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Example 1 with MapIcon

use of in project Wynntils by Wynntils.

the class MiniMapOverlay method render.

public void render(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre e) {
    if (!Reference.onWorld || e.getType() != RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType.ALL || !MapConfig.INSTANCE.enabled)
    if (!MapModule.getModule().getMainMap().isReadyToUse())
    MapProfile map = MapModule.getModule().getMainMap();
    // calculates the extra size to avoid rotation overpass
    float extraFactor = 1;
    if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.followPlayerRotation && MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapFormat == MapConfig.MapFormat.SQUARE)
        extraFactor = 1.5f;
    // updates the map size
    int mapSize = MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapSize;
    staticSize = new Point(mapSize, mapSize);
    int zoom = MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapZoom;
    // texture position
    // <--- min texture x point
    float minX = map.getTextureXPosition(McIf.player().posX) - extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom);
    // <--- min texture z point
    float minZ = map.getTextureZPosition(McIf.player().posZ) - extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom);
    // <--- max texture x point
    float maxX = map.getTextureXPosition(McIf.player().posX) + extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom);
    // <--- max texture z point
    float maxZ = map.getTextureZPosition(McIf.player().posZ) + extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom);
    minX /= (float) map.getImageWidth();
    maxX /= (float) map.getImageWidth();
    minZ /= (float) map.getImageHeight();
    maxZ /= (float) map.getImageHeight();
    float centerX = minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2);
    float centerZ = minZ + ((maxZ - minZ) / 2);
    if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.hideMinimapOutOfBounds && (centerX > 1 || centerX < 0 || centerZ > 1 || centerZ < 0))
    try {
        // textures & masks
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapFormat == MapConfig.MapFormat.SQUARE) {
            enableScissorTest(mapSize, mapSize);
        } else {
            createMask(, 0, 0, mapSize, mapSize);
        // map texture
        GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
        // rotation axis
        transformationOrigin(mapSize / 2, mapSize / 2);
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.followPlayerRotation)
            rotate(180 - MathHelper.fastFloor(McIf.player().rotationYaw));
        // map quad
        // How many extra pixels multiplying by extraFactor added on each side
        float extraSize = (extraFactor - 1f) * mapSize / 2f;
        int option = MapConfig.INSTANCE.renderUsingLinear ? GL11.GL_LINEAR : GL11.GL_NEAREST;
        GlStateManager.glTexParameteri(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, option);
        GlStateManager.glTexParameteri(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL13.GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER);
        GlStateManager.glTexParameteri(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL13.GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER);
        Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
        BufferBuilder bufferbuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
            bufferbuilder.begin(GL11.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
            bufferbuilder.pos(position.getDrawingX() - extraSize, position.getDrawingY() + mapSize + extraSize, 0).tex(minX, maxZ).endVertex();
            bufferbuilder.pos(position.getDrawingX() + mapSize + extraSize, position.getDrawingY() + mapSize + extraSize, 0).tex(maxX, maxZ).endVertex();
            bufferbuilder.pos(position.getDrawingX() + mapSize + extraSize, position.getDrawingY() - extraSize, 0).tex(maxX, minZ).endVertex();
            bufferbuilder.pos(position.getDrawingX() - extraSize, position.getDrawingY() - extraSize, 0).tex(minX, minZ).endVertex();
        // Draw map icons
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.minimapIcons) {
            final float halfMapSize = mapSize / 2f;
            final float scaleFactor = mapSize / (mapSize + 2f * zoom);
            // TODO this needs to scale in even numbers to avoid distortion!
