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Example 41 with NSMutableDictionary

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class AjaxAccordion method createAjaxOptions.

public NSDictionary createAjaxOptions() {
    NSMutableArray ajaxOptionsArray = new NSMutableArray();
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("expandedBg", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("hoverBg", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("collapsedBg", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("expandedTextColor", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("expandedFontWeight", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("hoverTextColor", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("collapsedTextColor", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("collapsedFontWeight", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("hoverTextColor", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("borderColor", AjaxOption.STRING));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("panelHeight", AjaxOption.NUMBER));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onHideTab", AjaxOption.SCRIPT));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onShowTab", AjaxOption.SCRIPT));
    ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onLoadShowTab", AjaxOption.SCRIPT));
    NSMutableDictionary options = AjaxOption.createAjaxOptionsDictionary(ajaxOptionsArray, this);
    return options;
Also used : NSMutableArray( NSMutableDictionary(

Example 42 with NSMutableDictionary

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class AjaxAutoComplete method appendToResponse.

 * Overridden to add the initialization javascript for the auto completer.
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse res, WOContext ctx) {
    super.appendToResponse(res, ctx);
    boolean isDisabled = booleanValueForBinding("disabled", false);
    if (!isDisabled) {
        String actionUrl = AjaxUtils.ajaxComponentActionUrl(ctx);
        NSMutableDictionary<String, String> options = createAjaxOptions().mutableClone();
        if ("observe".equalsIgnoreCase(options.get("afterUpdateElement"))) {
            // Javascript to simulate AjaxObserveField on this AjaxAutocomplete when an item has been selected from the list
            String afterUpdateElement = "function (text, li) { " + "var options = new Array();" + "options.parameters = encodeURIComponent('" + fieldName + "') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(text.value);" + "new Ajax.Request('" + actionUrl + "', options);" + "}";
            options.put("afterUpdateElement", afterUpdateElement);
        boolean isLocal = booleanValueForBinding("isLocal", false);
        if (isLocal) {
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            boolean isLocalSharedList = booleanValueForBinding("isLocalSharedList", false);
            String listJS = null;
            if (isLocalSharedList) {
                String varName = (String) valueForBinding("localSharedVarName");
                NSMutableDictionary userInfo = ERXWOContext.contextDictionary();
                if (userInfo.objectForKey(varName) == null) {
                    String ljs = listeJS();
                    AjaxUtils.addScriptCodeInHead(res, ctx, "var " + varName + " = " + ljs + ";");
                    userInfo.setObjectForKey(ljs, varName);
                listJS = varName;
            } else {
                listJS = listeJS();
            str.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n// <![CDATA[\n");
            str.append("new Autocompleter.Local('");
            AjaxOptions.appendToBuffer(options, str, ctx);
            str.append(");\n// ]]>\n</script>\n");
        } else {
            res.appendContentString("new Ajax.Autocompleter('" + fieldName + "', '" + divName + "', '" + actionUrl + "', ");
            AjaxOptions.appendToResponse(options, res, ctx);
Also used : NSMutableDictionary(

Example 43 with NSMutableDictionary

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class AjaxDefaultSubmitButton method appendToResponse.

