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Example 6 with DomainSignedPolicyData

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZpeUpdPolLoader method loadFile.

 * Loads and parses the given file. It will create the domain assertion
 * list per role and put it into the domain policy maps(domRoleMap, domWildcardRoleMap).
private void loadFile(File polFile) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("loadFile: file(" + polFile.getName() + ")");
    Path path = Paths.get(polDirName + File.separator + polFile.getName());
    DomainSignedPolicyData spols = null;
    try {
        spols = JSON.fromBytes(Files.readAllBytes(path), DomainSignedPolicyData.class);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.error("loadFile: unable to decode policy file=" + polFile.getName() + " error: " + ex.getMessage());
    if (spols == null) {
        LOG.error("loadFile: unable to decode domain file=" + polFile.getName());
        // mark this as an invalid file
        Map<String, ZpeFileStatus> fsmap = getFileStatusMap();
        ZpeFileStatus fstat = fsmap.get(polFile.getName());
        if (fstat != null) {
            fstat.validPolFile = false;
    SignedPolicyData signedPolicyData = spols.getSignedPolicyData();
    String signature = spols.getSignature();
    String keyId = spols.getKeyId();
    // first let's verify the ZTS signature for our policy file
    boolean verified = false;
    if (signedPolicyData != null) { pubKey = AuthZpeClient.getZtsPublicKey(keyId);
        verified = Crypto.verify(SignUtils.asCanonicalString(signedPolicyData), pubKey, signature);
    PolicyData policyData = null;
    if (verified) {
        // now let's verify that the ZMS signature for our policy file
        policyData = signedPolicyData.getPolicyData();
        signature = signedPolicyData.getZmsSignature();
        keyId = signedPolicyData.getZmsKeyId();
        if (policyData != null) {
   pubKey = AuthZpeClient.getZmsPublicKey(keyId);
            verified = Crypto.verify(SignUtils.asCanonicalString(policyData), pubKey, signature);
    if (verified == false) {
        LOG.error("loadFile: policy file=" + polFile.getName() + " is invalid");
        // mark this as an invalid file
        Map<String, ZpeFileStatus> fsmap = getFileStatusMap();
        ZpeFileStatus fstat = fsmap.get(polFile.getName());
        if (fstat != null) {
            fstat.validPolFile = false;
    // HAVE: valid policy file
    String domainName = policyData.getDomain();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("loadFile: policy file(" + polFile.getName() + ") for domain(" + domainName + ") is valid");
    // Process the policies into assertions, process the assertions: action, resource, role
    // If there is a wildcard in the action or resource, compile the
    // regexpr and place it into the assertion Struct.
    // This is a performance enhancement for AuthZpeClient when it
    // performs the authorization checks.
    Map<String, List<Struct>> roleStandardAllowMap = new TreeMap<String, List<Struct>>();
    Map<String, List<Struct>> roleWildcardAllowMap = new TreeMap<String, List<Struct>>();
    Map<String, List<Struct>> roleStandardDenyMap = new TreeMap<String, List<Struct>>();
    Map<String, List<Struct>> roleWildcardDenyMap = new TreeMap<String, List<Struct>>();
    List<Policy> policies = policyData.getPolicies();
    for (Policy policy : policies) {
        String pname = policy.getName();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("loadFile: domain(" + domainName + ") policy(" + pname + ")");
        List<Assertion> assertions = policy.getAssertions();
        if (assertions == null) {
        for (Assertion assertion : assertions) {
   strAssert = new Struct();
            strAssert.put(ZpeConsts.ZPE_FIELD_POLICY_NAME, pname);
            String passertAction = assertion.getAction();
            ZpeMatch matchStruct = getMatchObject(passertAction);
            strAssert.put(ZpeConsts.ZPE_ACTION_MATCH_STRUCT, matchStruct);
            String passertResource = assertion.getResource();
            String rsrc = AuthZpeClient.stripDomainPrefix(passertResource, domainName, passertResource);
            strAssert.put(ZpeConsts.ZPE_FIELD_RESOURCE, rsrc);
            matchStruct = getMatchObject(rsrc);
            strAssert.put(ZpeConsts.ZPE_RESOURCE_MATCH_STRUCT, matchStruct);
            String passertRole = assertion.getRole();
            String pRoleName = AuthZpeClient.stripDomainPrefix(passertRole, domainName, passertRole);
            // strip the prefix "role." too
            pRoleName = pRoleName.replaceFirst("^role.", "");
            strAssert.put(ZpeConsts.ZPE_FIELD_ROLE, pRoleName);
            // based on the effect and role name determine what
            // map we're going to use
            Map<String, List<Struct>> roleMap = null;
            AssertionEffect passertEffect = assertion.getEffect();
            matchStruct = getMatchObject(pRoleName);
            strAssert.put(ZpeConsts.ZPE_ROLE_MATCH_STRUCT, matchStruct);
            if (passertEffect != null && passertEffect.toString().compareTo("DENY") == 0) {
                if (matchStruct instanceof ZpeMatchEqual) {
                    roleMap = roleStandardDenyMap;
                } else {
                    roleMap = roleWildcardDenyMap;
            } else {
                if (matchStruct instanceof ZpeMatchEqual) {
                    roleMap = roleStandardAllowMap;
                } else {
                    roleMap = roleWildcardAllowMap;
            List<Struct> assertList = roleMap.get(pRoleName);
            if (assertList == null) {
                assertList = new ArrayList<Struct>();
                roleMap.put(pRoleName, assertList);
    Map<String, ZpeFileStatus> fsmap = getFileStatusMap();
    ZpeFileStatus fstat = fsmap.get(polFile.getName());
    if (fstat != null) {
        fstat.validPolFile = true;
        fstat.domain = domainName;
    domStandardRoleAllowMap.put(domainName, roleStandardAllowMap);
    domWildcardRoleAllowMap.put(domainName, roleWildcardAllowMap);
    domStandardRoleDenyMap.put(domainName, roleStandardDenyMap);
    domWildcardRoleDenyMap.put(domainName, roleWildcardDenyMap);
Also used : Policy( AssertionEffect( ZpeMatchEqual( Struct( SignedPolicyData( PolicyData( DomainSignedPolicyData( DomainSignedPolicyData( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Struct( SignedPolicyData( DomainSignedPolicyData( ZpeMatch( Path(java.nio.file.Path) Assertion( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 7 with DomainSignedPolicyData