            final float sizeMultiplier = 0.8f * MapConfig.INSTANCE.minimapIconSizeMultiplier * (1 - (1 - scaleFactor) * (1 - scaleFactor));
            final double rotationRadians = Math.toRadians(McIf.player().rotationYaw);
            final float sinRotationRadians = (float) Math.sin(rotationRadians);
            final float cosRotationRadians = (float) -Math.cos(rotationRadians);
            // These two points for a box bigger than the actual minimap so the icons outside
            // can quickly be filtered out
            final int minFastWorldX = (int) (McIf.player().posX - extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom));
            final int minFastWorldZ = (int) (McIf.player().posZ - extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom));
            final int maxFastWorldX = (int) (McIf.player().posX + extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom)) + 1;
            final int maxFastWorldZ = (int) (McIf.player().posZ + extraFactor * (mapSize / 2f + zoom)) + 1;
            Consumer<MapIcon> consumer = c -> {
                if (!c.isEnabled(true))
                int posX = c.getPosX();
                int posZ = c.getPosZ();
                float sizeX = c.getSizeX();
                float sizeZ = c.getSizeZ();
                if (!(minFastWorldX <= posX + sizeX && posX - sizeX <= maxFastWorldX) || !(minFastWorldZ <= posZ + sizeZ && posZ - sizeZ <= maxFastWorldZ)) {
                float dx = (float) (posX - McIf.player().posX) * scaleFactor;
                float dz = (float) (posZ - McIf.player().posZ) * scaleFactor;
                boolean followRotation = false;
                if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.followPlayerRotation) {
                    // Rotate dx and dz
                    if (followRotation = c.followRotation()) {
                        Point drawingOrigin = MiniMapOverlay.drawingOrigin();
                        GlStateManager.translate(drawingOrigin.x + halfMapSize, drawingOrigin.y + halfMapSize, 0);
                        GlStateManager.rotate(180 - McIf.player().rotationYaw, 0, 0, 1);
                        GlStateManager.translate(-drawingOrigin.x - halfMapSize, -drawingOrigin.y - halfMapSize, 0);
                    } else {
                        float temp = dx * cosRotationRadians - dz * sinRotationRadians;
                        dz = dx * sinRotationRadians + dz * cosRotationRadians;
                        dx = temp;
                c.renderAt(this, dx + halfMapSize, dz + halfMapSize, sizeMultiplier, scaleFactor);
                if (followRotation) {
            MapIcon compassIcon = MapIcon.getCompass();
            if (compassIcon.isEnabled(true)) {
                float dx = (float) (compassIcon.getPosX() - McIf.player().posX) * scaleFactor;
                float dz = (float) (compassIcon.getPosZ() - McIf.player().posZ) * scaleFactor;
                if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.followPlayerRotation) {
                    float temp = dx * cosRotationRadians - dz * sinRotationRadians;
                    dz = dx * sinRotationRadians + dz * cosRotationRadians;
                    dx = temp;
                boolean scaled = false;
                float newDx = 0;
                float newDz = 0;
                final float compassSize = Math.max(compassIcon.getSizeX(), compassIcon.getSizeZ()) * 0.8f * MapConfig.INSTANCE.minimapIconSizeMultiplier;
                boolean rendering = true;
                float distanceSq = dx * dx + dz * dz;
                float maxDistance = halfMapSize - compassSize;
                if (distanceSq > 16000000f) {
                    rendering = false;
                if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapFormat == MapConfig.MapFormat.SQUARE) {
                    if (!(-maxDistance <= dx && dx <= maxDistance && -maxDistance <= dz && dz <= maxDistance)) {
                        // Scale them in so that `|newDx| <= maxDistance && |newDz| <= maxDistance`
                        scaled = true;
                        float scale = maxDistance / Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dz));
                        newDx = dx * scale;
                        newDz = dz * scale;
                } else {
                    if (distanceSq > maxDistance * maxDistance) {
                        // Scale it down back into the circle
                        float multiplier = maxDistance / (float) Math.sqrt(distanceSq);
                        newDx = dx * multiplier;
