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Example 46 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXSimpleTemplateParser method parseTemplateWithObject.

 * This method replaces the keys enclosed between the
 * delimiter with the values found in object and otherObject.
 * It first looks for a value in object, and then in otherObject
 * if the key is not found in object. Therefore, otherObject is
 * a good place to store default values while object is a
 * good place to override default values.
 * <p>
 * When the value is not found in both object and otherObject,
 * it will replace the key with the undefined key label which
 * defaults to "?". You can set the label via the constructor
 * {@link #ERXSimpleTemplateParser(String)}. Note that a <code>null</code>
 * result will also output the label, so you might want to have the empty
 * string as the undefined key label.
 * @param template to use to parse
 * @param delimiter to use to check for keys
 * @param object to resolve keys off of
 * @param otherObject object used to resolve default keys
 * @return parsed template with keys replaced
public String parseTemplateWithObject(String template, String delimiter, Object object, Object otherObject) {
    if (template == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to parse null template!");
    if (object == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to parse template with null object!");
    if (delimiter == null) {
        delimiter = DEFAULT_DELIMITER;
    if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
        log.debug("Parsing template: {} with delimiter: {} object: {}", template, delimiter, object);
        log.debug("Template: {}", template);
        log.debug("Delim: {}", delimiter);
        log.debug("otherObject: {}", otherObject);
    NSArray components = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(template, delimiter);
    if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
        log.debug("Components: {}", components);
    // if the template starts with delim, the first component will be a zero-length string
    boolean deriveElement = false;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Object[] objects;
    if (otherObject != null) {
        objects = new Object[] { object, otherObject };
    } else {
        objects = new Object[] { object };
    for (Enumeration e = components.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        String element = (String) e.nextElement();
        if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
            log.debug("Processing Element: {}", element);
        if (deriveElement) {
            if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
                log.debug("Deriving value ...");
            if (element.length() == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"\" is not a valid keypath in template: " + template);
            Object result = _undefinedKeyLabel;
            for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
                Object o = objects[i];
                if (o != null && result == _undefinedKeyLabel) {
                    try {
                        if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
                            log.debug("calling valueForKeyPath({}, {})", o, element);
                        result = doGetValue(element, o);
                        // key is not defined. (NSDictionary doesn't seem to throw the exception.)
                        if (result == null) {
                            result = _undefinedKeyLabel;
                    } catch (NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException t) {
                        result = _undefinedKeyLabel;
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        throw new NSForwardException(t, "An exception occured while parsing element, " + element + ", of template, \"" + template + "\": " + t.getMessage());
            if (result == _undefinedKeyLabel) {
                if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
                    log.debug("Could not find a value for '{}' of template, '{}' in either the object or extra data.", element, template);
            deriveElement = false;
        } else {
            if (element.length() > 0) {
            deriveElement = true;
        if (!isLoggingDisabled) {
            log.debug("Buffer: {}", sb);
    return sb.toString();
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) NSArray( NSKeyValueCoding( NSForwardException(

Example 47 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXProperties method pathsForUserAndBundleProperties.

public static NSArray<String> pathsForUserAndBundleProperties(boolean reportLoggingEnabled) {
    NSMutableArray<String> propertiesPaths = new NSMutableArray();
    NSMutableArray<String> projectsInfo = new NSMutableArray();
    /*  Properties for frameworks */
    NSArray frameworkNames = (NSArray) NSBundle.frameworkBundles().valueForKey("name");
    Enumeration e = frameworkNames.reverseObjectEnumerator();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
        String frameworkName = (String) e.nextElement();
        String propertyPath = pathForResourceNamed("Properties", frameworkName, null);
        addIfPresent(frameworkName + ".framework", propertyPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
         * -- per-Framework-dev properties
         * This adds support for in your Frameworks new load order will be
        String devPropertiesPath = ERXApplication.isDevelopmentModeSafe() ? ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle("dev", frameworkName) : null;
        addIfPresent(frameworkName + "", devPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
         * Properties.<userName> -- per-Framework-per-User properties
        String userPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.variantPropertiesInBundle(NSProperties.getProperty(""), frameworkName);
        addIfPresent(frameworkName + ".framework.user", userPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
    NSBundle mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle();
    if (mainBundle != null) {
        String mainBundleName =;
        String appPath = pathForResourceNamed("Properties", "app", null);
        addIfPresent(mainBundleName + ".app", appPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
    /* in the user home directory */
    String userHome = NSProperties.getProperty("user.home");
    if (userHome != null && userHome.length() > 0) {
        File file = new File(userHome, "");
        if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
            try {
                String userHomePath = file.getCanonicalPath();
                addIfPresent("{$user.home}/", userHomePath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
            } catch ( ex) {
                log.error("Failed to load the configuration file '{}'.", file, ex);
    /*  Optional properties files */
    if (optionalConfigurationFiles() != null && optionalConfigurationFiles().count() > 0) {
        for (Enumeration configEnumerator = optionalConfigurationFiles().objectEnumerator(); configEnumerator.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            String configFile = (String) configEnumerator.nextElement();
            File file = new File(configFile);
            if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {
                try {
                    String optionalPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
                    addIfPresent("Optional Configuration", optionalPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
                } catch ( ex) {
                    log.error("Failed to load configuration file '{}'.", file, ex);
            } else {
                log.error("The optional configuration file '{}' either does not exist or could not be read.", file);
    optionalPropertiesLoader(NSProperties.getProperty(""), propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
     * /etc/WebObjects/AppName/Properties -- per-Application-per-Machine properties
    String applicationMachinePropertiesPath = ERXProperties.applicationMachinePropertiesPath("Properties");
    addIfPresent("Application-Machine Properties", applicationMachinePropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
     * -- per-Application-dev properties
    String applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.applicationDeveloperProperties();
    addIfPresent("Application-Developer Properties", applicationDeveloperPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
     * Properties.<userName> -- per-Application-per-User properties
    String applicationUserPropertiesPath = ERXProperties.applicationUserProperties();
    addIfPresent("Application-User Properties", applicationUserPropertiesPath, propertiesPaths, projectsInfo);
    /*  Report the result */
    if (reportLoggingEnabled && projectsInfo.count() > 0 && log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        message.append("\n\n").append("ERXProperties has found the following Properties files: \n");
        message.append("ERXProperties currently has the following properties:\n");
    return propertiesPaths.immutableClone();
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) NSBundle( NSArray( NSMutableArray( IOException( File(

