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Example 1 with IdToken

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImpl method getOIDCResponse.

public Response getOIDCResponse(ResourceContext ctx, String responseType, String clientId, String redirectUri, String scope, String state, String nonce, String keyType) {
    final String caller = ctx.getApiName();
    final String principalDomain = logPrincipalAndGetDomain(ctx);
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), principalDomain, caller);
    validate(nonce, TYPE_ENTITY_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
    validate(clientId, TYPE_SERVICE_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(state)) {
        validate(state, TYPE_ENTITY_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(keyType)) {
        validate(keyType, TYPE_SIMPLE_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
    clientId = clientId.toLowerCase();
    // get our principal's name
    final Principal principal = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    String principalName = principal.getFullName();
    // verify we have a valid client id
    final String domainName = AthenzUtils.extractPrincipalDomainName(clientId);
    if (domainName == null) {
        throw requestError("Invalid client id", caller, principal.getDomain(), principalDomain);
    setRequestDomain(ctx, domainName);
    // first retrieve our domain data object from the cache
    DataCache data = dataStore.getDataCache(domainName);
    if (data == null) {
        setRequestDomain(ctx, ZTSConsts.ZTS_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN);
        throw notFoundError("No such domain: " + domainName, caller, ZTSConsts.ZTS_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN, principalDomain);
    final String serviceEndpoint = extractServiceEndpoint(data.getDomainData(), clientId);
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(serviceEndpoint)) {
        throw requestError("Invalid Service or empty service endpoint", caller, principal.getDomain(), principalDomain);
    if (!serviceEndpoint.equalsIgnoreCase(redirectUri)) {
        throw requestError("Unregistered redirect uri", caller, principal.getDomain(), principalDomain);
    if (!ZTSConsts.ZTS_OPENID_RESPONSE_IT_ONLY.equals(responseType)) {
        return oidcError("invalid response type", redirectUri, state);
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(scope)) {
        return oidcError("no scope provided", redirectUri, state);
    // our scopes are space separated list of values. Any groups
    // scopes are preferred over any role scopes
    IdTokenRequest tokenRequest = new IdTokenRequest(scope);
    if (tokenRequest.getDomainName() != null && !domainName.equalsIgnoreCase(tokenRequest.getDomainName())) {
        return oidcError("domain name mismatch", redirectUri, state);
    // check if the authorized service domain matches to the
    // requested domain name
    checkRoleTokenAuthorizedServiceRequest(principal, domainName, caller);
    // validate principal object to make sure we're not
    // processing a role identity, and instead we require
    // a service identity
    validatePrincipalNotRoleIdentity(principal, caller);
    // now let's process our requests and see if we need to extract
    // either groups or roles for our response
    List<String> groups = null;
    if (tokenRequest.isGroupsScope()) {
        Set<String> groupNames = tokenRequest.getGroupNames();
        if (groupNames != null) {
            for (String groupName : groupNames) {
                validate(groupName, TYPE_ENTITY_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
        // process our request and retrieve the groups for the principal
        groups = dataStore.getPrincipalGroups(principalName, domainName, groupNames);
        if (groupNames != null && groups == null) {
            return oidcError("principal not included in requested groups", redirectUri, state);
    } else if (tokenRequest.isRolesScope()) {
        String[] requestedRoles = tokenRequest.getRoleNames();
        if (requestedRoles != null) {
            for (String requestedRole : requestedRoles) {
                validate(requestedRole, TYPE_ENTITY_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
        // process our request and retrieve the roles for the principal
        Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
        dataStore.getAccessibleRoles(data, domainName, principalName, requestedRoles, roles, false);
        if (requestedRoles != null && roles.isEmpty()) {
            return oidcError("principal not included in requested roles", redirectUri, state);
        groups = new ArrayList<>(roles);
    long iat = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
    IdToken idToken = new IdToken();
    idToken.setExpiryTime(iat + idTokenDefaultTimeout);
    ServerPrivateKey signPrivateKey = getSignPrivateKey(keyType);
    String location = redirectUri + "#id_token=" + idToken.getSignedToken(signPrivateKey.getKey(), signPrivateKey.getId(), signPrivateKey.getAlgorithm());
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(state)) {
        location += "&state=" + state;
    return Response.status(ResourceException.FOUND).header("Location", location).build();
Also used : IdToken( IdTokenRequest( DataCache( SimplePrincipal(

