use of com.wuest.prefab.Config.EntityPlayerConfiguration in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.
the class ModEventHandler method PlayerJoinedWorld.
* This event is used to determine if the player should be given the starting house item when they log in.
* @param event The event object.
public static void PlayerJoinedWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) {
if (!event.getWorld().isRemote && event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
System.out.println("Player joined world, checking to see if the house builder should be provided.");
EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) event.getEntity();
EntityPlayerConfiguration playerConfig = EntityPlayerConfiguration.loadFromEntityData((EntityPlayerMP) event.getEntity());
if (!playerConfig.givenHouseBuilder && Prefab.proxy.proxyConfiguration.addHouseItem) {
ItemStack stack = Prefab.proxy.proxyConfiguration.addModerateHouseInstead ? new ItemStack(ModRegistry.ModerateHouse()) : new ItemStack(ModRegistry.StartHouse());
// Make sure to set the tag for this player so they don't get the item again.
playerConfig.givenHouseBuilder = true;
// Send the persist tag to the client. PlayerEntityTagMessage(playerConfig.getModIsPlayerNewTag(player)), player);
use of com.wuest.prefab.Config.EntityPlayerConfiguration in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.
the class StructureModerateHouse method AfterBuilding.
* This method is used after the main building is build for any additional
* structures or modifications.
* @param configuration The structure configuration.
* @param world The current world.
* @param originalPos The original position clicked on.
* @param assumedNorth The assumed northern direction.
* @param player The player which initiated the construction.
public void AfterBuilding(StructureConfiguration configuration, World world, BlockPos originalPos, EnumFacing assumedNorth, EntityPlayer player) {
ModerateHouseConfiguration houseConfig = (ModerateHouseConfiguration) configuration;
EntityPlayerConfiguration playerConfig = EntityPlayerConfiguration.loadFromEntityData((EntityPlayerMP) player);
if (this.furnacePosition != null) {
for (BlockPos furnacePos : this.furnacePosition) {
// Fill the furnace.
TileEntity tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(furnacePos);
if (tileEntity instanceof TileEntityFurnace) {
TileEntityFurnace furnaceTile = (TileEntityFurnace) tileEntity;
furnaceTile.setInventorySlotContents(1, new ItemStack(Items.COAL, 20));
if (this.chestPosition != null && !playerConfig.builtStarterHouse && houseConfig.addChestContents) {
// Fill the chest if the player hasn't generated the starting house yet.
StructureModerateHouse.FillChest(world, this.chestPosition, houseConfig, player);
if (this.trapDoorPosition != null && this.trapDoorPosition.getY() > 15 && houseConfig.addMineshaft) {
// Build the mineshaft.
StructureAlternateStart.PlaceMineShaft(world, this.trapDoorPosition.down(), houseConfig.houseFacing, false);
// Make sure to set this value so the player cannot fill the chest a second time.
playerConfig.builtStarterHouse = true;
use of com.wuest.prefab.Config.EntityPlayerConfiguration in project MC-Prefab by Brian-Wuest.
the class HouseConfiguration method ConfigurationSpecificBuildStructure.
* This is used to actually build the structure as it creates the structure instance and calls build structure.
* @param player The player which requested the build.
* @param world The world instance where the build will occur.
* @param hitBlockPos This hit block position.
protected void ConfigurationSpecificBuildStructure(EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos hitBlockPos) {
boolean houseBuilt = true;
if (this.houseStyle == HouseConfiguration.HouseStyle.BASIC) {
// We hit a block, let's start building!!!!!
BlockPos startingPosition = hitBlockPos.up();
// Get the new "North" facing. This is the orientation of
// the house and all building will be based on this.
EnumFacing northFace = this.houseFacing;
// Get the "South" facing of the house to make rotating
// easier.
EnumFacing southFace = northFace.getOpposite();
// Set the "North East" corner.
/*ItemStartHouse.NorthEastCorner = startingPosition.offset(northFace, (int) Math.floor(configuration.houseDepth / 2) + 1)
.offset(northFace.rotateY(), (int) Math.floor(configuration.houseWidth / 2) + 1);*/
HouseConfiguration.NorthEastCorner = startingPosition.offset(southFace).offset(northFace.rotateY());
// Set the "South East" corner.
HouseConfiguration.SouthEastCorner = HouseConfiguration.NorthEastCorner.offset(southFace, this.houseDepth + 1);
// Set the "South West" corner.
HouseConfiguration.SouthWestCorner = HouseConfiguration.SouthEastCorner.offset(northFace.rotateYCCW(), this.houseWidth + 1);
// Set the "North West" corner.
HouseConfiguration.NorthWestCorner = HouseConfiguration.NorthEastCorner.offset(northFace.rotateYCCW(), this.houseWidth + 1);
// Put the starting position in the middle of the house as that's what the rest of the methods expect.
startingPosition = HouseConfiguration.NorthEastCorner.offset(southFace, (int) Math.floor(this.houseDepth / 2) + 1).offset(northFace.rotateYCCW(), (int) Math.floor(this.houseWidth / 2) + 1);
BlockPos endBlockPos = startingPosition.offset(northFace.rotateYCCW(), this.houseWidth + 11).offset(southFace, this.houseDepth + 11).offset(EnumFacing.UP, 15);
// Make sure this structure can be placed here.
if (!BuildingMethods.CheckBuildSpaceForAllowedBlockReplacement(this, world, startingPosition, endBlockPos, player)) {
// Send a message to the player saying that the structure could not
// be built.
player.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation(GuiLangKeys.GUI_STRUCTURE_NOBUILD).setStyle(new Style().setColor(TextFormatting.GREEN)));
// Clear the space before the user is teleported. This
// is in-case they right-click on a space that is only 1
// block tall.
BuildingMethods.ClearSpace(world, HouseConfiguration.NorthEastCorner, this.houseWidth, 15, this.houseDepth, northFace);
// Build the basic structure.
HouseConfiguration.BuildStructure(world, startingPosition, this, northFace);
// Build the interior.
HouseConfiguration.BuildInterior(world, startingPosition, player, this, northFace);
// Set up the exterior.
HouseConfiguration.BuildExterior(world, startingPosition, player, this, northFace);
if (this.addMineShaft && startingPosition.getY() > 15) {
// Set up the mineshaft.
HouseConfiguration.PlaceMineShaft(world, startingPosition, this.houseDepth, northFace);
houseBuilt = true;
} else {
// Build the alternate starter house instead.
StructureAlternateStart structure = StructureAlternateStart.CreateInstance(this.houseStyle.getStructureLocation(), StructureAlternateStart.class);
houseBuilt = structure.BuildStructure(this, world, hitBlockPos, EnumFacing.NORTH, player);
// The house was successfully built, remove the item from the inventory.
if (houseBuilt) {
EntityPlayerConfiguration playerConfig = EntityPlayerConfiguration.loadFromEntityData((EntityPlayerMP) player);
playerConfig.builtStarterHouse = true;
player.inventory.clearMatchingItems(ModRegistry.StartHouse(), -1, 1, null);
// Make sure to send a message to the client to sync up the server player information and the client player information. PlayerEntityTagMessage(playerConfig.getModIsPlayerNewTag(player)), (EntityPlayerMP) player);