Example 48 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXProperties method optionalConfigurationFiles.

 * Gets an array of optionally defined configuration files.  For each file, if it does not
 * exist as an absolute path, ERXProperties will attempt to resolve it as an application resource
 * and use that instead.
 * @return array of configuration file names
private static NSArray optionalConfigurationFiles() {
    NSArray immutableOptionalConfigurationFiles = arrayForKey("er.extensions.ERXProperties.OptionalConfigurationFiles");
    NSMutableArray optionalConfigurationFiles = null;
    if (immutableOptionalConfigurationFiles != null) {
        optionalConfigurationFiles = immutableOptionalConfigurationFiles.mutableClone();
        for (int i = 0; i < optionalConfigurationFiles.count(); i++) {
            String optionalConfigurationFile = (String) optionalConfigurationFiles.objectAtIndex(i);
            if (!new File(optionalConfigurationFile).exists()) {
                String resourcePropertiesPath = pathForResourceNamed(optionalConfigurationFile, "app", null);
                if (resourcePropertiesPath != null) {
                    optionalConfigurationFiles.replaceObjectAtIndex(ERXProperties.getActualPath(resourcePropertiesPath), i);
    return optionalConfigurationFiles;
Also used : NSArray( NSMutableArray( File(

Example 49 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXWOBrowser method _fastTakeValuesFromRequest.

private void _fastTakeValuesFromRequest(WORequest worequest, WOContext wocontext) {
    WOComponent wocomponent = wocontext.component();
    if (_selections != null && !isDisabledInContext(wocontext) && wocontext.wasFormSubmitted()) {
        String s = nameInContext(wocontext, wocomponent);
        NSArray nsarray = worequest.formValuesForKey(s);
        int i = nsarray != null ? nsarray.count() : 0;
        NSMutableArray nsmutablearray = new NSMutableArray(i);
        List vector = null;
        if (i != 0) {
            NSArray nsarray1 = null;
            List vector1 = null;
            if (_list != null) {
                Object obj = _list.valueInComponent(wocomponent);
                if (obj != null) {
                    if (obj instanceof NSArray) {
                        nsarray1 = (NSArray) obj;
                    } else if (obj instanceof List) {
                        vector1 = (List) obj;
                        nsmutablearray = null;
                        vector = new ArrayList(i);
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("<" + getClass().getName() + "> Evaluating 'list' binding returned a " + obj.getClass().getName() + " when it should return either a, or a java.lang.Vector .");
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
                String s1 = (String) nsarray.objectAtIndex(j);
                int k = Integer.parseInt(s1);
                if (nsarray1 != null) {
                    Object obj2 = nsarray1.objectAtIndex(k);
                } else {
                    Object obj3 = vector1.get(k);
        Object newValue = (nsmutablearray != null ? nsmutablearray : vector);
        setSelectedValue(newValue, wocomponent);
Also used : NSArray( WOComponent(com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent) NSMutableArray( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 50 with NSArray

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXRadioButtonMatrix method setSelection.

public void setSelection(String anIndex) {
    if (anIndex != null) {
        // ** push the selection to the parent
        NSArray anItemList = (NSArray) valueForBinding("list");
        Object aSelectedObject = anItemList.objectAtIndex(Integer.parseInt(anIndex));
        setValueForBinding(aSelectedObject, "selection");
    // ** and force it to be pulled if there's a next time.
    _selection = null;
Also used : NSArray(


NSArray ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)17 NSMutableArray ( NSBundle ( NSMutableDictionary ( File ( List (java.util.List)4 WOAssociation (com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation)3 WOComponent (com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent)3 NSDictionary ( IOException ( URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 WOElement (com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement)2 WOResponse (com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse)2 WOConstantValueAssociation (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOConstantValueAssociation)2 EOEvent (com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEvent)2 EOSortOrdering (com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSortOrdering)2 NSForwardException ( NSKeyValueCoding (