Example 2 with IdToken

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSClientTokenCacher method extractIdTokenServiceName.

private static String extractIdTokenServiceName(final String token) {
    if (token == null) {
        return null;
    final String tokenWithoutSignature = removeSignature(token);
    IdToken idToken;
    try {
        idToken = new IdToken(tokenWithoutSignature, (JwtsSigningKeyResolver) null);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("ZTSTokenCache: unable to parse id token", ex);
        return null;
    final String fullServiceName = idToken.getAudience();
    if (fullServiceName == null) {
        LOG.error("ZTSTokenCache: token has no audience");
        return null;
    int index = fullServiceName.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (index == -1) {
        LOG.error("ZTSTokenCache: invalid id token audience - {}", fullServiceName);
        return null;
    return fullServiceName.substring(index + 1);
Also used : IdToken( JwtsSigningKeyResolver(

Example 3 with IdToken

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSImpl method postAccessTokenRequest.

public AccessTokenResponse postAccessTokenRequest(ResourceContext ctx, String request) {
    final String caller = ctx.getApiName();
    final String principalDomain = logPrincipalAndGetDomain(ctx);
    validateRequest(ctx.request(), principalDomain, caller);
    // get our principal's name
    final Principal principal = ((RsrcCtxWrapper) ctx).principal();
    String principalName = principal.getFullName();
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(request)) {
        throw requestError("Empty request body", caller, ZTSConsts.ZTS_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN, principalDomain);
    // we want to log the request body in our access log so
    // we know what is the client asking for but we'll just
    // limit the request up to 1K
    ctx.request().setAttribute(ACCESS_LOG_ADDL_QUERY, getQueryLogData(request));
    // decode and store the attributes that could exist in our
    // request body
    String grantType = null;
    String scope = null;
    String proxyForPrincipal = null;
    String authzDetails = null;
    List<String> proxyPrincipalsSpiffeUris = null;
    int expiryTime = 0;
    boolean useOpenIDIssuer = false;
    String[] comps = request.split("&");
    for (String comp : comps) {
        int idx = comp.indexOf('=');
        if (idx == -1) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("postAccessTokenRequest: skipping invalid component: {}", comp);
        final String key = decodeString(comp.substring(0, idx));
        if (key == null) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("postAccessTokenRequest: skipping invalid component: {}", comp);
        final String value = decodeString(comp.substring(idx + 1));
        if (value == null) {
        switch(key) {
            case KEY_GRANT_TYPE:
                grantType = value.toLowerCase();
            case KEY_SCOPE:
                scope = value.toLowerCase();
            case KEY_EXPIRES_IN:
                expiryTime = ZTSUtils.parseInt(value, 0);
            case KEY_PROXY_FOR_PRINCIPAL:
                proxyForPrincipal = getProxyForPrincipalValue(value.toLowerCase(), principalName, principalDomain, caller);
                authzDetails = value;
                proxyPrincipalsSpiffeUris = getProxyPrincipalSpiffeUris(value.toLowerCase(), principalDomain, caller);
            case KEY_OPENID_ISSUER:
                useOpenIDIssuer = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
    if (!OAUTH_GRANT_CREDENTIALS.equals(grantType)) {
        throw requestError("Invalid grant request: " + grantType, caller, principal.getDomain(), principalDomain);
    if (scope == null || scope.isEmpty()) {
        throw requestError("Invalid request: no scope provided", caller, principal.getDomain(), principalDomain);
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("postAccessTokenRequest(principal: {}, grant-type: {}, scope: {}, expires-in: {}, proxy-for-principal: {})", principalName, grantType, scope, expiryTime, proxyForPrincipal);
    // our scopes are space separated list of values
    AccessTokenRequest tokenRequest = new AccessTokenRequest(scope);
    // before using any of our values let's validate that they
    // match our schema
    final String domainName = tokenRequest.getDomainName();
    setRequestDomain(ctx, domainName);
    validate(domainName, TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
    String[] requestedRoles = tokenRequest.getRoleNames();
    if (requestedRoles != null) {
        for (String requestedRole : requestedRoles) {
            validate(requestedRole, TYPE_ENTITY_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
    // first retrieve our domain data object from the cache
    DataCache data = dataStore.getDataCache(domainName);
