use of com.willwinder.universalgcodesender.gcode.util.GcodeParserException in project Universal-G-Code-Sender by winder.
the class GcodeParser method handleGCode.
* Branch parser to handle specific gcode command.
* A copy of the state object should go in the resulting GcodeMeta object.
private static GcodeMeta handleGCode(final Code code, List<String> args, int line, GcodeState state, boolean hasAxisWords) throws GcodeParserException {
GcodeMeta meta = new GcodeMeta();
meta.code = code;
Position nextPoint = null;
// If it is a movement code make sure it has some coordinates.
if (code.consumesMotion()) {
nextPoint = GcodePreprocessorUtils.updatePointWithCommand(args, state.currentPoint, state.inAbsoluteMode);
if (nextPoint == null) {
if (!code.motionOptional()) {
throw new GcodeParserException(Localization.getString("parser.gcode.missing-axis-commands") + ": " + code);
if (nextPoint == null && meta.point != null) {
nextPoint = meta.point.point();
switch(code) {
case G0:
meta.point = addLinearPointSegment(nextPoint, true, line, state);
case G1:
meta.point = addLinearPointSegment(nextPoint, false, line, state);
// Arc command.
case G2:
meta.point = addArcPointSegment(nextPoint, true, args, line, state);
case G3:
meta.point = addArcPointSegment(nextPoint, false, args, line, state);
case G17:
case G18:
case G19:
case G17_1:
case G18_1:
case G19_1:
state.plane = Plane.lookup(code);
// inch
case G20:
state.isMetric = false;
state.units = G20;
state.currentPoint = state.currentPoint.getPositionIn(UnitUtils.Units.INCH);
// mm
case G21:
state.isMetric = true;
state.units = G21;
state.currentPoint = state.currentPoint.getPositionIn(UnitUtils.Units.MM);
// probe toward workpiece, stop on contact, signal error if failure
case G38_2:
// probe toward workpiece, stop on contact
case G38_3:
// probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact, signal error if failure
case G38_4:
case // probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact
meta.point = addProbePointSegment(nextPoint, true, line, state);
// These are not used in the visualizer.
case G54:
case G55:
case G56:
case G57:
case G58:
case G59:
case G59_1:
case G59_2:
case G59_3:
state.offset = code;
case G90:
state.inAbsoluteMode = true;
state.distanceMode = G90;
case G91:
state.inAbsoluteMode = false;
state.distanceMode = G91;
case G90_1:
state.inAbsoluteIJKMode = true;
state.arcDistanceMode = G90_1;
case G91_1:
state.inAbsoluteIJKMode = false;
state.arcDistanceMode = G91_1;
case G93:
case G94:
case G95:
state.feedMode = code;
if (code.getType() == Motion) {
state.currentMotionMode = code;
meta.state = state.copy();
return meta;
use of com.willwinder.universalgcodesender.gcode.util.GcodeParserException in project Universal-G-Code-Sender by winder.
the class MeshLeveler method processCommand.
public List<String> processCommand(final String commandString, GcodeState state) throws GcodeParserException {
List<GcodeMeta> commands = GcodeParser.processCommand(commandString, 0, state);
// If there are no lines, return unmodified input.
if (!hasJustLines(commands)) {
return Collections.singletonList(commandString);
if (commands.size() > 1) {
throw new GcodeParserException(Localization.getString("parser.processor.general.multiple-commands"));
GcodeMeta command = commands.get(0);
if (command == null || command.point == null) {
throw new GcodeParserException(ERROR_MISSING_POINT_DATA);
Position start = state.currentPoint;
Position end = command.point.point();
if (start.z != end.z) {
this.lastZHeight = end.z;
// Get offset relative to the expected surface height.
// Visualizer normalizes everything to MM but probe mesh might be INCH
double probeScaleFactor = UnitUtils.scaleUnits(UnitUtils.Units.MM, this.unit);
double zScaleFactor = UnitUtils.scaleUnits(UnitUtils.Units.MM, state.isMetric ? Units.MM : Units.INCH);
double zPointOffset = surfaceHeightAt(end.x / zScaleFactor, end.y / zScaleFactor) - (this.materialSurfaceHeight / probeScaleFactor);
zPointOffset *= zScaleFactor;
// Update z coordinate.
end.z = this.lastZHeight + zPointOffset;
// end.z /= resultScaleFactor;
String adjustedCommand = GcodePreprocessorUtils.generateLineFromPoints(command.code, start, end, command.state.inAbsoluteMode, null);
return Collections.singletonList(adjustedCommand);
use of com.willwinder.universalgcodesender.gcode.util.GcodeParserException in project Universal-G-Code-Sender by winder.
the class CommandLengthProcessor method processCommand.
public List<String> processCommand(String command, GcodeState state) throws GcodeParserException {
if (command.length() > length)
throw new GcodeParserException("Command '" + command + "' is longer than " + length + " characters.");
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>();
return ret;
use of com.willwinder.universalgcodesender.gcode.util.GcodeParserException in project Universal-G-Code-Sender by winder.
the class GcodeModel method generateObject.
