use of com.wrapper.spotify.methods.TrackRequest in project Ardent by adamint.
the class Music method loadAndPlay.
static void loadAndPlay(Message message, User user, Command command, final TextChannel channel, String trackUrl, final VoiceChannel voiceChannel, boolean search, boolean useEmbedSelect) {
if (trackUrl.contains("")) {
String[] parsed = trackUrl.split("/track/");
if (parsed.length == 2) {
final TrackRequest request = spotifyApi.getTrack(parsed[1]).build();
try {
trackUrl = request.get().getName();
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
Guild guild = channel.getGuild();
GuildMusicManager musicManager = getGuildAudioPlayer(channel.getGuild(), channel);
String finalTrackUrl = trackUrl;
GuildUtils.getShard(guild).playerManager.loadItemOrdered(musicManager, trackUrl, new AudioLoadResultHandler() {
public void trackLoaded(AudioTrack track) {
if (!UserUtils.hasTierTwoPermissions(user) && !EntityGuild.get(guild).isPremium()) {
try {
if (!shouldContinue(user, guild, channel, track)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
try {
command.sendTranslatedMessage("Adding {0} to the queue".replace("{0}", track.getInfo().title) + " " + getDuration(track), channel, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
play(user, guild, voiceChannel, musicManager, track, channel);
public void playlistLoaded(AudioPlaylist playlist) {
List<AudioTrack> tracks = playlist.getTracks();
if (playlist.isSearchResult()) {
try {
if (!useEmbedSelect) {
AudioTrack[] possible;
if (playlist.getTracks().size() >= 5)
possible = playlist.getTracks().subList(0, 5).toArray(new AudioTrack[5]);
possible = playlist.getTracks().toArray(new AudioTrack[playlist.getTracks().size()]);
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
for (AudioTrack audioTrack : possible) {
Message embed = command.sendEmbed(command.chooseFromList("Choose Song", guild, user, command, names.toArray(new String[5])), channel, user);
interactiveOperation(channel, message, selectionMessage -> {
try {
AudioTrack selected = possible[Integer.parseInt(selectionMessage.getContent()) - 1];
if (!UserUtils.hasTierTwoPermissions(user) && !EntityGuild.get(guild).isPremium()) {
try {
if (!shouldContinue(user, guild, channel, selected)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
try {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
play(user, guild, voiceChannel, musicManager, selected, channel);
command.sendTranslatedMessage("Adding {0} to the queue".replace("{0}", selected.getInfo().title) + " " + getDuration(selected), channel, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
command.sendTranslatedMessage("Invalid response", channel, user);
} else {
AudioTrack track = playlist.getTracks().get(0);
play(user, guild, voiceChannel, musicManager, track, channel);
command.sendTranslatedMessage("Adding {0} to the queue".replace("{0}", track.getInfo().title) + " " + getDuration(track), channel, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
} else {
if (!UserUtils.hasTierTwoPermissions(user) && !EntityGuild.get(guild).isPremium()) {
try {
if (!shouldContinue(user, guild, channel, 1)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
try {
command.sendTranslatedMessage("Adding {0} songs to the queue".replace("{0}", String.valueOf(tracks.size())), channel, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
for (AudioTrack track : tracks) {
play(user, guild, voiceChannel, musicManager, track, channel);
public void noMatches() {
if (!search) {
loadAndPlay(message, user, command, channel, "ytsearch: " + finalTrackUrl, voiceChannel, true, useEmbedSelect);
} else {
try {
command.sendTranslatedMessage("I couldn't find a song with that name", channel, user);
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);
public void loadFailed(FriendlyException exception) {
try {
sendTo(channel, guild).sendMessage("I wasn't able to play that track... **Reason: **" + exception.getLocalizedMessage()).queue();
} catch (Exception e) {
new BotException(e);