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class PolicyUpdater method policyUpdater.

static void policyUpdater(PolicyUpdaterConfiguration configuration, ZTSClientFactory ztsFactory) throws Exception {
    try (ZTSClient zts = ztsFactory.create()) {
        List<String> domainList = configuration.getDomainList();"policyUpdater: Number of domains to process:" + (domainList == null ? 0 : domainList.size()));
        if (domainList == null) {
            LOG.error("policyUpdater: no domain list to process from configuration");
            throw new Exception("no configured domains to process");
        for (String domain : domainList) {
  "Fetching signed policies for domain:" + domain);
            String matchingTag = getEtagForExistingPolicy(zts, configuration, domain);
            Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders = null;
            DomainSignedPolicyData domainSignedPolicyData = null;
            try {
                domainSignedPolicyData = zts.getDomainSignedPolicyData(domain, matchingTag, responseHeaders);
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                domainSignedPolicyData = null;
                LOG.error("PolicyUpdater: Unable to retrieve policies from zts for domain=" + domain, exc);
            if (domainSignedPolicyData == null) {
                if (matchingTag != null && !matchingTag.isEmpty()) {
          "PolicyUpdater: Policies not updated since last fetch time");
            } else if (validateSignedPolicies(zts, configuration, domainSignedPolicyData, domain)) {
                writePolicies(configuration, domain, domainSignedPolicyData);
        // now push the domain metrics files
Also used : ZTSClient( List(java.util.List) DomainSignedPolicyData( IOException( ZTSClientException(

Example 8 with DomainSignedPolicyData

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class PolicyUpdater method getEtagForExistingPolicy.

static String getEtagForExistingPolicy(ZTSClient zts, PolicyUpdaterConfiguration configuration, String domain) {
    if (domain == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("getEtagForExistingPolicy: null parameters are not valid arguments");
    String policyDir = configuration.getPolicyFileDir();
    if (policyDir == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("getEtagForExistingPolicy: Invalid configuration: no policy directory path");
    String policyDirPath;
    if (policyDir.length() - 1 != policyDir.lastIndexOf(File.separator)) {
        policyDirPath = policyDir + File.separator;
    } else {
        policyDirPath = policyDir;
    String etag = null;
    String policyFile = policyDirPath + domain + POLICY_FILE_EXTENSION;"Decoding " + policyFile + " to retrieve eTag from policy file.");
    File file = new File(policyFile);
    if (file.exists() == false) {"Policy file not found.");
        return etag;
    DomainSignedPolicyData domainSignedPolicyData = null;
    try {
        domainSignedPolicyData = JSON.fromBytes(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()), DomainSignedPolicyData.class);
    } catch (Exception ex) {"Unable to parse domain signed policy file: " + policyFile);
        return etag;
    if (validateSignedPolicies(zts, configuration, domainSignedPolicyData, domain) == false) {"Unable to validate domain signed policy file: " + policyFile);
        return etag;
    // Check expiration of policies and if its less than the configured interval defined by user
    // to get updated policy then return null so that the policies are updated"Checking expiration time for: " + domain);
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
    Timestamp expires = domainSignedPolicyData.getSignedPolicyData().getExpires();
    long startupDelayInterval = configuration.getStartupDelayIntervalInSecs();"Expiration time for " + domain + " is: " + (expires.millis() / 1000));"Startup delay: " + startupDelayInterval);"Current time: " + now);
    if (((expires.millis() / 1000) - now) < (startupDelayInterval)) {"Signed policies for domain:" + domain + " are expired, returning null.");
        return null;
    if (domainSignedPolicyData.getSignedPolicyData().getModified() != null) {
        // ETags are quoted-strings based on the HTTP RFC
        // so we're going to quote our modified timestamp
        etag = "\"" + domainSignedPolicyData.getSignedPolicyData().getModified().toString() + "\"";"ETag: " + etag);
    } else {"No ETag found.");
    return etag;
Also used : DomainSignedPolicyData( File( Timestamp( IOException( ZTSClientException(