public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) {
    WOComponent component = context.component();
    String formName = (String) valueForBinding("formName", component);
    String formReference = "this.form";
    if (formName != null) {
        formReference = "document." + formName;
    StringBuilder onClickBuffer = new StringBuilder();
    String onClickBefore = (String) valueForBinding("onClickBefore", component);
    if (onClickBefore != null) {
        onClickBuffer.append("if (");
        onClickBuffer.append(") {");
    String updateContainerID = AjaxUpdateContainer.updateContainerID(this, component);
    String beforeEffect = (String) valueForBinding("beforeEffect", component);
    if (beforeEffect != null) {
        onClickBuffer.append("new ");
        String beforeEffectID = (String) valueForBinding("beforeEffectID", component);
        if (beforeEffectID == null) {
            beforeEffectID = AjaxUpdateContainer.currentUpdateContainerID();
            if (beforeEffectID == null) {
                beforeEffectID = updateContainerID;
        onClickBuffer.append("', { ");
        String beforeEffectDuration = (String) valueForBinding("beforeEffectDuration", component);
        if (beforeEffectDuration != null) {
            onClickBuffer.append("duration: ");
            onClickBuffer.append(", ");
        onClickBuffer.append("queue:'end', afterFinish: function() {");
    if (updateContainerID != null) {
        onClickBuffer.append("ASB.update('" + updateContainerID + "',");
    } else {
    NSMutableDictionary options = createAjaxOptions(component);
    AjaxUpdateLink.addEffect(options, (String) valueForBinding("effect", component), updateContainerID, (String) valueForBinding("effectDuration", component));
    String afterEffectID = (String) valueForBinding("afterEffectID", component);
    if (afterEffectID == null) {
        afterEffectID = AjaxUpdateContainer.currentUpdateContainerID();
        if (afterEffectID == null) {
            afterEffectID = updateContainerID;
    AjaxUpdateLink.addEffect(options, (String) valueForBinding("afterEffect", component), afterEffectID, (String) valueForBinding("afterEffectDuration", component));
    AjaxOptions.appendToBuffer(options, onClickBuffer, context);
    String onClick = (String) valueForBinding("onClick", component);
    if (onClick != null) {
    if (beforeEffect != null) {
    if (onClickBefore != null) {
    onClickBuffer.append("; return false;");
    response.appendContentString("<input ");
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "tabindex", "");
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "type", "submit");
    String name = nameInContext(context, component);
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "name", name);
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "value", valueForBinding("value", component));
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "accesskey", valueForBinding("accesskey", component));
    // Suppress modal box focus ring if used inside of modal dialog
    if (AjaxModalDialog.isInDialog(context)) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("MB_notFocusable ");
        Object cssClass = valueForBinding("class", component);
        if (cssClass != null) {
        appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "class", sb.toString());
    } else {
        appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "class", valueForBinding("class", component));
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "style", "position:absolute;left:-10000px");
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", valueForBinding("id", component));
    appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "onclick", onClickBuffer.toString());
    response.appendContentString(" />");
    // fix for IE < 9 that deactivates the standard submit routine of the form and
    // triggers the onClick handler of this submit element instead if the return key
    // is pressed within a textfield, radiobutton, checkbox or select
    ERXBrowser browser = ERXBrowserFactory.factory().browserMatchingRequest(context.request());
    if (browser.isIE() && browser.majorVersion().compareTo(Integer.valueOf(9)) < 0) {
        if (!hasBinding("formName")) {
            formName = ERXWOForm.formName(context, "");
        response.appendContentString("\nEvent.observe(document." + formName + ", 'keypress', function(e){");
        // return key
        response.appendContentString("var shouldFire=false;var;var tn=t.tagName.toLowerCase();");
        response.appendContentString("else if(tn==='input'){var ty=t.type.toLowerCase();");
        response.appendContentString("if(ty==='text' || ty==='radio' || ty==='checkbox'){shouldFire=true;}}");
        response.appendContentString("if(shouldFire){$$('[name=" + name + "]')[0].fireEvent('onClick');e.returnValue=false;}");
Also used : WOComponent(com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent) ERXBrowser(er.extensions.appserver.ERXBrowser) NSMutableDictionary(

Example 44 with NSMutableDictionary

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class AjaxDroppable method onDrop.

