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Example 1 with Topic

use of com.weicoder.nosql.kafka.annotation.Topic in project weicoder by wdcode.

the class Kafkas method init.

 * 初始化
public static void init() {
    List<Class<Consumer>> consumers = ClassUtil.getAnnotationClass(CommonParams.getPackages("kafka"), Consumer.class);
    if (!EmptyUtil.isEmpty(consumers)) {
        // 循环处理kafka类
        for (Class<Consumer> c : consumers) {
            // 执行对象
            Object consumer = BeanUtil.newInstance(c);
            String name = consumer.getClass().getAnnotation(Consumer.class).value();
            // 如果KafkaConsumer列表里没有相对应的消费者 创建
            if (!KAFKA_CONSUMERS.containsKey(name)) {
                KAFKA_CONSUMERS.put(name, KafkaFactory.getConsumer(name));
            // 获得topic列表
            List<String> topics = Maps.getList(TOPICS, name, String.class);
            // 处理所有方法
            for (Method m : c.getMethods()) {
                // 方法有执行时间注解
                Topic topic = m.getAnnotation(Topic.class);
                if (topic != null) {
                    String val = topic.value();
                    METHODS.put(val, m);
                    CONSUMERS.put(val, consumer);
          "add kafka Consumer={} topic={}", c.getSimpleName(), val);
        }"add kafka Consumers size={}", consumers.size());
        // 订阅相关消费数据
        for (String key : TOPICS.keySet()) {
            List<String> topics = TOPICS.get(key);
  "Kafkas init Consumer={} subscribe topic={}", key, topics);
        // 启动定时读取kafka消息
        for (final KafkaConsumer<byte[], byte[]> consumer : KAFKA_CONSUMERS.values()) {
            ScheduledUtil.delay(() -> {
                // 日志使用
                int time = DateUtil.getTime();
                int n = 0;
                // 获得消费数据
                for (ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record : consumer.poll(1000)) {
                    // 获得消费对象类和方法
                    Logs.debug("kafka read consumer record={}", record);
                    String topic = record.topic();
                    Object obj = CONSUMERS.get(topic);
                    Method method = METHODS.get(topic);
                    // 获得所有参数
                    Parameter[] params = method.getParameters();
                    Object[] objs = new Object[params.length];
                    if (EmptyUtil.isEmpty(params)) {
                        // 参数为空直接执行方法
                        BeanUtil.invoke(obj, method);
                    } else {
                        // 有参数 现在只支持 1-2位的参数,1个参数表示value,2个参数表示key,value
                        if (params.length == 1) {
                            objs[0] = toParam(record.value(), params[0].getType());
                        } else {
                            objs[0] = toParam(record.key(), params[0].getType());
                            objs[1] = toParam(record.value(), params[1].getType());
                        // 执行方法
                        BeanUtil.invoke(obj, method, objs);
                    Logs.debug("kafka consumer method={} params={} args={}", method.getName(), params, objs);
                // 数量不为空
                if (n > 0) {
                    Logs.debug("kafka consumer end size={}  time={}", n, DateUtil.getTime() - time);
            }, 1);
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) Consumer(com.weicoder.nosql.kafka.annotation.Consumer) KafkaConsumer(org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer) Parameter(java.lang.reflect.Parameter) Topic(com.weicoder.nosql.kafka.annotation.Topic)


Consumer (com.weicoder.nosql.kafka.annotation.Consumer)1 Topic (com.weicoder.nosql.kafka.annotation.Topic)1 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 Parameter (java.lang.reflect.Parameter)1 KafkaConsumer (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer)1