Example 9 with DomainSignedPolicyData

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class PolicyUpdaterTest method TestVerifySignature.

public void TestVerifySignature() throws Exception {
    PolicyUpdaterConfiguration configuration = new PolicyUpdaterConfiguration();
    configuration.init(pathToAthenzConfigFile, pathToZPUConfigFile);
    SignPoliciesUtility.signPolicies("./src/test/resources/zts_private_k0.pem", "./src/test/resources/zms_private_k0.pem", "./src/test/resources/sys.auth.pol", "./src/test/resources/");
    Path path = Paths.get("./src/test/resources/");
    DomainSignedPolicyData domainPolicySignedData = JSON.fromBytes(Files.readAllBytes(path), DomainSignedPolicyData.class);
    Assert.assertTrue(PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, configuration, domainPolicySignedData, ""));
    // negative test with tampered publickey - zts pubkey failure
    PolicyUpdaterConfiguration confMock = Mockito.mock(PolicyUpdaterConfiguration.class);
    Mockito.when(confMock.getZtsPublicKey(Mockito.any(ZTSClient.class), Mockito.<String>any())).thenReturn(null);
    Assert.assertFalse(PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, confMock, domainPolicySignedData, ""));
    // negative test with tampered publickey - zms pubkey failure
    confMock = Mockito.mock(PolicyUpdaterConfiguration.class);
    PublicKey pKey = Crypto.loadPublicKey(Crypto.ybase64DecodeString("LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUZ3d0" + "RRWUpLb1pJaHZjTkFRRUJCUUFEU3dBd1NBSkJBTHpmU09UUUpmRW0xZW00TD" + "Nza3lOVlEvYngwTU9UcQphK1J3T0gzWmNNS3lvR3hPSm85QXllUmE2RlhNbX" + "ZKSkdZczVQMzRZc3pGcG5qMnVBYmkyNG5FQ0F3RUFBUT09Ci0tLS0tRU5EIF" + "BVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQo-"));
    Mockito.when(confMock.getZtsPublicKey(Mockito.any(ZTSClient.class), Mockito.<String>any())).thenReturn(pKey);
    Mockito.when(confMock.getZmsPublicKey(Mockito.any(ZTSClient.class), Mockito.<String>any())).thenReturn(null);
    Assert.assertFalse(PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, confMock, domainPolicySignedData, ""));
    // negative test with tampered expiration - zts signature failure
    path = Paths.get("./src/test/resources/sys.auth.pol.tampered.zts");
    domainPolicySignedData = JSON.fromBytes(Files.readAllBytes(path), DomainSignedPolicyData.class);
    Assert.assertFalse(PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, configuration, domainPolicySignedData, ""));
    // negative test with tampered actions - zms signature failure
    path = Paths.get("./src/test/resources/sys.auth.pol.tampered.zms");
    domainPolicySignedData = JSON.fromBytes(Files.readAllBytes(path), DomainSignedPolicyData.class);
    Assert.assertFalse(PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, configuration, domainPolicySignedData, ""));
    // Test error handling for illegal arguments
    boolean exceptionCaught = false;
    try {
        PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, configuration, null, "");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        exceptionCaught = true;
    exceptionCaught = false;
    try {
        PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, configuration, domainPolicySignedData, null);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        exceptionCaught = true;
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) PublicKey( DomainSignedPolicyData( ZTSClient( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 10 with DomainSignedPolicyData

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class PolicyUpdaterTest method TestValidateExpiredPolicies.

public void TestValidateExpiredPolicies() throws Exception {
    PolicyUpdaterConfiguration configuration = new PolicyUpdaterConfiguration();
    configuration.init(pathToAthenzConfigFile, pathToZPUConfigFile);
    ZTSMock zts = new ZTSMock();
    DomainSignedPolicyData domainPolicySignedData = zts.getDomainSignedPolicyData("expiredDomain", null, null);
    Assert.assertFalse(PolicyUpdater.validateSignedPolicies(null, configuration, domainPolicySignedData, "expiredDomain"));
Also used : DomainSignedPolicyData( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


DomainSignedPolicyData ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)6 SignedPolicyData ( PolicyData ( Timestamp ( File ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)4 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Assertion ( Policy ( ZTSClient ( ZTSClientException ( PrivateKey ( PublicKey ( List (java.util.List)2 ZpeMatch ( ZpeMatchEqual ( AssertionEffect ( Struct (