use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.LeadingSpacing in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class LeadingSpacingMock method createGClefSpacing.
* Creates an easy MeasureLeadingSpacing (with a g-clef)
* that has the given width in IS.
public static LeadingSpacing createGClefSpacing(float widthIs) {
ClefNotation notation = new ClefNotation(new Clef(ClefType.Companion.getClefTreble()), new ElementWidth(widthIs), 0, 1);
ElementSpacing spacing = new SimpleSpacing(notation,, 0);
return new LeadingSpacing(alist(spacing), widthIs);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.LeadingSpacing in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class ColumnSpacer method compute.
* Computes a {@link ColumnSpacing} from a measure column.
* @param context the current context, with the current {@link MP} and precomputed
* element {@link Notation}s
* @param createLeading true, if a leading spacing has to be created, otherwise false
* @param notations the precomputed notations of the measure and voice elements
public ColumnSpacing compute(Context context, boolean createLeading, Notations notations) {
int measureIndex =;
Column column = context.score.getColumn(measureIndex);
ColumnHeader columnHeader = context.score.getHeader().getColumnHeader(measureIndex);
// compute the optimal spacings for each voice separately
List<List<VoiceSpacing>> voiceSpacingsByStaff = alist();
for (int iStaff : range(column)) {
List<VoiceSpacing> vss = alist();
Measure measure = column.get(iStaff);
for (Voice voice : measure.getVoices()) { = MP.atVoice(iStaff, measureIndex, measure.getVoices().indexOf(voice));
VoiceSpacing vs = singleVoiceSpacer.compute(context, notations);
// compute the measure elements (like inner clefs) and accordingly updated voice spacings
ArrayList<List<ElementSpacing>> optimalMeasureElementsSpacingsByStaff = alist();
for (int iStaff : range(column)) { = MP.atMeasure(iStaff, measureIndex);
List<ElementSpacing> measureSpacing = measureElementsSpacer.compute(context, createLeading, voiceSpacingsByStaff.get(iStaff), notations);
// compute the common beat offsets of this measure column
Fraction measureBeats = context.score.getMeasureBeats(measureIndex);
VoiceSpacingsByStaff voiceSpacings = new VoiceSpacingsByStaff(voiceSpacingsByStaff);
List<BeatOffset> beatOffsets = voicesBeatOffsetter.compute(voiceSpacings.getAll(), measureBeats, context.settings.offsetBeatsMinimal);
// recompute beat offsets with respect to barlines
BarlinesBeatOffsetter.Result offsets = barlinesBeatOffsetter.compute(beatOffsets, columnHeader, context.score.getMaxIS());
beatOffsets = offsets.voiceElementOffsets;
List<BeatOffset> barlineOffsets = offsets.barlineOffsets;
// compute the spacings for the whole column, so that equal beats are aligned
ArrayList<List<ElementSpacing>> alignedMeasureElementsSpacingsByStaff = alist();
for (int iStaff : range(column)) {
Measure measure = column.get(iStaff);
// voice spacings
for (int iVoice : range(measure.getVoices())) alignedVoicesSpacer.compute(voiceSpacings.get(iStaff, iVoice), beatOffsets);
// measure elements, based on the aligned voice spacings = atMeasure(iStaff, measureIndex);
alignedMeasureElementsSpacingsByStaff.add(measureElementsSpacer.compute(context, createLeading, voiceSpacings.getStaff(iStaff), notations));
// compute spacings for each staff
List<MeasureSpacing> measureSpacings = alist(column.size());
for (int iStaff : range(column)) {
// create leading spacing, if needed
LeadingSpacing leadingSpacing = null;
if (createLeading) { = atBeat(iStaff, measureIndex, 0, Fraction.Companion.get_0());
leadingSpacing = leadingSpacer.compute(context, notations);
// create measure spacing
float interlineSpace = context.score.getInterlineSpace(iStaff);
measureSpacings.add(new MeasureSpacing(atMeasure(iStaff, measureIndex), interlineSpace, voiceSpacings.getStaff(iStaff), alignedMeasureElementsSpacingsByStaff.get(iStaff), leadingSpacing));
return new ColumnSpacing(measureIndex, measureSpacings, beatOffsets, barlineOffsets);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.LeadingSpacing in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class LeadingSpacer method compute.
* Computes the {@link LeadingSpacing} for the current measure.
public LeadingSpacing compute(Context context, Notations notations) {
float xOffset = context.settings.offsetMeasureStart;
boolean useKey = false;
MusicContext musicContext = context.getMusicContext(At, null);
Key key = musicContext.getKey();
if (key instanceof TraditionalKey) {
useKey = true;
List<ElementSpacing> elements = alist(useKey ? 2 : 1);
// it is not the same element instance, but has the same meaning
Clef clef = new Clef(musicContext.getClef());
ClefNotation clefNotation = new ClefNotation(clef, new ElementWidth(0, context.settings.spacings.widthClef, 0), musicContext.getClef().getLp(), 1);
xOffset += context.settings.spacings.widthClef / 2;
elements.add(new SimpleSpacing(clefNotation,, xOffset));
xOffset += context.settings.spacings.widthClef / 2;
if (useKey) {
TraditionalKey tkey = (TraditionalKey) key;
xOffset += context.settings.spacings.widthDistanceMin;
// it is not the same element instance, but has the same meaning
TraditionalKey tradKey = new TraditionalKey(tkey.getFifths(), tkey.getMode());
TraditionalKeyNotation keyNotation = traditionalKeyNotator.compute(tradKey, context);
elements.add(new SimpleSpacing(keyNotation,, xOffset));
xOffset += keyNotation.getWidth().getWidth();
return new LeadingSpacing(elements, xOffset);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.LeadingSpacing in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class MeasureStamper method stampLeading.
* Stamps the {@link MeasureElement}s of the leading spacing.
* @param leadingXMm the horizontal position on the staff in mm, where
* the leading spacing of the measure starts.
public List<Stamping> stampLeading(MeasureSpacing measure, float leadingXMm, StamperContext context) {
LeadingSpacing leading = measure.leading;
if (leading == null)
return emptyList;
List<Stamping> ret = alist(leading.elements.size());
for (ElementSpacing element : leading.elements) {
MusicElement me = element.getElement();
if (me != null) {
float xMm = leadingXMm + element.xIs * measure.interlineSpace;
Notation notation = context.getNotation(me);
if (notation == null)
throw new RuntimeException("No notation for element " + me + " at " + MP.getMP(me));
ret.add(stamp(notation, xMm, context));
return ret;