                        newDz = dz * multiplier;
                        scaled = true;
                if (rendering && scaled) {
                    float angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dz, dx)) + 90f;
                    dx = newDx + halfMapSize;
                    dz = newDz + halfMapSize;
                    Point drawingOrigin = MiniMapOverlay.drawingOrigin();
                    GlStateManager.translate(drawingOrigin.x + dx, drawingOrigin.y + dz, 0);
                    GlStateManager.rotate(angle, 0, 0, 1);
                    GlStateManager.translate(-drawingOrigin.x - dx, -drawingOrigin.y - dz, 0);
                    MapCompassIcon.pointer.renderAt(this, dx, dz, sizeMultiplier, 1f);
                    if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.compassDistanceType == MapConfig.DistanceMarkerType.ALWAYS || MapConfig.INSTANCE.compassDistanceType == MapConfig.DistanceMarkerType.OFF_MAP)
                        drawTextOverlay(this, dx, dz, StringUtils.integerToShortString(Math.round((float) Math.sqrt(distanceSq) / scaleFactor)) + "m");
                } else if (rendering) {
                    compassIcon.renderAt(this, dx + halfMapSize, dz + halfMapSize, sizeMultiplier, scaleFactor);
                    if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.compassDistanceType == MapConfig.DistanceMarkerType.ALWAYS)
                        drawTextOverlay(this, dx + halfMapSize, dz + halfMapSize, StringUtils.integerToShortString(Math.round((float) Math.sqrt(distanceSq) / scaleFactor)) + "m");
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.followPlayerRotation)
            rotate(180 - MathHelper.fastFloor(McIf.player().rotationYaw));
        // cursor & cursor rotation
        rotate(180 + MathHelper.fastFloor(McIf.player().rotationYaw));
        MapConfig.PointerType type = MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.pointerStyle;
        drawRectF(Textures.Map.map_pointers, (mapSize / 2f) - type.dWidth, (mapSize / 2f) - type.dHeight, (mapSize / 2f) + type.dWidth, (mapSize / 2f) + type.dHeight, 0, type.yStart, type.width, type.yStart + type.height);
        GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1, 1);
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapFormat == MapConfig.MapFormat.SQUARE) {
            if (MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.textureType == MapConfig.TextureType.Paper) {
                drawRect(Textures.Map.paper_map_textures, -3, -3, mapSize + 3, mapSize + 3, 0, 0, 217, 217);
            } else if (MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.textureType == MapConfig.TextureType.Wynn) {
                drawRect(Textures.Map.wynn_map_textures, -3, -3, mapSize + 3, mapSize + 3, 0, 0, 112, 112);
            } else if (MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.textureType == MapConfig.TextureType.Gilded) {
                drawRect(Textures.Map.gilded_map_textures, -1, -1, mapSize + 1, mapSize + 1, 0, 263, 262, 524);
        } else if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapFormat == MapConfig.MapFormat.CIRCLE) {
            if (MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.textureType == MapConfig.TextureType.Paper) {
                drawRect(Textures.Map.paper_map_textures, -3, -3, mapSize + 3, mapSize + 3, 0, 217, 217, 438);
            } else if (MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.textureType == MapConfig.TextureType.Wynn) {
            // todo texture
            } else if (MapConfig.Textures.INSTANCE.textureType == MapConfig.TextureType.Gilded) {
                drawRect(Textures.Map.gilded_map_textures, -1, -1, mapSize + 1, mapSize + 1, 0, 0, 262, 262);
        // Direction Text
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.showCompass) {
            if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.followPlayerRotation) {
                float mapCentre = (float) mapSize / 2f;
                float yawRadians = (float) Math.toRadians(McIf.player().rotationYaw);
                float northDX = mapCentre * MathHelper.sin(yawRadians);
                float northDY = mapCentre * MathHelper.cos(yawRadians);
                if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.mapFormat == MapConfig.MapFormat.SQUARE) {
                    // Scale by sec((offset from 90 degree angle)) to map to tangent from offset point
                    float circleToSquareScale = MathHelper.cos((float) Math.toRadians((McIf.player().rotationYaw % 360f + 405f) % 90f - 45f));
