Search in sources :

Example 1 with Value

use of com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value in project jdbc-shards by wplatform.

the class Query method prepareOrder.

     * Create a {@link SortOrder} object given the list of {@link SelectOrderBy}
     * objects. The expression list is extended if necessary.
     * @param orderList       a list of {@link SelectOrderBy} elements
     * @param expressionCount the number of columns in the query
     * @return the {@link SortOrder} object
public SortOrder prepareOrder(ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderList, int expressionCount) {
    int size = orderList.size();
    int[] index = new int[size];
    int[] sortType = new int[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        SelectOrderBy o = orderList.get(i);
        int idx;
        boolean reverse = false;
        Expression expr = o.columnIndexExpr;
        Value v = expr.getValue(null);
        if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
            // parameter not yet set - order by first column
            idx = 0;
        } else {
            idx = v.getInt();
            if (idx < 0) {
                reverse = true;
                idx = -idx;
            idx -= 1;
            if (idx < 0 || idx >= expressionCount) {
                throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.ORDER_BY_NOT_IN_RESULT, "" + (idx + 1));
        index[i] = idx;
        boolean desc = o.descending;
        if (reverse) {
            desc = !desc;
        int type = desc ? SortOrder.DESCENDING : SortOrder.ASCENDING;
        if (o.nullsFirst) {
            type += SortOrder.NULLS_FIRST;
        } else if (o.nullsLast) {
            type += SortOrder.NULLS_LAST;
        sortType[i] = type;
    return new SortOrder(session.getDatabase(), index, sortType, orderList);
Also used : Value(com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value) SortOrder(com.wplatform.ddal.result.SortOrder)

Example 2 with Value

use of com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value in project jdbc-shards by wplatform.

the class Query method query.

     * Execute the query, writing the result to the target result.
     * @param limit  the maximum number of rows to return
     * @param target the target result (null will return the result)
     * @return the result set (if the target is not set).
public LocalResult query(int limit, ResultTarget target) {
    if (noCache) {
        return queryWithoutCache(limit, target);
    Value[] params = getParameterValues();
    if (isEverything(ExpressionVisitor.DETERMINISTIC_VISITOR)) {
        if (lastResult != null && !lastResult.isClosed() && limit == lastLimit) {
            if (sameResultAsLast(session, params, lastParameters)) {
                lastResult = lastResult.createShallowCopy(session);
                if (lastResult != null) {
                    return lastResult;
    lastParameters = params;
    LocalResult r = queryWithoutCache(limit, target);
    lastResult = r;
    lastLimit = limit;
    return r;
Also used : LocalResult(com.wplatform.ddal.result.LocalResult) Value(com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value)

Example 3 with Value

use of com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value in project jdbc-shards by wplatform.

the class ConditionInConstantSet method getValue.

public Value getValue(Session session) {
    Value x = left.getValue(session);
    if (x == ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
        return x;
    boolean result = valueSet.contains(x);
    if (!result) {
        boolean setHasNull = valueSet.contains(ValueNull.INSTANCE);
        if (setHasNull) {
            return ValueNull.INSTANCE;
    return ValueBoolean.get(result);
Also used : Value(com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value)

Example 4 with Value

use of com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value in project jdbc-shards by wplatform.

the class ConditionInSelect method exportParameters.

public String exportParameters(TableFilter filter, List<Value> container) {
    Session session = filter.getSession();
    LocalResult rows = query(session);
    if (rows.getRowCount() > 0) {
        StatementBuilder buff = new StatementBuilder();
        buff.append('(').append(left.exportParameters(filter, container)).append(' ');
        if (all) {
            buff.append(Comparison.getCompareOperator(compareType)).append(" ALL");
        } else {
            if (compareType == Comparison.EQUAL) {
            } else {
                buff.append(Comparison.getCompareOperator(compareType)).append(" ANY");
        while ( {
            Value r = rows.currentRow()[0];
        return buff.toString();
    } else {
        return "1 = 0";
Also used : LocalResult(com.wplatform.ddal.result.LocalResult) StatementBuilder(com.wplatform.ddal.util.StatementBuilder) Value(com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value) Session(com.wplatform.ddal.engine.Session)

Example 5 with Value

use of com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value in project jdbc-shards by wplatform.

the class ConditionInSelect method getValue.

public Value getValue(Session session) {
    LocalResult rows = query(session);
    try {
        Value l = left.getValue(session);
        if (rows.getRowCount() == 0) {
            return ValueBoolean.get(all);
        } else if (l == ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
            return l;
        if (!session.getDatabase().getSettings().optimizeInSelect) {
            return getValueSlow(rows, l);
        if (all || (compareType != Comparison.EQUAL && compareType != Comparison.EQUAL_NULL_SAFE)) {
            return getValueSlow(rows, l);
        int dataType = rows.getColumnType(0);
        if (dataType == Value.NULL) {
            return ValueBoolean.get(false);
        l = l.convertTo(dataType);
        if (rows.containsDistinct(new Value[] { l })) {
            return ValueBoolean.get(true);
        if (rows.containsDistinct(new Value[] { ValueNull.INSTANCE })) {
            return ValueNull.INSTANCE;
        return ValueBoolean.get(false);
    } finally {
Also used : LocalResult(com.wplatform.ddal.result.LocalResult) Value(com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value)


Value (com.wplatform.ddal.value.Value)84 Expression (com.wplatform.ddal.command.expression.Expression)14 Column (com.wplatform.ddal.dbobject.table.Column)14 StatementBuilder (com.wplatform.ddal.util.StatementBuilder)13 DbException (com.wplatform.ddal.message.DbException)9 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 Row (com.wplatform.ddal.result.Row)7 SearchRow (com.wplatform.ddal.result.SearchRow)7 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)7 TableMate (com.wplatform.ddal.dbobject.table.TableMate)6 LocalResult (com.wplatform.ddal.result.LocalResult)6 ResultInterface (com.wplatform.ddal.result.ResultInterface)5 Connection (java.sql.Connection)5 Parameter (com.wplatform.ddal.command.expression.Parameter)4 List (java.util.List)4 DataSource (javax.sql.DataSource)4 Query (com.wplatform.ddal.command.dml.Query)3 TableFilter (com.wplatform.ddal.dbobject.table.TableFilter)3 TableNode (com.wplatform.ddal.dispatch.rule.TableNode)3 JdbcWorker (com.wplatform.ddal.excutor.JdbcWorker)3