    if (data == null) {
        setRequestDomain(ctx, ZTSConsts.ZTS_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN);
        throw notFoundError("No such domain: " + domainName, caller, ZTSConsts.ZTS_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN, principalDomain);
    // if we're given authorization details to be included in the
    // token then we must have only role requested and we need
    // to make sure the requested fields are valid according
    // to our configured authorization details entity for the role
    validateAuthorizationDetails(authzDetails, requestedRoles, data, caller, domainName, principalDomain);
    // check if the authorized service domain matches to the
    // requested domain name
    checkRoleTokenAuthorizedServiceRequest(principal, domainName, caller);
    // process our request and retrieve the roles for the principal
    Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
    dataStore.getAccessibleRoles(data, domainName, principalName, requestedRoles, roles, false);
    if (roles.isEmpty()) {
        throw forbiddenError(tokenErrorMessage(caller, principalName, domainName, requestedRoles), caller, domainName, principalDomain);
    // if this is proxy for operation then we want to make sure that
    // both principals have access to the same set of roles so we'll
    // remove any roles that are authorized by only one of the principals
    String proxyUser = null;
    if (proxyForPrincipal != null) {
        if (tokenRequest.isOpenIdScope()) {
            throw requestError("Proxy Principal cannot request id tokens", caller, domainName, principalDomain);
        // process the role lookup for the proxy principal
        Set<String> rolesForProxy = new HashSet<>();
        dataStore.getAccessibleRoles(data, domainName, proxyForPrincipal, requestedRoles, rolesForProxy, false);
        if (roles.isEmpty()) {
            throw forbiddenError(tokenErrorMessage(caller, proxyForPrincipal, domainName, requestedRoles), caller, domainName, principalDomain);
        // we need to switch our principal and proxy for user
        proxyUser = principalName;
        principalName = proxyForPrincipal;
    if (!isPrincipalRoleCertificateAccessValid(principal, domainName, roles)) {
        throw forbiddenError("Role based Principal does not include all roles", caller, domainName, principalDomain);
    long tokenTimeout = determineTokenTimeout(data, roles, null, expiryTime);
    long iat = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
    AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken();
    accessToken.setExpiryTime(iat + tokenTimeout);
    accessToken.setIssuer(useOpenIDIssuer ? ztsOpenIDIssuer : ztsOAuthIssuer);
    accessToken.setScope(new ArrayList<>(roles));
    // if we have a certificate used for mTLS authentication then
    // we're going to bind the certificate to the access token
    // and the optional proxy principals if specified
    X509Certificate cert = principal.getX509Certificate();
    if (cert != null) {
        if (proxyPrincipalsSpiffeUris != null) {
    String accessJwts = accessToken.getSignedToken(privateKey.getKey(), privateKey.getId(), privateKey.getAlgorithm());
    // now let's check to see if we need to create openid token
    String idJwts = null;
    if (tokenRequest.isOpenIdScope()) {
        final String serviceName = tokenRequest.getServiceName();
        validate(serviceName, TYPE_SIMPLE_NAME, principalDomain, caller);
        IdToken idToken = new IdToken();
        idToken.setAudience(tokenRequest.getDomainName() + "." + serviceName);
        idToken.setIssuer(useOpenIDIssuer ? ztsOpenIDIssuer : ztsOAuthIssuer);
        // id tokens are only valid for up to 12 hours max
        // (value configured as a system property).
        // we'll use the user specified timeout unless it's
        // over the configured max
        idToken.setExpiryTime(iat + determineIdTokenTimeout(tokenTimeout));
        idJwts = idToken.getSignedToken(privateKey.getKey(), privateKey.getId(), privateKey.getAlgorithm());
    AccessTokenResponse response = new AccessTokenResponse().setAccess_token(accessJwts).setToken_type(OAUTH_BEARER_TOKEN).setExpires_in((int) tokenTimeout).setId_token(idJwts);
    if (tokenRequest.sendScopeResponse() || requestedRoles != null && requestedRoles.length != roles.size()) {
        List<String> domainRoles = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String role : roles) {
            domainRoles.add(domainName + AccessTokenRequest.OBJECT_ROLE + role);
        if (tokenRequest.isOpenIdScope()) {
        response.setScope(String.join(" ", domainRoles));
    return response;
Also used : IdToken( DataCache( X509Certificate( AccessToken( AccessTokenRequest( SimplePrincipal(


IdToken ( SimplePrincipal ( DataCache ( AccessToken ( JwtsSigningKeyResolver ( AccessTokenRequest ( IdTokenRequest ( X509Certificate (