                    northDX /= circleToSquareScale;
                    northDY /= circleToSquareScale;
                drawString("N", mapCentre - 2 + northDX, mapCentre - 3 + northDY, CommonColors.WHITE);
                if (!MapConfig.INSTANCE.northOnly) {
                    drawString("E", mapCentre - 2 - northDY, mapCentre - 3 + northDX, CommonColors.WHITE);
                    drawString("S", mapCentre - 2 - northDX, mapCentre - 3 - northDY, CommonColors.WHITE);
                    drawString("W", mapCentre - 2 + northDY, mapCentre - 3 - northDX, CommonColors.WHITE);
            } else {
                float mapCentre = (float) mapSize / 2f;
                drawString("N", mapCentre - 2, -3, CommonColors.WHITE);
                if (!MapConfig.INSTANCE.northOnly) {
                    drawString("E", mapSize - 2, mapCentre - 3, CommonColors.WHITE);
                    drawString("S", mapCentre - 2, mapSize - 3, CommonColors.WHITE);
                    drawString("W", -2, mapCentre - 3, CommonColors.WHITE);
        if (MapConfig.INSTANCE.showCoords) {
            drawString(String.join(", ", Integer.toString((int) McIf.player().posX), Integer.toString((int) McIf.player().posY), Integer.toString((int) McIf.player().posZ)), mapSize / 2f, mapSize + 6, CommonColors.WHITE, SmartFontRenderer.TextAlignment.MIDDLE, SmartFontRenderer.TextShadow.OUTLINE);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
Also used : McIf(com.wynntils.McIf) BufferBuilder(net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder) ScreenRenderer(com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.ScreenRenderer) Point(java.awt.Point) DefaultVertexFormats(net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats) Overlay(com.wynntils.core.framework.overlays.Overlay) RenderGameOverlayEvent(net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent) MapCompassIcon( GL13(org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13) GL11(org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11) Reference(com.wynntils.Reference) MapConfig( MapProfile( GlStateManager(net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager) CommonColors(com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.colors.CommonColors) MapIcon( Textures(com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.textures.Textures) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) StringUtils(com.wynntils.core.utils.StringUtils) Tessellator(net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator) MathHelper(net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper) MapModule( SmartFontRenderer(com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.SmartFontRenderer) LootRunManager( CustomColor(com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.colors.CustomColor) MapProfile( Tessellator(net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator) BufferBuilder(net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder) MapIcon( Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point) MapConfig(

Example 2 with MapIcon

use of in project Wynntils by Wynntils.

the class LootRunPage method postEntries.

public void postEntries(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
    int x = width / 2;
    int y = height / 2;
    int posX = (x - mouseX);
    int posY = (y - mouseY);
    int mapX = x - 154;
    int mapY = y + 23;
    int mapWidth = 145;
    int mapHeight = 58;
    if (LootRunManager.getActivePathName() != null) {
        // render info
        render.drawString(LootRunManager.getActivePathName(), x / 1.2f - 154 / 1.2f, y / 1.2f - 35 / 1.2f, CommonColors.BLACK, SmartFontRenderer.TextAlignment.LEFT_RIGHT, SmartFontRenderer.TextShadow.NONE);
        LootRunPath path = LootRunManager.getActivePath();
        Location start = path.getPoints().get(0);
        render.drawString("Chests: " + path.getChests().size(), x - 154, y - 20, CommonColors.BLACK, SmartFontRenderer.TextAlignment.LEFT_RIGHT, SmartFontRenderer.TextShadow.NONE);
        render.drawString("Notes: " + path.getNotes().size(), x - 154, y - 10, CommonColors.BLACK, SmartFontRenderer.TextAlignment.LEFT_RIGHT, SmartFontRenderer.TextShadow.NONE);
        render.drawString("Start point: " + start, x - 154, y, CommonColors.BLACK, SmartFontRenderer.TextAlignment.LEFT_RIGHT, SmartFontRenderer.TextShadow.NONE);
        render.drawString("End point: " + path.getLastPoint(), x - 154, y + 10, CommonColors.BLACK, SmartFontRenderer.TextAlignment.LEFT_RIGHT, SmartFontRenderer.TextShadow.NONE);
