ERXLocalizer.frameworkSearchPath().reverseObjectEnumerator();
            while (frameworksEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                String framework = frameworksEnum.nextElement();
                URL path = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().pathURLForResourceNamed(skipPatternsFile, framework, null);
                if (path != null) {
                    try {
                        NSArray<String> skipPatternStrings = (NSArray<String>) ERXUtilities.readPropertyListFromFileInFramework(skipPatternsFile, framework, (NSArray) null, "utf-8");
                        if (skipPatternStrings != null) {
                            for (String skipPatternString : skipPatternStrings) {
                                try {
                                } catch (Throwable patternThrowable) {
                                    log.error("Skipping invalid exception pattern '{}' in '{}' in the framework '{}' ({})", skipPatternString, skipPatternsFile, framework, ERXExceptionUtilities.toParagraph(patternThrowable));
                    } catch (Throwable patternThrowable) {
                        log.error("Failed to read pattern file '{}' in the framework '{}' ({})", skipPatternsFile, framework, ERXExceptionUtilities.toParagraph(patternThrowable));
            skipPatterns = mutableSkipPatterns;
        if (ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("er.extensions.stackTrace.cachePatterns", true)) {
            if (skipPatterns == null) {
                ERXExceptionUtilities._skipPatterns = NSArray.EmptyArray;
            } else {
                ERXExceptionUtilities._skipPatterns = skipPatterns;
    StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace();
    indent(writer, exceptionDepth);
    if (exceptionDepth > 0) {
        writer.print("Caused by a ");
    if (cleanupStackTrace) {
    } else {
    String message = t.getLocalizedMessage();
    if (message != null) {
        writer.print(": ");
    int stackDepth = 0;
    int skippedCount = 0;
    for (StackTraceElement element : elements) {
        boolean showElement = true;
        if (stackDepth > 0 && cleanupStackTrace && skipPatterns != null && !skipPatterns.isEmpty()) {
            String elementName = element.getClassName() + "." + element.getMethodName();
            for (Pattern skipPattern : skipPatterns) {
                if (skipPattern.matcher(elementName).matches()) {
                    showElement = false;
        if (!showElement) {
        } else {
            if (skippedCount > 0) {
                indent(writer, exceptionDepth + 1);
                writer.println("   ... skipped " + skippedCount + " stack elements");
                skippedCount = 0;
            indent(writer, exceptionDepth + 1);
            writer.print("at ");
            if (element.isNativeMethod()) {
                writer.print("Native Method");
            } else if (element.getLineNumber() < 0) {
            } else {
    if (skippedCount > 0) {
        indent(writer, exceptionDepth + 1);
        writer.println("... skipped " + skippedCount + " stack elements");
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) NSArray( URL( NSMutableArray(

Example 3 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXComponentUtilities method pathUrlForResourceNamed.

private static URL pathUrlForResourceNamed(WOResourceManager resourceManager, String resourceName, NSArray languages) {
    URL templateUrl = resourceManager.pathURLForResourceNamed(resourceName, null, languages);
    if (templateUrl == null) {
        NSArray frameworkBundles = NSBundle.frameworkBundles();
        if (frameworkBundles != null) {
            Enumeration frameworksEnum = frameworkBundles.objectEnumerator();
            while (templateUrl == null && frameworksEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                NSBundle frameworkBundle = (NSBundle) frameworksEnum.nextElement();
                templateUrl = resourceManager.pathURLForResourceNamed(resourceName,, languages);
    return templateUrl;
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) NSBundle( NSArray( URL(

Example 4 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class WOExceptionParser method _parseException.

private void _parseException() {
    StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(sWriter, false);
    String string;
    NSArray lines;
    NSArray ignoredPackage;
    WOParsedErrorLine aLine;
    String line;
    int i, size;
    try {
        // Added the try/catch as this throws in JDK 1.2
        // aB.
        string = sWriter.toString();
        // We skip the name of the
        i = _exception.toString().length();
        // our parse
        if (string.length() > i + 2) {
            // certain errors don't contain a
            // stack trace
            // Skip the exception type and
            string = string.substring(i + 2);
            // message
            lines = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(string, "\n");
            ignoredPackage = _ignoredPackages();
            size = lines.count();
            _stackTrace = new NSMutableArray(size);
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                line = ((String) lines.objectAtIndex(i)).trim();
                if (line.startsWith("at ")) {
                    // If we don't have an open parenthesis it means that we
                    // have probably reach the latest stack trace.
                    aLine = new WOParsedErrorLine(line);
                    _verifyPackageForLine(aLine, ignoredPackage);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        NSLog.err.appendln("WOExceptionParser - exception collecting backtrace data " + e + " - Empty backtrace.");
    if (_stackTrace == null) {
        _stackTrace = new NSMutableArray();
Also used : StringWriter( NSArray( NSMutableArray( PrintWriter(

Example 5 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class WOExceptionParser method _ignoredPackages.

private NSArray _ignoredPackages() {
    NSBundle bundle;
    String path, content;
    NSDictionary dic = null;
    NSMutableArray<NSBundle> allBundles = new NSMutableArray<>(NSBundle.frameworkBundles());
    NSMutableArray<String> ignored = new NSMutableArray<>();
    for (Enumeration enumerator = allBundles.objectEnumerator(); enumerator.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        bundle = (NSBundle) enumerator.nextElement();
        path = WOApplication.application().resourceManager().pathForResourceNamed("WOIgnoredPackage.plist",, null);
        if (path != null) {
            content = _stringFromFileSafely(path);
            if (content != null) {
                dic = (NSDictionary) NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListFromString(content);
                if (dic != null && dic.containsKey("ignoredPackages")) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NSArray<String> tmpArray = (NSArray<String>) dic.objectForKey("ignoredPackages");
                    if (tmpArray != null && tmpArray.count() > 0) {
    return ignored;
Also used : NSBundle( Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) NSArray( NSDictionary( NSMutableArray(


NSArray ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)17 NSMutableArray ( NSBundle ( NSMutableDictionary ( File ( List (java.util.List)4 WOAssociation (com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation)3 WOComponent (com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent)3 NSDictionary ( IOException ( URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 WOElement (com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement)2 WOResponse (com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse)2 WOConstantValueAssociation (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOConstantValueAssociation)2 EOEvent (com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEvent)2 EOSortOrdering (com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering)2 NSForwardException ( NSKeyValueCoding (