use of com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiServletURLFactory in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class URLFactorySetup method setUp.
* Sets up a fake base URL and a fake Servlet URL Factory.
* @param xwiki the stubbed XWiki instance
* @param context the stubbed XWikiContext instance
* @throws Exception when a setup error occurs
public static void setUp(XWiki xwiki, XWikiContext context) throws Exception {
context.setURL(new URL("http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/Main/WebHome"));
context.setURLFactory(new XWikiServletURLFactory(context));
doReturn("/bin/").when(xwiki).getServletPath(XWIKI, context);
use of com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiServletURLFactory in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class SyndEntryDocumentSourceTest method mockUp.
private void mockUp() throws Exception {
final Map<String, XWikiDocument> docs = new HashMap<String, XWikiDocument>();
final XWikiContext context = getContext();
// Set URL/Request
context.setRequest(new XWikiServletRequestStub());
context.setURL(new URL("http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/MilkyWay/Fidis"));
final XWiki xwiki = new XWiki(new XWikiConfig(), context) {
public String getXWikiPreference(String prefname, String defaultValue, XWikiContext context) {
return defaultValue;
context.setURLFactory(new XWikiServletURLFactory(new URL(""), "xwiki/", "bin/"));
final Mock mockXWikiStore = mock(XWikiHibernateStore.class, new Class[] { XWiki.class, XWikiContext.class }, new Object[] { xwiki, context });
mockXWikiStore.stubs().method("loadXWikiDoc").will(new CustomStub("Implements XWikiStoreInterface.loadXWikiDoc") {
public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
XWikiDocument shallowDoc = (XWikiDocument) invocation.parameterValues.get(0);
if (docs.containsKey(shallowDoc.getName())) {
return docs.get(shallowDoc.getName());
} else {
return shallowDoc;
mockXWikiStore.stubs().method("saveXWikiDoc").will(new CustomStub("Implements XWikiStoreInterface.saveXWikiDoc") {
public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
XWikiDocument document = (XWikiDocument) invocation.parameterValues.get(0);
document.setStore((XWikiStoreInterface) mockXWikiStore.proxy());
docs.put(document.getName(), document);
return null;
final Mock mockXWikiVersioningStore = mock(XWikiHibernateVersioningStore.class, new Class[] { XWiki.class, XWikiContext.class }, new Object[] { xwiki, context });
xwiki.setStore((XWikiStoreInterface) mockXWikiStore.proxy());
xwiki.setVersioningStore((XWikiVersioningStoreInterface) mockXWikiVersioningStore.proxy());
final Mock mockXWikiRightsService = mock(XWikiRightServiceImpl.class, new Class[] {}, new Object[] {});
mockXWikiRightsService.stubs().method("hasAccessLevel").will(new CustomStub("Implements XWikiRightService.hasAccessLevel") {
public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
// String right = (String) invocation.parameterValues.get(0);
String user = (String) invocation.parameterValues.get(1);
// we give access to all the users with an even name length
return new Boolean(user.length() % 2 == 0);
xwiki.setRightService((XWikiRightService) mockXWikiRightsService.proxy());
use of com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiServletURLFactory in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class OldCoreHelper method createXWikiContext.
* @param wikiId id of the wiki for which to prepare the XWiki Context (e.g. {@code xwiki})
* @param hibernateConfig the Hibernate config fill containing the database definition (JDBC driver, username and
* password, etc)
* @return a valid XWikiContext using the passed Hibernate configuration and passed database name
* @throws Exception failed to initialize context.
// TODO: Replace the Hibernate config file with a list of parameters required for the packaging operation
private XWikiContext createXWikiContext() throws Exception {
this.xcontext = new XWikiContext();
this.xcontext.put(ComponentManager.class.getName(), this.componentManager);
// Initialize the Container fields (request, response, session).
try {
ExecutionContext econtext = new ExecutionContext();
// Bridge with old XWiki Context, required for old code.
} catch (ExecutionContextException e) {
throw new Exception("Failed to initialize Execution Context.", e);
// Use a dummy Request/Response even in daemon mode so that XWiki's initialization can create a Servlet URL
// Factory and any code requiring those objects will work.
this.xcontext.setRequest(new XWikiServletRequestStub());
this.xcontext.setResponse(new XWikiServletResponseStub());
// Use a dummy URL so that XWiki's initialization can create a Servlet URL Factory. We could also have
// registered a custom XWikiURLFactory against XWikiURLFactoryService but it's more work.
this.xcontext.setURL(new URL("http://localhost/xwiki/bin/DummyAction/DumySpace/DummyPage"));
// Set a dummy Document in the context to act as the current document since when a document containing
// objects is imported it'll generate Object diff events and the algorithm to compute an object diff
// currently requires rendering object properties, which requires a current document in the context.
this.xcontext.setDoc(new XWikiDocument(new DocumentReference(wikiId, "dummySpace", "dummyPage")));
XWikiConfig config = new XWikiConfig();
config.put("", "");
// The XWikiConfig object requires path to be in unix format (i.e. with forward slashes)
String hibernateConfigInUnixFormat = hibernateConfig.getPath().replace('\\', '/');
config.put("", hibernateConfigInUnixFormat);
config.put("", "1");
// Enable backlinks so that when documents are imported their backlinks will be saved too
config.put("xwiki.backlinks", "1");
XWiki xwiki = new XWiki(config, this.xcontext, null, true);
this.xcontext.setUserReference(new DocumentReference("xwiki", "XWiki", "superadmin"));
try {
this.xcontext.setURLFactory(new XWikiServletURLFactory(new URL("http://localhost:8080"), "xwiki/", "bin/"));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// doesn't work with external code.
throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_PLUGINS, XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_UNKNOWN, "Failed to set up URL Factory", e);
// Trigger extensions that need to initialize the database (create classes, etc.)
xwiki.initializeWiki(this.xcontext.getMainXWiki(), true, this.xcontext);
return this.xcontext;