        // render map of starting point
        MapProfile map = MapModule.getModule().getMainMap();
        if (map != null) {
            // <--- min texture x point
            float minX = map.getTextureXPosition(start.x) - mapScale * (mapWidth / 2f);
            // <--- min texture z point
            float minZ = map.getTextureZPosition(start.z) - mapScale * (mapHeight / 2f);
            // <--- max texture x point
            float maxX = map.getTextureXPosition(start.x) + mapScale * (mapWidth / 2f);
            // <--- max texture z point
            float maxZ = map.getTextureZPosition(start.z) + mapScale * (mapHeight / 2f);
            minX /= (float) map.getImageWidth();
            maxX /= (float) map.getImageWidth();
            minZ /= (float) map.getImageHeight();
            maxZ /= (float) map.getImageHeight();
            try {
                // boundary around map
                int boundarySize = 3;
                render.drawRect(Textures.Map.paper_map_textures, mapX - boundarySize, mapY - boundarySize, mapX + mapWidth + boundarySize, mapY + mapHeight + boundarySize, 0, 0, 217, 217);
                ScreenRenderer.enableScissorTest(mapX, mapY, mapWidth, mapHeight);
                color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                glTexParameteri(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL11.GL_CLAMP);
                glTexParameteri(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL11.GL_CLAMP);
                glTexParameteri(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL11.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL11.GL_NEAREST);
                Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance();
                BufferBuilder bufferbuilder = tessellator.getBuffer();
                    bufferbuilder.begin(GL11.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX);
                    bufferbuilder.pos(mapX, mapY + mapHeight, 0).tex(minX, maxZ).endVertex();
                    bufferbuilder.pos(mapX + mapWidth, mapY + mapHeight, 0).tex(maxX, maxZ).endVertex();
                    bufferbuilder.pos(mapX + mapWidth, mapY, 0).tex(maxX, minZ).endVertex();
                    bufferbuilder.pos(mapX, mapY, 0).tex(minX, minZ).endVertex();
                // render the line on the map
                if (MapConfig.LootRun.INSTANCE.displayLootrunOnMap) {
                    List<MapIcon> icons = LootRunManager.getMapPathWaypoints();
                    for (MapIcon mapIcon : icons) {
                        mapIcon.renderAt(render, (float) (mapX + mapWidth / 2f + (mapIcon.getPosX() - start.getX()) / (float) mapScale), (float) (mapY + mapHeight / 2f + (mapIcon.getPosZ() - start.getZ()) / (float) mapScale), 1 / ((float) mapScale + 1 / 4f) + 0.2f, 1 / (float) mapScale);
                mapHovered = posX <= 154 && posX >= 154 - mapWidth && posY <= -23 && posY >= -23 - mapHeight;
                if (mapHovered) {
                    hoveredText = Arrays.asList(TextFormatting.YELLOW + "Click to open Map!", TextFormatting.WHITE + "Scroll to change map size!");
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
            // reset settings
    } else {
        drawTextLines(textLines, x - 154, y - 30, 1);
    // buttons
    drawMenuButton(x, y, posX, posY);
Also used : MapProfile( LootRunPath( Tessellator(net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator) BufferBuilder(net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder) MapIcon( IOException( Location(com.wynntils.core.utils.objects.Location)


MapProfile ( MapIcon ( BufferBuilder (net.minecraft.client.renderer.BufferBuilder)2 Tessellator (net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator)2 McIf (com.wynntils.McIf)1 Reference (com.wynntils.Reference)1 Overlay (com.wynntils.core.framework.overlays.Overlay)1 ScreenRenderer (com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.ScreenRenderer)1 SmartFontRenderer (com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.SmartFontRenderer)1 CommonColors (com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.colors.CommonColors)1 CustomColor (com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.colors.CustomColor)1 Textures (com.wynntils.core.framework.rendering.textures.Textures)1 StringUtils (com.wynntils.core.utils.StringUtils)1 Location (com.wynntils.core.utils.objects.Location)1 MapModule ( MapConfig ( LootRunPath ( LootRunManager ( MapCompassIcon ( Point (java.awt.Point)1