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Example 1 with GetPagesRequest

use of in project blogwt by billy1380.

the class PageOracle method lookup.

/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	 * .user.client.ui.SuggestOracle.Request,
	 * */
protected void lookup(final Request request, final Callback callback) {
    final GetPagesRequest input = ApiHelper.setAccessCode(new GetPagesRequest());
    input.session = SessionController.get().sessionForApiCall();
    input.includePosts = Boolean.FALSE;
    input.query = request.getQuery();
    input.pager = PagerHelper.createDefaultPager();
    input.pager.count = Integer.valueOf(request.getLimit());
    if (getPagesRequest != null) {
    getPagesRequest = ApiHelper.createPageClient().getPages(input, new AsyncCallback<GetPagesResponse>() {

        public void onSuccess(GetPagesResponse output) {
            if (output.status == StatusType.StatusTypeSuccess && output.pager != null) {
                foundItems(request, callback, output.pages);
            } else {
                foundItems(request, callback, Collections.<Page>emptyList());

        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
            GWT.log("Error getting pages with query " + input.query, caught);
            foundItems(request, callback, Collections.<Page>emptyList());
Also used : GetPagesRequest( AsyncCallback( GetPagesResponse(

Example 2 with GetPagesRequest

use of in project blogwt by billy1380.

the class PageService method getPages.

public Request getPages(GetPagesRequest input, AsyncSuccess<GetPagesRequest, GetPagesResponse> onSuccess, AsyncFailure<GetPagesRequest> onFailure) {
    Request handle = null;
    try {
        handle = sendRequest(PageMethodGetPages, input, new RequestCallback() {

            public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
                try {
                    GetPagesResponse outputParameter = new GetPagesResponse();
                    parseResponse(response, outputParameter);
                    if (onSuccess != null) {
              , outputParameter);
                    onCallSuccess(PageService.this, PageMethodGetPages, input, outputParameter);
                } catch (JSONException | HttpException exception) {
                    if (onFailure != null) {
              , exception);
                    onCallFailure(PageService.this, PageMethodGetPages, input, exception);

            public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
                if (onFailure != null) {
          , exception);
                onCallFailure(PageService.this, PageMethodGetPages, input, exception);
        onCallStart(PageService.this, PageMethodGetPages, input, handle);
    } catch (RequestException exception) {
        if (onFailure != null) {
  , exception);
        onCallFailure(PageService.this, PageMethodGetPages, input, exception);
    return handle;
Also used : GetPagesResponse( UpdatePageResponse( SubmitFormResponse( CreatePageResponse( GetPageResponse( Response( DeletePageResponse( RequestCallback( GetPageRequest( CreatePageRequest( Request( GetPagesRequest( SubmitFormRequest( DeletePageRequest( UpdatePageRequest( JSONException( HttpException(com.willshex.gson.web.service.client.HttpException) GetPagesResponse( RequestException(

Example 3 with GetPagesRequest

use of in project blogwt by billy1380.

the class PageJsonServlet method processAction.

protected String processAction(String action, JsonObject request) {
    String output = "null";
    if ("SubmitForm".equals(action)) {
        SubmitFormRequest input = new SubmitFormRequest();
        output = new SubmitFormActionHandler().handle(input).toString();
    } else if ("GetPages".equals(action)) {
        GetPagesRequest input = new GetPagesRequest();
        output = new GetPagesActionHandler().handle(input).toString();
    } else if ("GetPage".equals(action)) {
        GetPageRequest input = new GetPageRequest();
        output = new GetPageActionHandler().handle(input).toString();
    } else if ("UpdatePage".equals(action)) {
        UpdatePageRequest input = new UpdatePageRequest();
        output = new UpdatePageActionHandler().handle(input).toString();
    } else if ("DeletePage".equals(action)) {
        DeletePageRequest input = new DeletePageRequest();
        output = new DeletePageActionHandler().handle(input).toString();
    } else if ("CreatePage".equals(action)) {
        CreatePageRequest input = new CreatePageRequest();
        output = new CreatePageActionHandler().handle(input).toString();
    return output;
Also used : GetPagesRequest( DeletePageActionHandler( UpdatePageActionHandler( CreatePageRequest( CreatePageActionHandler( UpdatePageRequest( GetPageRequest( GetPageActionHandler( DeletePageRequest( SubmitFormRequest( SubmitFormActionHandler( GetPagesActionHandler(

Example 4 with GetPagesRequest

use of in project blogwt by billy1380.

the class PageController method fetchPages.

private void fetchPages() {
    final GetPagesRequest input = ApiHelper.setAccessCode(new GetPagesRequest());
    input.pager = pager;
    input.session = SessionController.get().sessionForApiCall();
    input.includePosts = Boolean.FALSE;
    if (getPagesRequest != null) {
    getPagesRequest = ApiHelper.createPageClient().getPages(input, new AsyncCallback<GetPagesResponse>() {

        public void onSuccess(GetPagesResponse output) {
            getPagesRequest = null;
            if (output.status == StatusType.StatusTypeSuccess) {
                if (output.pages != null && output.pages.size() > 0) {
                    pager = output.pager;
                    updateRowCount(input.pager.count == null ? 0 : input.pager.count.intValue(), input.pager.count == null || input.pager.count.intValue() == 0);
                    updateRowData(input.pager.start.intValue(), output.pages);
                } else {
                    updateRowCount(input.pager.start.intValue(), true);
                    updateRowData(input.pager.start.intValue(), Collections.<Page>emptyList());
            DefaultEventBus.get().fireEventFromSource(new GetPagesSuccess(input, output), PageController.this);

        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
            getPagesRequest = null;
            DefaultEventBus.get().fireEventFromSource(new GetPagesFailure(input, caught), PageController.this);
Also used : GetPagesRequest( GetPagesFailure( GetPagesSuccess( AsyncCallback( GetPagesResponse(


GetPagesRequest ( GetPagesResponse ( AsyncCallback ( CreatePageRequest ( DeletePageRequest ( GetPageRequest ( SubmitFormRequest ( UpdatePageRequest ( Request ( RequestCallback ( RequestException ( Response ( JSONException ( GetPagesFailure ( GetPagesSuccess ( CreatePageActionHandler ( DeletePageActionHandler ( GetPageActionHandler ( GetPagesActionHandler ( SubmitFormActionHandler (