public String onDrop() {
    boolean submit = ERXComponentUtilities.booleanValueForBinding(this, "submit", false);
    String contextID = AjaxUtils.quote(context().contextID());
    String elementID = AjaxUtils.quote(_elementID);
    String droppableElementID = AjaxUtils.quote((String) valueForBinding("id"));
    String draggableKeyName = AjaxUtils.quote(_draggableIDKeyName);
    String updateContainerID = AjaxUtils.quote((String) valueForBinding("updateContainerID"));
    String actionUrl = (submit && updateContainerID == null) ? null : AjaxUtils.quote(_actionUrl);
    String form = (String) valueForBinding("formName");
    if (submit) {
        if (form == null) {
            form = ERXWOForm.formName(context(), null);
            if (form == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("If submit is true, you must provide either a formName or your containing form must have a name.");
        form = "document." + form;
    String onbeforedrop = (String) valueForBinding("onBeforeDrop");
    String ondrop = (String) valueForBinding("onDrop");
    NSMutableDictionary options = new NSMutableDictionary();
    if (canGetValueForBinding("onComplete")) {
        options.setObjectForKey(valueForBinding("onComplete"), "onComplete");
    if (canGetValueForBinding("confirmMessage")) {
        options.setObjectForKey(new AjaxValue(AjaxOption.STRING, valueForBinding("confirmMessage")).javascriptValue(), "confirmMessage");
    if (submit) {
        AjaxSubmitButton.fillInAjaxOptions(this, this, _elementID, options);
    StringBuilder onDropBuffer = new StringBuilder();
    onDropBuffer.append("ADP.droppedFunc(" + contextID + "," + elementID + "," + droppableElementID + "," + draggableKeyName + "," + updateContainerID + "," + actionUrl + "," + form + "," + onbeforedrop + "," + ondrop + ",");
    AjaxOptions.appendToBuffer(options, onDropBuffer, context());
    return onDropBuffer.toString();
Also used : NSMutableDictionary(

Example 45 with NSMutableDictionary

use of in project wonder-slim by undur.

the class ERXRequest method _cookieDictionary.

 * Parses all cookies one at a time catch parse exception which just discards
 * that cookie and not all cookies. It uses as a parser.
 * @return a dictionary of cookies, parsed one cookie at a time
private NSDictionary _cookieDictionary() {
    if (_cookieDictionary == null) {
        NSMutableDictionary<String, NSArray<String>> cookieDictionary = new NSMutableDictionary<String, NSArray<String>>();
        // from WORequest._cookieDescription()
        String cookie = headerForKey("cookie");
        if (cookie == null || cookie.length() == 0)
            // IIS cookies use a different header
            cookie = headerForKey("http_cookie");
        if (cookie != null && cookie.length() > 0) {
            String[] cookies = cookie.split(";");
            for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
                try {
                    // only parse one cookie at a time => get(0)
                    HttpCookie httpCookie = HttpCookie.parse(cookies[i]).get(0);
                    // Cookies with longer paths are listed before cookies with shorter paths:
                    // see
                    // Cookies with longer Patch are more specific than cookies with shorter path
                    // and should not be replaced by a less specific cookie
                    // If a cookie with Therfore we do not override cookies if there are already there!
                    String cookieName = httpCookie.getName();
                    String cookieValue = httpCookie.getValue();
                    log.debug("Cookie: '" + cookieName + "' = '" + cookieValue + "'");
                    NSArray<String> cookieValueArray = cookieDictionary.get(cookieName);
                    if (cookieValueArray == null) {
                        cookieValueArray = new NSArray<>();
                    cookieValueArray = cookieValueArray.arrayByAddingObject(cookieValue);
                    cookieDictionary.put(cookieName, cookieValueArray);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    log.warn("Unable to parse cookie '" + cookies[i] + "' : " + t.getMessage());
        _cookieDictionary = cookieDictionary.immutableClone();
    return _cookieDictionary;
Also used : NSArray( HttpCookie( NSMutableDictionary(


NSMutableDictionary ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)12 WOAssociation (com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation)10 WOComponent (com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent)8 NSDictionary ( NSMutableArray ( WOConstantValueAssociation (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOConstantValueAssociation)5 NSArray ( WODeclaration (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODeclaration)4 WOHTMLCommentString (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLCommentString)4 NoSuchElementException (java.util.NoSuchElementException)4 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)4 NSForwardException ( ERXMutableURL ( MalformedURLException ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 WOActionResults (com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults)1 WOContext (com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext)1 WODynamicElementCreationException (com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODynamicElementCreationException)1 NSBundle (