* Parse the gcodeFile and store the resulting geometry and data about it.
private boolean generateObject() {
isDrawable = false;
if (this.gcodeFile == null) {
return false;
try {
GcodeViewParse gcvp = new GcodeViewParse();
logger.log(Level.INFO, "About to process {}", gcodeFile);
try {
GcodeStreamReader gsr = new GcodeStreamReader(new File(gcodeFile));
gcodeLineList = gcvp.toObjFromReader(gsr, 0.3);
} catch (GcodeStreamReader.NotGcodeStreamFile e) {
List<String> linesInFile;
linesInFile = VisualizerUtils.readFiletoArrayList(this.gcodeFile);
gcodeLineList = gcvp.toObjRedux(linesInFile, 0.3);
this.objectMin = gcvp.getMinimumExtremes();
this.objectMax = gcvp.getMaximumExtremes();
if (gcodeLineList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// Grab the line number off the last line.
this.lastCommandNumber = gcodeLineList.get(gcodeLineList.size() - 1).getLineNumber();
System.out.println("Object bounds: X (" + objectMin.x + ", " + objectMax.x + ")");
System.out.println(" Y (" + objectMin.y + ", " + objectMax.y + ")");
System.out.println(" Z (" + objectMin.z + ", " + objectMax.z + ")");
Point3d center = VisualizerUtils.findCenter(objectMin, objectMax);
System.out.println("Center = " + center.toString());
System.out.println("Num Line Segments :" + gcodeLineList.size());
objectSize.x = this.objectMax.x - this.objectMin.x;
objectSize.y = this.objectMax.y - this.objectMin.y;
objectSize.z = this.objectMax.z - this.objectMin.z;
this.scaleFactorBase = VisualizerUtils.findScaleFactor(this.xSize, this.ySize, this.objectMin, this.objectMax);
this.scaleFactor = this.scaleFactorBase * this.zoomMultiplier;
this.dimensionsLabel = Localization.getString("VisualizerCanvas.dimensions") + ": "
+ Localization.getString("VisualizerCanvas.width") + "=" + format.format(objectWidth) + " "
+ Localization.getString("VisualizerCanvas.height") + "=" + format.format(objectHeight);
// Now that the object is known, fill the buffers.
this.isDrawable = true;
this.numberOfVertices = gcodeLineList.size() * 2;
this.lineVertexData = new float[numberOfVertices * 3];
this.lineColorData = new byte[numberOfVertices * 3];
} catch (GcodeParserException | IOException e) {
String error = Localization.getString("mainWindow.error.openingFile") + " : " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
return false;
return true;
use of com.willwinder.universalgcodesender.gcode.util.GcodeParserException in project Universal-G-Code-Sender by winder.
the class VisualizerCanvas method generateObject.
* Parse the gcodeFile and store the resulting geometry and data about it.
private void generateObject() {
if (this.gcodeFile == null) {
try {
GcodeViewParse gcvp = new GcodeViewParse();
// Load from stream
if (this.processedGcodeFile) {
GcodeStreamReader gsr = new GcodeStreamReader(new File(this.gcodeFile));
gcodeLineList = gcvp.toObjFromReader(gsr, 0.3);
} else // Load raw file
List<String> linesInFile;
linesInFile = VisualizerUtils.readFiletoArrayList(this.gcodeFile);
gcodeLineList = gcvp.toObjRedux(linesInFile, 0.3);
this.objectMin = gcvp.getMinimumExtremes();
this.objectMax = gcvp.getMaximumExtremes();
if (gcodeLineList.size() == 0) {
// Grab the line number off the last line.
this.lastCommandNumber = gcodeLineList.get(gcodeLineList.size() - 1).getLineNumber();
System.out.println("Object bounds: X (" + objectMin.x + ", " + objectMax.x + ")");
System.out.println(" Y (" + objectMin.y + ", " + objectMax.y + ")");
System.out.println(" Z (" + objectMin.z + ", " + objectMax.z + ")"); = VisualizerUtils.findCenter(objectMin, objectMax);
System.out.println("Center = " + center.toString());
System.out.println("Num Line Segments :" + gcodeLineList.size());
this.maxSide = VisualizerUtils.findMaxSide(objectMin, objectMax);
this.scaleFactorBase = 1.0 / this.maxSide;
this.scaleFactorBase = VisualizerUtils.findScaleFactor(this.xSize, this.ySize, this.objectMin, this.objectMax, 0.9);
this.scaleFactor = this.scaleFactorBase * this.zoomMultiplier;
this.isDrawable = true;
double objectWidth = this.objectMax.x - this.objectMin.x;
double objectHeight = this.objectMax.y - this.objectMin.y;
this.dimensionsLabel = Localization.getString("VisualizerCanvas.dimensions") + ": " + Localization.getString("VisualizerCanvas.width") + "=" + format.format(objectWidth) + " " + Localization.getString("VisualizerCanvas.height") + "=" + format.format(objectHeight);
// Now that the object is known, fill the buffers.
this.colorArrayDirty = true;
this.vertexArrayDirty = true;
} catch (GcodeParserException | IOException | GcodeStreamReader.NotGcodeStreamFile e) {
String error = Localization.getString("mainWindow.error.openingFile") + " : " + e.getLocalizedMessage();